Forum Replies Created
Oh! I was thinking “stipend”.
HashemisreadingParticipantI think it depends if your asking because you really have a shidduch in mind, or if your just curious.
January 21, 2016 4:56 pm at 4:56 pm in reply to: POLL: How many posters do you know in real life? #1134883HashemisreadingParticipantShopping how did you get 2 posters emails?
HashemisreadingParticipantstipeu? I give up, Technical I think you win
HashemisreadingParticipantmazel Tov technical21! We sure will miss you around here!
HashemisreadingParticipantI want my phone back.
HashemisreadingParticipantI nominate steak.
HashemisreadingParticipantWritersoul: its okay, I was only saying that in jest:)
HashemisreadingParticipantLakewood is considered more in-towny than Monsey, theres a little more pressure in Lakewood because theres so many more prople per small amount of space. in Monsey people are more private, and tend to mind their own business( not in a snobby way)
Writersoul, you can correct me if im wrong, which I know you will;)
HashemisreadingParticipantOrange County
January 20, 2016 7:39 pm at 7:39 pm in reply to: Questions About Monsey's Litvish/Chasidish Sociological Mix #1132870HashemisreadingParticipantwritersoul: okay, there is no chasidish community In Pomona. I wont say there’s a tuna beigel community there because that wouldn’t be nice.
Just a disclaimer- writersoul and queen- I want to make it clear that I have absolutely nothing against chasisidish people , I am pretty open-minded and I love them as my sisters and brothers. just wanted to make that clear.
January 20, 2016 2:17 pm at 2:17 pm in reply to: Questions About Monsey's Litvish/Chasidish Sociological Mix #1132865HashemisreadingParticipantWritersoul: which is why I said tuna beigel is a term I hate to use, because I didn’t want it to come out derogatorily. And I think many people’s great grandfathers were chassidim, I would be proud, not nervous of what my title is now.
HashemisreadingParticipantFor me, if i would have done only textual learning in seminary, i would not be where i am today.
January 19, 2016 9:12 pm at 9:12 pm in reply to: Questions About Monsey's Litvish/Chasidish Sociological Mix #1132861HashemisreadingParticipantThe queen: if thats the case, then you’ll have no issues fitting right in to Monsey!
HashemisreadingParticipantVisiting my grandparents overseas and getting sick on the boat.
January 19, 2016 6:55 pm at 6:55 pm in reply to: Questions About Monsey's Litvish/Chasidish Sociological Mix #1132859HashemisreadingParticipantWritersoul: the chassidish community in Pomona is mostly ex -chasidish, people that moved in from Boro Park.. (Tuna Beigels, a term which I hate to use)
January 19, 2016 1:46 pm at 1:46 pm in reply to: Questions About Monsey's Litvish/Chasidish Sociological Mix #1132854HashemisreadingParticipantWritersoul: I also don’t live in a chasidish neighborhood, but close enough to see them all the time! Wesley Hills and Pomona used to be totattly not chasidish- but ive heard now theres a chasidish community building up in Pomona.. im sure they’ll be shopping in Wesley Kosher!
Purple Pear and Yoffee used to not have a chasssid in sight- but now go there motzei Shabbos or any other day there’ll be plenty!
HashemisreadingParticipantNo, its not so geshmak.
January 18, 2016 10:04 pm at 10:04 pm in reply to: Will there be Sephardi Chareidim in the next generation?? #1132994HashemisreadingParticipantGolfer:or a continuation of the troll infestation here of late.
Haha yes that too!
January 18, 2016 7:10 pm at 7:10 pm in reply to: Questions About Monsey's Litvish/Chasidish Sociological Mix #1132849HashemisreadingParticipantWritersoul: I do hear your point that it depends in which neighborhood your opening the store, but do you agree that if a business has the “haskama” of the chasidim, or it becomes popular among them, it will likely be more successful, only because they are fast becoming the majority of populated Monsey?
I’m also not first or second generation Monsey, and I’ve pretty much watched the transition until where it is today. I find it fascinating.
HashemisreadingParticipant@ interjection: Hashemisreading: Someone who retires after earning about 150 million after taxes is someone who probably won’t stay rich very long. Yeah it’s a lot of money but if their entire lifestyle changes then they’ll need to maintain their wealth by investing properly (which can take years to learn and to build up trustworthy contacts) or by working.
Good point!
HashemisreadingParticipant_ E _ _ U _ _ _ _
No S, L, A
HashemisreadingParticipant_ E _ _ U _ _ _ _
No S, L, A
HashemisreadingParticipant_ E _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HashemisreadingParticipantHow did you find this?
I originally wanted my username to be Bored @ Work, but it was taken..
HashemisreadingParticipantSorry, no S.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HashemisreadingParticipantMan: Hashem, if I win the lottery I will go to Kollel for the rest of my life.
Hashem: Thanks for the offer, but I have 50,000 people that do it for $100 a week.
HashemisreadingParticipantTotally controversial.
HashemisreadingParticipantOkay I have a word.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
January 14, 2016 7:48 pm at 7:48 pm in reply to: Questions About Monsey's Litvish/Chasidish Sociological Mix #1132833HashemisreadingParticipantYour joke confirms my point. Yankel and Berel are clearly chassidim..
HashemisreadingParticipantTo my dear children, Klall Yisroel,
Many of you have desperately asked me to make you win the recent lottery. You all had very good reasons why you each should be the winner. The amounts of tzedaka you would each give, the amount of learning that would be implemented and many more reasons. As your loving Father I could not allow one of you to win. Even though some of you have said that even if I feel it would be no good for you, I should still make you win, I could not allow it. Trust me, I wanted each and everyone of you to be the winner but a father knows best and would never knowingly allow one of his children to chas ve’sholam get hurt. Please trust me. I’ve always been there for you and I promise I will always continue to be there for you. Over the last couple of days, so many of my children have had tremendous kavona during shmoine esrei especially during the broches of shema ko’leinu and at the end. Everyday that you have life, health, family and friends is a winner of a lottery itself. Don’t take it for granted. Continue your teffilois with the truly important things in life in mind. Please don’t stop turning to me. Those are the things that I love to give to my children. Please don’t give up our renewed relationship. I looked forward every tefillah these past couple of days to hear from you. You are my beloved child. I am your father. Talk to me. Ask me. And trust my decisions. I know what I am doing. Just because you don’t have now 75 million dollars to give maiser, I value the maiser you give from your money just as equally. I decide what maiser I expect from you. Please my dear children, reach out to me, and let’s keep our re ignited relationship going. you mean so much to me.
Love your Father in heaven.
HashemisreadingParticipantMust’ve been me!
HashemisreadingParticipant(f) alive and kickin
January 14, 2016 5:45 pm at 5:45 pm in reply to: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 x 0 = ? #1125455HashemisreadingParticipant14
January 14, 2016 5:41 pm at 5:41 pm in reply to: Will there be Sephardi Chareidim in the next generation?? #1132989HashemisreadingParticipantI guess were all speechless at how wrong you are.
HashemisreadingParticipantBest Bubby EVER
but up to two inches can give that pretty look
HashemisreadingParticipantThe Queen: I don’t remember the teitch, that would be pushing it!
I just pulled that up from the recesses of my memory, among all the rust and cobwebs.
??????? ??????????
HashemisreadingParticipantThis is a really nice thread, I very much enjoyed going through it and reading all the divrei torah. Thank you to all the contributors.
HashemisreadingParticipantThe girls know it by heart.
Reuvein bichori ata kochi biraishis oni yeser siaz viyeser uz pachaz kamayim al toser, ki anisi mishakiva avicha uz chilalta yitzia alav..
Shimon vilaevi achim kilay chamas bicherosayhem bisodam al tavo nafshi bikavod al tachad kivodi ki viapam hargu ish ivretzonam ikru shar..
Shall I go on?
I don’t know how to make the musical notes but trust me I’m singing it in my head.
HashemisreadingParticipantI think my “Y” key is linked to the “T” key.
HashemisreadingParticipantLove the subtitle! thank you to whichever mod gave it to me!
Thanks, you’re more than welcome! – 29
January 14, 2016 4:47 pm at 4:47 pm in reply to: Questions About Monsey's Litvish/Chasidish Sociological Mix #1132831HashemisreadingParticipantMonsey has a strong, independent Litvish population
Is the Litvish populain still independant? I feel that as Monsey grows and the chasidish community grows with it, the Litvish sect here is becoming less and less independant. The success of new stores opening is contingent on the chasidish community’s acceptance, Thus making us more dependant on them.
Am I wrong?
January 14, 2016 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm in reply to: Genetic Conditions Disqualifying Potential Presidential Candidates #1123206HashemisreadingParticipantVirtual layers can = virtual dimensions.
HashemisreadingParticipantIf they won they would have already retired.
HashemisreadingParticipantA winner.
But seriously, I didn’t let myself but more than one ticket, plus a share in a few others so I was terribly surprised that I didn’t win!
HashemisreadingParticipantRechnitz and Moshe Mendlowitz have unbelievable voices, and their voices are very hartzig. That’s what I call real Jewish music.
January 14, 2016 3:02 pm at 3:02 pm in reply to: Genetic Conditions Disqualifying Potential Presidential Candidates #1123204HashemisreadingParticipantIS that not the point? Shall we keep it at one dimensional?