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  • in reply to: Daily text #970585

    BoruchSchwartz: I don’t remember. I would assume that you can do that. I’ve texted him responses and he’s answered so I guess just try

    in reply to: Daily text #970576

    3122655989. Weekly shailoh (halacha/lomdus) based on Rav Scheibergs Mishmeres Chaim. They send the text with the quations on Thuraday evening and then another one with Rav Scheinberg’s answer on Motzei Shabbos

    in reply to: Song Download and Lyrics #958276

    Thank you everyone. Israeli Chareidi, who would I ask for at the Agudah?

    in reply to: Song Download and Lyrics #958272

    No luck. Thanks anyway. I’ve survived the last 30 years without it I’ll keep on doing so!

    in reply to: Song Download and Lyrics #958268

    Thank you again! I was familiar with this history. I did check the different versions as you suggested. I tried the Dartmouth site. I may be spelling it wrong but I could not find it there

    in reply to: Song Download and Lyrics #958265

    Thanks so much! That took effort! I remember the old haunting tune from when I was a kid and had hoped to hear it somewhere!

    in reply to: Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman tells Yidden to shun secular education #895821

    MDD: Maybe shtark, not a pircha. Have you ever had a “shtarka” kasha that when you discussed it with someone else suddenly had a reasonable, if not obvious answer? I suspect that almost any ben torah has. Tough then that your kasha should be a pircha on the shitoh of anashim gedolim. ??? ???? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??????, ??? ??? ????? ??????……..

    in reply to: Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman tells Yidden to shun secular education #895815

    frummy in the tummy writes “But even if Moses himself told you to do something, don’t you think G-d gave you a brain to actually use it and decide if that commandment makes any sense?” Have you heard of ?? ????? The commandment whereby chazal tell us to follow the rabanan ????? ?? ???? ???? ????? I don’t know until which point in time this applies but I would suspect that on Moshe Rabbainu it must, no?

    in reply to: Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman tells Yidden to shun secular education #895814
    in reply to: Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman tells Yidden to shun secular education #895808
    in reply to: Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman tells Yidden to shun secular education #895797
    in reply to: Rabbinical authority nowadays #895011

    WolfishMusings: I don’t mean to challenge, I mean to ask. Is that true? Is the meaning of “she’ain hatzibur yecholim la’amod bah” a power of the people to reject a takonoh or just a guideline that the rabanan use when inacting takanos? If you have a reference I would love to see it? TY

    in reply to: Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman tells Yidden to shun secular education #895793
    in reply to: Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman tells Yidden to shun secular education #895780
    in reply to: whens the latest i can say kriyas shema al hamita???? #881140

    I have great resapect for the talmedei chachomim here so please correct me if I am wrong. I don’t have a shulchan oruch here, but if I am not mistaken, in the siman on zman k”sh (about 57-58) the mechaber says that bedieved one can say keriyas shema of arvis until netz. He adds though that you can’t use the time for both shema of arvis and shacharis at same time!

    in reply to: Car Hotel In Israel #871746

    Where is the Jerusalem Gate? Is it nice? How is the Hashgocho?

    in reply to: Shliach Tzibbur Whose Not Counting Sefira With a Bracha #872603

    Sam2: I should have included that, my mistake. Thank you. The machlokes the Bais Halevey and the other acharonim are going according to our minhag to be choshesh for the bahag as far as the brocho is concerned(safek brachos l’hakel). Their disagreement is according to the bahag, is one considered a aino metzuveh bdovor. As such that would be the possibility I meant in y response. It was not meant as a real halachic concern, rather the one possibility that I could think of. BTW, who are the poskim that say to count with a brocho?

    in reply to: Shliach Tzibbur Whose Not Counting Sefira With a Bracha #872601

    Here is the only way that i can see a problem. There is a machlokes acharonim as follows. The bais Halevey holds that if the sheliach tzibur (actually his case was the rav) missed a night and can’t count with a brocho he can save face with the following trick. he can ask someone in the tzibur not to make a brocho and he can me motzei that person. Others argue. The root of their argument is as to how we view a person who missed a night. Do we say that he is still obligated in the mitzvoh, just aht he has no way to be makayim it, in which case we apply the rule of arvus and he can be motei someone else. Or do we say that once he missed a night he is no longer a metzuvah bedavar and therefore can not be motzei someone else. If one holds like the second then you would not have been able to be motzei someone else. If, and generally this is not the case, someone in the tzibur was being yotzeh either the berocho or the sefira (which he should not have done) with you, he would not be yotzei


    Getzel, are you sure? Something is wrong, that day is the last day of the Torah Umesorah convention. Would the cross schedule that?

    in reply to: Very disturbing, please only kind people read. #842246

    This is insane. Not one of us know the details or external situation. I agree with everyone that you must run,immediatly and as fast as you can, but only to a responsible Rov or the like. Someone with experience. Wittout so you can possible make a huge and irreversible mistake. Please, call that person now.

    in reply to: What to do if you can afford tuition? #840559

    First of all, in no way did I intend to intone that a child should be sent home. That is a question for an adam golol and not for me. I too would assume that one may not. I was not even offering an opinion regarding the posters particular story. None of us know the full picture and therefore have no right to an opinion. My post was nothing more than an indignant response to the character assassination of our mosdos hatorah. I am not familiar with the inner workings or ideals of the more modern mosdos and can only speak from experience in what most of us would refer to as mainstream mosdos.

    I agree too that once a school fundraises they have an obligation to the tzibur. That said, fundraising is a tedious task that brings in a fraction of what it needs to. There needs to be a system whereby the parents are obligated to make good on their portion.

    Additionally, my number of 40% is not across the board. I have personally reviewed the budgets of mosdos and spoken with roshei hamosdos regarding their budget and that seems to be a fair average. Girls school maybe higher, mesivtos sometimes lower. Modern schools or schools with very large classes more, high staff to student ratio less.

    in reply to: What to do if you can afford tuition? #840548
    in reply to: Earthquake + Hurricane during One Week in New York #802748

    ronrsr: Please see famous Ramban at the end of parshas Bo (and in his piyrush on Iyov, spoken about in detail in sifrei chofetz chaim as well, and many others) where he clearly puts forth his opinion with regard to teva, there is no teva. Hashem did not give over the world to nature, he continues to directly control each and every thing that goes on in the world each and every second. Chazal teach us that one does not stub his toe without a direct command from hashen, nor does a blade of grass grow.

    As such, there is no such thing as coincidence!

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