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  • in reply to: The Nonsense of “Bein Hazmanim” #2310692

    Shazsheri, your post is deplorable, infuriating, and ignorant. And, while you may have intended it as such, can’t see why one would risk their olam habah for the thrill of the troll. Your statements are tragic testimony to nothing other than your own environment and possible need for a balm to sooth the scars of your personal failures. I personally know “not one”, but many many bochurim and kollel yungerleit that do put in full hours. Davening a proper shachris in the yeshiva, and learning 12-14 hours a day, and more. But its so much more than the hours. It is the morning to night attachment to their learning. Literally doing nothing other than davening properly, tending to the demands of their physical needs, and often not even properly addressing those. Have you ever experienced sitting by the breakfast table and chazerring in your head what you did the day before while planning out what you need to accomplish that day? Jumping out of bed to look something up that may be relevant to your days learning? And doing this 7 days a week? I know MANY that do. You are in the wrong environment and promoting ignorance. I am not denying that many, most don’t. Each to their own level, and the level runs the gamut, but לא ראיתי אינה ראי’, DON’T sell our heroes short! Furthermore, are you familiar with the system of learning camps? High school aged bochurim, sometimes BM too, and many BM bochurim go as staff. First seder is 10-1, some have short second seder, and all have a night seder. Some have the bochurim print torah and they write a sefer, some have visiting shiurim, most have a basic standard. Obviously, as in yeshivos themselves, some bochurim are more adherent and some less, but, many have reasonable to significant learning. And, even the BM aged boys that take road trips, the better level bochurim, will have sedorim, davening etc. As far as pace of learning, why don’t we just leave that to the roshei hayeshiva? For a Yeshiva World poster to feel entitled to have and voice an opinion is just illustrative of the ills of the social media culture. Terrifying. You are so clearly not in the know and just spreading motzei shem rah.

    in reply to: Legal / halachic advance directives in healthcare #2291130

    Call Chayim Aruchim at 718-535-9061. If you specifically want a posek ask for Rabbi Ausch

    in reply to: Location of Kever Rochel and other kevarim #2212850

    Assurnet, its been a while, but you have an old post referencing “kevertzadik” as someone that does extensive research into kivrei tzedikim. For years I have wondered as to the authenticity and certainty of various kevarim. Does the aforementioned name have a web site that posts the results of his research? Do you or anyone else know of other sources that clarify “probability” or “certainty” of authenticity? Based of course on Torah, messorah and chachmei yisroel…..

    in reply to: Tanach in Yeshivos #2034164

    Aha! Sagacious. We trust the geonim of yesteryear to understand and perpetuate the mesorah of before. Rather than anyone with a computer today.

    in reply to: Tanach in Yeshivos #2033415

    TY Smerel for some words of reason and mesorah of daas torah. Rather that every self proclaimed expert authoritatively stating their soap box opinion as to what yeshivos should be doing. We leave that to gedolim. Just wondering, do those that quote that mishna also follow thru to the rest of the program and learn all that is brought there? What about the other mishneh, actually braisoh, or pas bmelech tocahal? Or how about על תרבה שיחה עם האשה, באשתך נאמר, etc. we go with mesorah, particularly with something as fundamental to our existence as yeshivos and mesoras hatorah. and to novelty, I personally prefer the response of no nonsense

    in reply to: Shorts #2006814

    yserbius123, Is your psak what you and/or you Rav came out with after factoring in the discussion of tznius by men, and not revealing parts of the body that are normally covered? Including the discussion in the mishneh bruroh on this (the machmir position), R Moshe Feinstein in Igros Moshe and other relevant sources?

    in reply to: Women Shouldn’t Be Expected To Work #1996698

    Strange that chazal made this irrelevant takana of maaseh yodeho lbaaloh…..


    Upper echelon. Main stream. Brisk, Yagdil, etc….

    in reply to: Boys Learning in Eretz Yisroel #1798016

    Yochi, I don’t know you so it’s not personal, but why would you think that you would know what you missed? I would think that it may be the ones that went, and got something from there, who would possibly see what you can’t.

    The question is too broad. It certainly depends on the individual and depends on where they go. For example, one who learns in Brisk and is interested in that, and is also from the true mevakshim that are looking to really get from what authentic Brisk has to offer, can get something there that they can’t get anywhere else in the world. Additionally, America is driven by materialism which in most cases waters down the purity of our yiddishkeit. Again, depending on who you are and where you go you can spend time associating with and being inspired by a type of yiddishkeit that is mostly not available in the USA. Where one lives simply, eschewing materialism, focused on spiritual growth and living life entirely through yiddishkeit, values uninfluenced by secularism, etc. It can be a real eye opener, and at times life altering.

    Additionally, there are great tzaddikim and talmidei chachomim that one can grow from by association.

    Girls too, depending on their upbringing, background and where they are holding in life can grow immeasurably from the above.

    Granted, many, some would suggest most, do not maximize the opportunity and some would posture that the overall benefit do not justify the risks, from a communal position. But, the OP asked what the purpose is. On an individual basis this may be some ideas.

    Lastly, as far as boys are concerned, once a boy is past 4th year b”m he does not really have any serious local options. Just about everyone goes to EY. Furthermore, when he comes back to Lakewood and needs chaburos, chavrusos, etc, depending on where he learnt previously in America, his friends and yeshiva mates from EY may be the difference in a successful experience in BMG or not.

    Granted, if we are discussing the system we can discuss creating opportunities locally, but until such a point in time the facts are that for most there is really no other option

    in reply to: Colonoscopy prep #1796206

    The prep varies slightly between doctors so ask you for an alternative if you had a hard time with the one that he wants you to use. Personally I much prefer the Mirylax that the Magnesium Citrate drink. That was vile. Most importatly, BS”D on the results…..

    in reply to: Civet coffee #1780746

    I really hope that no one is deciding halacha from these posts and asks their rav. As I assume that the OP is looking for information I would add the following: As a previous poster wrote, the reason why honey is mutar is a machlokes taanaim. If you paskin like those that say that the heter is a sevoroh (chachomim) that honey is not a product or excretion of the bee itself and rather just passes thru the bee (this itself is discussed in the achronim, as clearly there are enzymes that make changes to the nectar) there are those that say (see igros moshe y”d vol 2, I believe 24 but I don’t have it here now) that we can apply this heter to other similar instances (such as confectioners glaze). Others (I believe R’ Shlomo Zalman in Minchas Shlomo vol 1, and possibly R’ Elyashiv as he seems to say that its worth avoiding confectioners glaze, but does not give his reasoning) disagree and say that we can not make out own comparisons to be matir. If you paskin that it is a gezairas hakosuv (R’ Yaakov) its is trickier, and most likely specific to honey. See igros moshe. Additionally it is a machlokes if we paskin like R’ Yaakov or the chachomim (gemorah bechoros, above, see rosh, rambam, mechaber, etc, igros moshe, chazon ish and many more). It should be noted though that R’ Moshes heter for confectioners glaze, besides for different facts, was built on combination of 4 different reasons and can not be applied here. I hope this is academically accurate and helpful. All the best

    in reply to: Civet coffee #1780747

    Rational: There is a line of reasoning to possibly argure on your assumption. Pri chodosh and others point out that the bees make changes through addition of enzymes to the nectar, and still the chachomim are matir. Must be that insignificant change does not make it yotzei min hatamei. The seems to be a sticky point (no put intended) when applying the heter of honey to other situations


    The trend is not new. If anything its only in recent years that some have sent to English. And is there is a trend, it is one that the poster is obviously a proud product of….. (Title and content)

    in reply to: Shadchanus to the Family Member #1695625

    For a psak ask your rov. That said, there is an opinion brought down in the achronim, I believe the pischei teshiva, that to a close relative (some define a 7 kerovim) one does not have to. The reason being that a shadchim is a regular poel, a person hired to do a job, and as such the cause to be mechayiv payment is the assumption that the worker will be paid the standard going rate. But, as a close family member never expected payment and was doing as a favor no payment is due. Not sure that all accept this lhalacha

    in reply to: Shadchanus #1509000

    There is a wonderful book in English on the topic that covers all of your questions and more. Its called Shadchanus in Halacha by Rabbi Shlomo Dickman

    Sorry no links

    in reply to: Tallis katan with thick tzitzis #1382562

    Dovidbt: I recently saw a p’sak from R’ Chaim K that you can not have tzitsis that look like they belong on a talis gadol on a talis koton. I do not remember the issue. You may want to ask you rav

    in reply to: Mesivta Gemaros #1356395

    iacisrmma: Actually makes perfect sense, although intentionally exaggerated

    in reply to: ב”מ #1355679

    The information that is posted above is mostly inaccurate, but, the request is so subjective that answering is virtually impossible. Yeshivish and not too serious are generally a contradiction so it really depends on what hthe OP means by each. I will give it a try though. How about Rabbi Rabanowitz in Washington Heights or Rabbi Avrohom Shulman in Elizabeth? Rabbi Alster in Cliffwood? Rabbi Pikis in Engelwood. Rabbi Frankel in Monsey? Rabbi Sender in Monsey? Rabbi Zoberman (new) in Monsey? There is somewhat of a range here, but all within some loose boundries.

    Or better yet, call Rabbi Binyomin Strauss in Lakewood. Places more bochurim than anyone else in the world

    in reply to: Mesivta Gemaros #1354554

    iacisrmma: It is understandable for those familiar with yeshiva talk. Its an intentional exaggeration of typical lingo among yeshiva students

    in reply to: Life insurance #1353133

    Joseph: Can you show a clear and reliable reference to such an opinion among gedolim? I’ve heard it said over in the name of the chofetz chaim, but, I tried to corroborate that to no avail. To the contrary, there are members are the family clearly deny that he said that.

    in reply to: Smartphones #1351450

    Chabadgal;: You may know, there is no issur yichud on milk and meat

    in reply to: Looking for music #1288787

    Same her. TY. I was able to play, but not purchase or download.

    in reply to: Looking for music #1288786


    in reply to: Stealing permitted in order to save ones life? #1153399

    The source for this discussion is bava kama 60b. Teh rishonim and achromin are based around that gemorah. I believe that although these are questions on how to learn some of the rishonim, pretty much everyone says that l’halacha it mutar. Don’t trust this though (not that you would anyway!), its just an old memory

    in reply to: Father's Day #1088066

    Happy fathers day #171 for 2015!(and mothers day for that matter too)

    in reply to: BJJ class of 2033 #1043446

    147: I assume that you referring to the Oruch L’ Ner, in which case if yidden will properly respect shabbos it will be the best year!

    in reply to: Half dying #1034118

    Yes, there are countless, well documented such stories. Curious, how does Torah hashkofoh explain them?

    in reply to: Best Android app for JewishIsrael news? #1024210

    I believe that it does. It may just be a browser without and address bar, but it was created as an app and the creator sets the permissions, and with Android you can’t even change them

    in reply to: Best Android app for JewishIsrael news? #1024206

    Why does the YWN Android app demand all those permissions, they want access to everything! I was not comfortable with that so I just deleted it. I don’t have a browser on my phone so I can’t use the mobile site

    in reply to: Walking around with hat and/or jacket #1026462

    takahmamash: Does the famous ??? ?????? not say the exact opposite? (I don’t mean with regard to hats and jackets, I will not weigh in on that, just on your point) ????????? ????? ?? ????????.

    in reply to: Shachris w/o minyiin??? #1070434

    1. I would speak to your rov immediately. I think that you’re treading a dangerous path that can undermine the stability of a marriage and proper guidance is a must

    2. How long are you married? While very wrong, there is a de-emphasis among many segments of bochurim as to the importance of teffila b’tzibur. Certainly many bochurim are not like that, but there are many that are. Sometimes it may not even be a gauge as to his yiras shomayim, rather just a cultural shortcoming. Of those, most will move past it as the years go on, but a young married wife can be horrified. Hashkofically she is right, but being that she is culturally not in tuned with the mindset of a bochur she would be misjudging him. The most critical thing though is to have proper hadrocho. Without it a marriage can really suffer.

    in reply to: Is Crohn's Disease a real issue? #1146383

    FYI: Crohn’s is an unpredictable disease. It is also extremely common in our communities. Virtually any block in an ashkenazik neighborhood will have someone that has Crohn’s (or atleast knows someone close to them that does). Many are controlled through medicine, and although they have periodic suffering an some occasionally difficult periods, they lead regular and totally productive lives. Some are controlled with mild medication with little or no side effects, while others require more difficult medication. A significant number will eventually require surgery to remove the affected part of the GI tract (Crohn’s can affect any portion of the tract, mouth to anus, but I believe that the most common is the terminal ileum). For many that will control their condition. About 30% of those though will develop Crohn’s in other area’s. No person knows what hashem has in store for anyone and questions as to how to view a Crohn’s patient are clearly best left to medical personnel and a persons own Rov and moreh derech.

    in reply to: Transfer Tapes To Digital Files #986153

    Will do

    in reply to: Transfer Tapes To Digital Files #986151

    I ordered it. I suspect though that I wont get true music quality. Thanks

    in reply to: Transfer Tapes To Digital Files #986148

    Any reason to think that will give me a better transfer than the standard cable that I got in Radio Shack?

    in reply to: Transfer Tapes To Digital Files #986144

    I called Costco. They do not do it.

    in reply to: Transfer Tapes To Digital Files #986141

    I connected it to the audio in on the sound card. I would pay $5.00 a tape. Not for the 100’s of tapes that I mentioned, those are shmuzen and shiurim, would cost me too much (probably have over 1,000) but for the few important ones I certainly would

    in reply to: Transfer Tapes To Digital Files #986138

    I did that, using the sound recorder that comes with Windows but the quality was terrible and the volume so low that it was all but useless

    in reply to: Transfer Tapes To Digital Files #986135

    Do you know of model numbers? For both of your suggestions? I would look for a used option for the expensive one and of not take the cheaper option. Thanks

    in reply to: Am I going to gehenim? #977209

    Yekke2: Ra”e holds that it is an avairoh, just no chiyuv korban. I believe that R’ Chaim held not

    in reply to: Rabbi Lipman #974665

    kfb: Pretty much its Rabbi Feldman and others disassociating Ner Yisroel with Mr. Lipman and saying that he is not a product of their training. Enough said. Also, The Gedolim have allowed internet with a filter in the workplace and have not (as far as I know) assured Yeshiva World. And more so, your claim that he was educated in Ner Yisroel, if the Rosh Hayeshiva himself is telling you that he is not a product of their chinuch then I do not need to follow (which one absolutely should) everything they say to accept that his Rabbinic validation is based on an institution who themselves deny so.

    in reply to: Announcing Pregnancy #972815

    longing4israel: I believe that there was another component as well, particularly by the 1st. parents worry about their children and they deserve to know.

    in reply to: Announcing Pregnancy #972811

    Take a look at this book on Rebbetzin Kanievsky, Rav Chaim passionately beleives that you tell parents right away (I assume in normal situation)

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176754

    Just Emes: See the Chofetz Chaim in Shem Olam. I don’t remember the exact location, it is on the section on Torah. If you can’t find it I can, just respond here. There he discusses sitting and learning and therefore having to accept help from others. He is a staunch supporter and that is from before the war.

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176718

    jbaldy22: I am not sure which meforshim you are referring to. I looked at the mishna, rav, tosfos yom tov and rabbainu yonah and do not fins what you mention. All I see is that there is an additional chomer for someone that batels while learning above one who never starts. This would be equally true of yungerleit an working people. Please post your reference, I would like to see it. As for girls schools, I prefer to end my part of the discussion. It is purposeless for me to keep saying that I know and you to keep writing no. I’ve been privy to meetings, discussions, policy implementation, etc. You will deny it so its nonsensical. You win. The mechanchos anf rosh hamosdos ,ust be pushing their own agenda and misguided hashkafos. We must just be familiar with different schools, so I cant speak for yours nor yours for mine.

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176713

    simcha613: I hear your point. That may indeed be the reason.

    truthsharer: You too are underestimating the kollel men. The may start their 1st seder at 9:30 (if they dont have an earlier seder too) but what time do they finish? When I was in kollel my last seder ended at 11:15pm and the Bais Medrash was full for that seder. When I (we, others as well) can home we often sat down to still learn a little more. This schedule is on Sunday’s too, with an altered but serious learning schedule on Shabbos as well. Kollel men will often get up early to daven so that they can watch their kids so that their wives can go to work (happily feeling proud t be part of the zechus) and then again babysit bain hasedorim.

    zahavasdad: The chofetz chaim and many others describe how hachzokas hatorah actually drives the economy so long as one adheres to the belief that ones income is from hashem

    NotSoYeshivish: Please don’t state as fact your observations from within your own, limited, exposures. Many of us here have seen the kollel benefits in ways that you may not have. Believe it or not, this chinuch of the girls in done b’hadrochas gedolim who may have also had opportunity to see a kollel or two in their times

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176712
    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176697

    just my hapence: I think that you misunderstood me. I am aware that there are those in kollel that are not the vision that the gedolim had when they encouraged kollel. I am not in kollel. I took issue though with someone making a public statement deriding kollelnicks to the point that he says “THE VAST MAJORITY OF “FULL TIME” LEARNERS DON’T BELONG IN KOLLEL”. I believe that to be an erroneous and irresponsible statement. They system is now perfect, but a huge percentage of the kollel men are very special. Additionally, I did not say that “that people who are against everyone being full-time learners are simply bitter drop-outs”. I said, tongue in cheek, that those that don’t make it n kollel (no a drop out by the way, you yourself are arguing that they don’t belong and should leave)are often ones that have a negative view. Obviously. Also, to say that there are hundreds of thousands of working guys that are eseh torascha kevah seems to be a gross exaggeration, unless the asseh torascha keva is very loosely translated. Torasche keva means that you primary pursuit is your torah and your working is nothing more that a means of providing your necessities. No just someone that is a koveah itim. If your numbers are correct, ashrecho yisroel! Don’t misunderstand me, I see many working men that are real b’nei torah, going to morning and night kollelim, chaburos, really working hard in learning, and they have my greatest respect. But you can’t tell me that it is the majority of working men. And if so, that leads me to my last gripe. Lastly, my gripe is as follows: Man was put in this world to toil in torah with all of his strength. Granted, we are instructed to make a living, but the primary focus of our efforts are supposed to be in Torah. I disagree with you. I believe that there are many more working people who are lax in their diligence in torah than there kollel members who should work more, yet I see many posts deriding the kollel guy that they should be working, for frum reasons, the rambam etc, but few that take to task the working guy for not learning harder. That in my opinion is skewed. I think that we would all agree that one who is not productive in kollel should not be there, and that a working mans goal should be to grow in torah and yiroh to the maximum of his ability. The only differe

    in reply to: Work vs. Kollel #1176693

    This is so sad. The original post highlights one of the unfortunate aspects of internet life. Anyone, regardless of qualifications, intelligence, level of responsibility etc., can post their personal pet peeves, based on nothing, and be given a forum to express it in.

    On the chance than I am right, how sad for an irresponsible poster who in his ignorance derides such a group.

    And oh, what becomes of those that are from the percentage that are as the poster describes? They generally fall out and leave kollel, unable to handle its rigors, eventually becoming posters on the internet, with a message of negative view of kollel life!

    Additionally, to all of those that harp on the rambam and those that say that one should work while learning (see bais yosef, shach, aruch hashulchan, igros moshe, biur halachah, chofetz chaim in shem olam for a detailed discussion as to its application today, this is not the place for an idealistic debate), why is their kanaus limited to the learners that are not mekayim the being nehneh from their own work (which the chofetz chaim describes as at best midoh tovah) and not to the much larger groups of “earners” that are not mekayim the “aseh torascho kevah” which is, and always has been, the very basic fundamental obligation of every male Jew?

    Must be that those type of people either don’t post on the internet of if they do are more controlled and responsible.


    in reply to: Daily text #970587

    Sorry, typo: 3142655989

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