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May 9, 2023 8:02 am at 8:02 am in reply to: A Chief Rabbi Attends the Coronation in a Church? #2188457HaKatanParticipant
Hilchos L”H require that if someone intentionally and publicly profanes Hashem’s name that such an abomination be condemned.Established halacha is that it is absolutely forbidden to enter a church sanctuary. You’re not even allowed to enter the sanctuary of a Conservative Synagogue – yet the UK Chief Rabbinate claims that their Chief Rabbi (and his predecessors) are perfectly fine entering a church sanctuary for a church ceremony (and proud to make videos of it and disseminate those afterwards)?
The argument that it was permitted by the “London Beth Din”, of which he is the head, and which is therefore nogeia baDavar, is not an argument.
As well, the United Synagogue (the umbrella organization of that “Beth Din”, headed by the Chief Rabbi), on their web site, states that they are “a Zionist organization”. So, there goes that “heter”.
There are world-renowned Torah greats who have guided us over the past century. Why wasn’t this asked to, and answered by, someone like Rav Moshe Feinstein, for example?
May 8, 2023 11:42 pm at 11:42 pm in reply to: A Chief Rabbi Attends the Coronation in a Church? #2188440HaKatanParticipantThe “London Beth Din” is under the UOS, which means it is under the Chief Rabbi.
There is zero heter to enter a Church sanctuary. His predecessor claimed he did so “mipnei aivah”. As others noted, why not permit everything else “mipnei aivah”, too?
If there were any serious halachic permit to do this, then a teshuva should have been published, especially because the Chief Rabbi studied in Religious Zionist institutions and that faith is idolatry according to Rav Elchonon Wasserman HY”D and the rest.
Ironically, assimilating with the gentiles is, of course, a generator of aivah, as we have seen throughout history, R”L L”A. So, if the goal was to prevent aivah, then the most prominent Jew in the UK attending the most prominent church in the UK was certainly not the way to accomplish that goal.
So, the working assumption by anyone who at least wants to be G-d-fearing, is that this was a tremendous chilul Hashem.
That’s all in addition to Neville’s post here that the videos and publicity is certainly a slap in the face to G-d even if there were some real heter – and there obviously was no heter.
November 19, 2022 7:06 pm at 7:06 pm in reply to: Sam Bankman-Fried, Zelensky, Soros, Schumer, etc. #2140387HaKatanParticipantphilosopher:
No, Jews are not a race. There are Jews from all over the world and of all skin colors, looks, etc.November 17, 2022 1:08 pm at 1:08 pm in reply to: Sam Bankman-Fried, Zelensky, Soros, Schumer, etc. #2139368HaKatanParticipantThere’s a simple answer.
First Judaism is a religion, not a race, not an ethnicity, and not a nationality. (Yes, that knocks out the Zionist Big Lie, too.)
There are lots of terrible Christians and Muslims in this world, too. But nobody calls Christianity terrible nor do they think less of Christians because of the actions of the terrible Christians.
Second, these “Jews” are Jews-in-name-only. They have nothing to do with Judaism.
The more that Jews distance themselves from heretics, including Zionists, the better it will be for Jews. Period.
HaKatanParticipantI read that he was fired, but who knows?
I wouldn’t say that it’s “usually not the case” that there is a separate female photographer for the women, but it depends on the social circle, sect, etc.HaKatanParticipantThank you, Chaylev…
July 1, 2022 7:38 pm at 7:38 pm in reply to: Official “Palestinian” Auth. applauds racist Arab hitting Haredi anti-Zionist #2102448HaKatanParticipantMost likely, the Arab didn’t know that these are anti-Zionist. Alternatively, the savage didn’t care because he believes the Zionist Big Lie that the Zionists represent all Jews.
HaKatanParticipantIsrael is, as Rav Elchonon wrote in the name of the Chofetz Chaim, the worst galus, galus under the Yevsektzii. With the clarity of hindsight, we see how prophetic and on-target are those words.
When Mashiach comes, may it be today, please Hashem, and when he tells everyone to go to E”Y, then if people still don’t want to go to E”Y, then you might want to revisit your post.
Actually, if you believe in Hashem and Chazal then, yes, there are halachic limitations on women learning Torah.HaKatanParticipant“Harryyid13”
“We” have not forgotten that we are in galus, whom are our leaders, and all the rest; that would be the “Religious Zionists”.One of the gedolim whom we have not forgotten, Rav Elchonon Wasserman (among others) wrote clearly that since Zionism is literally Avoda Zara, that makes “Religious Zionism”, then, simply Avoda Zara with religion.
HaKatanParticipantYaakov Doe:
That is not the concern. See the Org web site Identifying Chabad.HaKatanParticipantGreat story.
HaKatanParticipantNo Mesorah:
That was a fairly long non-response posing as a response to my attempt to clarify to you why you should not have called me a liar.Sovereignty over a territory is forbidden. The Zionists claim sovereignty over portions of Eretz Yisrael, and have fought multiple wars, still ongoing, to support that claim. All of this is, of course, a severe violation of the Torah’s laws.
The objective reality is not that “Judaism thrived before, during, and after Eastern Europe”, but rather that it took a big hit in the years leading up to the Holocaust. Nobody can stop you from believing in your own version of history, though.
Rav Miller, who was there pre-WW II, testified in his book about the dramatic abandonment of Torah for Zionism and other -isms.
Rav Elchonon Wasserman, who lived there, too, also wrote that the since the two idols (literally) that (some) Jews then worshiped were Nationalism and Socialism, therefore, Hashem responded with the ascendancy of the Nazi (Nationalist Socialist) party and its threats and dangers which, thanks to Zionism and other factors, turned into the Holocaust.
These (and others who said similarly) are gedolei Torah who were there on the ground. It is silly for anyone to decide close to a century later that they disagree with them, as you have indicated.
The talking points of the Zionists are that Judaism and the Jewish people need to change to become a gentile, godless and nation-state based Nationalist nation. By supporting the State of Israel and Zionism, it is you who are supporting those ideals.
Jewish blood was not “constantly spilled in unthinkable numbers and unimaginable ways.” That is Zionist propaganda. As I mentioned, there certainly have been many, many, many difficult times in the galus including many, many, many incidents of Jewish blood having been spilled CH”V. But that was not a “constant” occurrence. The Zionists want you to think it was so that you choose to worship their idol State.
Finally, the Torah is that with which we identify. Period. It has nothing to do with being “fashionable” or otherwise.
May 10, 2022 6:45 pm at 6:45 pm in reply to: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? #2085342HaKatanParticipantFrom the site I mentioned in my prior comment (if approved), from Rav Chaim Dov Keller, about the then-director of Chabad of Illinois (who has since passed away):
“This to me is extremely disturbing, because Rabbi Moscowitz, whether his hashkafos are normative Judaism or not, should, as the regional director of Chabad Lubavitch of Illinois, certainly represent normative Lubavitch thinking.
Let us look at what we are being asked to believe is ‘normative Yiddishkeit’ and ‘well within the mainstream of Torah thought’:
1. The Rebbe is not dead but still lives (so that we cannot celebrate his Yahrzeit) and is present everywhere.
2. One may pray to the Rebbe, who also knows our innermost thoughts.
3. The Rebbe is omniscient – which in simple English means he knows everything – a quality which is possessed only by HaShem Himself.
4. The Rebbe is omnipotent – meaning all powerful – kol yachol – which is also the exclusive attribute of the Creator.
5. The Rebbe is the Essence and Being of G-d enclothed in a body.
This, together with the idea of the second coming of a dead Messiah, has heretofore been recognized as standard Christian – certainly not Jewish – theology.
That there is a machlokes (dispute) within Lubavitch in these matters is well known and was clearly demonstrated by the fact that a day after the publication of the above mentioned full-page ad entitled ‘The third of Tammuz is not the Rebbe’s Yahrzeit’, there appeared another full page ad in the Times published by American Friends of Lubavitch, entitled ‘Finding Love and Unity Across the Jewish Spectrum.’ It contains not one word about him being alive, or being Moshiach, or Being and Essence of G-d. In fact, it speaks of Jewish communities the world over commemorating the third Yahrzeit of the Rebbe on the third of Tammuz. One only commemorates Yahrzeits of dead people. So there is obviously another faction.
Which leads us to two possibilities:
A. That Rabbi Moscowitz, by virtue of his position, speaks as a spokesman for the ‘official’ view of Lubavitch – and the non-Messianists are the minority.
B. That the Meshichistin are the minority, but have taken over a significant part of the Movement’s official machinery – at least in Illinois.”
May 10, 2022 6:45 pm at 6:45 pm in reply to: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? #2085340HaKatanParticipantIn case anyone is interested in lots of information on this, the Org site “Identifying Chabad”, may be of interest.
May 10, 2022 6:45 pm at 6:45 pm in reply to: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? #2085338HaKatanParticipanttunaisafish:
There is also a Chazal in Pirkei Avos about being dan liKav Zechus.
I can’t speak for others, but when I saw someone asking “who cares what some in Chabad believe?” I thought it appropriate to answer why it might be rather important to know.HaKatanParticipant@n0mesorah:
Your screen name is instructive here.If your idea of truth is what the Zionists propagandize then, unfortunately, you can’t recognize the truth.
If your idea of Zionist history begins in 1948 then, unfortunately, you are missing many decades of Zionist history (and the gross misfortune to Jews that came with that) which preceded that, and during which Rav Elchonon very much did live.
The Zionists did not suddenly snap their fingers in 1948 and create their idolatrous shmad state. They amassed almost $100,000,000 dollars (in 1940s money) in weapons first. They also had a provisional government prior to 1948. Etc.
For ashkenazim, it would be easier to call it “medinas yisrael” rather than the the sefardic (adapted by the Zionists for shmad) “medinat…”.You happen to be right, though, that Eretz Yisrael should not be conflated with, liHavdil, the Zionist State, and the violence in question is a matter pertaining to the Zionist State, not to E”Y.
So, a better topic would have been “Violence in the State of Israel”.
Regarding the Zionist propaganda nonsense about 2,00 years of torture and death, while there certainly have been occasional periods of immense suffering in this long galus, nonetheless, the Zionist State is the worst galus, galus under the Yevsektzia (the Jewish communists) as Rav Elchonon Wasserman put it.
The Zionists also played a significant role in WW II, both spiritually and physically.
So, to be clear, no, “we” do not have our own “medina”. The Zionists have invaded portions of E”Y and falsely declared that the Zionists represent all Jews and that their Zionist State is the “Jewish” State when in fact it is only the “Zionist”, not Jewish, State.
May 2, 2022 4:40 pm at 4:40 pm in reply to: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? #2081978HaKatanParticipantNo mesorah:
That might be, for starters, because their influence is worldwide and people who eat meat slaughtered by them (by the neo-Christians, not by the “Meshichists”) would be eating neveila.May 2, 2022 4:40 pm at 4:40 pm in reply to: Should we try to encourage Mashichists and Elokists to return to the fold? #2081974HaKatanParticipantDora:
Your definition of “very small” includes their “Ask the Rabbi” host, on the video posted on an earlier thread, where he responded that his Rebbe’s characteristics include being infinite (ain sof), Godly (elokus), atzmius (God incarnate), among others.This is neo-Christianity, not Judaism, and Rav Aharon Feldman wrote that people who carry such beliefs are not “bichlal amisecha”, their shechita is invalid, their wine is yayin nesech, et al.
It is highly disingenuous to compare this to your hypothetical and non-existent example wherein you named Satmar.
His party platform is only part of the issue. You didn’t consider that every Zionist (and party) has signed on to the Zionist “Jerusalem Program”, which is heretical and idolatrous Zionism.The “definition” of Zionism is not an issue. Also, anything that removes Hashem from the equation is, of course, beyond the pale and not a “hashkafa” dispute. But that’s almost besides the point.
The facts have all been listed, and they are not feelings but facts.Liberman is not a Zionist? The very name of his party which he heads is pretty indicative that he is.
Those differences do not make for a practical difference. It’s been explained many times, but certain people seem unwilling to believe it.The shmad that underlies all of those idolators is that the Jewish people and faith would need to be changed to an idolatrous Nationalist/land-based godless people and faith.
No, it is not outdated but current. The Zionists in the Zionist State still target Chareidim and the Torah, and are still essentially the same Zionists as their predecessors (less “labor” more “militancy”, but that’s not relevant). Zionism is all about changing the Jew and his religion from Torah-based to godless and idolatrous Nation-State based.This is evil, heretical and offensive to every believing Jew, except for those who worship that idol of Zionism. It is not history; it is current, even more so, in some cases, with the current band of thug Zionists in power in the Zionist State.
No, to be clear, nobody hates the Jews in Israel who the Zionists shmaded and who don’t know any better thanks to that Zionist shmad. But that Zionist shmad should certainly be recognized for the horror, multi-generation, that it is, rather than being ignored in favor of idol worship of Zionism.
HaKatanParticipant@Avi K:
Denying reality, which is the vast majority of your post at 8:28 AM, isn’t very practical.I will note though that the Chazon Ish noted that there are two types of apikorsim today: those who celebrate Yom haAtzamos and those who blame the gedolim for the deaths of Jews in Europe.
Looks like you’re 2 for 2.
Of course, the Zionists totally omit their anti-Jewish activities before and during WW II, like the Zionists lobbying governments AGAINST accepting Jewish refugees from the Holocaust, which lead to the deaths of untold numbers of Jews in the Holocaust.
In addition, the Nazis were poised to invade Palestine and it was only Hashem’s chessed that stopped them from doing so. The Brisker Rav left Europe for Palestine, during the war, despite the physical danger of going to Palestine, only because of chinuch. He felt that it was better to risk the physical danger in Palestine.
HaKatanParticipantPerhaps it’s not interesting to you because you don’t believe obvious facts and plain history?
Zionism is all about replacing G-d and His Torah as the basis of Jews and Judaism with, instead, idolatrous godless Nationalism. This is not in dispute. This is, of course, therefore, the basis of their “education” in schools and indoctrination in their shmad army. In their army, they define what is Judaism, not what is an Israeli “national”. That is shmad.
The Zionists have been shmading Jews in Israel since before 1948.
That’s at least approx. 3/4 of a century. That’s easily three generations.You don’t want proofs; you want to believe in your idol. We just read this morning: “eile elohecha…”
The original Zionism is very much alive today.The entire purpose of Zionism is to replace both the Jewish people and the Jewish religion with a godless nationalist/Zionist gentile new Jew.
The Zionists have shmaded now three generations of “Israelis” and are attempting to further shmad the remainder of non-Zionist Jews under their control.
Maybe you are the one who needs to get out a little more and simply observe what goes in in Israel and around the world?
I’m sorry that the three generations of Jews in Israel that the Zionists shmaded are of no consequence to you. It’s unfortunate that the spread of the heresy of Zionism worldwide is of no relevance to you.Zionism openly fights G-d far more than does Reform, and has far, far greater influence (including in this very forum) than does Reform. It’s not “nu, nu, not so bad”. Of course Reform is bad. But Zionism, from then until now, is orders of magnitude worse.
It’s too bad that you are preventing yourself from objectively evaluation that the Zionists have and continue to do far greater damage to Klal Yisrael than anything. Reform and Footsteps are a relative drop in that ocean in comparison.
No, American Kiruv organizations do not “focus on Israeli yordim” to the exclusion of American College students as you falsely imply.Rav Yaakov actually retracted that very statement after learning the Satmar Rav’s sefarim on Zionism, and told that to the Satmar Rav.
If not for the Zionists, Mashiach would have come in 1948, as both the Brisker Rav and Satmar Rav said. That’s first of all.
Besides for that, let’s repeat once again: the Zionist have shmaded at least three generations of Jews, especially the ones under their control in their Zionist State of Israel. That perspective is obvious nowadays, of course, to anyone not blinded by that Zionist idol.
Let’s be even more clear. The very purpose of Zionism and its State was, is and always will be Zionism, which is to redefine Judaism and its people from Torah-based to idolatrous Nation-State/Land/Zionist/Israel-based.
So, no, the Zionist “ideal”, and practice of the same (meaning shmad) is, unfortunately, very, very much alive, and is, by far, the greatest source of shmad worldwide, far, far greater than the dying “Reform” and whatever damage “Footsteps” has done.
You’re not addressing my points but ignoring them.
@Avi K:
CH”V. Classic Zionist go-to line. The ones who truly hate Jews are the Zionists who make gezeiros against the Torah Jews in the parts of E”Y that the Zionists have invaded, known as the Zionist “State of Israel”.That “fact” is irrelevant, as mentioned above. The Zionists shmaded and continue to shmad three generations of Jews, as mentioned above. They support Torah to the extent necessary to “control” it, as they have said for decades.
Your idol of Zionism and its State have been called exactly that, an idol, by all gedolim. May Hashem show you the truth of His Torah and save you from this idol.
No, my perception does not suffer from any such bias. Nor is it hyperbole.(Regarding Rav Elchonon, you can take out a kovetz maamrim and see for yourself.)
Let’s repeat. For close to a century, from even before the terrible date on which the Zionists founded their shmad State in 1948, the Zionists have ACTIVELY shmaded their “fellow” Jews, intentionally stripping their religion away from them. We now see three generations of Jews that are anywhere between either avowedly anti-religious or, at best, somewhat religious and believing in the idolatry of Zionism, all due only to Zionist shmad.
Nothing like that has happened in the USA. In fact, the opposite has occurred. Moreover, there are numerous kiruv and other places throughout the USA, including on colleges, and in communities. So there are plenty of opportunities for unaffiliated Jews to learn about their heritage. Finally, the USA is a religious country (though the left is certainly trying awfully hard to change that) that both believes in G-d and respects religion, including in their army (very unlike the Zionists). The Zionist entity hates G-d and abhors religion, though they do tolerate Judaism to whatever extent is necessary to “control” it and perpetuate their Big Lie of being the “Jewish” State.
There are a number of very big differences between the two.
Eisav sonei liYaakov is axiomatic, but its practical application depends on, essentially, the degree of separation between Klal Yisrael and the umos. That’s what the Beis HaLeivi wrote on “hamavdil bein kodesh liChol, bein or liChosech, bein Yisrael laAmim…”.
As Rav Miller Zatza”l wrote, before the war, you had whole towns that were frum that became haskala towns. Numerous -isms, including, of course, Zionism, ensnared numerous Jews in their heretical nets. The Satmar Rav wrote how gedolim in the years before WW II said it would be a miracle if something did NOT happen to the Jews there.
Since WW II, however, almost everywhere, there has been an enormous tidal wave of recovery from the war and return to Torah. In the US, for example, the Torah landscape is massive relative to the little that existed before and immediately after WW II.
The only exception is, of course, the Zionist State of Israel, which shmaded and continues to shmad at least three generations now, though some of whom (but certainly not all) have come back to the Torah and, despite the Zionists’ many evils, there are many yeshivos there.
So, if your concern is safety in galus, you probably do not want to be under the Zionists which Rav Elchonon Wasserman called the worst galus of all, the galus of the Yevsektzia. Particularly when looking at a pig-eater like Yvet Lieberman, this becomes all the more apparent, though that applies similarly under the prior atheist Zionist Prime Minister Milikowsky (AKA “Netanyahu”) and all the others that preceded the pseudo-kippah wearing current Zionist PM.
Any claim that Israel is a “safe haven” for Jews is not only delusional but also simple Zionist idolatry. The Zionist mess, on every level, including both spiritual and physical, in the portions of E”Y that they have invaded, are nothing to envy.
December 30, 2021 1:58 pm at 1:58 pm in reply to: The world should take action on Israel’s treatment of charedim #2046654HaKatanParticipantre: Asking goyim to intervene is a bad idea:
Not in the case of evil Zionists, it’s not a bad idea.(akuperma: That’s Zionist mythology. The Zionists, as the self-appointed leaders of world Jewry, insisted Palestine or the gas chambers and the Zionists lobbied governments against allowing Jews into their countries.)
Other than the Holocaust (in which, anyways, the Zionists had much more involvement than most people could dream), the worst possible scenario is the Zionists.
Since the Zionists invaded a century ago, the frum community begged the British and UN to leave them separate from the Zionists.
Right on. Yasher Koach.HaKatanParticipantThe Zionists don’t allow the chareidim to work unless they convert to Zionism. Abolishing that Zionist cruelty would help.
November 16, 2021 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm in reply to: Newspaper coverage of Rav Shaul Alter’s visit #2029261HaKatanParticipantThere is no reason that Hamodia couldn’t have published some pictures and simply captioned it “Rav Shaul Alter visits America”.
The omission of this whole visit was noticeable.
November 9, 2021 11:38 pm at 11:38 pm in reply to: Isreili police treat chareidim with underserved brutality #2026539HaKatanParticipant@akuperma
@Yabia OmerActually, the purpose of Zionism was and is, as Rav Chaim Brisker explained a century ago, long before 1948, simply shmad.
He said that people think that the Zionists shmad in order to achieve a State. But it’s the opposite: Zionists need a State in order to shmad.
The main goal of Zionism, as proudly noted on any of their web sites, is to change the Jewish people from a G-dly Torah people to a godless land-based nationalist nation.
That’s the purpose of Zionism. Always was and, of course, still is.
But, yes, chareidim (in and out of Israel) are living proof that Zionism is just a Big Lie and shmad.
That story might be true, but it isn’t honest to claim there’s no way that Rabbi Schneerson ever at least entertained the possibility that he would be Mashiach.Rav Shach, in his efforts to prevent Klal Yisrael from falling for the fallacy of Chabad Messianism, stated that Rabbi Scheerson was trying to convince himself that he is Mashiach.
There’s much out there about this topic of Rabbi Schneerson indicating that he is/will be/could be Mashiach. Tablet magazine has a long article by R’ David Berger from secular year ’14, which has many references to Chabad and other publications, at least some of which (the links) are still active, about this.
HaKatanParticipantRegarding Yaakov Avinu Lo Meis, it doesn’t mean that he didn’t pass away. It says Vayigva, which means according to one meforesh (on Avraham Avinu’s death, as I recall) that he became ill with choli meiayim before he died and then died.
The gemara in Taanis questions on the spot that they embalmed Yaakov and were maspid him, etc. so how could you say that he didn’t die? The gemara then answers that it does NOT say vaYamas because there is a drasha to be made from that omission. But, of course, he did pass away. He is buried in Mesaras haMachpeila. He, himself, told Yosef that he will die “meis”. Etc.
The Zera Shimshon (on ViZos HaBracha, if memory serves) quotes the Zohar that Moshe Rabbeinu lo meis. He says that “meis” means, if I understood correctly, that the neshama ascended to a higher state upon dying, meaning higher than that in which it was previously when alive/in the body.
So, he says, that both by Yaakov and Moshe, their neshama was just as pure, etc. while alive in their body as afterwards when they died and the neshama left their body; Yaakov Avinu, due to all the yissurim that he had in addition to his holiness and purity and Moshe Rabbeinu, of course, being the navi that only he was, etc.
HaKatanParticipantWe have a mesorah that Mashiach will come, so Rabbi Hillel’s opinion in the gemara is not practically relevant any more, for whomever brought that up before.
Next, even if Moshiach could be from those who have already passed away, to claim that Rabbi Schneerson, who lived many generations later, is greater than Daniel who was a real navi and whose prophecies are part of our Tanach, or even that he is greater than Rebbi (the compiler of the Mishna), is an absurd non-starter.
And the “Ain sof” line is an even worse heresy than the atzmus stuff. At least the atzmus stuff you could dreidel away with a docheik that is, of course, not the true explanation, but you could at least claim it is.
But saying that any human being is infinite (ain sof) is simply calling them G-d because the only infinite being is G-d himself. That’s it. This is essentially Christianity. Nebach.
HaKatanParticipantThe Zionists hate real Judaism because Zionism is all about replacing Judaism with Zionism, as can be seen on the WZO’s web site and elsewhere.
The Zionists, in addition to being heretics who shmad Jews, are also influenced by and have practiced various secular philosophies like Nietzsche’s uber-mensch, which is partly why they hold so much disdain for, and acted so abominably towards, the Yemenites and others.
Does that somewhat answer your questions?
Yes. I did.You could also look around at various communities and workplaces where you live (if you live in a civilized country). No way are those numbers remotely possible.
As well, it seems very ill-advised (no pun intended) to take the numbers from the world as a whole and then use that as a basis for advice you give to people in civilized countries. It would make much more sense to use just the numbers from that country or, at most, from only first-world countries.
Your numbers are obviously grossly inaccurate, well beyond the point of absurdity.HaKatanParticipantmobico:
1 out of 50 who contract Covid then die? Do you mean after 120 years?The survival rate of Covid is somewhere around 99.9%.
August 29, 2021 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2004007HaKatanParticipantWhen davening in MO shuls, I find it strange that not only do the congregants not wear hats, including, in many cases, the Rabbi, many congregants (unlike the Rabbi) do not wear the attire that they would wear if meeting a king/nobleman/whatever.
Any MO “halakha” on that topic?
HaKatanParticipantakuperma is, of course, right.
It’s true that hospitals were overwhelmed in the beginning, but that’s partly because Antiochus did not use the Hospital ship that President Trump sent him, and other preventable factors, including that Antiochus also decreed that life-saving treatments, like HCQ+Zinc (not HCQ alone) were forbidden.
This is a chutzpah of the highest order. A doctor should always have the right to say that based on his training and experience, this is what he feels is right for this particular patient. To have a politician deny that, and as a “blanket rule” is, again, a chutzpah of the highest order.
ViHaKesef yaAneh es haKol.
No, that was a polite way of saying that he was and is right.HaKatanParticipantI have seen online that people claim that Ivermectin can cure Covid, even once the immune system has attacked the body.
HaKatanParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions wrote:
> While I do not want to underestimate the challenges,
> should we not ask –
> what is the value of 12+ years of Jewish education
> that is destroyed in a few months of a dorm?Reply:
“Jewish education” does not typically precede enrolling and moving into a “college dorm”, other than in “Modern Orthodoxy”.Given the adulteration of “MO” education with “modernity”, Zionism and other heresies, it would not be a big surprise that a secular college dorm could do major damage to the soul of a Jew brought up “MO”.
But, even for someone who learned in a school that does not corrupt and taint their Judaism as does “MO”, still, of course a few months in a college dorm are lethal to a Jewish soul, regardless of how good is its education.
There are many examples in our mesorah about this. For example, Rashi tells us that the reason bnei Reuven joined with Korach in his rebellion against (Hashem and) Moshe Rabbeinu was their proximity to Korach. That’s it. Their proximity. Presumably, post-rebellion (start of), the bnei Reuven still learned Torah 24/7 as they always did. Yet even they were affected by this proximity to the point that they rebelled against Moshe Rabbeinu, about whom Hashem had already declared “viGam bicha yaameinu liOlam”.
A Jewish college student who is not only in proximity to all sorts of non-Jewish things, but also might join various non-Jewish activities and is also being actively taught all sorts of heresies, is obviously very vulnerable to losing all previous learning/hashkafa, etc. to the point of even losing his faith, R”L L”A.
HaKatanParticipantAs others have noted, it’s a result of Yiddish language infiltration into lashon haKodesh.
When speaking conversationally, it’s perfectly fine to speak Yiddish or any other language. But, when davening, Lashon haKodesh should be used without mixing in Yiddish into that pronunciation of Lashon haKodesh.