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December 15, 2011 7:24 pm at 7:24 pm in reply to: Aside from Michael Savage does anyone else see that there is something wrong wit #837388HaKatanParticipant
I think both Popa and BTGuy are correct, but depending on the time.
There is certainly much to be thankful for, B”H, at this point in this galus. That includes the things Popa mentioned.
However, there were gedolim of yesteryear who went so far as to demonstrate and rally in Washington (for Pikuach Nefesh purposes, true, but there is such a precedent) and did not instead bow down and ignore the danger.
So I think a balance must be struck between the two, and sometimes one attitude may be called for while, at others, the opposing attitude may be the correct one.
HaKatanParticipant“pet peeve”, I think you’re wrong.
Men, who have spent many years learning halacha and other areas of Torah are quite capable of expressing an opinion on this matter, though there should always be sensitivity.
Back to the topic:
Again, Zumba is “sensual” in nature. You simply cannot argue around that and it is therefore not justifiable for anyone no matter who they are or are not in front of. For other types of womaen’s dances/exercises, too, there’s no reason to use perverted motions and/or non Jewish music.
There’s no reason you can’t do fast dances, to fast Jewish music, that exercise your entire body in a dignified manner befitting a bas melech without resorting to disgusting animalistic imports from the land known for this particular form of pritzus.
I did not see anyone discouraging exercise for either gender, and that would be a mistaken notion if anyone did. But find a way to exercise that fits with kol kevuda bas melech penima, not to mention simple kavod haAdam and don’t resort to the many impurities from the street.
I’m curious how many defenders of this disgusting practice would feel if they heard the Queen of England takes Zumba lessons. Would they not think it’s at least tacky? Why is a Bas Melech not given *at least* that much chashivus?
HaKatanParticipantkollel_wife, Stern and Touro are not comparable in terms of potential issues. For starters, Stern is (proudly) “Modern Orthodox” while Touro is not.
HaKatanParticipantIf you went to an army ceremony, it would also be hard to pick people out due to the uniformity (pun intended) of the dress. Is that also objectionable?
There is an appropriate way to dress for each occupation.
In a business setting, you will likely find the same dark suits, etc.
While there is room for some variety in many professions, a (married/Kollel) Ben Torah, lihavdil, should look at least as professional as a business man, and this is probably what you saw in Lakewood.
As far as the raincoat, I only know of one that covers the felt hats that Bnei Torah wear, so that would explain the uniformity of that choice.
HaKatanParticipantVayeitzei, the shirt color is NOT “meaningless”. Shabbos demands a more fine mode of dress than during the week. But for during the week, it would seem perfectly reasonable for a Yeshiva boy to wear a “conservative” (i.e. non-flashy) colored shirt.
HaKatanParticipantI never heard of this whole business, but the only reason I could think of to *not* wear a white shirt is *IF* by wearing a white shirt it makes you think you’re an automatic Gadol HaDor. So if by not wearing a white shirt you maintain a balance and sense of perspective of who you are and where you’re holding, then it makes sense to not wear a white shirt (until it’s appropriate for you). Same goes for a tie and suit.
Imagine 4th graders coming into Yeshiva with suits on every day; it just doesn’t befit them, as nice as it may look.
However, if the standard dress is now to wear a white shirt, NOT because of the above, but simply because that’s the normal decent dress mode even for teens, then it makes sense that they would require white shirts even if they had not previously done so. BTW, this could also be extended to ties and even suits, if that’s what the (non-“faker”/”macher”) norm happens to be.
Just speculation…
HaKatanParticipantI think “a mamin” made an excellent point.
A poster further back said “as long as its only women, who cares what they do”? There is a clear lack of thought that went into that statement? What if they had pole-dancing classes, women only? Is that okay, too? Obviously not.
To be blunt, dancing like a zona is 1000% assur even if nobody is watching. It’s even worse if others, particularly men, are watching. But it’s still 1000% wrong even in total privacy.
But as someone else wrote, anyone (regardless of gender) who condones this terrible lack of tznius is clearly lacking in sensitivity to what it is to be tzanua.
To spell it out further, if you participate in immoral dances “with women only”, you’re guaranteed to be overall changed by this and, therefore, in front of men, too, you will also (to some extent) FOR SURE, dress/behave/act inappropriately (to some extent).
As to the ridiculous comment about tennis and house-cleaning, tennis is not intended to highlight the body and is not inherently non-tznius even if *might not* be advisable to play in front of men. On the other hand, Zumba and Latin American body dancing are clearly intended to highlight the body, which is completely antithetical to tznius.
HaKatanParticipantkfb, I’m not sure what your statistical sample is, but from a quick survey of my own “network”, the recent Touro grads in my network did get jobs in businesses large and small, depending on the individual. I don’t think it’s true that you have to go to YU if you want to get a job; that sounds a little absurd.
HaKatanParticipantreal-brisker, I agree. So if you’re not invited for the meal, what are you supposed to do between the chuppah and the first dance? And afterwards until the second dance? I assume you’d eat supper elsewhere…
HaKatanParticipantIf you get an invitation without a response card but with a Simchas Chassan ViKallah, it seems plain to me that nobody expects you to drive an hour or more just for the chuppah, then drive back home and turn around and then come right back for the 10:30 PM simchas chassan viKallah.
In this case, it’s obviously an either-or (but if you want to come to both then obviously they’ll be just as happy).
BTW, I happen to feel that this should be the norm; only very close family and select close friends should receive a response card. This would eliminate the “second class” issue.
The norm would be that unless you’re, say, either a brother or you’ve learned with the guy for 20 years, you’re getting a Chuppah and Simchas Chassan ViKallah invite. This would save millions of Jewish hard-earned dollars per year on full invites while still conveying to the invited party that you want to see them at your simcha and would be happy to provide dessert and tea, too, and allow that many more people to be misameach chassan vikallah (and stay for Sheva Brachos, too, once you’re coming that late…)
I am not at all insulted when I get a Chuppah/SImchas Chassan ViKalah invite. I take it as an acknowledgement that they wish me to participate in their simcha to the extent that they can reasonably offer, and I appreciate that. I don’t see the need to be insulted…
HaKatanParticipantMeinMeinung said it well, above.
In my humble opinion, I would add, if you were fortunate to have received a Yeshiva education, you might want to get both an Oz ViHadar to learn from and an Artscroll to refer to as needed, particularly for perakim with lots of aggadita and other heretofore unfamiliar concepts.
HaKatanParticipantI’m not familiar with all of them.
The Oz ViHadar has some excellent “Hagahos viTziyunim” on the side, which show both mareh mekomos and also textual corrections, additions, and re-insertions of text previously censored. These are not found in the slightly older standard Shas editions. It also takes other Rash”is found elsewhere in Shas and places them on the page for reference and to compare with the Rashis on the same words in the current tractate.
Also, the Oz ViHadar re-did the layout and text of the Ros”h, Maharsh”A, the Ra”N and others, and it is far more readable and clear, in my humble opinion, than the older format used in older standard gemaras.
In addition, the Oz ViHadar has some other nice touches both on and off the page, such as for each pasuk referenced on a given page in the gemara, the complete passuk is shown both on that page and, in the back, in the “Torah Or HaShalem”, is also shown there with some basic Rash”is, which gives the learner some context and basic explanation of the passuk.
Finally, like some other editions, the Oz ViHadar combined many of the smaller commentaries into one “Yalkut Mefarshim” browsable in the gemara’s page order, instead of giving a page or two to each and making the user search through each one individually as done in the older editions, which is far more time consuming than Oz ViHadar’s and some others’ way. There may also be some other acharonim in the yalkut that are not in some others.
Artscroll is best known for its English translation and associated commentary on facing pages, both in-line with the English transaltion of the text and expository comments below it. It is otherwise essentially the standard Gemara, minus all the commentaries in the back, but does have, on the page, Likutei Rash”i which bring down Rash”is on the same words that are found in other tractates, and Laazei Rashi which translates the Old French words occasionally brought down in Rash”i.
I’d personally recommend both, for many people. The Oz ViHadar is a beautifully done gemara with many mefarshim and enhancements, and the Artscroll can supplement that with an excellent translation and commentary, both running commentary in-line with the text and expository comments below the text.
HaKatanParticipantIt really depends on the person. It takes work to go to college and still learn bihasmada, so I don’t think that decision is for everyone, necessarily, provided you are sure that with Hashem’s help you will work in some sort of klei kodesh job and/or you will take a BTL and go for a Master’s in Education afterwards, which will make you a suitable candidate for many jobs in the field with that credential. Sorry for the rambling sentence…
HaKatanParticipantBottom line: does it look “nice” and “well-put together”, or does it clearly exceed that and demand inappropriate attention?
Is a long-hair sheitel the latter? Or the former? Or could it be either?
HaKatanParticipantIf your posek allows use of Braun (foil) shavers, those are great shavers.
HaKatanParticipantZionists are Euro-liberal and due to their unending struggle to be post-Jewish, will, as in the past, always turn the other cheek (like good Christians) regardless of what NK does or doesn’t do.
So it is absurd to suggest that NK is the cause of Israel’s lack of good PR, and it is further absurd to think that NK are the cause of their using second-choice military responses.
Think about what you’re saying, and you’ll realize it’s ridiculous.
The Zionsts were clearly wrong in charting this course against the majority of the gedolim of the early part of last century, and again, it’s their post-Jewish Euro-imitation that makes them not go in with force. Nothing to do with NK, however wrong as the NK’s methods may be.
HaKatanParticipantThere are major differences between our society today and that in Europe. For one, nobody in Europe then dressed like society does here. The entire attitude of sexual permissiveness has infected our society far more than in any other. This, like anything else in society, unfortunately, has a clear trickle-down effect to everyone no matter how frum they are unless they really work on themselves. So social meeting in a suit and tie or long coat versus social meeting in casual clothes or worse in today’s society cannot be compared.
To put it more bluntly, social-meeting today causes people to be attracted to each other for purely physical reasons (this goes for guys and even for girls) rather than for crucial personality and compatibility reasons (which is one reason why a shadchan who can try to determine this before-hand is so helpful), besides for physical attraction.
HaKatanParticipantI think it MIGHT have been a perfectly innocent compliment so I wouldn’t blow it out of proportion. But I would make sure it doesn’t go beyond a one-time compliment and stays 100% professional.
HaKatanParticipantsplenda, I appreciated your post. Thanks.
HaKatanParticipantAs far as the mussar stuff, I disagree that it is applicable here because what you seem to imply has nothing to do with personal middos but is rather a cultural issue, not a personality issue, from your description.
HaKatanParticipantPerhaps you can introduce to him, in a non-judgmental way, an alternative way. There’s no law that says he can’t relate differently to your kids if the two of you decide that works better. Perhaps speak to a trustworthy Rav that knows you both and see what ideas he has.
HaKatanParticipantIt’s also important to differentiate between the different types of “going slow” as I can’t believe gedolim are against learning pshat, whatever it takes this generation to do so.
HaKatanParticipantSpeaking of weather, the other week there was a storm consisting of “tea-cup sized hail”, as in ICE in AUGUST, that fell on the communities roughly along the Queens-Nassau border.
China today had sustained 60+ ft waves that threatened a chemical plant that, it seems, they’re scrambling to keep safe.
Not to mention Japan’s 1-2 knockout punch earlier in the year.
And on a different note, the relatively vast number of roshei yeshiva who recently joined the Yeshiva shel maalah, as well as the young kadosh vitahor tinok shel beis rabban Leiby A”H who did as well.
Lihavdil, the general economic situation/depression and now the “threat of default” nonsense that just ate up more millions of dollars of people’s money…it’s hard to imagine that such things could not have been prevented and/or at least nipped in the bud. But they weren’t and here we are.
And in Israel, supposedly not so hard hit by this “recession”, even working people with decent salaries can’t pay their rents and have taken to the street to emphasize that.
The umos haOlam obviously don’t get it, of course, and, in truth, nobody other than a navi knows what Hashem’s reasons are, but if one had to speculate, one might think that while the umos are busy upending the natural order of the world by turning upside down the definition of marriage to include kesivas kesuba lizachar, about which that is their only zechus for kiyum as Chazal have said, (not to mention their general descent into ever more brazen and deeper immorality) Hashem has inflicted massive physical upheavals to the natural order, most easily seen in the major weather-related anomalies.
And the riots in London that have spread to neighborhoods where acheinu binei Yisrael are living.
This is all (both individually and together in the broad picture) very, very, very much not normal.
May we all be zoche to the geulah sheleimah BB”A.
HaKatanParticipantI have a number of good friends, some Ashkenaz and some Sefard, and there are plenty of “intermarriages” between the two groups.
But the comparison to MO or chassidus is a faulty one. An Ashkenaz person and a Sefard person who went through the same or similar schools are likely at a similar level of observance and hashkafa (every individual is different, of course, though) so you would expect shidduchim between those 2 groups would make sense. But to compare that to an MO or Chassidic person who went to very different schools and/or has very different hashkafos, is ridiculous as one would need to adopt a very different STANDARD of observance rather than adapt to slight differences in the SAME LEVEL of observance.
HaKatanParticipantFirst, I’m sorry to hear of your pain.
Second, I think observanteen and others said it well.
Clearly, he is having some serious issues, and, as much as he *may* be struggling, it is obviously absurdly ridiculous to blame all that on you not looking like you did the day you got married.
From what you described, it sounds like he is depressed and/or otherwise dysfunctional primarily due to other issues, including perhaps his marital history and other reasons not directly related to you.
Also, if he’s not putting on Tefillin due to depression then that’s a whole different story than if he CH”V does not believe in Torah and Mitzvos. I’m assuming that’s why this Rav told you to stay out of your husband’s observance issues, as it seems to be due to external issues and not anything that can be addressed in that way. If it were a matter of chizuk in emuna then that *might* be a different story, but if he knows full well he should be putting on Tefillin (and more) then that’s not something to be dealt with lightly.
As far as his rejecting you, if he’s depressed and/or otherwise struggling with other issues then even if you looked perfect it still wouldn’t take away that depression and/or other issues. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be helpful to him; the more that works out well, the better, of course. But from what you write, the main problems/issues would still be there and outside intervention of some sort might still be needed.
A professional should be able with Hashem’s help to sort this out and that hotline might have the right shaliach on their lists.
Hatzlacha Rabba and much simcha viNachas to both of you from each other and your families.
HaKatanParticipantI’ve seen many good photogs who do NOT “get in the way”.
Though I don’t really see the premise of the question…
HaKatanParticipantThe comment of:
“” but if you look into the story lines”
True, but by that standard much of Tanakh would be problematic.”
has implications that border on apostasy, CH”V.
And how dare anyone compare our holy Tanach to the depravity of the secular world?
Looking into the story lines of an opera, by your own admission, indicates various problems that make it unsuitable for consumption by G-d-fearing Jews. You mitigate that by positing that Tanach has similar issues, CH”V.
In this regard, the key difference between opera and, lihavdil ribei rivavos havdalos, our holy Torah, even assuming the stories are somewhat similar, is that if Hashem chose to put the story of, say, pilegesh biGiv’ah in the holy Torah, then he intended at least someone(s) to intentionally sit down and study it learn something from it, perhaps not a 10 year old child, but certainly some people at some point in their live(s). And, equally important, even *if*/when there were aveiros committed in some of the stories, there is no tumah in appropriately *learning* about it, as Hashem and His Torah are kulo kodesh. There is certainly no such guarantee about much else on this earth, and as you yourself admitted, certainly not on an opera performance.
Even if you might find one or more positive lessons to learn from an opera show, which is quite possible, this does not permit one to trample the other issurim to do so. So the holy Tanach (of all things!) cannot be used to justify immorality nor CH”V to suggest that any immorality is found in appropriate learning of the holy Tanach which is the far worse of the two implications, imho.
HaKatanParticipantUnless you get a personal psak otherwise, I would think Pac Man is basically on the money (perhaps they’re not 100% treif, but they are all definitely treif to various extents).
FACT: You are at least 99% guaranteed to negatively affect your neshama if you go to any performance that is NOT conceived, produced and acted by (pure) Torah-observant Jews. Simply, there has to be at least something in there, whether in concept, execution or both, that is kineged the Torah.
Shevet Reuven fell for Korach’s illogical arguments and rebelled against Moshe Rabbeinu who spoke to G-d face-to-face, Rashi says, because of their proximity in their encampments. But you’re sure you won’t be in any way negatively affected by going to an opera show? Really? It seems foolish and intellectually dishonest to bring raayos from what great men like these did in the times they lived in then for what could very well be personal or otherwise specific reasons/parameters.
In case this is not obvious: when you go to an opera show (or baseball game or anywhere else), you are subconsciously assimilating everything you see and hear. Now multiply that as needed given the emotional song and dance that goes on and it’s much more than subconscious (which is bad enough as you can’t defend it if you tried, unlike someone offering you a ham sandwich).
Besides the above:
The sexual debauchery of today was not what Rav Hutner allegedly went to see at an opera show. Also, since you’re not Rav Hutner, unless your Rav tells you it is okay, it is absurd to cherry-pick something he did then and take it as a carte-blanche heter for you. Incidentally, I don’t recall he recommend Opera in Pachad Yitzchak. Do you have a source for that?
Ditto for Rav Soloveichik, who, by the way, said that the more one can DISengage from modern society, the better! But cherry-picking and ignoring that is more convenient, of course.
Again, not every heter is universal or even close to it. Many are highly individual.
The technical parameters of kol isha are mainly irrelevant if you’re trampling on other issurei dioraysa and dirabbanan as those would in and of themselves forbid one from going to an opera performance. Such as, perhaps, Lo Sikrivu and uvichukoseihem lo seleichu for starters.
Whatever bein-adam laMakom aveiros you may choose to do are between you and G-d (and your Rav, if he permitted YOU to do it), but it’s certainly inappropriate to besmirch the name of great talmidei chachamim (who, as human beings, could have had special circumstances and/or could *possibly* have erred) to give yourself a faux heter to violate issurim chamurim.
HaKatanParticipantI believe it’s actually a machlokes if the mitzva of tzitzis applies during the day or if wearing daytime clothes.
In addition to being mevatel the mitzvas asei, since everyone else is wearing tzitzis all day, one would likely be considered poresh min hatzibur if one decided that he knew better. Pirkei Avos (and, lihavdil, common sense) says not to do so.
Ask your LOR, especially regarding sports; I don’t see the sense in sweating up and walking around with sweaty tzitzis. So if you’re playing intense basketball in shorts and a tee shirt then it would make sense to me to leave the tzitzis off during that time on the court.
HaKatanParticipantminyan gal, the founders of this country were proud Christians, and since their concept of “God” is the trinity while yours, lihavdil, is not, what they did at that first Thanksgiving is certainly NOT what we do every Friday night and Yom Tov.
On another note, we thank Hashem at daily tefillos and other occasions, not the once a year we get around to it, so it is at least inappropriate for that reason. (Similarly, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are also not up to par.)
July 4th, on the other hand, is completely secular and national so Christianity has nothing to do with it, presumably. Having said that, that doesn’t mean it’s therefore a mitzva to celebrate it, but simply celebrating/BBQing in a dignified manner, preferably as a seudas mitzvah, would seem to be appropriate Hakaras HaTov to this Medina Shel Chessed. Ask your LOR, of course.
HaKatanParticipantRabbi Horowitz did do a video on this topic recently, and, though I only watched part of it, it seems to be excellent.
HaKatanParticipantMy guess is that hoods are too casual, like Jeans skirt vs Cotton/Poly/Wool.
HaKatanParticipantre: KGH
"The Sephardim pronounce Hebrew correctly. Ashkenazim destroy the language, mostly by putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable. By doing this, they often change the meaning of the phrase. And before anyone jumps all over my comments, even the 'holy' Artscroll Siddurim have indicators of where to put the emphasis."
Your point on emphasis is somewhat correct, but, other than that, are you joking? How on earth can a kamatz and patach sound identical and have no sound for kamatz? And how sure are you that a tav without a dagesh is supposed to be pronounced identically with a dagesh?
The teimanim, who differentiate each letter/dagesh much more than sefardim and even ashkenazim do, are probably the closest to the original.
But Zionist hebrew, as a made-up dialect, has no place in anything holy like Tefillah. Nor does Yiddish, for that matter, just because your corner of Europe happened to pronounce a yiddish kamatz more like a segol in spite of your mesorah that clearly did not pronounce it that way before that.
The biggest proof, in my opinion, as to the invalidity of many of the common pronunciations out there is the complete lack of consistency.
For example, in chassidic havaras, some “kamatz” are pronounced properly like a kamatz (as in “much”) while most are pronounced improperly like a “shuruk” (as in “boot”).
In Ashkenazic havara, girls are taught a “cholam” is “oh” while boys are taught (often after being first taught correctly like the girls) it is pronounced “oy”. Sefardim and teimanim pronounce it “oh” and Germans slightly accent it to “ow”. Yet the “oy” is still taught as the correct way to pronounce “oh”?
Regarding emphasis:
Though Ashkenazim can, should, and in many cases do use the correct emphasis “Vi – A – Hav – **TA**”, not “Vi – A – **HAV** – ta” in shema is an example of an important difference that makes for a difference.
However, since English (and Yiddish) is typically pronounced “mileil”, not “milra” as much of lishon haKodesh is, English (and Yiddish) speakers tend to inadvertently but incorrectly apply the same pronunciation to lishon HaKodesh. This is a problem, and should be corrected, but it is not an Ashkenazi havara rule unlike the chassidic/yiddish and sefardi pronunciations whose issues *are* “policy”.
HaKatanParticipantmw13, that story is nauseating and I can’t see any halachic limud zchus in that story other than “oy larasha oy lishcheino”, as in last week’s parsha. There is absolutely no excuse for acting like a common ape instead of a human being.
First, you didn’t write where you were referring to, though your writing indicated the Eastern side of the Atlantic Ocean. However, if you were referring to NY and you are from, say England, please realize that New York is a busy place and NYers act that way. Think “Erev Shabbos”, 30 minutes to Shabbos. If someone needs your help, you might be happy to help even though you are under pressure to get some things done before Shabbos but that is not the time for needless small talk. I am not precisely defining this, but that should be somewhat accurate. As far as I’ve seen, this is a uniquely NY phenomenon, and it definitely has its advantages, though there is a down-side, too.
Besides for the above, I think there is a certain “familiar familial” feeling that is present at some of these establishments, which precludes the ability to serve customers the way they do in the (secular) world at large.
In other words, I get the feeling that in Jewish stores in heavily Jewish areas they expect that, like family, you would let them know if you need something but that, also like family, you don’t expect to be wined and dined since you could simply “help yourself” and, to an appropriate extent, “make yourself at home” and simply “speak up”.
I think the gender thing is also an issue, but this doesn’t explain your experiences if your counter-person was male.
HaKatanParticipantWhile it seems like it’s ultimately not correct, there really is no precedent to deciding this, unlike the sham immigration marriages, so I think it’s a fair question.
NYS has redefined marriage to be anything goes and nothing to do with things that usually come with a marriage. So why can’t 2 yeshiva guys, who can be extremely close to each another (without being physically close, of course) consider themselves “married”? NYS has has just destroyed the both the sanctity and definition of marriage in NYS, so the answer should depend solely on how the state legally defines “marriage”.
This is assuming there are no other halachic issues like maris ayin. I would assume there is no such issue here because “lo nechshidu yisrael lo al mishkav zachar…” so it should be obvious to any observer that this is a marriage in the now-legal sense but not one that violates any issurim which should mean no maris ayin issue.
HaKatanParticipant“I bet if you were married in the last 20 years you came out to one of those songs too”
Bad bet to make. I have been to numerous weddings where the chosson/kallah insisted on only Jewish music and the band easily obliged them, INCLUDING for the opening dance. I don’t recall off-hand the songs used, but given the breadth of Jewish music out there, there must be (and are) options.
I feel the non-Jewish music is especially inappropriate at any seduas mitzvah, especially for a newlywed couple who are both newly tahor on their personal Yom Kippur, not to mention the rest of Klal Yisrael, so if some non-Jewish intro is played then I avoid dancing until the Jewish music starts.
HaKatanParticipantzahavasdad, in addition to Health’s point, you are making a (false) assumption that you will never meet them and you are also ignoring the societal ramifications of which, as I said earlier, do apply even to those in Boro Park.
The first mistake is to think this perversion is “merely” what “someone does in their private home”.
Do you ever travel to, for example, Manhattan’s Penn Station? Do you not realize that Penn Station (not to mention beaches and other places that could be avoided) looks different today than years ago? Do you not realize that, the more “normal” this perversion becomes, CH”V, you and everyone will see men holding hands and more strutting through Penn Station? Do you not realize this will have a powerful sub-conscious impact on you and certainly on impressionable children?
That’s besides the less tangible but still frightening societal changes it would bring.
HaKatanParticipantIt’s unbelievable how so many otherwise intelligent people have their heads in the sand about this issue.
YES, it definitely does affect us. It should be patently obvious that if this bill passes it is not a good thing for Jews, even if the effects take some time before they filter down, CH”V (though it’s already pretty terrible, may Hashem redeem us all BB”A).
Imagine a father-daughter or brother-sister alliance wanted the same for themselves, that a father and daughter or brother and sister should be allowed to have spousal benefits. Nothing to do with the bedroom, of course, but nonetheless they want equal rights…what about a man and his dog? Still no problem?
The more “normal” any perversion becomes, the more it will infiltrate into our holy camps. There’s nothing to debate and no amount of sheltering and talking about it post-facto will help return it to the days before it became legal.
Look around Chazal and take your pick…how about this week’s parsha? Binei Reuven got caught up with Korach’s rebellion because, Rashi says, Oy Larasha oy Lishcheino. This means, simply, that the Bnei Reuven knew better than to start up with Moshe Rabbeinu and Hashem Himself, but their mere proximity was enough to have them err and commit a grievous sin, one that makes no logical sense to an outside observer given Moshe Rabbeinu’s greatness and direct connection to Hashem.
If you live in NY and care about (acting and) raising kids properly, you do not want this bill to pass, no matter how little the effect may be on you, personally.
June 16, 2011 3:09 pm at 3:09 pm in reply to: Yet another tznius issue (but probably not a crisis) #778252HaKatanParticipantI see the concern, and I presume they wanted to have the logo as part of a uniform but did not intend it to be advertising, just for internal unity, so to speak. This may have backfired as the OP mentioned, but I imagine they meant well.
HaKatanParticipantMike, it is indeed sad.
While it may or may not be miraculous, it has also been very disastrous. Did your family also witness the atrocities of the Yaldei Teiman to the many other spiritual and physical atrocities from then all the way forward to things like the Oslo abomination and the various vicious expulsions of Jews at the hand of Jews or other Israelis? It is extremely sad, indeed, what brought about this State and what it has done to those it ironically claims it best protects, regardless of who does or does not live there. Has your family retained its strong pre-war Judaism in a supportive Jewish environment? Has your family been exposed to good Jewish values, or was it the anti-Torah post-Jewish Zionist values (including the IDF and its gender-mixing issues, regardless of the noble work they do in defending the lives of the Jews living there now that the Zionists insisted on a State)?
In fact, there are a great many yeshivos and many gedolim who live in Israel, and I alluded to that in my prior post. But that doesn’t change the facts of what happened and what is right and what is not right. It only supplies more fuel for fallacious rhetoric in an attempt to kasher this Chazir that, sadly, is even more like an Egel HaZahav than chazir.
From a practical perspective, as I’ve often written on these boards, Israel is a reality and it has placed itself responsible for millions of our brethren. This is not a flippant matter but one that requires a prudent practical approach now that Israel is a reality and the facts on the ground are what they are. But this does not excuse Zionism nor condone it in any way. It only further clarifies the disaster that Zionism was and is for Jews as a people.
HaKatanParticipantYom Yerushalayim and all Zionist holidays are de facto, if not de jure, neutral if not sad days as any Zionist victory is built on their massive failure and tremendous damage they inflicted on us before that (and afterwards).
It would be (somewhat) like making a Yom Tov to commemorate the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Was this a bright moment in a terribly bleak time? Definitely. Is it a cause for celebration? I don’t think so.
Is it nice to be able to go to the Kosel? Yes. Does that mean Yom Yerushalayim should be celebrated? I don’t see why it should, given the history and the facts, even if one doesn’t consider this to be further illegal hisgarus baUmos which would mean it’s definitely not a cause for celebration.
Had Zionism not started back in the 1800s, it is quite likely we would have access to worship at the Kosel even without Zionism. I have yet to hear anyone disprove or even suggest a plausible reason that this would not be the case.
Given all the political upheaval of two world wars in the last century, it is overwhelmingly likely that had Zionism not started, (Moshiach would have been here by now and) Eretz Yisrael would have been no different than the UK or any of its former colonies, which is to say Jews would have been free to worship anywhere and to buy the same lands they now own there and to build there whatever they want just as is done in chutz laaretz. Yeshivos, shuls, et al.
That is a definite possibility. Is it certain that this would have happened? No. But is it a definite possibility? Absolutely. Anyone who denies this has either been blinded by Zionism and is not being objective.
So there is no reason to celebrate Yom Yerushalayim or any other Israeli holiday because Zionism was opposed by (most) all gedolim, not just Rabbi Teitelbaum of Satmar, and Zionism is clearly nothing to celebrate (that much is painfully obvious in retrospect) and, therefore, neither are its “bright spots” (assuming it is even an overall bright spot).
HaKatanParticipantRe: Lemony Snicket:
“Ever heard of the 1929 arab pogroms? Almost 20 years before the “medina” was even created, arab savages murdered 133 Jews including 68 in Hebron just for the simple fact that they were living in the land of their Forefathers. It’s almost as if you’re making an excuse for the arab brutalities. “
You’re inventing reasons for what the savages did. And you’re wrong, according to people who were there, like Rabbi Kaplan. Have you ever heard of “Shema Yisrael HaKosel Shelanu HaKosel Echad” which was a “religious zionist” idea at the time? This inflamed the savages (who were told that Al Aqsa was being threatened) and they acted like the barbarians they are.
So the Chevron Massacre does NOT at all indicate that the Arabs hated us before Zionism as Zionism actually pre-dated both the State and the Chevron Massacre by a good number of decades and the massacre did not happen in a vacuum.
None of this is intended to in any way excuse the savages for what they did. But it is also fallacious to say Zionism had nothing to do with it.
HaKatanParticipantFAFSA is what, $5K max per year? And it’s also income-restricted, right?
So how does FAFSA (is MASA a state program that applies only to your state) help when they want $22K?
HaKatanParticipantGoq, I am saddened to hear your pain, but I would hope that, in fact, you are misinterpreting her gestures and she has nothing against you.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she just heard that gemara about Uncles marrying Nieces and that kind of threw her and she was shy and confused because of that…also, young people do some strange things, both of which others have noted.
I’d be surprised if she actually intended to make you feel bad, though I obviously don’t know the people personally. I hope you can keep a good relationship in the future, BE”H, once this phase has passed.
Many simchas for all of you!
HaKatanParticipantNK is not the “right-wing” of “Orthodox” Jewry. They are the most extreme, perhaps, in their anti-Zionism, but that doesn’t innately make them the greatest proponents of the Torah.
The whole question of L/R Orthodoxy is somewhat meaningless as we’re talking about Toras Emes, not, lihavdil, petty politics. And you can’t be only somewhat orthodox; you either are, or are not. Are there chumros? Yes. Kulos? Ditto. But that’s a much more rigid framework than lihavdil ultra-liberal Democrat versus ultra-conservative Republican.
Also, since Mesorah and Minhag play an important role in “Orthodoxy” (among other reasons), it is therefore a totally different question than, lihavdil, something as inane as politics.
HaKatanParticipantMANY guys continue to smoke after they get married no matter how much they love their wives. This is reality, and if you are willing to risk your life by dating a smoker, please do NOT have any illusions that he (or she) will likely quit. Is it possible? Yes, and I do know one or two people who have. But are the odds in your favor? NO WAY!
You can ask your mechaneches, Rav or whomever you look to for advice, but there is no person on this planet, no matter how many other maalos they have, that is worthwhile dating if he is so lacking in middos and brains that he is a smoker, even a “once-in-a-while” smoker. It’s very wrong and it speaks terribly of the person who smokes.
I happened to have been at a popular minyan factory in a certain well-established frum neighborhood and it was disgusting that there was no smoke-free area of the shul that I could get to and (not that anyone was smoking in shul, but) the strong lingering stench of cigarettes was repulsive (and a chilul Hashem). We are an am navon vichacham and yet this is what a shul smells like!?!
Also, anyone who starts to smoke now has an even lesser likelihood of quitting than someone who started 10 years ago, as someone who starts now is ignoring the many additional years of further medical knowledge of this deadly disgusting disease-causing dumb and deranged ADDICTIVE habit.
HaKatanParticipantWhether or not it’s on the news as a major event, one can safely assume there are military operations constantly going on in conflict areas worldwide.
So it’s a safe bet to assume that there are at least some soldiers in Gaza. In the event there aren’t, I’m sure Gilad Shalit, may Hashem free him from captivity soon, would appreciate the Tehillim said on his behalf as he is reported to be in Gaza.
HaKatanParticipantVirtually every society has its elegant and put-together form of dress. The form of dress of the United States and of many “Western” countries is that of a suit and hat. Unfortunately, the hat (and suit jacket, and soon the tie, too) have been mostly abandoned due to society’s decadence. However, the many military and other respectable institutions (like police departments), whose uniforms do include a hat, provide continued proof that a hat (and suit) is the most elegant form of dress, even if you would not nowadays wear a hat if you are not in a profession whose uniform includes a hat.
The black hat, in particular, is essentially as Grandmaster stated above. It’s not innately any more respectful than a different elegant hat, say, a Navy uniform’s cap, but in context it most likely is.
Therefore, *unless your minhag is otherwise* or there are practical consideration involved (work, people, etc.), it follows that a yeshiva-educated male would wear a hat to davening if not also throughout the day not less than, say, a firefighter or police officer wears his cap whenever he is on duty.
HaKatanParticipantSee the rishonim on Yaakov’s hiding Deena, during the meeting with Esav in the begining of Vayishlach, so Esav shouldn’t see her. The rishonim seem to say this was not proper as Deena, were she to have been his wife, could have influenced Esav Harasha to be better. Even Esav.
HaKatanParticipantIt’s obviously inadvisable to sit next to the opposite gender even if it’s not as obvious as not eating pork. Have you ever heard Lashon Hara (without wanting to, of course)? Does that make it okay? Obviously not.
And, incidentally, (perhaps?) you should not sit next to the opposite gender on a bus or train (even IF it is not technically forbidden? Ask your LOR, but don’t assume and extrapolate when it is not based on halacha.
As far as concerts, while it might be just fine to sit next to your spouse at a concert, that doesn’t mean there are no other issues in mixed concerts that need to be addressed. Are there any issues that concern you, personally? Perhaps ask your LOR.