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  • in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955539

    ROB, it’s too bad you can’t find the sefarim I mentioned, but that doesn’t negate what their great authors said, other than in your fantasy-land. As well, outside of your fantasy-land, Zionism was and is a disaster for Jews, as I also wrote.

    Finally, as I wrote, you anyways wouldn’t abandon your idolatry even if you saw those sources in black-and-white, so who are you trying to fool?

    There are many places which reference Rav Chaim’s position on Zionism. Dr. Levine from Stevens has an interesting piece which he mentioned “the malach” and the Brisker Rov.

    The Zionists have no answers, and you certainly don’t.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955538

    Just Emes:

    Your sources are not fitting your screen name. You are using Zionist propaganda as a basis for your statements. Read what really happened in 1948 and then try again. The Zionists had no reason other than Zionism to attempt to take Yerushalayim in 1948. This was a clear violation of shelo yaalu biChomah as they were not given Yerushalayim.

    Besides, the entire Zionist ascension was clearly anything but peaceful; it was definitely not biShalom. If you really want to get technical about who did and did not give permission, the Arabs of Mandatory Palestine were not members of the UN and they very much did not agree with Zionist aspirations. The UN, even if all its members agree, has no power to nullify the oaths.

    Regardless, this all only addresses the shelo yaalu biChomah oath. The political rule in Eretz Yisrael is a separate violation of not forcing an early end to the galus.

    Regarding Rav Moshe, even the Zionists admit that he was against flying the Israeli flag, both inside and outside shul and he called the founders of the State wicked, etc. and that if the Israeli flag were to be considered “holy” by Zionists then it would be like a keili of A”Z.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955537

    Avi K, we discussed all this. From the top.

    1. The oaths are halacha and are brought down by early poskim. And the same Rambam warned against violating them in Igeres Teiman.

    2. The oaths are a protection for us in galus. Even your own Zionist Rabbis try to come up with reasons for why the oaths are not in effect any more; if they were only for 1,000 years, and this logically makes no sense given the above, then there would be no reason to come up with any other reason why Israel and Zionism don’t violate them, which of course, they fragrantly do.

    3. The gentiles violating their oath is also irrelevant for the same reason. Our oaths are for our protection. It is stupid to give that up because the gentiles violated their oath.

    4. The Ohr Sameach you are quoting is, in my humble understanding, based on the forgeries from Rabbi Kasher. Either way, as I wrote earlier, the Ohr Sameach there allowed for people to go up and not for political rule as that would violate the other oath of trying to “force” the geulah.

    5. Rabbi Soloveichik was a Zionist, so he is not a raaya to anything.

    6. You are mistakenly assuming it is “obvious” that Rav Kahaneman did not agree. A recent talmid wrote on these boards that this is done for political purposes and not, CH”V, as an endorsement of the idolatry of Zionism.

    Rav Edelstein’s quote, too, does not endorse Zionism; while that obviously differs from the Satmar Rov, he, too, is not endorsing Zionism, only that since the State is, very unfortunately, a reality, that one who does not vote is poresh min haTzibur.

    Again, there are no sources to justify the idolatry of Zionism.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955536

    MDD, that has nothing to do with the halachic issues.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955530

    benignuman, no, that was not the position of the Ohr Sameach. We discussed this already. The UN is not representative of the entire world, much as they wish they were, and the Arab locals very much did not agree. Neither, for that matter, did the UK, who said that the Zionists were reading far more into their permission than they had intended. The Zionists clearly rebelled against the nations, and “Religious Zionists” struggle to find a heter for that rebellion, which they can’t.

    Regardless, even if it were with everyone’s permission, this would only address the oaths of rebelling against the nations, not the oath of going up en mass.

    As for the false claim of the oaths not being halacha, we covered this already also. The oaths are brought lihalacha by other poskim. (The lack of presence in Shulchan Aruch does not indicate its Halachic status.) The Rambam certainly believed it’s halacha when he wrote about it in Igeres Teiman. The Maharal said not to violate the oaths even if the nations forced Klal Yisrael to do so.

    The Tzitz Eliezer also thought it was with everyone’s permission, etc. and not to establish a political rulership, only to live there.

    Religious Zionists spill much ink trying to explain away the oaths. Just look at the Ohr Sameach you quoted, who clearly did hold of the oaths (until the Zionists mistakenly claim they became battel with some nations’ permission). This is a very basic distortion of the Ohr Sameach, as I wrote.

    But the Zionists don’t have any reasonable answers to justify their idolatry and against the oaths because there are no such answers.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955529

    I’m not sure what sina is involved and, even more so, why you consider it chinam.

    I think my post above to benignuman should answer your question, though it was Rav Elchonon who held that Zionism is A”Z: I don’t need to defend him and he obviously doesn’t need me to do so either.

    Violating the oaths is the crux of the matter.

    According to a Zionist web site, Rav Ovadia is “ambivalent” on Zionism.

    As I wrote, many religious Zionists struggle futilely to explain away the oaths.

    If you read Rav Ovadia’s actual positions as he’s quoted there, though, he is not a Zionist. He does not write that he advocates military conquest, considering it worthwhile to sacrifice lives CH”V for the State and he does also not write that he disregards the oaths.

    Here is what he wrote:

    “What is Zionist? By our understanding, a Zionist is a person who loves Zion and practices the commandment of settling the land. Whenever I am overseas I encourage Aliyah. In what way are they more Zionist than us?”

    Notice that last line: he defines Zionism as simply fulfilling the mitzva of settling the land, which means he seems to hold that the mitzva is, to some extent, in effect nowadays. But he does not say you can violate the oaths by doing so. Everyone davens for Tzion (i.e. not the government, in case that wasn’t clear) in shemone esrei and also there were other yishuvim before Zionism and I don’t know of an opinion that those people violated the oaths; they simply went to live in Eretz Yisrael, no strings attached. I don’t see Rav Ovadia saying differently.

    The Zionists have no answers to the oaths and the gross violations of those that Zionism was and is.

    in reply to: How do you understand "Vesimach es ishto?" #964353

    “ViEl Isheich Tishukaseich”, is what Hashem spoke to Chava.

    That doesn’t mean she can’t be happy otherwise, but this is her nature.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955526


    Religious Zionism, striving to “gain and maintain sovereignty in Eretz Yisroel as a religious obligation” is not held as being in force by any major gadol to justify violating the oaths. Aderaba, it’s a severe violation of the oaths. Again, even the Zionist Rabbis struggle (futilely) to explain away the oaths.

    Regarding after the state was established, there is no reason to believe Rav Elchonon would have held any differently except, like gedolim other than the Satmar Rov did, they joined in the State to save what they could from within. But, as Rabbi Resiman wrote, it was only the tactics that changed, not the ideals. The oaths were still in force and were being violated by Zionists.

    Outside Zionists, this is universal, not “just” the Brisker and Satmar Rabbanim.

    Zionism and the State were and are a terrible aveira and, besides that, a horrific disaster.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955525

    mdd, you’re the one “dreiing a kup”. No Zionist has yet produced a source by a universally accepted gadol, whose sefarim are learned in Yeshivos around the world, that claims this idolatry of Zionism is muttar.

    Your miracles story, as I posted, is meaningless. I addressed this already. The gemara records that miracles took place in a church. Are you joining them, CH”V?

    Come on.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955524

    ROB (cont.):

    As for looking at the “results” to see what was right:

    This is more amazing that the rest of your post. You imply that, say, the Chazon Ish, would look at Israel and its bloody and shmad history and deem all that worthwhile.

    Zionists call the tens of thousands of Jews who lost their lives for this idol “worthwhile”. Any grade school kid who is not brainwashed by Zionism could tell you that the Torah does not agree with them and you. It doesn’t take a gadol to do so.

    As well, the Zionists have shmaded generations of our people and still are doing so and they still have a mandatory draft, day-to-day reliance on a missile system which is proven not close to fully effective.

    Their Zionists quotes from before and during WW II are well known. The nazis ym”Sh used similar language and even used some of those quotes for their propaganda. Herzl himself said anti-semitism would become the friend of Zionism to justify their idolatrous existence.

    No matter how much Torah is thriving there by those who were not shmaded (or not completely shmaded in the case of “Religious Zionists”), Zionism has been a disaster for Jewry from a physical and Jewish spiritual perspective. Since Zionism is more important to you than either of those, you simple don’t care and write about pink elephants and living under Arab rule. Under Arab rule, the Yemenites had their mesorah from bayis roshon. We all know what the Zionists did to them and their mesorah once the Zionists fooled them into coming to Israel.

    As for why the Brisker Rov lived there, at least one thing is certain: unlike yourself, he understood Zionist shmad for what it was. So, given his knowledge and greatness, why should he not live on a higher level being in Eretz Yisrael? You live there because you believe in this A”Z; lihavdil, he did not.

    The more you bring up, the worse you make Zionism look to any objective observer. You really should just give it up and rejoin the original and true Jewish faith.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955523

    ROB, I’m waiting (not) for your retraction of your “hot air” accusation.

    Again, speaking of hot air…

    Contrary to your post, you are not “forced to post” except that you can’t help but desperately and futilely attempt to defend your idol of Zionism. Your “claims” have been answered numerous times despite your attempt to continue to spout these lies.

    Rabbi Kook was roundly condemned by gedolim for his shitos. They emphatically disagreed with him that atheist soccer players being greater than neviim. Please don’t ask me to write more about him; there is no point.

    Regarding Rabbi Zevin, bimchilas kivod Toraso haRama, you cannot put Rabbi Zevin against those multiple Torah greats like the Chofetz Chaim, the Brisker Rov, the Chazon Ish, Rav Elchonon, Rav Aharon, et al. some of whom were older than him by at least a generation and we know that earlier generations are greater than later ones.

    The Zionists have no answers.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955522

    Regarding the 1967 6-day war, please Google CIA 1967 war and click on the link to the CIA’s own web site.

    Here is a brief selection:


    So much for “miracles”. But even if it were, even if Rav Yaakov held the 1967 was was miracles, that doesn’t make the A”Z of Zionism muttar; it just means the Jews in Eretz Yisrael were, B”H, zoche to nissim. It speaks nothing about their theology, as the Torah clearly warns about.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955514

    ZDad, you can check the historical records and see that 1967 was, in fact, not a miracle, but that’s besides the point and does not CH”V make Rav Yaakov a Zionist.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955513

    benignuman, no.

    But I assume you never read the severe things that other gedolim said about Rabbi Kook (in particular) and Rabbi Soloveichik and their positions. In the case of Rabbi Kook, they banned learning from his works. As for Rabbi Teichtal, he was not a Zionist, and his hakdama says as much.

    Regarding the others, assuming you are being truthful that they are Zionists, are you saying that any of these other Rabbis were equal in greatness to the Chofetz Chaim, Rav Elchonon, Rabbi JB Soloveichik’s own predecessors like the Brisker Rov, the Chazon Ish, Rav Aharon Kotler and others?

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955510

    ROB, I highly doubt you would abandon your A”Z even if I did give sources, speaking of blowing smoke…


    Rav Elchonon’s quote is from Ikvisa DiMishicha, as I wrote.

    The Brisker Rov’s shita is from Uvdos ViHanhagos LiBeis Brisk.

    Speaking of sources, MDD, I presume you are using the well-known forgeries from Rabbi Kasher as your source? Rav Aharon Kotler who was a member of the moetzes and was there, as well as others like the Chazon Ish and many others, are on record as being vehemently against Zionism.

    What are your sources that any Gadol was pro-Zionist, CH”V?

    Besides, who of their stature wrote that Rav Elchonon and the Brisker Rov were wrong?

    Again, the Zionists have no valid answers.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955504

    Sam2, instead of “taking extreme umbrage” (which I doubt) at something nobody never said, it would be better to learn the sugya and see just how inapplicable this mitzvah is, even according to the Ramban, bizman haZeh.

    The Brisker Rov said the State of Israel is the Satan’s greatest triumph since the Egel.

    Rav Elchonon Wasserman, in Ikvisa diMishicha, said Religious Zionism is Religion mixed with Avoda Zara (biShituf).

    Zionists have no valid answers.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955503

    Sam2, please read my post before commenting on it.

    GAW, nobody said that CH”V the Ramban is not valid. The question is if/how applicable this mitzva is today.

    As I wrote, Rav Moshe said it’s not applicable to Jews outside E”Y.

    benignuman, point taken. But denying any part of the Torah is kefirah, even if your excuse is wanting to fulfill Yishuv HaAretz beyond its halachic bounds.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955500

    Just Emes (for MDD, too):


    But that’s “only” one of the oaths. The other oath, of being meoreir the ahava before its time, was still violated even if it would have been with everyone’s permission, which it wasn’t.

    Also, Google (no quotes) “Rabbi Reisman Zionism”.

    “…most of the Torah rabbis opposed the establishment of a Jewish state in our ancient homeland…As Rabbi Reuven Grozovsky wrote, the ideals don’t change. The ideal of sticking to the three oaths remains [even after the founding of the State].” And that’s before he gets to the Satmar Rov’s position.

    As to the end of your post, “many jews are not attacked outright even in other nations because of fear that Israeli teams of agents will come after them”, this is laughable. Jews in other countries have, on occasion, Hashem Yishmor, suffered anti-semitic attacks. Have you read about Zionists knights in shining armor rushing in to save them?

    Aderaba, our gedolim have also written that Zionism has given non-Jews further “ammunition” in their hatred against Jews.

    Regarding the Holocaust, read what the Zionists admit about their actions/inactions during that terrible time.

    For example:


    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955498

    Just Emes:

    I like your screen name, but unfortunately your post doesn’t agree with it.

    The Zionists did not at all “go up peacefully”, not in any dictionary. Nor was their ascent with the world’s permission. The UN itself wrote that the Zionism took the Balfour declaration to a far greater extent than what they allowed. Besides, the Zionists didn’t even stick to the partition plan, which the Arabs anyways rejected, so there was no permission.

    Also, it’s not wise to believe Zionist propaganda about how the Arabs suddenly swooped in or about anything else, for that matter. Do you think Ben Gurion was stupid and didn’t know what would happen? The Arabs had been protesting and worse for years already. The Zionists had no permission from anyone to take any part of Yerushalayim. This is ridiculous. Call a spade what it is. Zionist wars were a clear violation of the oaths.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955497

    Naftush, your post seems strange.

    Read what the Zionists wrote and admitted regarding their activities during WW II.

    See here, for example:


    Regarding A”Z, the gedolim hold that Zionism is A”Z.

    The Brisker Rov said the State of Israel is the Satan’s greatest triumph since the Egel.

    Rav Elchonon Wasserman, in Ikvisa diMishicha, said Religious Zionism is Religion mixed with Avoda Zara.

    Just reading these boards should make it fairly obvious that Zionism is A”Z.

    Also see Matisyahou’s second post here:


    Nobody can reasonably argue with these (Brisker Rov, Rav Elchonon HY”D) and other Torah greats like Rav Aharon Kotler and the Chazon Ish? Zionists have no answers.

    But why does it trouble you that people choose to recognize these errant ideologies and theologies for what they are?

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955495

    Avi K, you still haven’t explained the kefira in your previous post.

    As to your latest post, of course nobody denies Yishuv HaAretz is a mitzva. The question is if/how it’s applicable nowadays.

    For example, Rav Moshe wrote that it’s not obligatory to live in E”Y.

    Many gedolim could have “made aliya” but did not. Some even explained why they chose not to.

    So, although nobody is taking E”Y out of the Torah, Zionists do distort it and elevate it beyond the other mitzvos, as I wrote.

    Again, you still haven’t explained your kefira from your previous post.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish Music #953639

    writersoul, I agree with you that one could argue that classical is no different. But my understanding is that classical music is different.

    I’m obviously not trying to be mattir anything that may be assur, so nobody should take this as halacha liMaaseh.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955489

    MDD, I had already agreed to disagree with you, but you still haven’t shown how this position is “extreme”, other than to Zionists. Regardless, this is the mainstream Torah position among those who have not been hoodwinked by Zionism. I won’t bother you with further examples.

    Avi K, you seem to be so blinded by Zionism that you actually wrote:

    “Serving Hashem as best he can means first of all doing the mitzva of yishuv haaretz.”

    Any objective high school student could tell you that this assertion makes no sense.

    First of all, Yishuv HaAretz is anyways a machlokes if/how applicable it is nowadays.

    Secondly, by your writing that Yishuv HaAretz is “first of all” mitzvos, you are showing how your Zionism not only has been grafted on to, lihavdil, your observance of the mitzvos of our holy Torah but that your Zionism has taken precedence over, liHavdil, our Torah.

    This is also known as kefira.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955469

    Avi K, none of these issues in Israel has to do with chevlei Mashiach or frum Jews. This has to do with one thing only and that is Zionism.

    Health already mentioned why your idea would not work; so it has nothing to do with Frum Jews.

    Zionists also don’t like our faith and have taken concrete steps to CH”V change it into, lihavdil, Zionism; ask the Teimanim, for instance. From more recent events, just for example, watch online the video of the Israeli “Chidon HaTanach” that just took place, where they turn Tanach into a game show subject and have the obligatory recital (sung by women, of course) of the heretical Zionist anthem to close out the evening, right after Netanyahu proclaims the usual Zionist fantasy that Tanach, is CH”V the basis for their right to Eretz Yisrael and the State of Israel. All the Zionist trampling on the Tanach as they make such a show out of that same Tanach is somewhat like Achashveirosh’s seudah featuring the kelim of the Beis HaMikdash.

    So even if American frum Jews, by subjecting themselves to the Zionists, Zionist shmad and all the Zionist security issues and other problems by moving to Israel, would still remain frum (and this is not at all a sure thing), it would anyways not help your cause, as Health wrote.

    But even if “making aliya” would help, the first priority of a Jew is serving Hashem as best as he can, not “making aliya”. Misguided “Religious Zionists” may hold otherwise, and this large error is unfortunate.

    Regardless, Zionist problems are their own fault, not at all “the fault of frum Jews”.

    Similarly, regarding your assertion that this is due to “chevlei Mashiach”, it is, as mentioned, the Zionists who made this mess; not, lihavdil, Jews and Judaism. This mess, therefore, has nothing to do with Mashiach, frum Jews, or anyone else other than Zionists for Zionist folly and resultant outcomes, Hashem Yishmor.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish Music #953633

    Sam2, I don’t recall the sources now (and I’ll try to find out where that idea comes from), but I assure you (FWIW) that I did not make that up. To the best of my knowledge, music is an expression of the soul. I didn’t say people intentionally put their soul into it, but that is what music is.

    Also, ask people who know music well (not people who just listen to music) if they can determine anything about a Jewish singer from their music.

    I don’t know why, but I think that Classical music may not a problem in this regard, but I am not sure. (Yanni or other New Age IS still a problem.)

    Regardless of this admittedly more esoteric reason, you should not listen to non-Jewish music because of its more easily understood influences, subtle (or not so), though, those influences may be.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955466

    mdd, I’ll respect your assertion that “ein ze mikomah” regarding the 3 shvuos though I disagree with both that assertion and your implied position on the matter regarding “Religious Zionism”.

    Regarding your comparing murderous Arab rock attacks in Israel vs not being able to wear a yarmulke in parts of Europe, I first of all don’t see what the purpose of the comparison is.

    Besides that this comparison is pointless, in my humble opinion, it’s anyways almost no contest (Israel is far worse).

    The ability to wear a yarmulke in the streets is almost worthless given the myriad security and other problems in Israel that are the bloody costs of Zionism.

    As we discussed, it’s not “only” rock attacks that Israel has problems with, though those alone are far worse than having to wear a secular hat over the yarmulke as in parts of Europe. Israel also has a mandatory draft, constant battles against other types of terror, the potential for missile attacks that Israel cannot adequately defend against even with its anti-missile batteries, etc. Hashem Yishmor.

    These and more do not apply to Europe, only to Israel.

    (I find it pathetic that people even try to defend the utter disaster that is (secular) Zionism. If your theology (i.e “religious Zionism”) calls for the tens of thousands of Jewish human sacrifices that were needed for this A”Z, then I understand you are defending an A”Z that you were mislead into believing and I’ll also try to show you how you were mislead.

    But when people try to defend secular Zionism by touting how you can dress like a Jew in the street in (parts of) Israel, as if according to the Jewish faith even a drop of Jewish blood may be spilled CH”V for that, and at the same time people ignore all of Zionism’s myriad problems and disastrous consequences to Israeli and world Jewry, Hashem Yishmor, I find the whole thing absurd.)

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955464

    MDD: I disagree with your accusation of falsification and with your assertion that those chilukim, including the missile defense chiluk, are “shvach”. In fact, there is another story on YWN, today, about another rock-throwing “incident”. As I said, this is not normal.

    You could try to answer those arguments instead of taking the easy way and dismissing them out of hand, which is a good tactic when you have no answer.

    Even the Zionists struggle (unsuccessfully) to answer the multiple problems with Zionism from the gimmel shevuos, as I noted earlier. Speaking of propaganda, I’m not sure why you are resorting to cheap name-calling instead of addressing this substantively.

    If you want to stop the discussion here then I certainly understand, as there is really nothing that can kasher the A”Z of Zionism.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish Music #953610

    Ask your LOR before you decide that any non-Jewish music is muttar.

    Music is an expression of the soul. As non-Jews are different than Jews in this regard, no matter how moral and upstanding the non-Jew may be, a soul-to-soul musical monologue by a non-Jew is inappropriate. This means that any non-Jewish music is potentially problematic.

    Whether or not it can become kosher by a Jew copying the music and putting Jewish words to that, is a separate matter; even if it is okay to “make it Jewish”, this does not mean the original is also okay to listen to.

    Not to mention, on a practical level, that you are biased in favor of wanting to listen to this music so you are, therefore, not the best judge of what is or is not halachicly appropriate to listen to, regardless of the above.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955461

    mdd, I already posted the context in which these posts are posted. You, yourself, mistakenly propose that this is only a “Satmar and Brisk shita”. But I believe your moderation is misplaced. You are deceiving people as you so desperately defend this A”Z.

    Let’s get to the easy part first. The “missile shield” that the other countries have cannot be compared to Israel’s, and you know it, and it is disingenuous to compare them.

    Israel’s missile shield is part of an *ACTIVE* defense system, not just for a “doomsday” scenario like the others. When’s the last time you heard of Russia’s missile shield being activated or intercepting (or missing) a missile? Israel already knows just how effective (and ineffective) are its missile batteries. “Do us a favor, drei nit ken kup.” You also haven’t addressed the ubiquitous bomb shelters and the rest. This “defense” you are attempting is absurd, as is Zionism.

    Regarding the oaths and the State, who argues with a befeirush gemara that is brought liHalacha by poskim? This is even conceded by Zionists who are forced to attempt to explain away the oaths with “novel” approaches like “the oaths are only decrees; but if you can successfully disregard the oaths and establish the State of Israel then that’s fine.”

    Again, as previously posted:

    (The Brisker Rov said the State of Israel is the Satan’s greatest triumph since the Egel.)

    Rav Elchonon Wasserman said Zionism is Avoda Zara and “Religious Zionism” is religion and A”Z biShituf.

    That’s not enough for you?

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955460

    Avi K, your “arguments” are futile and discredited “Religious Zionist” attempts at making kosher their A”Z of Zionism. For starters, the purpose of the oaths is to protect Klal Yisrael in galus and there is no logical reason they should not any more be in effect after an arbitrary amount of time.

    (In fact, it seems quite evident, Hashem Yishmor, that the oaths are in effect well past that 1,000 year mark. Suicide bombs and rocks thrown at cars, the Fogel family massacre, and all the other horrors endured by Israelis, are very much not normal. And some gedolim have argued that the Holocaust itself was a manifestation of these oaths.)

    The nations fulfilling their oath also has nothing to do with our oaths. Our oaths are for our protection.

    Despite Zionist wishful thinking, Rav Meir Simcha never said that. Had ALL the nations (including the Arabs) agreed AND had there been only limited and non-political/non-ruling ascent, then it seems that this would have been okay according to Rav Meir Simcha.

    But the San Remo conference does not nullify the oaths. For one, even if ALL the nations had agreed (which the Arabs and others did not), this would only take care of the oath against rebelling against the nations, not the oath against being oleh biChoma, en mass. Regardless, the Arabs never agreed, as is painfully obvious, so Zionism has violated both oaths.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955453

    MDD, your post is irrelevant to the topic at hand.

    Nobody claims 19th-century Europe was free of persecution. I also agree with you that there were serious spiritual issues in Europe, in addition, including (Zionism,) the haskalah, etc.

    Your greatest error, however, is the premise that any of this justified Zionism. We had similar, and also worse, periods in our galus; yet, nobody ever condoned violating the oaths and taking Eretz Yisrael en mass and with force against the nations as did the Zionists. In fact, when asked, the Rambam specifically warned the Jews of Yemen in Iggeres Teiman against doing so despite the danger and persecution, physically and spiritually, that the Jews then faced.

    They listened to the Rambam and, ironically, until the Zionists hoodwinked them into coming to Israel and then shmaded them (and more), those same Yemenites had kept their mesorah intact from Bayis Rishon.

    Zionism was not and is not the solution. As Health posted above, the Zionists decided that “normalizing” the Jewish nation would make the problems of galus go away. Especially in hindsight, it is very clear that the Zionists were very wrong. As the gedolim presciently predicted, they would create far more problems than they thought they would solve.

    As I posted earlier, Israeli living clearly reflects the disaster of Zionism (“security fence”, multi-million dollar missile defense shields, neither of which are fully effective, ubiquitous bomb shelters, mandatory conscription, never knowing a day of peace in its decades of bloody existence, etc.)

    The Zionists have inflamed the Arabs to hate not only Zionists but (other) Jews as well. These facts were understood already decades ago by “Religious Zionists” like Rabbi Soloveichik and certainly so by, lihavdil, secular Zionists as well.

    ROB, repeating your projections on others doesn’t make those any less mistaken than they were the first time you said them. I do not hate and I do not denigrate, as I have said in the past. It is unfortunate for your belief in your A”Z of Zionism that the facts are clearly stacked against this belief.

    Before you even get to the gedolim’s views, read what your own Zionists, religious and otherwise, have to say about your faith of Zionism. Childish insults do not make for meaningful contributions to conversations.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955446

    MDD, regarding what “annoys” you, the context in which I am posting is that of people who are so blinded by Zionism that they completely refuse to face facts and reality and insist on keeping their heads in the sand.

    So, to begin with your own post, I posted a number of unique “features” of Israeli living, like ubiquitous bomb shelters (not to mention all the blown up buses). Those don’t exist elsewhere. And I previously mentioned that thousands of Jews lost their lives because of Zionism.

    ROB, thank you for the yom tov wishes.

    Even Rabbi Soloveichik admitted that the State of Israel is the cause of Arab hatred to Jews. This is actually quite obvious to any objective observer. While the Arabs did not love us beforehand, we basically lived side-by-side both in their countries and in Mandatory Palestine. As a “religious Zionist”, are you arguing with “the Rav” (and reality)?

    Had the Zionists not started up with the Arabs (and had the Zionists not also convinced everyone that Zionism =, lihavdil, Judaism), the Arabs would not hate Jews even if they may not have been our friends either.

    Again, Rabbi Soloveichik himself admitted that the establishment of Israel has caused Arab hatred of Jews (and it’s obvious that this is the case). Not to mention all the gedolim who said Zionism is A”Z and/or apikorsus.

    Yet any time there is a post reminding Jews that Zionism has been a disaster for Jews (Zionist shmad, then and now, and also the tens of thousands who died or were murdered, many horrifically so, CH”V, and the continued need for an IDF) and that Zionism is not Judaism, the majority of posts in response spout propaganda and/or irrelevant facts trying to defend their idol.

    If you want to claim that your religion of Zionism proclaims all this to be worthwhile on the altar of Zionism, then please understand this is very much not, CH”V, Judaism.

    Gut yom tov to all.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955426

    mdd, who says you are right in assessing their motives (maybe it was financial, family or some other reasons) and, even if you are correct that this is “obviously” their thinking, who says that they are correct when they made that assumption?

    The bottom line, regardless, (go ahead and call this “strident” and “propaganda”) is that since 1948 alone (besides for the pre-1948 abominations of Zionism), tens of thousands of Jews (and their future “olamos”) were taken from this world because of the Zionist State, whether they were in the IDF and died fighting for this idol, or were civilian victims of terror.

    Bomb shelters have always been normal features of Israeli houses and public buildings. To protect its borders, Israel relies on “security fences” and millions of dollars of anti-missile batteries (not to mention the danger to men on the ground). But Israel still can’t come close to guaranteeing its citizens’ safety. Just tonight, there is another YWN story about this:


    (Yet your response is to ask about France and Russia?)

    The only way you can honestly address this issue of all those innocent lives lost and families destroyed R”L L”A due to Zionism, is by claiming it’s “worth it” in order to strengthen the State. Even some very esteemed “religious Zionists” agree, when they posit that “lichaora” those lives lost were worthwhile for this reason.

    (This is an example of the avoda zara of Zionism: to attempt to halachically condone human sacrifices for the State of Israel, when the Torah’s first priority, even at the expense of mitzvos, and almost without exception, is preserving human life.)

    May Hashem keep all His children safe and protect them from all harm CH”V.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955422

    ROB, leaving aside your typical Zionist lies and propaganda, your motzi shem ra on gedolim is despicable. While you have the right to keep your head buried in the sand and believe the Zionist propaganda you can’t get enough of, this doesn’t allow you to attack gedolim.

    So, to repeat, read what your beloved Zionists admit about their role in the Holocaust:




    Your “remark” about alter-ego really should not be dignified with a response, but it does bring up a point. Kol HaPoseil BiMumo Poseil; it is you who are a Zionist Yes-Man. I, on the other hand, gave credit to Health as credit was due, just as I have credited other posters by name as well. Please at least leave out the childish remarks.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955401

    ROB, I don’t recall being named spokesperson for any group, so I don’t know what your accusation of “main apologist” means in this case, but, as is clear from your previous Zionist yes-man posts, your reality vis-a-vis Zionism seems to be subjective to your wishes rather than an objective reflection of the facts, so I suppose this fits right in with whatever dream-land that might be.

    Ayain the other threads where Health pointed out your errors; there were a few humble responses to you from myself as well.




    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955400

    Avi K, it’s interesting you mention “forgeries” and “Rabbi Kasher” in the same sentence and NOT mention…Rabbi Kasher’s forgeries. So, other than his sources, what sources do you have that can quote someone who can hold a candle to the likes of the Chofetz Chaim and all those others and more?

    mdd, you wrote:

    “Plus, they live there without persecution”.

    Who lives where without persecution? Surely you can’t mean Jews in Israel?

    Zionists have endangered (or worse) both the lives and faith of Jews worldwide, and especially in Israel, since well before they established Israel and even more so ever since 1948.

    “Rak biDam tihye lanu haAretz” is what they lived for (and had no problem letting “the old and infirm” die for rather than divert any funds, intended to be used to create the State, to save those Jews trapped in Hitler YM”S’s deadly grasp; even the Zionists admit this).

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955383


    I would not at all be surprised considering:

    their respective positions on college, and

    the following:


    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955382

    mdd, those other deaths are not relevant to the discussion here, and, regarding your next post, the many issues of Zionism are not “shailos from the 1930s”.

    People still believe in this Avoda Zara of Zionism, even with the benefit of hindsight of decades of history, including the tens of thousands of Jews who died, some rather horrifically, for this idol of Zionism. Not only are so many people fooled by Zionism as an ideology, but they even more obscenely graft it onto, lihavdil, our holy and pure religion.

    If Zionists of all stripes (secular, “religious”, whatever) would admit that their religion is either Zionism or part-Zionism/part-Judaism, and not authentic Judaism, and would announce to the entire world that they are not representing Jews but, instead, Zionists, then there would not be much to discuss about it going forward.

    But as long as people still mistakenly believe that this (or any) avoda zara of Zionism is permissible, the “shaila” (or, more accurately, the need to explain the “terutz”, that Zionism is Avoda Zara) still is relevant.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955373

    mdd, what part of the Brisker shita does “nobody” hold like? Is it the part about not taking any money from the government, perhaps?

    The Chazon Ish, Rav Elchonon, the Chofetz Chaim, Rav Aharon Kotler, and many others held the same regarding Zionism and the State in general. See also this thread:


    Regarding the “locals”, think of the many gedolim who were asked about and/or encountered far worse behavior from their respective locals and knew better than to make it WORSE by violating the 3 oaths and attempting to make a state in Eretz Yisrael (as seems to have happened in Israel). Rambam’s Igeres Teiman comes to mind, for example.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955370

    Sam2, I’m not sure what site you’re referring to, but that wasn’t what I read and we can’t post links.

    Charlie, despite the varying degrees of respect they did accord to the rabbis you mentioned, they still held firmly that those views were wrong. But since you mentioned it: I believe it was Rav Aharon Kotler who said that Rabbi Soloveichik destroyed an entire generation. In the case of Rabbi Kook, he happened to hold a political position so if anyone wanted anything from him then they had to respect him. Regardless, the point is that they held that Zionist theology is absolutely wrong irrespective of any respect accorded to its proponents.

    ROB, you’re the one perpetrating a big lie. The Brisker Rov, Chazon Ish, Rav Elchonon Wasserman among many others, some as recorded in their respective seforim (e.g. Ikvesa DiMishicha) were absolutely opposed to Zionism and called it the Avoda Zara/heresy that it is.

    You’re falsely claiming that is my “mission”. In fact, I have no interest in denigrating anyone. But Zionism is not, lihavdil, Judaism.

    yytz, this is absurd. Were it not for Zionism and the State of Israel, there would have been no victims of Arab terror and no fallen/wounded IDF soldiers. Whether or not some of them might have suffered a misfortune, CH”V, in any country, is irrelevant and doesn’t come close to accounting for terror victims and fallen/wounded IDF soldiers.

    Some of them also might have remained in their country of origin, like the Yemenites did since Bayis Rishon with their Mesorah intact until the Zionists shmaded them and threw their sefarim and kisvei yad overboard as soon as they arrived in Israel. Not to mention their kids.

    Come on.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955360

    mdd, as the Brisker Rov, if I am not mistaken, wrote, the Zionists don’t shmad in order to have a State; they need a State because they want to shmad. Shmad is the essence of Zionism.

    Anti-religious sentiment has nothing to do with it; their goal, in which they have unfortunately been somewhat successful, is to CH”V replace Judaism with Zionism.

    Sam2, a person’s choices do affect his life. If one chooses to play in traffic, it’s not logical to claim that Hashem had already pre-ordained that time as his exit time from this Earth. But being blown up in a cafeteria by a savage suicide bomber or the savage who invaded the Fogel family’s HY”D house makes those deaths much worse even if you claim that this was the pre-ordained time.

    The 6-day war, contrary to Zionist propaganda, was not “nissim geluyim”. Google “CIA 6 day war”; it was a “sure thing”.

    Regardless, the shmad and horrific deaths, CH”V, in Israel, were all totally unnecessary and only due to Zionism.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955352


    In Israel, there are plenty of Jewish girls “marrying” Arabs, where these poor girls then go through hell and have to be saved, not to mention the many Russian and other halachic non-Jews. So I’m not so sure it’s 90%.

    Regardless, who is to say that these Israelis would not have married Jews? After all, it was the Zionists who shmaded them and they were, for the most part, originally religious before coming to Israel. So they probably would have married Jews regardless. American kiruv is explosive and far-reaching and, BE”H, those intermarriage numbers will decrease.

    However, your assertion that any of this would “make up” for the 25,000 who died or were savagely murdered is not one that I agree with at all. Al pi derech HaTevah, every one of those Jews would still be alive and their families would not be grieving over their untimely deaths, R”L L”A. This is a direct result of Zionism and their is no justifying any of those deaths, CH”V.

    Strangely, religious Zionists, from some of their top halachic decisors on down, believe that (“lichaora”) the Torah condones these human sacrifices to their eigel of a State.

    You’re claiming these Jewish neshamos wouldn’t have existed without the medinah; I disagree, and, at best, you’re speculating. Hashem could have arranged a different way for these neshamos to come to this world, if He had wanted to do so. But to condone shmad for any reason, including speculating that there are more Jews as a result, is not acceptable, in my humble opinion.

    Look at all the Jews who are and were in Israel who are lost to their heritage because the Zionists shmaded them and continue to do so. None of this would have happened without Zionism.

    Lastly, Secular Ideology and Shmad are separate entities. The United States cannot establish a national religion and its society is somewhat secular. That’s partly why we have our own schools, etc. But that pales in comparison to shmad, where a “Jewish” government and State exist only to change Jews into Zionists. This is unique to Israel, and B”H, not at all the case outside Israel. Rav Moshe famously called the United States a Medina Shel Chesed; we are free to practice our faith and even respected for doing so, unlike in Israel.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955351


    The likes of the Brisker Rav, Chazon Ish, Chafetz Chaim, Rav Elchonon Wasserman and others called Zionism the Avoda Zara/apikorsus that it is. Rav Elchonon HY”D also called “”Religious” Zionism” religion and avoda zara bishutfus.

    There are no other valid shitos in this regard; Zionism is diametrically opposed to, lihavdil, the Torah. You choose to fool yourself and align yourself with outdated notions of European Nationalism and graft the same on to, lihavdil, our holy Torah, when, in addition to the great Rabbis who opposed Zionism, history has shown what a churban Zionists have perpetrated on our people.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955344

    WolfMan, point taken. Thank you.

    When Rabbi Kook made that comment about the soccer players being greater than neviim, the gedolim of the time, including the Chofetz Chaim, knew and made clear that he was wrong. This was the consensus of the Torah greats of the day and I intended merely to repeat that, not to add my own condemnation.

    What I meant by “reality proving those shitos to be wrong” was that, long after Rabbi Koook espoused his views, it’s clear that Zionism has been a disaster, both from a spiritual perspective (yaldei Tehran, ongoing shmad, et al ad nauseum) and from a physical (lack of security and loss of lives, CH”V) perspective.

    in reply to: Maaser on wedding money when being supported #952001

    Ask your LOR (of course).

    While it is true that even an ani has a mitzva of tzedaka, that does not mean they have a chiyuv maaser.

    in reply to: Three Asifas Today #952873

    The main reason is that the Internet is primarily an awareness issue, whereas smoking is clear to everyone whose head is not in the sand that it is wrong.

    in reply to: The Dov Lipman Response�Controversial? #955334

    I concur with akuperma’s points above, except that Lipman pointed out that his goal was that they be funded independently AS SOME SCHOOLS ALREADY ARE, not that they be closed down.

    Regardless, were it not for the Zionist factor and other factors, as Rabbi Yonasan Rosenblum described in his piece titled, “Where the American and Israeli Torah Communities Differ”, my guess is that Rav Feldman’s reaction would have been different.

    So it seems that there are some minor issues with Rabbi Lipman’s position; whereas with arguably greater issues, like Zionism, for example, I don’t see everyone rushing to similarly condemn Rabbi Kook and his followers the same way, despite similar denigrations being heaped on them and/or their “shitos” by one or more gedolim and the reality proving those “shitos” to be wrong.

    in reply to: Rabbis and the draft #951210

    I’m a little behind in my reading of this thread.

    Regarding Avi K’s remark about Zionist wars being “generally accepted” as milchemes mitzvah:

    This is a mistaken Zionist notion, and certainly not accepted outside Zionism; Zionism is, of course, according to our gedolim, avoda zara.

    in reply to: Describing Differences Between Jews #973600

    Come on.

    MO, while resembling traditional Orthodoxy in many ways, is not compatible with traditional Orthodoxy (though TIDE is compatible).

    MO, including Rabbi Herschel Schachter as per his shiurim, believes in Zionism as a religious part of their religion. As in, for example, they believe it’s potentially worth sacrificing Jewish lives for the State of Israel (not just to help people there). That’s a huge break from, and wholly incompatible with, traditional Orthodoxy.

    As well, MO holds that Torah and, lihavdil, Maddah both have intrinsic value. This is also not traditional Orthodoxy. It’s just Torah that has intrinsic values, even if we also study secular subjects for permitted (e.g. practical) reasons.

    Not to mention the mixing of the genders and teaching gemara to girls, et al. which are all incompatible with traditional Orthodoxy.

    in reply to: Describing Differences Between Jews #973592


    The nations should know clearly that traditional Orthodox Jews are loyal to and grateful to our host country as our neviim long ago exhorted us to be loyal and, other than MO and other misguided Zionists, not to (the avoda zara that is) the Zionist State of Israel.

    This “dual-loyalty” canard/concept has to stop. We care about our brethren living everywhere, not about their host governments, and certainly not Zionism/Israel which is against our Torah; we care only for its Jews.

    They should also know that we (try to) remain 100% true to our faith and, like other faiths, maintain a faith-based culture and community as we live “normal” lives working in many different fields. Yet our hard work, as productive and grateful citizens and like that of everyone else, obviously benefits our host country’s economy and everyone regardless of community.

    Part of this gratitude we have to them is due to them enabling us to keep our faith, unlike the Zionists who even until today seek to replace our faith with Zionism and unlike so many of the countries that we have been to in our long exile which persecuted us.

    This would be a tremendous Kiddush Hashem.

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