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  • in reply to: OTD KIDS ALSO HAVE FREE WILL. #1337182

    Teens are going on drugs (& OTD) in the wealthiest progressive Modern Orthodox communities where the schools cater to every child’s talents & teams of social workers sooth their feelings. They live in opulent homes with few siblings to compete with.
    Personal responsibility & maturity is what will stop a child from ruining their life, let’s be good role models & stop looking for whom to blame, it will not help our children.

    in reply to: OTD KIDS ALSO HAVE FREE WILL. #1335984

    The Secular world makes an assumption that people wouldn’t make bad decisions if they hadn’t been a victim themselves. So every pathology is rooted in an earlier vulnerability caused by someone else.
    The Torah approach is Ki yetzer Lev Hoadom ra minurov, at every moment the Soton seeks that we self destruct ourselves, Spiritually & physically.
    We do our teens a disservice by blaming others for misfortunes that occurred due to bad choices made by their peers. The most empowering message we can give them is that they alone hold the keys to the best choices in life. No one can take that away from them.


    Let’s be realistic, not every person can find their place in a super sheltered environment trying to live culturally in the 1800’s. If as a society the frum world can begin accepting those that want to be both fully shomer halacha & professional’s, this would help them remain frum. This was actually the objective of R’Sh’R’ Hisrch Ztz’l.
    In some Chassidisher communities the situation is absurd. The girls are taught almost no in-depth hashkafa or Yahadus because they aren’t allowed to learn, then they go out to work at a young age & get exposed to the wide world completely unprepared. Why are we surprised when they go off?

    in reply to: Additional Societal Casualties Of The Shidduch Crisis #1331161

    Much more common than in the past.


    Your solution might save the next generation but it’s too late for those disillusioned today. We can either ignore the problem & watch them drift away or we can try to find them a place within the frum community.


    What is your information based on?

    in reply to: The Halachic Perils Of A Frum Chat Room #1325912

    I admit that I can’t explain the nuances between a chat room & a forum, I’m also not condemning the general idea of a frum coffee room. But what difference does it make if people are publicly criticizing well known frum yidden or institutions? If there is a heter, please let me know of it. If there isn’t, why do we tolerate it? We are the Yeshiva world after all.

    Are the regulars here just so used to it that no one sees a problem?
    Sincerely, Haimy the newbie on YWN.


    When I wrote expert, I meant a person with years of experience & professionalism in a given field. Of course, everyone has an agenda or personal interest to promote otherwise they wouldn’t waste their time sharing their knowledge.
    For example: would you be interested in posting questions to a professional career coach about possible under explored parnassah opportunities for yeshiva type people?
    Which college degrees are not worth pursuing because the market is saturated with graduates looking for a job?
    Someone experienced in real estate investing: Is there a conservative way to enter this field without undo risk?
    A person experienced with kids at risk, How to give them the space they need without lowering the standards for one’s other children?
    Accountant: Is there a simple way to manage the books of a home business?
    My point is that There’s a lot of useful knowledge we can learn from each other if the right medium existed to share that information. I’m wondering if YNW could provide the platform for this interaction.
    (A secular site with this kind of idea would be Quora.)
    I prefer learning new useful information to reading anonymous posts on any random topic.

    in reply to: Every Menahels Difficult Dillema, the underperforming career rebbi. #1316982

    Relieving an incompetent Rebbi of his job is a very rare occurrence in the chareidi world we live in. It’s not just the financial distress, it’s his self-esteem as a member of a kehillah. After having a number of my own children go through the yeshiva system as well as having tutored within the system over several years I can say without a doubt that this is one of the biggest challenges of Chinuch for this generation. There is no exit door for the underqualified rebbi, he remains teaching unhappily & unappreciated with no respectable way to leave. Along the way, countless boys are needlessly hurt.


    Rav Yaakov Kaminetzki was famously known to recommend keeping young bachurim at home for their high school years. A stable family environment creates emotionally healthy people. The teen years are most prone for depression or anxiety disorders to manifest. Out of town, there’s limited access to good therapy or tutoring. Many parents only realize their child has a problem after years of sending them out of town & being told how well he’s learning without mentioning his nonexistent social life. It can take years to repair the untreated condition when it explodes later.
    I’m not saying out of town isn’t for anyone, I’m saying be sure your son is ready & then closely monitor his level of happiness & social interaction.

    in reply to: The Post Kollel Financial Crisis #1314140

    I went to PCS they said 90% of employers aren’t interested in hiring a 37 year old with no work experience & a large family to support. An entry level paying job leaves you poorer than beforehand due to increased childcare expenses & major reductions in social services benefits. The fine gentelman at PCS said I’m sorry, the yungeleit show up too late I can’t help many of them.


    Social services are meant to be a safety net for those who can’t make it on their own. I happen to fit that category, I work full time my wife works part time & we have B’H 9 children. Tuition & day camp is what’s sinking my financial boat. As long as the private school is no more expensive than public school I don’t see why the cost of education should not be calculated as an expense just like utilities or mortgage interest are.
    The government loses nothing by me sending to private rather than public school.
    For the safety & wellbeing of my children, I cannot send them to a public school. I don’t want them getting hooked on drugs, edited suicide & many other modern ills of western society.
    So after sending my kids to a safe school, I am just as financially needy as a poor homeless guy at the soup kitchen, am I less deserved of food stamps to feed my kids? Do I need to call Tomchei Shabbos?

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