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  • in reply to: Some topics are just too controversial for the coffee room moderators. #1617858

    Dear moderator:
    Can you explain why the thread was closed several hours after it opened? Should the members of YWN have the choice to voice their opinions regarding the political leadership of their town? Was YWN contacted by an influential individual to close down the thread before people realize how unhappy people are with the current political establishment?
    Competition brings out the best ideas & talent, I believe the rubberstamping of local politicians does not allow them to be the best they can be.

    in reply to: Pro Vaccination Paranoia in the frum community. #1617811

    CDC: Two doses of MMR vaccine are 97% effective against measles and 88% effective against mumps. One dose of MMR vaccine is 93% effective against measles, 78% effective against mumps, and 97% effective against rubella. MMR is an attenuated (weakened) live virus vaccine.

    97% effectiveness regardless of all the antivaxxers.
    Of the other 3% The chances of a healthy child becoming seriously ill is extremely low.
    Of course, I wish everyone would vaccinate & protect those who are immunosuppressed.
    For the overwhelming majority of parents there is no need to be worried about an “epidemic” any more than many other (unnecessary) risks we take in life.
    Swimming: every year multiple frum yidden drown in pools.
    Talking on the phone while driving: endless accidents.
    Obesity: Heart attacks, diabetes, & Cancer.
    The risk of harm from these is much greater than the antivaxxers ever could be.

    in reply to: Pro Vaccination Paranoia in the frum community. #1616911

    How many people die from texting or talking on the phone while driving? Are you a rotzeiach? Shomer psaim Hashem. This no more of a danger than many other risks people take.

    in reply to: Gemany & Amaleik #1587311

    Once again I’m hearing a derision of the opinion of Rav Yehoshuah Leib based on scant historica data. This smells of a modern orthodox approach to the opinions of gedolei hador. You’re posing legitimate questions but unfortunately the Gaon hador of his time is not with us to ask. I choose to accept his opinion.

    in reply to: Gemany & Amaleik #1585373

    Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin was the gadol hador of his time. Be careful before casting doubt on his opinion (even if you are modern orthodox). The seed of Amaleikites may have gotten mixed into the German population. He did not say that every German in an Amaleiki.

    in reply to: Gemany & Amaleik #1584685

    The majority of Germans wholeheartedly supported their furer. Today, as the US is cutting aid for the Palestinians, Germany announced they will be increasing aid significantly. The repressed Sinas Yisroel since the holocaust is slowly reemerging.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #1583549

    There’s a concept of loeg lorosh. We don’t cause others to feel bad that they don’t have as much as us. This is why we don’t perform mitzvos in a cemetery since it pains the meisim that they can no longer do mitzvos.
    We don’t sing shelo asani isha so as not to pain women. Let’s remember that for most of history women were illiterate & knew little about what men said by davening.
    Shelo Asany goy the ainom yehudi don’t hear so there’s no life lorosh.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #1581119

    Chabad shlucha: Adam was created first, Hashem took his rib away and made Chava from it. Chava owes her life to Adam for sharing his rib.
    After Chava fed Adam from the Eta Hadaas Hashem Said “venue yimshol boch” he will rule over you. As chazal tell us “Isha kesheira oseh ritzon baalah”
    A wife is meant to be subservient to her husband as his eizer.
    He is to be treated as a king while he treats her as his queen.
    Feminism has made us think that there are 2 kings in the home, that is a recipe for divorce. No organization has 2 ceo’s, the same goes for marriage.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #1580950

    The secular world believes men & women are equal in all ways & anyone disagreeing is a misogynist. Torah Jews are not misogynist but believe there are clearly different life roles for men & women. Adam was the main creation of “man” while Chava was to be his helper. Together, they are complete & ready to fulfill their life’s mission of connecting to Hashem.
    The feminists have denigrated the role of Chava as the child bearer so they gave women the role of Adam. Frum women are proud of their special role & are equal partners in their accomplishments together.

    in reply to: Question on R Miller (maybe joe will answer) #1580685

    Just like a person can lose the reward for doing a mitzvah by later regretting doing it, so too we can enhance a mitzva later by feeling happy for doing it. A mitzvah is a live reality which can be affected even after the act of performance as well as before.

    in reply to: Going to Uman for the Hock #1580357

    Do you have Rebbi to discuss this with? He may be the right person to answer your question.

    in reply to: Question on R Miller (maybe joe will answer) #1580356

    You’re taking Rav Miller too literal. This concept is mentioned in earlier sources (possibly chasam sofer). Of course, the mitzva is accomplished without the daas of the baby, however, we add to the shleimus of the mitzva by expressing our happiness later for it. After all, according to some opinions the mitzvah continues throughout a person’s lifetime.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #1580124

    According to the Mahral, men are more spiritual than women or in his words the Ish is the tzurah & the Isha is the Chomer. (this by the way is why women are more bound to the cycles of time then men are, they are more connected to the physical world than men are.) It was a modern invention of (Rabbi) Dr. Norman Lamm to say woman are more spiritual than men.
    According to Chaza’l, if your going to be born then the best situation is to be born a Ish Yehudi, second is an Isha yehudis, 3rd, an eved, 4th) aino yehudi.
    It’s not about who is better, it’s about who was given the most spiritual potential in this world.

    in reply to: Is there a problem of ribbis borrowing from Kabbage? #1579491

    Correct. But it’s very easy to click on the pay later icon & you may be dealing with ribbis dioraisoh.

    in reply to: Is there a problem of ribbis borrowing from Kabbage? #1579476

    They also have their own money invested in the company. They aren’t just loan processors. This a company with significant Jewish leadership & probably capital as well. With many yidden buying on Alibaba, this deserves serious scrutiny.

    in reply to: Is there a problem of ribbis borrowing from Kabbage? #1579318

    Another senior Jewish partner is Marc Gorlin. Have you received a heter to from a privately held loan originator like Kabbage?

    in reply to: Zenni Optical Glasses #1567116

    I get headaches from zenni as well as other online glasses stores. The local Jewish stores have a better quality lense.

    in reply to: Hats and jackets in the street #1564010

    As Ravi Avigdor Miller said; Today, a bar mitzvah bachurs new hat is as important as his new tefillin. His hat let’s him & everyone around him know that he’s different. He follows a different code of conduct.
    A hat & jacket are important parts of preserving our yiddishkeit.


    Demeaning to the gedolei Torah of our time. Not appropriate for a public discussion.

    in reply to: Amudim: Abuse often occurs within your home . #1548604

    Let’s be honest with ourselves, our chinuch system does little to educate young men as they begin to mature so many go underground to find things out on their own. How many bachurim even have one conversation with an adult about the difficult challenges they face? Very few. This creates a dangerous situation for them & their families. This is one of the most difficult but unspoken issues facing our generation.

    in reply to: What does it say if the Umos haolom like our music? #1547431

    I’ve noticed a trend among heimishe rock singers of late. There’s much less of a yiddishkeit theme to the music. Much more universalistic themes are being used as lyrics with little connection to yiddishkeit. I now wonder if this shift is occurring to appeal to a non Jewish or frei audience.
    It’s hard for me too grasp that a chasidishe yungerman is singing to a non Jewish mixed audience, something doesn’t jive well.

    in reply to: Amudim: Abuse often occurs within your home . #1546607

    They are not talking about incest they referring to inappropriate touch. By the way Chazak prohibited yichud even with close family when there is a porutz. A significant number of people fit that category.
    Amudim recommends that the guidelines of yichud be applied even even with some family members due to the reality they are aware of.
    This is the world we are living in whether we like it or not.

    in reply to: Is the YWN internet filter broken? #1546146

    Yeshiva world news obviously allows Google to place ads on ads on their site. That is problematic because viewers are being exposed to inappropriate material. I will definitely look into an adblocker for android.
    Aside from Google ads, I have come across several instances of of pictures posted which included immodestly dressed women. Immodest according to all halachik authorities.
    Pictures of Nikki Haley are posted almost on a daily basis even though he neckline is too exposed according to halacha. There are many more examples. We have become so used to seeing pritzus in our lives it almost seems extreme to bring this up.

    in reply to: SHOCKING Letter Published In Lakewood Newspaper ⚡📰 #1536198

    The schools of the 80’s were a horror compared to the today’s yeshivos. The principals & Rebbeim are trained professionals in most cases. Our chinuch system is doing better today than ever. However, our children are facing more challenges today than ever before. Depression & anxiety is rampant, autism is increasingly common, & the world around us is pulling people down.
    It can be very harmful to a child to remain in the mainstream when they can’t manage the curriculum. We can’t expect schools to allow children to sit in a classroom bored & disturbing others. A child left in that situation will begin hating themselves & yiddishkeit as well.
    We do need more non conventional classrooms where these children can succeed & feel valued.
    The mainstream schools simply cannot service every child with an emotional/behavioral problem, some need different environment. It’s not easy putting your child in a non conventional classroom but it can save the child physically emotionally & spiritually.

    in reply to: How do you keep your children interested @ the Shabbos Seuda #1531742

    Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky said that a Shabbos Seuda should be at least an hour. My children are elementary aged kids. I would like them to happily remain at the Seuda for 20-25 minutes which often happens when I have a good story to tell.
    I’m curious how other parents make their Seuda inspiring & interesting for kids. This has nothing to do with sushi or ptcha, the food is not the issue. Most of my kids aren’t interested in zemiros or in sitting longer than 10 minutes at a time.

    in reply to: How do you keep your children interested @ the Shabbos Seuda #1531198

    Please leave sushi out of this impotant conversation.
    Is there a particular sefer you use that makes it exciting?
    Or share any other method you have used to make you seuda meaningful for your children.

    in reply to: It’s not only a segula, it’s a mitzvah too! #1528533

    Reward for doing mitzvos is not a segula, Chazal never permitted us to do mitzvos as a segula. We do mitzvos because Hashem commanded us to do them & it’s true that by some mitzvos we are promised a reward in this world.
    Imagine telling a king that your fulfilling his will as a charm to get rich, would it go over well?
    Call it a zechus, don’t call Toras Hashem’s a segula.


    Ok, but what’s with the onions? Do we need half an onion to go with a few measely pieces of herring? Fill the container with herring & charge 9.99. At least the majority of the container should be herring, not onions & oil.


    Let’s assume we all became shadchanim & managed to marry of every last frum boy aged 22-39 in the US. How many girls would be left single? Many hundreds if not thousands.
    How does Redding a shiddach help the situation? If we get the girls in the market engaged now before the next 1000 girls enter the market they will have less candidates to compete with. As it stands, the market is flooded with excellent girls competing for an ever shrinking pool of boys.
    This my friends is a disaster in the making.
    We need a yom taanis utfilah to be mevatel this gezeira
    an make the best hishtadlus to fix it.


    Ok, thank you all holy ostriches. Thank you for enlightenment me with alternative explanations.
    There is no shidduch crisis.
    Just as many boys are unmarried as girls, we don’t have the data to prove any crisis. (What we see all around us is not a valid study)
    There always were girls who didn’t get married because there was no dowry. ( Even wealthy girls are finding it hard)

    More girls than boys still theoretically allows each girl to go out on equal dates. (There won’t be enough boys for the girls to marry regardless if they all got a date)
    Let’s not make girls into rachmonus cases, it’s a chilul Hashem. (HASHEM wants us to ignore their pain& just trust in him to make it right.
    The girls are to picky looking for a full time learner so the boys married some other group of girls whom we don’t know about yet. (Please identify where these thousands of rejected boys are & who they married)

    This whole conversation comes from a lack of bitachon
    Everyone has their bashert we just need to daven that all the missing boys should reappear. (The chiyuv hishtadlus applies to shidduchim as well).
    Please continue helping me understand alternative explanations for this crisis/non crisis.


    Ubiquitin the problem starts when a boy lands in Lakewood & immediately (in many cases) has a long list of girls 19-24 to go out with. Of course the youngest, more chashuv, beautiful, wealthy, etc. girls move to the top of the list. The shadchanim focus on these easy shidduchim first because there’s a higher success rate with bigger shadchonus.
    Meanwhile, the average excellent girls sit waiting for a date& growing older. Repeat this over & over & you have a crisis.
    If the market was even, then boys wouldn’t have long lists of girls to reject & grow older.
    I spoke to a successful shadchanim who told me she only deals in fresh crop of boys & girls because they are the easiest to get engaged, the rest aren’t worth her time.
    I think this basically explains what’s going on.


    Once again: If the problem is because of picky girls then there should be an equal amount of rejected boys who can’t find a shidduch. Where are all those unmarried boys?
    No shortage of boys? Why are girls marrying divorced men with children? Why is there no organization like Nassi for the single boys?
    How can average boys ask for full support if there wasn’t a market imbalance?
    Please provide a rational explanation that doesn’t include the age gap at the core of this problem.


    There is no shidduch crisis for frum girls? Why does Lakewood shadchan Freddie Friedman have a list of 2000 girls over the age of 25 with a fraction of that number of available boys to redt?
    If boys are rejecting girls for superficial reasons then where are all the single picky boys? The market of girls is so large, it’s much easier to reject a girl.
    The boys are no longer frum? not enough to create a crisis, & plenty of girls aren’t frum either which evens it out.

    I’d like to hear a rational explanation why so many girls are not finding a boy to marry.

    in reply to: Sleep away camp and bedwetting #1508613

    The medication “Desmopressin” is the solution. If you tried it & it didn’t work, he may need a higher dosage.
    Many doctors are unaware of this medication.
    Dr. Susan Schulman highly recommends this medication in her book “Understanding Your Child’s Health ”
    It is safe, & effective in most cases.

    (Also talk to the camp mother, she is very familiar with this problem & how to deal with it.)


    This post has nothing to do with criticizing anyone, it’s about us frum yidden. Did you shudder upon learning that 40% of a public school of 3000 students are Jewish? Is this not a tragedy? It’s not about them, it’s about us & how complacent we have become about our fellow brothers. Chazal tell us gadol hamachtioh yoser min hahorgo. Spiritual death is a far greater tragedy. I personally was pained to read that so many precious Jewish children go to this school.

    in reply to: Does the state really support Torah? #1462200

    Supporting Yeshivos & Kollelim is certainly included in mitzvas tzdaka. Talmidei chachomim are permitted to accept charity so that they can sit & learn Torah. Using Maaser for jachzokas Hatorah is one of the best ways to give tzedaka. A significant amount of hilchos tzedaka is dedicated to the laws of the communal responsibility to provide sustenance to the poor. It’s not just a private enterprise. The state of Israel is not interested in supporting Torah or feeding talmidei chachomim. The political class wants the chareidi votes so they agree to give the yeshivos money.

    in reply to: Does the state really support Torah? #1462189

    The State as representing most of the Israeli population would be thrilled if every Yeshiva & Kollel closed & the talmidim would join the army as patriotic citizens. They have no interest in supporting Torah at all. Chareidim are an unwanted group of Jews stopping chilonim from shopping on Shabbos, marrying non Jews, importing chazer, recognising alternative lifestyles, & are a financial strain on the rest of society.
    We should have hakoras hatov to Hashem that the state funds so much Torah. We should also show appreciation to the chilonim even if they aren’t interested in being forced to support us.

    in reply to: Does the state really support Torah? #1462055

    The state does support Torah but it’s against it does so against it’s will. The majority of Israelis wouldn’t want a dime going to support a yeshiva or kollel. It is only because of the unified voting block of the chareidim that the state begrudgingly gives funding.
    In hilchos tzadaka it states that if you give tzadaka unwillingly, you lose all your reward.

    in reply to: Can an Ehrlicher Yid be a Foodie? #1457987

    I’m sure Rebetzin Kanievsky tried to cook the tastiest Kugel for Shabbos & it probably tasted delicious. That doesn’t make her into a foodie, her intention was oneg Shabbos. A foodie seeks the pleasure of food as a goal in itself, not as an act of service to Hashem. This is a secular hedonistic expression which contradicts the mitzva of Kedoshim T’hiyue.


    Let me be very clear: The intention of my question was not about distancing those that are OTD, it was about not allowing severe Torah transgressions within a Jewish home become the new normal. It’s also about being realistic these people returning whether you call them a choleh or not. The smaller chances of them returning, the less issurim we should tolerate. I believe the main focus should be on those struggling within the frum world, before they het lost outside.


    This is part of my question. At what point do we concede that the person has found a different lifestyle for themselves & we swe should not sacrifice our own standards for them. Are we deluding ourselves that by allowing chillul Shabbos amongst other severe issurim in a frum home will somehow bring them back? This was implied by the video posted by Rabbi Hoffman in his latest article.
    I personally believe that a modicum of halachik observance be expected from a non observant family member. This was not the message I heard on the video.

    in reply to: Fire prevention ideas #1429860

    Spray Foam which is used for insulation is a highly flammable material, it can destroy a home in minutes if caught on fire. The fumes & smoke it gives of can also kill very quikly. Please consider this before insulating your wall with spray foam, & check your Mezuzos. Besoros Tovos.

    in reply to: Why are the lakewood rabbanim so against an eruv in thier Town?? #1422506

    V’ahi bimei Shfot Hashoftim…
    It’s not the place to discuss the merits of opinions of the Rabonim of Lakewood.
    These anonymous conversations usually lead to bezui talmidei Chachomim.


    This is the claim of Dr.Schechter of Bikurcholim of Rockland County. Google Dr. Schechter frum divorce study.
    Regardless of the numbers, we know it’s going up by us & going down by the educated secular.

    in reply to: Indecisive Dating & it’s Aftermath #1365156

    The higher retention rate is no indication of a successful marriage, it mainly shows how difficult it is to get divorced in a community. Arranged marriages do work but if someone doesn’t feel comfortable, they should not be pressured to go over the line. If up to 10% of chareidi marriages fall apart, then there’s another 20% in trouble. Remaining married for the children’s sake (though admirable), is not a reason to celebrate our low divorce rate.

    in reply to: Indecisive Dating & it’s Aftermath #1364934

    Pressuring singles to get engaged is a dangerous endeavor which is one reason for the increase in frum divorces according to R’Akiva Tatz. Deciding the most important decision of your life in a state of anxiety & stress leads to problems.


    You are welcome to do the research, divorce among college educated people married over the age of 25 is much lower than the national average of 50%, closer to 25%.
    The facts remain: frum divorces are rising while secular marriages are stabilizing.
    We need to take a fresh look at our chinuch & dating system to see why this is happening, not just blame society at large for our problems.

    in reply to: Can a man be STUCK in a marriage? #1358517

    You will only get a useful answer from someone who knows your situation well & can remain objective about it. Please try to find a qualified person to help you in your difficult situation.
    It would be reckless for me to offer my personal opinion not knowing you. There is a sholom bayis hotline which has helped people in similar situations, Google sholom bayis hotline.

    in reply to: Is technology causing the shidduch crisis? #1354303

    If thousands of frum girls between the ages of 25-39 are single & desperately want to start a family but can’t find a suitable husband, that to me is a crisis. How do you define such a situation?
    The majority of these girls are accomplished well adjusted people who are full capable of being fine wives & mother’s. Instead, they wait in loneliness while some callous individuals even question that there’s a crisis.
    If it we’re your daughter I wonder if your tune would change.

    in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1338156

    Everyone is welcome to explain how wonderful it is to learn Chumash & Rashi in Yiddish, & I admit it does have maalos, however it is ruining the potential of about 20% of each class of boys. I personally took my son from a Yiddish speaking school where he was failing & becoming a behavioral problem & is now from the top boys in his English speaking class.
    I get calls regularly from parents who don’t know what to do about their child that’s failing due to yiddish.
    The main reason why Yiddish is still in Vogue is in order to keep out certain elements from the yeshivish schools. I think we’re paying too high a price.

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