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  • in reply to: Practical Life Advice You Can Share #1691425

    Is the title too open-ended & broad to get anyone interested?

    in reply to: Most popular songs played at simchos #1688737

    He will be playing the songs on his keyboard, I don’t believe there are any royalties the he would owe.

    in reply to: Is YWN orthdox press? #1688403

    It seems that YWN believes that most of its readers would like to see photos of young attractive women on this site. This may be correct but is a michshol to the male readership. I wish there would be a truly Chareidi news site without the female photos but I’m not aware of one.

    in reply to: Why don’t we go like the Slabodka mehalech in regards to clothes? #1687993

    Chassidim are certainly makpid on the mitzva dioraisoh of Elias Shma bizmanah. It’s motzi shem ra to suggest otherwise. I have many chassidish relatives who be aghast at the suggestion that they aren’t makpid on this. Please do your homework. The nefesh hachaim was referring to a small group of people in his time. Inapplicable to the chassidim of our time. Of course there are amhaaratzim in every community that don’t know basic halacha but don’t insinuate that this is acceptable behavior.

    in reply to: Answers for the tuition crisis #1687991

    How do the chassidim manage to keep their tuition manageable despite having large families & many lower income parents? Because every member of the chassidus takes responsibility for its mosdos. Even after their children have graduated & moved away.
    We need every member of the community to share the burden of chinuch habonim not just the parents.
    The current yeshiva model does not encourage the broader community to share the burden.
    I don’t know of a solution other than lowering our lifestyle or increasing Parnassa opportunities.

    in reply to: Potential Idea to help create more shidduchim #1687929

    People will make the choices they believe is best for them. Unless you are part of a chassidus there is no way to institute a community wide takana. Very few boys are interested in being forced to go out twice if they are sure after 1 date it’s not for them. It may even be halachikly problematic.
    Improving your appearance, personality, learning/Parnassa capabilities will make you a more sought after marriage partner.

    in reply to: A Solution: Finding Shidduchim (aka “Shidduch Crisis”) #1685222

    It’s a terrible thing that some people are unemployed. Let’s make a communal takana that no one can go to work until everyone finds a job. The job must earn at least $20 per hour.
    Happy Trolling.

    in reply to: Robocalls for Various Tzedakas #1685127

    The solution is simple, get a Panasonic phone that allows you to block a number with the push of a button. Most of these robo calls come from the same companies, I rarely get an annoying call anymore, they’ve all been blocked.

    in reply to: Working boys and shidduchim #1685048

    I highly recommend the book “The one minute masmid” by rabbi Jonathan Rietti. It describes a system of learning where even someone who feels discouraged about his learning can develop into a Talmid chacham. I know of others who felt a real chizuk in limud Hatorah after reading this very interesting book.
    Don’t assume limud Hatorah is just not for you just because learning in yeshiva was difficult.

    in reply to: why does wearing a white shirt make you more frum in the yeshivish world #1684028

    Lehavdil bein Kodesh lechol. It’s part of levush Yisroel which differentiates us from the umos haolom. Dressing uniquely sends a message that we are different & are expected to act differently. It’s a hanhaga tovah especially at a time when we are becoming culturally affected by the society around us.

    in reply to: Rabbi Tzion Menachem?! #1683567

    No respectable mekubal advertises his miraculous powers. Every month another charlatan comes to town trying to make a buck. Hashem doesn’t need these intermediaries to bring a yeshuah.
    YWN should ban their ads.

    in reply to: No blackface this Purim #1680240

    No it wouldn’t be ok, but KAL vechomer if they are attacking us physically.

    in reply to: No blackface this Purim #1680102

    There are Blacks punching out frum Yidden in crown Heights, do we need to add fuel to the fire? Let’s use common sense & avoid antagonizing ainom Yehudim.

    in reply to: Photos & Shidduchim – Appropriate Or Not?🖼️🤵👰 #1675723

    Every tool Hashem gives us can be abused including photos. I understood that the question was about the responsible use of a photo when looking into a shidduch.

    in reply to: Photos & Shidduchim – Appropriate Or Not?🖼️🤵👰 #1675658

    Pictures only show a small amount of persons chein but they are still a useful piece of information.
    Rav Matisyahu Solomon said a bachur should know that when he goes under the chuppa he takes along all his taavos with him. Being overly righteous while dating is a recipe for unhappiness later.
    I don’t think it’s a chessed do date someone & then reject them for something that you would know in one glance at a photo.

    in reply to: Photos & Shidduchim – Appropriate Or Not?🖼️🤵👰 #1675248

    It all depends on the needs/values of the individual involved. If externals are high on the list then by all means pictures are useful. If not, then why limit your choices based on a photo.
    David Lichtenstein posed this question to Rabbi Sorcher of Detroit & Rabbi Shafier of the Shmuz both endorsed the looking at a photo for shidduch purposes.

    in reply to: Mishenichnas adar marbin besimcha📆🎉 #1674818

    The consensus among the poskim is that this din only applies to Adar sheini. Let’s be patient.

    in reply to: Does The YWN Coffee Room Need a Mechitza #1674600

    For me the coffee room is a place to soundboard ideas, not social interaction. Some might call me a troll because I start a topic & then drop out. Even if such a forum is acceptable in our time we should at least be aware of the spiritual cost it has on us. I think a gender exclusive forum would be more popular with the general readership of ywn. From a readership of many thousands only a small percentage ever post. It doesn’t pas for people to jump into a mixed gender conversation.

    in reply to: Does The YWN Coffee Room Need a Mechitza #1674555

    I don’t think this kind of virtual intermingling would fly in E.Y.
    In America we’re so used to mixed gender offices it seems normal. Really, men & women should not be casually chatting together even virtually. A recent study showed that the members of the opposite gender in an office the higher the risk of divorce. My concern is that this innocent chit chat is eroding the healthy barriers that once existed between the genders among erlicher yidden.

    in reply to: Does The YWN Coffee Room Need a Mechitza #1674510

    The question is if by schmoozing with the opposite gender over here it dulls a person’s sensitivity to remain separate which then affects behavior offline too. You can’t completely separate the virtual world from the real world around you.
    If your hocking with a female on ywn, what will stop you from hocking with someone at the office water cooler. You’ve gotten comfortable schmoozing with ladies in a virtual form.
    The brain is a complex instrument that doesn’t always follow raw logic.

    in reply to: Tzniut Problems In The 5 Towns #1672111

    As I posted earlier, a person who goes in public without tzniusdig is a mazik es horabim. This is very different than someone struggling with a personal yetzer horah. I don’t live in the 5towns so it’s not my place to criticize them. Most are probably tinokes shenishbu. I this is a problem because whenever my relative from the 5towns comes for a simcha we cringe over how she will be dressed.

    in reply to: Tzniut Problems In The 5 Towns #1671684

    Tznius is not just a bein odom limokom obligation, it’s a bein odom lichaveiro obligation. A woman who dresses untzniusdig is a mazik es horabim. She is a walking michshol to every man than sees her. The Steipler called these people spiritual terrorists ruining the neshamos of those who see them. Many of these yidden are tinokes shenishbu who don’t understand how damaging their behavior is to others.


    Does anyone know where Zohar Aghbashoff is today? He was very popular in the late 80’s & I haven’t heard about him since then.


    There are many more older single girls than boys. There are moremore typical single older girls than typical boys. The many older typical single girls are having hard time finding a spouse from the fewer typical older boys left.
    Why are there so few typical older boys left? The rest of them married girls 2-4 years younger than them.

    in reply to: shopping at a new super grocery store vs the corner grocery store. #1668812

    Rav Avigdor Miller said you should remain loyal to the original store you used. He shtelled Tzu the story of Avraham Avinu who stayed at the same motel on his way back from Mitzrayim as the way there. This part of the midda of hakaras hatov & neemonus.

    in reply to: Seeking Special Rav #1666235

    The following Rabbonim should be able to guide you. They have seen & heard the full gamut of human challenges.

    Weinberger, Rabbi Moshe of Aish Kodesh in woodmere.

    Rav Dovid Goldwasser

    Rav Reuven Drucker of Highland Park

    (Contact info removed)

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Denial Syndrome #1663764

    I don’t need any studies (though studies were done). I see it by my extended family & friends. For every single relative or friend Bachur over 26 that I know, there are 3-4 single girls that age. As difficult as it is for these girls & their parents to come to terms with this crisis, it’s even worse when people deny it even exists. Your doing no one a favor when you preach bitachon to a lonely girl who rarely goes on a date because very few marriageable boys are left in their mid 30’s.
    You’re in denial of a real problem we are living through today.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis is not real! #1662904

    We have a boys to girls ratio crisis which leads to many girls remaining single. The boys are doing great. They have long lists of girls to choose from & they can ask for as much support as they want for willing to marry someone.
    Bitochon doesn’t apply to maasei nissim. We can’t expect Hashem to rain down 1000 boys from heaven to marry all the single girls over 30. We need to change the communal structure so that the boy/girl ratio is more even so we don’t end up with a bigger problem down the road.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis is not real! #1662551

    Suddenly once you’re married the crisis is over. 1-2000 girls over the age of thirty is a serious communal problem. They’re tired of “enjoying” their singlehood & would like to move on with their lives. Calling it a “Crisis ” is just a way to motivate people to try to ease the plight of these girls. If you have a better way to help the situation please tell us.
    It’s an Es tzora for klall Yisroel when 1000’s of frum girls are remaining single.

    in reply to: Can president Trump save his presidency? #1662229

    Stop blaming the awful media for president Trumps’s problems. If he would act more refined & dignified the media would not have such an easy time criticizing him. I believe his low poll numbers are directly connected to his constant lashing out at people. Even people who faithfully worked under his administration. The media is terrible but so is mr. Trumps habit of acting like a bully to whomever he feels threatened by. If we show respect to others, we will also be respected. Don’t ignore his personal flaws because you hate the democrats & the media.

    in reply to: Which Heimishe Hechsherim do you trust? #1658166

    Joseph says he trusts the CRC. Why do you trust them? Did you research their policies & mashgichim? Please explain what your trust is based on so that we can be more educated in kashrus.

    in reply to: Alternative Communities in New Jersey? #1657455

    How about Toms River or Jackson? There’s no perfect place to live. Colored shirts are not a good enough reason to put your family through the difficulty of resettling somewhere else. The “pressure ” in Lakewood may be influencing you & your family in a positive way without you realizing. There guys just like you in Lakewood who figure out how to find a nice group. Wearing a white shirt is a small sacrifice for all that Lakewood offers.

    in reply to: Propane gas Portable Matza Oven in NYC #1654518

    I had such a style oven (from Israel but don’t remember the manufacturer) but sold it for the following reason. Lechatchila the matzot should not be touched once placed in the oven until the bottom is baked. In my oven, due to the position of the fire, part of the matzot would burn before the rest was baked . It would need to be moved before the complete bottom of the matza was baked.
    It’s not worth the tremendous work involved to produce second rate matzos.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1652699

    The Chachmei Yisroel don’t need to provide anyone a written teshuva explaining their decisions. The Yishuv in E.Y. has long fought for it’s independence from the Zionist regime. Nachal Chareidi was a big chidush & never intended for a boy able to sit in yeshiva. There are many reasons why the chachmei yisroel want us out of the army, not only because of bittul torah. If you don’t respect their opinion then no written Teshuva will change your mind, if you respect their opinion then you don’t need a Teshuva.

    in reply to: OPEN LETTER To My Fellow NY Hatzolah Members About Billing Insurance #1652613

    First work on perfecting your Davening, your learning, your bein adom lechaveiro, & then we’ll aim for a pure hatzolah that doesn’t bill insurance for services it rightfully can bill for. Your mitzva is as chashuv whether insurance is billed or not. Let’s stop being OCD about this subject.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1652261

    Thank you neville-chaimberlin, I couldn’t have said it better.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1652113

    The repository of Torah has always been the Chareidim. The modern orthodox yidden were the Zevuluns who went out into the academic/professional world. “We” strive to be shevet Yisochor who are the spiritual backbone of klal Yisroel.
    Look at you seforim shelf, at least 95% was written by a Chareidi yid. Artscroll Shas etc. Written & edited by a Chareidi Jew. Mishna Berura, kitzur Shulchan aruch, Aruch hashulchon, Igros Moshe, all Chareidim.
    The chachmei hador belong to the chareidim because they have invested so much into producing gaonei yisroel.
    They have taken responsibility for the chinuch system in E.Y.
    It is absolutely foolish for unqualified people so voice their opinion about this subject. It’s no different than a layman expressing his opinion about how a brain surgeon should operate. Or a Chareidi Jew telling a MO Jew how to run his hedge fund or law practice, everyone should stick to their area of expertise.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1651991

    I never claimed such a thing!. There is an army. They don’t need us to protect the country. We will be pulled down spiritually if we join them. Therefore, we don’t join.
    It is better for them that we don’t join since thereby Klal Yisroel has more zechusim by us remaining pure.
    Quoting a senior Talmid Chacham & recognized leader is not a “joker card” It’s how orthodox Jews have been making decisions since we stood at Har Sinai. (Excluding Korach & several others)

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1651972

    “WE” are the yidden who believe in the Torah’s commandment to follow our senior Talmidei Chachomim of each generation.
    “WE” don’t pasken for ourselves on our own from cliche like Yishuv E. Y., We rely on the guidance the senior chachmei hador of each generation.
    This is how Yiddishkeit always was before modern orthodoxy took off.

    Rav Ahron Leib Shteinmann was a recognized Manhig Yisroel & this was his opinion as you can read here:

    Recently Released Letter By Maran HaRav SHteinman To Hagon HaRav Don Segal Regarding Nachal Charedi

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1651848

    We believe that a) the army is not an acceptable place for any yeshiva bachur regardless of how little he’s learning.

    B) the nachal Hareidi was only intended for boys who would otherwise become mechalilei Shabbos.

    C) The yeshiva draft law places all Yidden in E.Y. In danger by weakening limud Hatorah, which is our main zechus.

    D) If Nachal Hareidi boys were killed, it signifies we need to do Teshuva & accrue more zechusim.

    E) We certainly protest the draft which would leave us with less zechusim & thereby more soldiers dying Ch”vsh.

    F) We don’t make a specific misheberach for Israeli soldiers because we need to be clear that it’s existence is a terrible bedieved, only for boys that would otherwise go otd. We have them in mind by acheinu other general tefilos for klall Yisroel.

    Those that died protecting klal yisroel are kedoshei elyon.

    in reply to: Trump will not be re-elected. Sorry #1650020

    I’m sorry for all us frum Yidden sighed with relief when Obama finally was done. We may be looking at another 8 years of a super liberal anti-Israel president from the Democrats. If only Trump could control himself from all his lashing out & tweeting. If he isn’t reelected then he has himself to blame. I think he’s well-meaning & want’s to help the country but is sabotaged by his own impulsive temperament.

    in reply to: Is the MO community concerned with SED? Why the silence? #1648483

    I don’t believe the MO schools have 5 hours of secular studies per day in the 7-8th grade. Will they just go along with whatever the state decides for them?

    in reply to: Your 21 year old son may be ready for marriage #1635501

    If 2000 unmarried American chareidi girls above the age of 25 is not a “crisis ” then I don’t know what else to call it. If getting boys to marry a bit younger can help solve this problem than we should be responsible & try to make it happen.
    A lack of bitochon? Helping out other yidden from living a life of loneliness is a mitzva, we don’t apply bitochon to absolve ourselves from mitzvos.
    There are countless single girls who are leaving their childbearing age who will never experience the joys of motherhood due to the shortage of boys. It’s baloney that so many boys have left the chareidi world & that explains the shortage.
    Some people have shidduch crisis phobia & simply cannot accept that Hashem would allow such a scenario. They think it’s kefira to believe that such a crisis can even happen, let alone trying to fix it. I wasn’t addressing my post to anti shidduch crisis diehards.
    There is much the rest of us can do without them.

    in reply to: Your 21 year old son may be ready for marriage #1635255

    If your son is 21 & is a mature boy then you should definitely bring up the subject of marriage & whether he would like to begin dating. Hopefully, if more boys marry girls of similar age we won’t have several thousand unmarried older girls like we have today. You don’t need to call it a “crisis” if you find that word disturbing, we can just call it the 2000 missing boys of marriageable age dilemma.

    in reply to: Is it Mutar to celebrate Thanksgiving?!?!?!?!?!?! #1628825

    Don’t be frummer than the gedolei Yisroel like rav Moshe, rav Yaakov, rav Ruderman, rav Ahron, etc. Non of them celebrated this non Jewish holiday. They had a better understanding of hakoras hatov than any of us.

    in reply to: Did Dell Bigtree change your perspective about anti vaxxers? #1626038

    Which Rabbonim have called them rodfim?
    Why does it need to be in writing? I personally asked one of the most respected Rabbonim in Lakewood who said he supports the decisions of anti vaxxers. He’s not interested in being harassed by the multitudes of hysterical people so it’s not in writing.

    in reply to: Did Dell Bigtree change your perspective about anti vaxxers? #1625865

    I’m not condoning people’s decision not to vaccinate during an epidemic, I do think he raised legitimate concerns with the oversight of vaccines. I personally do vaccinate though at a later age than what’s recommended by the CDC. Vaccination doesn’t need to be all or nothing, we need a state of balance. The anti-vaxxers are not a bunch of fools, they have well-respected poskim supporting them. As long as they have rabbinic support, you have no right to call them rodfim or humiliate them. You may have a right to keep their children out of school since schools are generally private institutions.

    in reply to: How can the Lakewood township fix the local traffic problem? #1621815

    We need more cross roads between Prospect & James & James Central Ave. The only connecting roads are Williams & Sunset, both roads are slow moving.

    in reply to: Some topics are just too controversial for the coffee room moderators. #1620673

    Dear moderator: Daas Torah is your Rebbi or a gadol hador, neither has told me which political candidate to vote for.
    Most of Lakewood voted for Hugin so they seem to agree with me.
    I’m glad to see YWN getting serious about loshon horah but I do not consider havi g a conversation about a lack of lines sofrim in local politics loshon horah.
    It’s not about any particular person, it’s about whether the current political process is working.
    Some topics are too controversial even when they’re nor loshon horah it seems.
    Thank you for allowing this thread to continue.

    in reply to: Lakewood Vaad’s Gefilte Fish Recipe (T) #1620670

    It’s a shame my choice of gefilte fish isn’t decided by daas Torah, it would taste so much better.

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