u cud get them for like $7…they’re cheap and come in various flaors…i smelt banana, cherry pop, supermint, chocolate mint, apricot, blueberry, strawberry…
its called snuff and it comes in many flavors. most people say you must make borei minei bisumim. people smell it on fast days to fullfil the requirement of making 100 brochos a day (since we cant eat we make less brochos). you can buy them online…search “snuff” on google. i know that snuff was used back in europe, in all the shtiebels….hope i was a help! 🙂
bnos yaakov is an amazing school with down to earth, but good girls, not too yeshivish. the principals and teachers are all amazing and their doors are always opened to anyone for help, questions, or input. not your typical school…more into projects and group activities than tests and assignments! all in all a wonderful school with an amazing atmosphere 🙂