I am a former talmid of the Yeshiva and was thrilled when I saw the heading for the article. For some reason, Waterbury does not seem to get a lot of exposure. This could be because of the unsteady reputation it had a while back. However, if one visits the yeshiva today they will see nothing but a promising and budding yeshiva . I was there less than 2 years ago and experienced the most life altering 2 years of my life. I was not a person who was off the derech, confused, or looking for direction, yet, it was truly life changing. You walk through the doors and you begin to change as a person. I cannot explain it, it just happens. Rebbeim there are unlike any other. They love each and every talmid and do everything it takes to enable them to succeed. You also will not find an insensitive bochur in the yeshiva as well. The overwhelming sensitivity from each and every bochur and rebbe is astounding. It honestly is a great community to be part of and Please do not think I am trying to advertise by writing this. I am merely showing appreciation to the people who made me become the person I am today.