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Give Me a BreakMember
About 200, but a huge number are animal-oriented. (Did I mention I love animals?)
Whose initiative? I don’t even remember already.
Give Me a BreakMemberJoseph:
Are you saying that I’ve “been there, done that?”
Thankfully, I don’t really have the answer to your request.
Give Me a BreakMemberMy YW problems aside, I think that YeshivaNet is an excellent alternative to the rag they call ‘Internet.’
November 3, 2008 2:41 am at 2:41 am in reply to: Barack Hussein Obama, Will he Drop “Hussein” or Not? #623432Give Me a BreakMemberDon’t forget that King Hussein was a friend of Israel – not all Husseins are bad.
Give Me a BreakMemberyoshi:
You DIDN’T! How could you?
Give Me a BreakMember“Kosher” shavers? Are they edible?
Give Me a BreakMemberJoseph:
Did you read my post?
November 3, 2008 12:56 am at 12:56 am in reply to: Barack Hussein Obama, Will he Drop “Hussein” or Not? #623430Give Me a BreakMemberMy hope? President-elect Barack Hussein Obama II.
Give Me a BreakMemberTo learn about PETA’s radical actions, vist for a good idea.
I don’t believe in PETA – I believe in moral treatment of non-human animals.
Give Me a BreakMemberfeivel:
They’re QUITE hard to see.
Give Me a BreakMemberjewishfeminist02:
Give Me a BreakMemberJoseph:
My grandfather was EXTREMELY close with his father, whom I mentioned before, and yet my family knows NOTING of my great-grandfather’s family before WWII. My point is that you can not know something about your close family.
Give Me a BreakMemberSarah:
Wholeheartedly. I understood your frustration, as I was equally disturbed as well.
I hope you’ll forgive me for thinking that you were somehow messing me up.
Give Me a BreakMemberBecause Obama leads the polls? Ich veiss?
Give Me a BreakMemberJoseph:
My great-grandfather had information that we don’t know about.
Give Me a BreakMembermdlevine:
Same here. And thank you for contacting Mr. Greenfield and posting his reply.
Give Me a BreakMembersammyjoe:
I had dial-up, but I have since switched to DSL. But you’re right – if not for my family, I probably WOULDN’T have YeshivaNet.
Give Me a BreakMembersammyjoe:
I had dial-up, but I have since switched to DSL.
Give Me a BreakMemberfeivel:
Nobody WANTS to kill ants – they do it by accident.
Give Me a BreakMembershkoyach:
The problem is NOT mistaken identity – I couldn’t care less. It’s the fact that YW Moderator is threatening to kick me off Yeshiva World (see comment 29 on this thread).
I use YeshivaNet because, although I’m not a kid, there ARE kids in the house and I don’t know what they could get into.
November 2, 2008 1:42 am at 1:42 am in reply to: Barack Hussein Obama, Will he Drop “Hussein” or Not? #623424Give Me a BreakMemberchalish:
Barack HussEin Obama, Jr.
Give Me a BreakMemberJoseph:
YeshivaNet is an unusual ISP!
Give Me a BreakMemberSarah:
I said I’m FROM Miami – I moved back to NY to be near my family.
I do have a feeling that YeshivaNet customers are running off a central computer – you’ll have to ask Y. Greenfield.
Yes, that IS why I asked “Joseph” to give a synopsis of the article – I couldn’t read it through YeshivaNet!
Give Me a BreakMembersammyjoe:
Yes – I DO use YeshivaNet! You think that might be it?
Give Me a BreakMembermariner:
Then someone else is using my computer.
Why is everyone sympathiziing with “Sarah” while wagging their fingers at me?
Give Me a BreakMemberSarah:
I forgot about that – but don’t incriminate yourself.
“And I am the ONLY user on my computer, so if my IP address is appearing under another screen name, there are either ghosts hovering over my keyboard or YW IS MAKING A MISTAKE.”
I thought so too. But I don’t know, because I’m NOT the only one on my computer. I have a relatively large family, though I don’t know if anyone else posts here.
P.S. I completely agree with you – but please stop referring to “SarahB” (whoever that is) because you’re incriminating ME.
Give Me a BreakMemberYW Moderator:
Either someone else must be using the same computer that I use [as “beacon” suggests] or you are trying to torture me [as “Sarah” says referring to herself]. Now, I am going to be dan you lekaf zechus and assume that another member of my family is also posting on YWN rather than blaming you. It’s only fair that YOU should do the same and assume the same as I am.
dont have internet: Even Y.W. Editor isn’t saying that I’m “sammygol” – he said “sammyJOE” [which, of course, I’m not, nor am I “Sarah”].
Give Me a BreakMemberYW Moderator:
I see you really don’t believe me. Why? I am not Sarah! As I wrote, what happened to a chezkas kashrus? I’d be willing to swear that I have one screen name, but you don’t know me and so can’t bring me to BD. Why don’t you check the e-mail address that the screen names were registered under? You are really hurting me, YW Moderator, and know that I do not forgive you as of yet. And for all you [and I] know, maybe someone else is using the computer – whoever told you it was a private computer? I have NO other usernames, and did you forget that with billions of computers, we’re bound to have to reuse Internet Protocol addresses?
I beg of you to be dan me lekaf zechus and believe me when I tell you that I am one and one only – “Give Me a Break.”
Give Me a BreakMemberSarah:
“GMAB- I guess the multiple personalities you employ in order to convince your debating partners is a compliment to YWN members, who are so formidable that you require “back up” assistance. “
Stop insulting me. I already stated that I have ONE username – Give Me a Break. If “Sarah” can be incorrectly attributed to me, don’t you think that maybe “Give Me a Break” was incorrectly attributed to others?
What happened to “Hevei dan lechol adam lekaf zechus?”
October 31, 2008 5:18 pm at 5:18 pm in reply to: Barack Hussein Obama, Will he Drop “Hussein” or Not? #623421Give Me a BreakMembereliezer:
I’m NOT a woman!
Give Me a BreakMemberfeivel:
Yes, ants suffer, but you can’t be expected to watch every step.
Give Me a BreakMembersammygol:
I have ONE screen name – “Give Me a Break.”
Give Me a BreakMemberfeivel:
Consciousness needs a brain, which is essentially a cluster of nerves. If there are no nerves, what convey messages of feeling?
Give Me a BreakMemberfeivel:
100%. Dinnertime is for dinner.
Give Me a BreakMemberNext time, get them from chutz la’aretz.
Give Me a BreakMemberEasy to treat? Then how come it’s one of the leading causes of death?
Cancer is You vs. You.
Give Me a BreakMembersammyjoe:
Who are you and what are you doing to me?!
Give Me a BreakMember“Americans Rate As the Stupidest People
BRITAIN, Nov. 5 2008 – After Barack Obama’s victory in the US Presidential Election, leading scientists have determined that Americans are an unfortunate fluke of evolution, where their intellect has been lowered.”
Yeah, right.
Give Me a BreakMemberfeivel:
Here’s probably the only time I agree with Joseph – why DO you add t’s to your link?
Give Me a BreakMemberlammed hey:
1991? I wasn’t old enough to get the news.
Give Me a BreakMembersammygol:
Yes, I DID read the site owner’s post – that’s how I knew. And I’m not “umm” either. Stop taunting me, “shema.”
Give Me a BreakMemberfeivel:
Cognitive is not literal. How can bacteria feel if they have no nerves?
P.S. I go to zoos, but only to those in which the animals have large spaces to roam.
October 30, 2008 8:14 pm at 8:14 pm in reply to: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? #626059Give Me a BreakMemberThe Big One:
October 30, 2008 8:12 pm at 8:12 pm in reply to: Barack Hussein Obama, Will he Drop “Hussein” or Not? #623414Give Me a BreakMemberGILA:
He’s NOT an Arab. Even if he’s a Muslim, which he certainly ISN’T, he’s still not an Arab – an Arab is one descended from those in the Middle East – for example, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, etc. If anything, Obama’s an African Muslim. Islam was foisted on the Africans, didn’t you know?
Give Me a BreakMemberlammed hey:
Imagine what? I don’t know of Dinkins – I’m from Miami.
Give Me a BreakMemberI forgot to add: Unless absolutely necessary, or impossible to avoid.
Bacteria are not feeling.
Give Me a BreakMembersammygol:
That’s not my username! Or is it yours?
Give Me a BreakMemberEverything is in HaShem’s hands. Whether Barack H. Obama II or John S. McCain III becomes president is up to him.
Give Me a BreakMemberfeivel:
It’s about time they realized.
October 30, 2008 6:44 pm at 6:44 pm in reply to: Barack Hussein Obama, Will he Drop “Hussein” or Not? #623411Give Me a BreakMemberWhy should he drop his middle name?