Git Meshige

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  • in reply to: What Blessing to make upon Seeing President Obama #948388
    Git Meshige

    Yekke2, you don’t need to believe every urban legand out there

    in reply to: Margaret Thatcher, of blessed memory. #945625
    Git Meshige

    The ones that were celebrating her death are the sick punks that are upset that she righfully took their welfare away and she attempted to put them to work. Sadly alot in Britain have no interest to work and the Labour policies encourage just that. Thatcher turned the country around. It was known as the booming eightys because of her policies. Of coarse she would be sorely missed by sane people not by the scum of society

    in reply to: Why do people do this? #948758
    Git Meshige

    Why do pople clean their ears out with the side of their glasses, then look at the gook?

    in reply to: Favorite Yiddish songs #969546
    Git Meshige

    Torah613, its sung by Avraham Fried but composed by Yomtov Ehrlich, lets give credit where credit is due

    in reply to: Diet help #945156
    Git Meshige

    All diets are a waste of time. Common sense prevails. It boils down to mind over matter. I lost 60 pounds in 9 months with that mindset. Anyone that tries this diet and that diet and loses a bit then gains, is silly. Chnage your lifestyle and eating habits, you will prevail. Otherwise you will just be frustrated and put more weight back on

    in reply to: Everyone Must Answer: Your Favorite Song #1032910
    Git Meshige

    The responses on this thread prove my point that Jewish Music has officially died.

    No point me mentioning my favorite song, noone will know it.

    How sad….

    in reply to: Glatt ala carte #943609
    Git Meshige

    If I may add my 2 cents here, it all boils down to $$$ and calories. At the end of the day, a full meal at GAC will cost more in $$$ and in calories. Afterall, noone just settles for some grilled chicken. There are appetizers, mostly fried and unhealthy, main dish, mostly fatty and unhealthy and dessert. So end of day one is better off at KD

    in reply to: Good Communities Outside of NY #1153466
    Git Meshige

    Cheyenne, Wyoming is wonderful

    in reply to: This may sound like a crazy question but I'm serious… #941875
    Git Meshige

    To the original question, what a person will do at techiyas hameisim in terms of clothing. We believe that the ultimate nes will be techiyas hameisim. I am sure the clothing factor will be taken care of by the Ribonoi Shel Oilam who takes care of everything else.

    in reply to: This may sound like a crazy question but I'm serious… #941874
    Git Meshige

    Most Achronim agree that oilam haba refers to yemois Hamoshiach where there will be a guf and a neshama. When a person dies he/she goes to oilam haneshomois, kind of like a storage facility until techiyas hameisim, where there will be oilam haba a real life and geheinoim also real life. If you were wondering how a person can burn in gehinoim if he dies, the gehinoim kicks in after techiyas hameisim

    in reply to: New Fresh Joke Thread #1027338
    Git Meshige

    I actually have something serious to say. Sechoik vekalus roish, margilin es haodom leervah

    in reply to: No Thanks for Your Mishloach Manos! #1009946
    Git Meshige

    That is exactly how Hashem views us when we daven. We do aveirois daily and are filthy spiritually when we ask him for things, yet he sustains us daily while we sin. So my friend, be a soival and accept something that you may not find so appealing and be quiet. Try and emulate Hashems ways

    in reply to: The Pun Thread #1098951
    Git Meshige

    Geremany was Hungry had a little Turkey, slipped on some Greace and broke a little China

    in reply to: Mitzvah Tantz? #1208102
    Git Meshige

    Dear Hardatwork. Since you are from out of town, as you put it, chances are the following ” Minhagim ” take place at your weddings. Kallah going into the mens section and sitting next to Chosson to watch a few of his friends go nuts. Also what probably happens, Kallah gets raised on a table alongside Chosson on a table, with chosson and Kallah doing interesting dance moves for all to see. The difference between those Minhagim and the Heilige Minhag of a Mitzva Tantz, is that the Mitzvah tantz is an ancient Minhag with deep Kabbalistic sources versus the other “Minhag” that is very questionable interms of Tzenius with no Kabalistic source

    in reply to: "A Jewish Star"�Not Very Jewish #957779
    Git Meshige

    WIY, the reason why people are bringing up the show is because it is possible one was nichshal many years ago and has since done teshuva. Ever crossed your mind that could be the case?

    in reply to: There's Beer In The Cholent! #929286
    Git Meshige

    Daay Yochid, who do you think is better in Hashems eyes, the one that calls Shabbos Seuda “lunch” but does not cheat and steal or talk loshon hora and makes machlokes, or the one that calls it ” Seuda” but does all of the above? Stop focusing on the petty issues and worry about the serious ones

    in reply to: How would you say "Abi" in English? #928109
    Git Meshige

    It has multiple meanings. The term , Abi melebt would mean, at least I am living. The term, abi geredt, Just to speak for no reason.

    I challenge anyone to translate the term ” to fargin”

    in reply to: Jewish Mayor Koch Being Buried In Church Cemetery #927236
    Git Meshige

    What does the murder of Daniel Pearl have to do with the death of Ed Koch? Why is that Hashgacha Pratis exactly. There are only 365 days a year. So one can always make any connection with a particular date, as something happens every day. Not sure what the brainstorm is exactly

    in reply to: Jewish Mayor Koch Being Buried In Church Cemetery #927227
    Git Meshige

    Whil despised Koch for his Anti Torah views and his arrogant behaviour, in no uncertain terms should anyone label him a Christian. Once a Jew always a Jew. The fact that he is buried in a non Jewish cemetary, does not render him a Christian.

    in reply to: Shop Local vs Amazon #1007023
    Git Meshige

    With all due respect to funnybone, you are a mechutzaf. YOU have no right to go to a check out counter and have the item ring up and then start haggling. Would you do that at Macys? If you dont like the price, walk out. A store has every right to charge what ever they see fit.

    in reply to: how does Hashem want girls with good voices to use them? #917077
    Git Meshige

    Sing nursery rhymes to her children

    in reply to: Some notes about what it means to be truly poor… #1001084
    Git Meshige

    While I feel your pain and suffering, having myself gone through what you are going through but worse, I can give you some valuable advice. Before I begin, this is coming from someone that has 7 children, loss of a hone, loss of income and having a few special needs kids. So if you think that your situation is bad, there is always someone worse off. That is not to minimize your situation, but putting things into perspective. I was on the verge of a breakdown, with the everything possible that could go wrong went wrong. I seeked help from the Government, local organizations and they all came to my rescue. After meeting different organizations, and being the recipient of Toimchei Shabbos, I was able to breathe easier and there was hope on the horizon. I also took a look at my spiritual well being and discovered there were areas that needed improvement, and I made it a point of improving my relationship to Hashem. Guess what, everything turned around. I cannot say that I am totally out of the hole, but I am definitely living a straightforward life. There are people that are desperate to help people like you and me. Resorting to “schnorer” $30 a day will not solve your problem. What will solve your problem, is approaching different organizations and the Government programs. You must also re connect with the Ribonei Shel Oilam. With all those aspects you will be better off, I guaranty it.

    I hope this turn around very soon. Good luck

    in reply to: Xmas becoming a jewish holiday? #916806
    Git Meshige

    I would be more concerned about the Chanukah Party at the White House organized by frum yidden. That should be a concern for assimilation, not enjoying a day off with ones wife

    in reply to: A bit bothered by some advertisements in frum publications #1009263
    Git Meshige

    Wolfishmusings , of coarse Chazal did not think the way you think. Again, if you ever follow our sages and see what THEY have to say about living an ostentatious life, then you would agree. But obviously you fail to adhere to what they have to say and rather listen to your yetzer hora, then of coarse you find nothing wrong with it. So very sad

    in reply to: A bit bothered by some advertisements in frum publications #1009259
    Git Meshige

    Walfishmusings, you are 100% wrong. If you ever opened up a Mussar Sefer in your life you will discover that our sages were vehemently against ostentatios way of life. Chazal warned us to live a simple life and not be oisek in Taanugei Oilam Hazeh.

    in reply to: AFTER MOSHIACH COMES: Will people die? #893586
    Git Meshige

    Noone really knows what will be. There is one source that says the world will cease to exist after 6,000 years, a Gemorah somewhere. We are told that oilam habah is eternity so if noone dies after Moshiach comes, what happens to Oilam Haba ? There is so many unanswered questions and I dont think its in our place to start figuring these things out. Live life to the fullest, try to do the right things and Hashem will take care of the rest

    in reply to: What to eat B4Tisha b'Av starts #887975
    Git Meshige

    yekke2, its sad that you have to write”cant wait” for a fleishig seudah hamafsekes. The whole concept is sad. You should be upset that it falls out on Shabbos, since its more meaningful to have the real seudah hamafsekes. Thats the point of tisha baav. Not to fress as much meat before the taanis.

    in reply to: is it wrong to go to sports games #888529
    Git Meshige

    Bustercrown, how can you to tell a baal teshuva not to eat a Cheese Burger that they loved. What a dumb attidude. If its wrong you dont let them go. Even if they love it.

    in reply to: How do I stop all the Tzedaka Calls ? #887369
    Git Meshige

    Ohr Chodosh, you are missing the point. The discussion is not whether we should be giving Tzedaka, its about the way its done. Certain methods should be off limits, this is one of them.

    in reply to: Tznius in brooklyn #1087308
    Git Meshige

    I think the biggest shemirah is to avoid looking at women. With all due respect, it seems that you are taking a little too close of an inventory. Stop analyzing so much and look the other way. Its not your business to change the world.

    in reply to: Frum Jews and animals: why can't they get along together? #1014821
    Git Meshige

    The real reason why frum Askenazi Jews are afraid of dogs is quite simple. In Europe during the Holocaust and even prior to the Holocaust, Jews were terrorized by dogs. The Nazi’s YMS used dogs to intimidtae and threaten them. So its genetic kind of. Even though today we thankfully do not have to endure what they went through, yet the fear of dogs was instilled in us by our parents and Grandparents and great grandparents.

    in reply to: shomer nigia #901591
    Git Meshige

    I know that Rav Moshe prohibited it in different teshuvois. I wonder if the people who rely on Rav Moshe with regard to Cholov Stam, are they machmir when it comes to shaking a womens hand? I wonder…..

    in reply to: Listening To Non-Live Music On Sefira #1151848
    Git Meshige

    During the war people were moiser nefesh themselves for Yiddishkeit. They never compromised one iota . How low have we stooped that we need to ask shailos on this topic.

    in reply to: Best Jewish Singer #1219016
    Git Meshige

    What bothers me are some of the clueless comments on this thread. I am 36 years old and I grew up with the real deal. Mordechai ben David ( an amazing voice, composer, and maven ) Shlomo Carlebach – unreal, Bentzion Shenker and David Werdyger. These were flawless artists that understood music and were able to convey their talent to the public. Today all you young folk are in love in Shwekey. Why, because he reaches insanely high notes. But after a while you can get sick and tired of it. He does not compose songs has very little haavana. Todays “singers” are just singing. They have no understanding. Even MBD today has lost his touch because he is influeneced by the ignorant hamon am.

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