Git Meshige

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  • in reply to: mbd yiddish lyrics a lichitig shabbos #1119540
    Git Meshige

    You would have been better off writing this thread in Yiddish

    in reply to: davening from electronic device #1116415
    Git Meshige

    Call me old fashioned, I have a siddur bang in middle of the NY Post and I daven out of that. People think I am reading the Post while davening, but really I am simply davening just like everyone else.

    in reply to: The Geula Is Imminent! #1115896
    Git Meshige

    #3, Achake Loi bechol Yom Sheyavoi. Period. Dont doubt it for one second that Moshiach wont come tomorrow. Part of the Ikrei Haemunah.

    in reply to: My daughter is in Sem in Israel and I'm scared for her #1111872
    Git Meshige

    To anyone who claims Israel is safer for Jews over any other country, I challenge them with the following. From 1947 through 2015, how many Jews in Israel were killed through terrorism, and any other country where Jews were killed through terrorism. I can safely bet the number is staggeringly higher in Israel.

    Its one thing to be a pro Zionist, its another thing to outright lie and deceive.

    in reply to: Maybe I Just Shouldn't Say Kaddish? #1101288
    Git Meshige

    You know, I have a similar problem. The Shul where I daven, have some people who talk during various parts of the davening. It hinders my concentration and I have requested numerous times for quiet but to no avail. I have tried other shuls and encounter the same problem , if not worse. So maybe I should just quit davening?

    Just saying…..

    in reply to: Where is my Thank You Card? #1092167
    Git Meshige

    DaasYochid, if you help someone switch their flat tire and the guy drives off without saying thank you, would it bother you?

    The gifts are typically given in bulk to either of the parents or a pile at the wedding. It is common decency to thank the person who gave a gift. It seems that in todays day and age things are taken for granted and sheer manners is lacking, starting with yourself

    in reply to: silly songs you learnt as a kid #1082412
    Git Meshige

    There was a crooked man, who walked a crooked mile,

    who found a crooked sixpence against a crooked style,

    he bought a crooked cat , who caught a crooked mouse ,

    and they all lived together in a little crooked house.

    Stupidity shebestupidity.

    We are better off with Torah Ave or Baruch learns about Brochos

    Goes to show what Toychan the Goyshe chinuch has

    in reply to: Burger place? #1076896
    Git Meshige

    Brooklyn Shmooklyn, hop over the GWB and go to Teaneck NJ, Gotham Burger

    in reply to: Could a Holocaust ever happen is the USA? #1083099
    Git Meshige

    Walf, they said that in Germany in the early 1900’s.

    in reply to: School for kids on Chol Hamoed? #1071023
    Git Meshige

    147, Why exactly is it considered abusing the Moed if kids learn some Torah?

    in reply to: School for kids on Chol Hamoed? #1071020
    Git Meshige

    letakein, so 2 and half months in the summer is not long enough? Plus Mid Winter, Legal Holidays and yomim Tovim, the hardworking kids need more vacation? How about the parents getting some vacation?

    in reply to: do i get an aveirah if i don't do shnayim mikra? #1064222
    Git Meshige

    I do not think you get an aveirah, you just fail to fulfil the Mitzvah. Does one get an aveirah, if they miss Kriyas Shma Bizmanoi?

    in reply to: How and why should I respect a parent that doesn't deserve respect? #1061086
    Git Meshige

    Because the Torah said so. That simple.

    in reply to: Boycotting Borsalino? #1070051
    Git Meshige

    Popa, look else where. of coarse you are not bound by their terms, that why you should by a Roche.But boycotting because you cant afford it, sure sounds Communistic to me.

    in reply to: Chazzan Yossele Rosenblatt #1054598
    Git Meshige

    What a stupid argument about who is greater. Chazonim are in the eye of the beholder, kind of like beauty.

    Btw, I proclaim that Shnitzel is the best type of chicken. I dont care if anyone prefers grilled chicken, fried is definitely better.

    in reply to: Mixed gym #1054817
    Git Meshige

    To all those makilim who consider everything assur to be a Sheilah, I have some news for you. The Torah says” Kedoshim Tiyhu”,Rashi says ” Hevei Perushim Min Harayois”. Follow Rashi, and stay away from a mixed Gym. If you consider it a Sheilah, then consider staying at work late on Friday, into Shabbos a Shailoh as well, because of Parnossoh. Be a jew to the fullest and be mevater. Not everything involves convenience. Otherwise, what kind of Sechar are you going to get in the next world?

    in reply to: what is the origin of chanukah gifts? #1112574
    Git Meshige

    Unfortunately a lot of “minhagei Chanukah” are adopted from Christmas. There is NO mekoir anywhere in Chazal or Shulchan Aruch for Chanukah gifts. There IS a mekoir for Chanukah gelt and that where it ends. Also when one wishes Happy Chanukah that is also derived from Christmas. Do we say Happy Shavous or Happy Sukkois? There is Simcha on Yom Tov yet we don’t wish one another that way. But when it comes to Chanukah we tend to try and emulate them for some reason. Oh and I forgot to mention the group of people that are busy lighting Menorahs in public places along side the X mas tree. Why does cant Chanukah be celebrated the way Chazal instituted and why do we need to steal snip bits from them?

    Just a thought

    in reply to: What's the strongest thing you've overcome? #1042654
    Git Meshige

    Not falling asleep during my Rov’s weekly drosho

    in reply to: Does anyone know the halakhah concerning coffins? #1037650
    Git Meshige

    Its not the cough that carries you off, its the coffin that carries you off in

    in reply to: Shabbos Project results #1191695
    Git Meshige

    I have always wondered why Kiruv Organizations only started 30-40 years ago. There were Non Frum Yidden throughout the ages, why did the Gedolim of those generations not find it necessary to be mekarev them and bring as many yidden back to Yiddishkeit?

    in reply to: Yoim Hamisah #1031489
    Git Meshige

    Goq, so you mean to tell me we should just enjoy life, eat drink and be merry? I was thinking along the lines that it is the koach of the yetzer hora to forget about it. Thinking about dying is not necessarily a bad thing, it actually straightens a person out and readies himself for the next world.

    in reply to: Gemach for Down Payment assistance #1029280
    Git Meshige

    If you need a gemach to help you buy a house, you are asking for trouble. Expect it to go into foreclosure and you will end up losing it. Hasnt anyone learned from the Mortgage crisis 6 years ago?

    in reply to: Does anyone know mekubalim in NY? #1029361
    Git Meshige

    Yes. I know a very good one. He doesn’t charge any money whatsoever. He is always available for you , no matter when you want to speak to him. He is guaranteed to help you in every which way. Is is merciful and for real. His name is G-D

    in reply to: Rabbi Yitzchak Kimmel #1027750
    Git Meshige

    Never heard of him. ive heard of Jimmy Kimmel though

    On a serious note, Tomim Tiyeh Im Hashem Elokecha

    in reply to: Non-jewish A Capella During Sefira #1015361
    Git Meshige

    Sam, its a minhag that us Yidden have kept for generations. Comes along a smart alec like you or someother people and decide to throw away and do away with mesorah.You decided that its mutar. Forget about everyone else that holds Mesorah.

    BTW, you know how the Reform movement started? The first questionable thing they did, was do away with Yekum Purkan. Here too, you disregard what our Mesorah teaches and make your own conclusions and decisions.

    For shame

    in reply to: Non-jewish A Capella During Sefira #1015356
    Git Meshige

    Sam, this topic comes up during the 3 weeks as well. The point is there are those that are always looking for loopholes. Not everything is Mutar because it is not deoiyrasah. When you make a simcha, do you do mixed seating? My guess is that not. If so, why not? Its not even derabanan. The reason you do it is because of seyag and gedarim. So too with music. Halacha dictates that we should not make weddings not cut hair and refrain from things that cause us enjoyment and make us happy. Any type of music does that. So quit your nonsense

    in reply to: Non-jewish A Capella During Sefira #1015346
    Git Meshige

    We have all forgotton the reason why we have Sefira to begin with. If one is looking for loopholes then the inyan of Sefirah means diddly squat to him so nhe may as well listen to whatever he wants and shave and go to weddings. Cant we just survive without music during these days of reflection? If one was RL sitting shiva, would he ask a ” Sheyla” to turn on some background music?

    in reply to: This Segulah really works #1054773
    Git Meshige

    If someone is in close proximity to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, they should do it.

    in reply to: HIGHWAY ROBBERY: Cost Of Shmura Matzah #1009076
    Git Meshige

    Just curious if you ever eat out and pay $40 for a piece of steak. Do you waste money on vacations and drive a leased car? If the answer is yes then you have no business complaining about the cost of Shmura Matzoh. If the answer is no then there is Toimche Shabbos that would be more than willing to help you

    When it comes to a Mitzva people have a problem spending money.

    in reply to: Parnassah Expo 2014 March 25th-26th #998244
    Git Meshige

    It will be ahuge source of Parnosah to the Organizers of the event, that is for certain

    in reply to: Manchester Eiruv #1000105
    Git Meshige

    Who cares which Rov says what. Follow your local Rov and that’s it. Do you care which Rov paskens what on hilchas Niddah? Why do people like to stir up trouble? I never understood why regarding an eiruv is such a big deal versus what different Rabanim say about hilchois niddah or whether one should eat rice on Pesach or not. Mind boggling it is

    in reply to: Non-Jewish babysitters and nannies? #968082
    Git Meshige

    heretohelp, sarcasm won’t solve the problem. For the record, my neighbor had a nanny that fed the children treif. My sister has a friend that had a nanny that was watching the kids on rosh Hashana while the parents were davening and put on a dvd to keep them occupied. Those 2 stories come to my mind and I am sure there are plenty others. An alternative to hiring non Jewish nannys is to either send a child to a Jewish day care, there are plenty or to find a Jewish one. The excuse that a job over powers chinuch of a child is ludicrous. I assume you would also agree with the people 70 years ago that were of the opinion that their job was more important than Shabbos. Chinuch of a child is detrimental to their lives. If the child is under supervision of a shiksa longer than the parents, that is cause for real concern. i have pity on you that you fail to see the importance.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish babysitters and nannies? #968064
    Git Meshige

    ubiquitin, firstly I never suggested anyone quit their job. Secondly, there are alternatives to Non Jewish babysitters, plenty of alternatives. Thirdly, in your mind, a job is more important than a chinuch of a child, speaks volumes about your mindset

    in reply to: Fire-eating/breathing #967076
    Git Meshige

    How about learning how to learn a blatt gemorah instead?

    in reply to: Who is Mordechai Schmutter? #967030
    Git Meshige

    yekke, it is quite apparent that you don’t appreciate Shmutter’s HUMOR, becuase you are from gloomy old Britain.

    in reply to: Who is Mordechai Schmutter? #967024
    Git Meshige

    It is his real name. The article you saw was a lie. Actually they thought it was a joke but they actually lied and distorted and confused the facts. Its amazing how a Jewish publication can get away with such distortions and not face consequences

    Git Meshige

    Very simple solution, don’t shop there. Instead of raising a ruckus, why don’t you take your business elsewhere? I live in an out of town community, I cannot stand my local supermarket. High prices, no display of item prices, terrible service. So I initially tried to speak to the owner, but to no avail. So I took my buisness elsewhere. I travel 40 minutes to do my weekly shopping. Who loses, the local supermarket. I am happy to drive to a pleasant shopping experience. You can do the same.

    in reply to: Joke: Lakewood Pirkei Avos #973159
    Git Meshige

    It is quite apparent that one who makes “jokes” about other Yidden a few days before Tisha baav, the day that we mourn the Bais Hamikdash that was destroyed becuase of people being insensitive to others, has no feeling about the churban and how to better ourselves with that regard. How sad.

    in reply to: Fasting #961883
    Git Meshige

    Sam, you are obviously not aware of the flow of the conversation from the very begining. Playtime, suggested that it is a lenient fast and that anyone with a headache does not need to fast. I countered by saying that the mechaber clearly states one needs to fast and asur lifrotz geder and that only a choleh need not fast. You then interjected by saying that the definition of a choleh is one that needs to lie down. With your vast knowledge of different shitois, you quoted the Rimah that one is considered a choileh if they need to lie down. I then asked you for the mareh mokom and you quote a vague shitoh in hilchos shabbos that has no connection to fasting and yet you still fail to provide a mareh mokom to your claim. Instead of misleading anyone with your incorrect assumptions, next time before you make a claim, have a valid source for it. Its that simple

    in reply to: Fasting #961874
    Git Meshige

    Sam, again I ask, a mareh mokom. Not your own conjured up psak. A source where it says that one may break his fast if he needs to lie down.

    in reply to: Fasting #961868
    Git Meshige

    Sam, I have looked up the Halacha, and nowhere does it say, if one needs to lie down he may break his fast. Actually it says Asur lifroitz geder. Now, it does say if one is sick, one may break the fast. Please back up your statement with a mareh mokom since you seem to be a tremendous yodeaya sefer. In any event, there are different halachos by different poskim and the most common practice is to fast unless one is sick. Feeling a little discomfort does not label a person sick. The whole point of fasting is to feel discomfort

    in reply to: Fasting #961864
    Git Meshige

    Sam, the Halacha is that Sefardim may eat rice on Pesach, is that the Halacha for everyone?

    in reply to: Fasting #961860
    Git Meshige

    Sam2, if thats the case, noone would fast. Everyone feels some discomfort one way or another, and so by definition most people are a choileh. How could it be a meikel fast for those who need it to be. It is either meikel for everyone or not. Bottom line, stop looking for heteirm and do what halacha says. Ofcoarse for the elderly and sick, there is no question, but for the initial poster who complains of a headache, get over it.

    in reply to: Fasting #961857
    Git Meshige

    Playtime, what do you mean it is a lenient one? Mechaber clearly states that we should fast this fast unless one is a choileh. The point of fasting is to feel discomfort and to contemplate the reason why we are fasting to begin with. Todays day and age everyone looks for heteirim. No one said it was geshmak to fast. The least we can do for the churban is to fast. Anyone that complains that they have a headache or feel weak, get over it. Yidden in Auschwitz felt that way for 4 years. You can manage a day, nothing will happen to you

    in reply to: Which Non-Jewish personality inspires you? #960714
    Git Meshige

    Why do we need to look at Gentiles to be inspired? We have countless Jewish people throughout history who should inspire us, from Odom Horishoin until today. So many. Why look outside the box?

    in reply to: Mind-blowing statement from the Iben Ezra #977607
    Git Meshige

    #1, I assume you are not wealthy

    in reply to: Thoughts on Someone Selling His Olam Habah on Ebay #971230
    Git Meshige

    The worst part of it are us, the losers that took notice of it. Imagine the Gadlus, if noone would have bidded and noone commented. This idiot is thriving on the little attention that he garnered. It would have been sweet if he would have garnered the same amount of attention and bids as a used Startac Motorola phone, for those that remember it

    in reply to: Orthodox Jew Won Major Lottery #950406
    Git Meshige

    It goes against the premise of bezeyas apecha toichal lechem.

    in reply to: Separate Times For Bochurim & Sem Girls In Gateshead #1029728
    Git Meshige

    To all you people who know nothing about Gateshead and comparing it to Geulah or Boro Park, speaks volumes about your ignorance. Gateshead personifies what a true Torah community should look like. Rav Shach ZTL had once said that if he was forced to move to chutz learetz, he would live in Gateshead. The achdus and ehrlichkeit of the community should be an example to the entire world. The town hosts thousands of sem girls and Yeshiva bochurim combined. Of coarse ther should be separate hours for 2 small stores each the size of about 1500 square feet. Am haratzim, go back to your hole and stop critiquing whats just and right

    in reply to: Itchy Beard Begone! #998882
    Git Meshige

    Health, Chazal instituted Halachos for a reason. Anyone that disobeys Halacha, should be frowned upon.

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