Git Meshige

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    Git Meshige

    Rashi in this weeks parsha on the pasuk Tomim tiyeh im hashem elokech, people should not look for answers about what is going to happen in the future. People should trust in hashem and do the right thing. By scaring people into all kinds of worries, serves absolutely no purpose. Roy Neuberger continuously makes these dramatic videos about Gog and Magog, and Nissan, guess what Nissan passed and still no Moshiach. So thats what Rashi means when one shouldnt speculate about whats going to happen in the future. We have no prophets today so anyone trying to explain a gemarah and apply it to whats happening today is a false prophet

    in reply to: How to Reduce the Cost of Getting Married #2160942
    Git Meshige

    Everyone should get married in their living room. That would eliminate about $30k right there.

    in reply to: REGULER KUGEL OR OVERNIGHT KUGEL?? #1962115
    Git Meshige

    Overnight Kugels have a more tatsy and juicy flavor to it. They typically are more oily and sit heavier on the stomach after all said is done. The best way to do it, if you have an oven that has a shabbos mode, set it to 230, stick it in the oven right before shabbos and shabbos morning you will wake up to the most lovely aroma in the house

    in reply to: Should Trump run again in 2024 #1920037
    Git Meshige

    The USA will be destroyed by 2024.

    in reply to: any predictions on what will be with the economy? #1895125
    Git Meshige

    Who needs predictions. Trust in hashem

    in reply to: Eating “Beyond Pork” #1821422
    Git Meshige

    Would you try a new cake a local bakery is featuring, its called throw up cake with diarrhea topping. If you are duisgusted by that , then you should be disgusted by fake pork.

    in reply to: Is it okay to learn (Torah) During Davening? #1808345
    Git Meshige

    Totally not permitted. There is a reason why Chazal was mesaken chazoras hashatz. If they wanted people to learn during davening, there would be a seder limud in middle of davening. There is a time and place for everyting. Davening is set aside for prayer and introspection. When the chazan repeats the shemoney esray, listen with kavna and answer amain., Anyone that learns during chazoras hashatz is a fool.

    in reply to: Keeping the Siyum Hashas Sacred. #1796511
    Git Meshige

    Is it respect for Roshei Yeshivas and Talmidei Chachamim to sit in the frigid cold while some wealthy knackers sit inside in the warm dining on steak and wine?

    in reply to: Frolicking Selichos Concert #1788710
    Git Meshige

    Joseph, quit being holier than thou. If you want to be taken seriously then do the following. Pay attention to your Rov Drosho before selichois and learn mussar. One big component of mussar is the preaching to the people against bitul zman. When you cease wasting hours on end on these forums and devote the time to torah study instead, then you have the moral high ground to criticize people who you dont agree with hashkafacally. Until then be quiet

    in reply to: Yiddish at Siyum hashas #1746449
    Git Meshige

    When in Rome, do as the Romans. Aguda is an organization founded by Yiddish speaking individuals. Most of the Moetzes are Yiddish speaking people so it makes sense to incorporate that language at an event that they are hosting. If you want an English speaking event, go to an event run by YU or NCSY

    in reply to: Alternative Communities in New Jersey? #1661045
    Git Meshige

    I have a good solution for the poster. Learn some Mesilas Yesharim, Chovos Halvavos and start to be a real jew then maybe your problem will be solved.

    in reply to: Trump will not be re-elected. Sorry #1649869
    Git Meshige

    And life was so much better under Obama for 8 years…….

    in reply to: Going on Vacation without a Minyan #1575846
    Git Meshige

    The first Mishnah in Megillah discusses which days Megillah should be read and gives a reason why specific days Megillah should be read because the it would give time for the Villagers to come to the main City to hear the Megilah. If there is an obligation to be in a place where there is a Minyan, why are the Villagers living where they are without a Minyan? Furthermore, how could Rav Shimon Bar Yochai be ina cave without a Minyan? How did all the Gedolim in Europe who travelled from place to place do it without having a Minyan? The answer is , Halacha dictates that if you are in a town or within reasonable distance of a town that has a Minyan, one is obligated to attend. Otherwise there is no obligation.

    Git Meshige

    If a women decides to become a man, can she/he be counted for a minyan? I would answer in the negative. Since she was born a women , her essence is a women. So to with a pig, it was born a pig and will remain a pig no matter the changes

    in reply to: Going on Vacation without a Minyan #1571727
    Git Meshige

    It is absolutely permissible to go on vacation if there is no minyan. Shulchan Aruch discusses the obligation of going to a minyan in the town or area where one is located and there is a minyan taking place so one is obligated to go. And refers to one that does not go as shochen rah. Whereas it is not written anywhere prohibiting anyone to go to a place where there is no minyan

    in reply to: Baltimores chassidish community is growing by leaps and bounds!!!! #1554720
    Git Meshige

    Takahmamash, it is no coincidence that the term ” right” defines who we are as being right. With all due respect to MO , it is the ” right” that enables communities to flourish. It is the ” right” that have established chesed organizations from Hatzolah Misaskim Bikur Cholim RCCS and so much more. It is the ” right” that typically have lots of children so that tradition is not lost. It is the ” right” that care more about tradition than anyone else. It is the ” right” that have Chabad houses all over the world and spreading Yiddishkeit. It is the ” right” that pushed the Daf Yomi program to become popular. Now that I mentioned all of that what has the ” left” and MO done to promote any of the above?

    Git Meshige

    Or drain the swamp

    Git Meshige

    They should get a wrecking ball and smash the perimeter of the cave till it caves in ( no pun intended )

    in reply to: Why are any fireworks legal? #1553628
    Git Meshige

    Why is driving a car legal ? Afterall more people die in car crashcrashes than fireworks accidents. What a dumb question.

    in reply to: Goral Hagra #1529615
    Git Meshige

    Joseph , and those that hang out on the internet and claim to know a lofty subject as the Goral Hagrah is not to be believed either.

    in reply to: Good Jewish music #1518521
    Git Meshige

    Pathetic question. Everyone has different tastes. What one loves another will hate. So its a waste of time surveying peoples opinions because it will never align to your liking

    in reply to: Using Air Conditioners Is Assur #1512682
    Git Meshige

    If Hashem made you grow hair on your head, what right do you have to take a haircut?
    If Hashem made the world without any cars, what right do we have to use them?
    Screwdriver delight, if Hashem created you with a brain, what right do you have not to use it?

    in reply to: Gog umagog #1443604
    Git Meshige

    If Yakov Avinu requested to know when the geulah will be and it was not made known to him, who are we to try and figure it out?

    in reply to: Fromer Friends from Yeshiva avoid me (troll thread) #1329692
    Git Meshige

    I feel your pain and don’t ever give up hope. But I think you are mistaken that your friends dumped you because of who you are . To be honest , none of my friends from my Yeshiva years have any connection with me. Not because they did so deliberately but because it happens to almost everyone. People move on in life to different communities and they forget about they youth connections.

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1212160
    Git Meshige

    Joseph, Do you think your Zeides and Elter Zeides would have approved of your Bitul Zman on the Internet for so many years? Think about it, how many hours and hours are wasted on these frivolous discussions when one could immerse themselves in Torah study and Chesed the way your Elter Zeides did.

    in reply to: Donald Trump will never be my president #1209021
    Git Meshige

    There are people who still believe that the world is flat. There are people who do not believe that a God exists. Let people believe what they want. For anybody that has a minute level of intelligence, Donald Trump is THEIR President

    in reply to: chulent meat #1200339
    Git Meshige

    Years ago Chulent was made universally the same way. For some reason during the last few decades people add their own stuff that quite frankly takes away the authenticity of chulent. People add Hot Dogs, Coca Cola, Ketchup, rice, corn, everything but the kitchen sink. Why cant the original good old beans, barley, potatoes and meat stay that way? Why mess with what is good?

    in reply to: chulent meat #1200301
    Git Meshige

    Flanken is by far the best meat for chulent. Stays tender, does not fall apart and gives chulent the best taste

    in reply to: What do the gedolim say about the final war #1161388
    Git Meshige

    Rebyid, not with Global Warming happening. The Polar Bears are getting nervous there

    in reply to: Giving women car rides #1171349
    Git Meshige

    I would say it depends on who the women is. If it is a nice eidele looking women, dressed tzeniusdig or an elderly women , no harm done. If the women is dressed provocatively and would cause hirhurim for the man, then the answer would be no. Depends on the circumstance.

    in reply to: Why do women wear expensive sheitels? #1163728
    Git Meshige

    Why do men wear expensive Borsalinos and Shtreimels ? For much less they can wear a cap or a cheap straw hat. They actually would not look as strange as a women with a scooter and a printer on their heads

    in reply to: What is Trump Thinking? #1164186
    Git Meshige

    Trump stands for common sense. An old famous saying, pictures speak a thousand words, he is just reinforcing that phrase. A mere 8 years ago we all condemned Obama for hanging out with Rev Wright and rightly so. So if Cruz father was having breakfast with an assassin, it should certainly raise eyebrows. I am not sure why he is being condemned for something that is as light as day

    in reply to: Frum Jews on Reality Shows #1160353
    Git Meshige

    If the show ere to take place a night before Yom Kippur, would these people attend? People do Aveiros during the year and go places where they should not go to as frum Yidden, yet on Erev Yom Kippur they would not dream of going to. That reinforces the opinion of Joseph that it is not appropriate.

    in reply to: Does Hashem listen to a Prayer of a Goy? #1157567
    Git Meshige

    #2, that doesn’t prove if their prayers are actually answered.

    in reply to: School buses. #1146782
    Git Meshige

    Queen, I get the feeling you dont pay taxes.

    in reply to: School buses. #1146776
    Git Meshige

    The Queen, what about all the parents who are on Government programs, who is paying for their kids transportation to school?

    in reply to: Are Trees Gilgulim with Human Neshamos? #1215933
    Git Meshige

    I was walking in the park the other day and I noticed the tree was smiling at me. So I smiled back. And it said ” Hi there, how are you doing”. Naturally I was freaked out. So I started backing away. To which the tree said” do not be afraid, I dont bite, I just have a bark”

    So the answer to your question is yes.

    in reply to: What is the appropriate punishment for financial crimes? #1143405
    Git Meshige

    ZD, instead of criticizing those that have a Nisayoin of not stealing why not look at yourself and you will discover you have many imperfections just like the rest of us. Work on yourself before trying to perfect others

    in reply to: How to address the Rebbe of a Hasidut #1143709
    Git Meshige

    Wazz up

    in reply to: What is the appropriate punishment for financial crimes? #1143389
    Git Meshige

    Zahavasdad, I am sure all your Tax Returns are squeaky clean. You do not pay your cleaning lady off the books, report every cash earning to the IRS. , otherwise you wouldn’t be criticizing those that are not straight.

    in reply to: I am the best singer #1132756
    Git Meshige

    One thing is for sure, after 120 years , you will not be asked ” were you the best singer”

    in reply to: Va'ani in ich Yaakov #1125512
    Git Meshige

    Yes, only in Chasidishe Chadorim. It wouldn’t quite have the same ring to it if a Kalter Litvak were to try and sing it

    in reply to: Who gets more Schar? #1125474
    Git Meshige

    The Wolf, it makes a big difference. When a person has a huge Nisayon, should he not know that he will get a huge reward if he overcomes it? The point of the discussion is to difrentiate between 2 people doing the same Mitzvah yet one gets more Schar than the other.

    Chazal talk about it.

    in reply to: Who gets more Schar? #1125472
    Git Meshige

    The answer is that the poor person gets more Schar. When ever a person with a harder Nisayoin is posed with a specific challenge the one who has the harder challenge gets more schar

    in reply to: Who gets more Schar? #1125470
    Git Meshige

    Joseph, I think you may be wrong. A person feels more attached to his money if he earned it versus if he got it for free. So the Nisayoin of giving Tzedakah between the two people is greater for the one who earned it, so his Sechar should be greater.

    The same way Schar is greater to the one who has a harder time overcoming a Nisayoin, this case should be no different

    in reply to: Heels on Dates #1126056
    Git Meshige

    Who are you marrying, the girl or her heels?

    in reply to: Nicest singer #1132378
    Git Meshige

    Define “nicest”. Nicest hairstyle? Nicest clothing? Nicest Middos? Nicest song? Nicest voice? Nicest appearance?

    in reply to: Who composed the World Famous Sholom Aleichem? #1119718
    Git Meshige

    DY, come to think of it, the world famous heart warming, Vetiher Rabbi Yishmael was composed by Chazzan Kwartin who wad not frum, so it’s not a contradiction to have a non frum person compose a beautiful song

    in reply to: Who composed the World Famous Sholom Aleichem? #1119709
    Git Meshige

    DY is for real, Just did a Google search and it is accurate. So that beckons the Multi Million Dollar question, how can Millions of Orthodox Jews worldwide, sing a song with such holy words to the tune that was composed by a Conservative Rabbi?

    in reply to: Have we gone too far with fashion? #1118051
    Git Meshige

    Matan1, we have gone too far. Life is not about Designer Clothing and fashion. When people put a stress on that it shows the wrong signals and the wrong message to our youth. We are just passing through this world and the areas that should be highlighted should be Spiritual not Physical. Yes you are right, price tags have nothing to do with Tzenius but everything to do with a disregard to ones Tafkid in this world

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