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  • in reply to: How to answer questions regarding a shidduch #1042504

    Popa – I like your answer. Certainly my daughter would not use your quote verbatim (ex: the taliban and rachav reference, as my daughter wouldn’t want to sound chutzpadik after all she’s also in shidduchim ;)), but it does give us something to work with. Thank you.

    DaasYochid – The caller does not know my daughter. Even if she did, I don’t think she should assume that the two girls would have the same tznius standards. Just because they know each other does not mean they are the same in every aspect of hashkafah.

    in reply to: chat to member #945953

    Syag: ur the only one reading this message, right? It’s just for you. Nobody else is allowed to read it, k?

    So, anyway, have I got a juicy story for you. Here goes….. 😉

    in reply to: Diet help #945169

    WIY – thanks for checking it out and for your good wishes.

    Health – not quite the north pole 😉 but thanks for your post.

    And to all those who recommended exercise, yes I plan to do that as well. Will keep you posted.

    in reply to: Diet help #945158

    Thank you mammele and morahrach.

    Did anyone every hear of

    in reply to: Diet help #945154

    mewho: Thanks.

    SaysMe: I hope you will remember the name. I’m really interested. Thanks.

    Have a great Shabbos!

    in reply to: Diet help #945152

    mewho- how can i get more info about this? I do live “out of town” ie: not New York. But I’d still like to find out more about it.

    Gilgul- Listening to music will help me lose weight??? Will wonders never cease? I love music! Yay! 😉

    in reply to: Prove G-d in One Sentence #959636

    Ok – so from I’ve read so far (haven’t had a chance to read all the posts in their entirety yet), you all have good answers for those of us who ALREADY BELIEVE. If someone is a non-believer, they can counter probably everything that was said here.

    I really don’t think you can convince someone to believe. True belief has to come from WITHIN. It’s just something you have to feel.

    I like what LSH said “What if G-d has chosen not to be proven? If so, then we cannot prove His Existence no matter how many sentences we use.”

    in reply to: Brainwashing as Part of Chinuch #1014389

    Vogue; K- so I found ur thread. “Bais Yaakov high school, starts their school day at 8:30 and ends at 4:30. Girls are not allowed to have internet in their homes, I have heard from my friends there that the administration there is on the opposite extreme and doesn’t always notice, or attempt to deal with issues girls have. They have significantly fewer options for uniforms. On Rosh Chodesh, you are allowed to wear any white shirt you want, there are restrictions on colors you can wear outside of school, and some other rules.”

    I cannot speak for what you said about Hannah Saacks as I don’t know too much about it or their rules. I certainly don’t know what happened with your friend there.

    But I can tell you about Bais Yaakov. The girls are allowed to have internet – however it should be with parental approval with a note signed by them. Of course it’s even better if there are filters on the computer. They do not allow television in the home. Regarding the administration – they do attempt to deal with any issues the girls may be having. I have heard many stories regarding their involvement. The only requirement for Rosh Chodesh attire is TZNIUS. I don’t know what “other rules” you are referring to. All I can say is that my daughters loved the school and were very happy with the teachers, administration, and of course the friends. I don’t believe there was any brainwashing there.

    in reply to: Ayin Hara/Gezairos #943044

    DaasYochid – wouldn’t al tiftach peh l’soton and an ayin harah kind of be related?

    in reply to: Ayin Hara/Gezairos #943042

    Wow – I’ve been away from the computer since I started this thread and just got back on and see how many responses there were.

    Ok :

    Daas Yochid – I mean a gezeira not nevuah

    Torah613Torah – I would have given the same answer as Daas Yochid – that gezeira is a decree. Also your example of a cold is not really what I was talking about. Let’s say someone has a beautiful home, lots of money, good health….. and someone says something (even if not out of jealously) like “wow – look at them. they are so lucky….” Then suddenly something bad happens to them – someone chas v’shalom gets very ill or dies or the house burns down- you get the picture. So it would seem like the person had a good decree but the ayin hara made something happen- maybe?

    Also a lot of times when ppl are talking they will say something like “if YOU get sick….”, then other ppl say “chas v’shalom – never say YOU, say SOMEONE. This is because we want to avoid an ayin hara.

    I think my post sounds really confusing. But I hope someone will understand what I’m trying to say.

    Interjection: interesting about the klal as opposed to an individual, though I never heard that.

    in reply to: Brainwashing as Part of Chinuch #1014385

    Vogue – no – I have no idea who ur talking about. I was just curious to see the link. I think it’s very nice of you to want to protect her privacy.

    in reply to: Brainwashing as Part of Chinuch #1014369

    Vogue; In which thread did you speak about the girl from chicago? Can you please post the link? Thanks.

    in reply to: One of the Causes for Weight Gain�Shadchanim #943271

    SaysMe: Glad you like my idea. 😉

    in reply to: One of the Causes for Weight Gain�Shadchanim #943268

    SaysMe: +1000000000000000

    scrisis: I am sick of hearing about these kinds of “shadchanim”. They have no business being in this business!!!!! How cruel and insensitive. I would love to have the phone numbers of some of these so called shadchanim. I would not hesitate to call them and give them a piece of my mind! I know someone who was also told “don’t call me back until you lose 50 pounds”. This girl happens to be working very hard on herself. The last time I saw her, she looked so nice – she was dressed very well, had just the right amount of make up on, her hair was done very nicely, etc. – yes still had a few pounds to go – BUT SO WHAT!!!???? Do these shadchanim tell the boys to lose weight? I doubt it!

    And by the way – are these Mr. Americas always going to look the same? What will 5 or 10 or 15 years down the road bring? His hairline might be receding (OMG) or he might put on weight from his wife’s wonderful cooking, etc. And what about the girl? She may be a size 2 now and look like a model. What happens after the first few kids?

    Now a word to the dear shadchanim – Just buy a bunch of Barbie Dolls and give them out to these amazing boys. There! Problem solved.

    in reply to: Clothing – Large Sizes #934046

    ThePurpleOne- yes I mentioned dressbarn in my post.

    in reply to: What's red, hangs on the wall, and whistles? #928598

    Hey – I just heard this joke on Shabbos.

    in reply to: Is That the Jewish Way? #1216405

    Nishdtayngesheft: My thoughts exactly!!! +1,000,000,000

    in reply to: Clothing – Large Sizes #934031

    My complaint as a woman who is overweight, is that whenever I go into the “women’s” section of a store, I find the styles outrageous!

    What? Do they think just because I need to lose a few pounds I have absolutely no sense of style???? (btw- i actually used to be quite thin – from childhood through my early 30’s. So i don’t think my sense of style would have changed with my increase in weight. ATTENTION DESIGNERS- Please!!! Don’t give me oversized floral print tents! There is nothing remotely pretty about them, or most of the other styles you put out there for us. OK?

    There is one store that actually has decent clothing for the larger size woman. That’s dressbarn. They have the same styles in both sides of their store. Yes sometimes a style may have to be modified a bit for the larger sizes, only because it would look horrific otherwise. But in general I can find something there.

    Rainus – I didn’t know men had such problems also. I have seen large sizes for men. And as far as style goes, there’s not much you can do with a white shirt and black pants.;) So I wonder why there is such a problem in Jerusalem. Keep looking. I’m sure you’ll find something. Have you tried on line shopping? Hatzlacha.

    in reply to: Dear Abby, R.I.P. #920856

    Wolf – Seriously? They both had the same name just in opposite order? I never heard that. If it’s true, it’s kind of weird.

    in reply to: The Power of a Gadol #914389

    crisisoftheweek: I definitely do believe in the power of a gadol. There is a lot we don’t understand. They are on a much higher level than any of us could imagine. I have heard so many stories (yes-true stories) that show this.

    MDG: “Their vast Torah knowledge and deep Yirat Hashem brings them to spiritual heights we cannot understand.” +100000000

    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1224132

    this is from yummy cupcake- i’m just having a problem logging into yeshiva world, i guess i haven’t been here in a long time, but i just wanted to pop in and say MAZAL TOV MIDDLEPATH!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO EXCITING, AND I’M REALLY HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! i’ve read lots of ur posts and you seem like an amazing and very special person, and i hope you and your kallah are zoche to build a bayis ne’eman b’yisroel and have much much happiness together ad me’ah v’esrim!!!!!!


    in reply to: The Weberman Trial By 5TJT Staff (this brought tears to my eyes) #913478

    chalilavchas: I don’t usually read long posts, but I read yours. It’s an amazing post. I agree with everything you said.

    This is so so sad!!! Not just sad – it’s so so SICK!!!

    When will this all end? What will become of this girl and all the others he molested? It’s just horrible!

    in reply to: Giyoress or Not? #913664

    Zdad: I guess that might be different. I don’t think cholov yisroel is halacha. Nor is watching football, smart phones, and internet (which is what we are on right now ;))

    However, covering hair is apparently halacha.

    in reply to: Giyoress or Not? #913662

    DaasYochid: Ok. I get the part that if someone wishes to convert w/o even accepting one halacha, the geirus is invalid. But we really don’t know the whole story with this particular woman. Maybe it’s hard to take upon herself everything at once, but she does have intention to cover her hair eventually (if indeed it wasn’t really covered to begin with- as people mentioned- some sheitels are really hard to tell). If this is the case, then what would be the status of her geirus? Kosher or not?

    BTW – this is quite an interesting topic.

    in reply to: Giyoress or Not? #913660

    DaasYochid: Yes I hear you. But what I’m saying is I’m sure we don’t hold every halacha we are supposed to. Should we? Of course. But does it make one not frum or in the case of a giyores – not Jewish? I’m just trying to understand why she would not be considered Jewish. A Jewish (born Jewish) person who doesn’t hold all halachos is still considered Jewish.

    And I learned that if someone is converted according to halacha, they are Jewish forever, even if they “convert back” to their original religion. See what I’m saying? That’s what’s confusing me.

    Maybe you or someone can clarify this for me.

    in reply to: Giyoress or Not? #913658

    Health “Until then my posts are the ending logic.” You sound pretty sure of yourself. Why are you the one to decide? You mean nobody else’s logic can be right? I don’t know if you saw my previous post, but I did say that I neither agree or disagree with you. (you had said that if I disagree with your posts, I should post a logical argument against them.)

    So I am just wondering – If you saw a married woman who was born Jewish, and she was not wearing a sheitel (or any head covering), would you not consider her to be frum? Would you not consider her to be Jewish? I am talking about someone who does keep Shabbos, kashrus, etc. I don’t mean a frei person.

    IMHO – if someone converts via a recognized orthodox conversion, that person is Jewish. Of course assuming he/she had the right intentions at conversion – ie: keeping the mitzvos. I know you will say that the woman you saw is not keeping the mitzvos because she isn’t covering her hair. There have been and are so many frum people who did not and don’t cover their hair. I don’t think it takes away from the fact that they are Jewish and frum.

    Can you honestly say you keep every single mitzvah that you are supposed to? I don’t know if any of us can. That’s why there’s teshuvah. That’s why there’s the davening we have on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kipuur.

    in reply to: Facebook #912952

    I know some very frum people who have facebook. Some of these people are into Kiruv. So I assume that’s a good way for them to keep in touch with the ppl they are being mekarev. I don’t doubt that their fb accounts are totally clean and kosher.

    As far as posting pics, who says you have to? You can have an account with no pics at all.

    I personally think it depends on how you use it. If you’re just keeping in touch and only have appropriate things on there, why should that be a problem?

    I will give one VERY IMPORTANT warning- IT IS VERY POSSIBLE TO HAVE YOUR ACCOUNT HACKED AND INAPPROPRIATE THINGS CAN/WILL SHOW UP ON YOUR PROFILE. I know someone who had that happen. So, if you’re going to have an account, you should have your fb friends let u know if they see anything wrong. You may not be able to see it yourself. I don’t know how that works but it is possible for you not to see what others do on your own account.

    in reply to: Frum Communities #967395

    myls87- are you modern orthodox as some ppl are assuming? or are you more right wing than that or perhaps yeshivish but not quite the lakewood type? that would probably make a difference in what community you look into.

    in reply to: Giyoress or Not? #913652

    Health “I don’t know what you’re getting at. If you disagree with my posts then post a logical argument against them. Until then my posts are the ending logic.”

    I didn’t say I either agree or disagree with you. I was just trying to understand what you meant.

    Now that this thread has gotten so long, I must be honest and say I haven’t had a chance to read most of it. So I really cannot comment on anything until (and if) I go through all the posts.

    in reply to: Giyoress or Not? #913630

    Health- I did read your posts. Maybe I have to read them again. But could you just give me one example from any of the posts of what you mean by “Illogic”? Then maybe I can understand when I re-read the posts. Thanks.

    in reply to: Giyoress or Not? #913626

    Health: “Yes, I would have to do this if she was Jewish. The more I read all the posts here in her defense – the more I think she isn’t! Just sayin’….”

    Could you explain what you mean by the more you read posts in her defense, the more you think she isn’t? I don’t understand. (I’m asking in all seriousness, I’m not trying to instigate anything or be provocative. I really don’t understand why the posts would make you think that)

    in reply to: Giyoress or Not? #913607

    Health – To quote one of your posts, “You should learn that there is a Chiyuv of Danning s/o L’caf Zecus.” So maybe be dan l’caf zechus this lady in the restaurant. Just sayin’…..

    morahmom – “Sorry, but you’re wrong. Not that I myself hold that this is ok, but many women show some hair while covering the rest and it blends in. Trust me – you would never know.” I agree totally. Sometimes it is very hard to tell.

    Another thing. Maybe this woman is just not comfortable covering her hair yet – IF she even plans to at all. But that’s really none of our business.

    in reply to: When is it time to divorce? #912002

    OneOfMany – thanks 🙂

    in reply to: When is it time to divorce? #911992

    Bustercrown – I feel very sorry for what you are going through. I hope things get better for you.

    Some posters told you not to come here for advice, rather you should go to a Rav and therapist. I don’t think you really came here for us to tell you what to do. You probably just want some support and friendship, which I hope you are finding here. This is a good place to come for that. We can certainly give our opinions but the ultimate decision is yours, of course with the help of Rabbonim, professionals, family, friends who know more of your situation.

    Also – some posters said you should absolutely not divorce. Of course, ideally, one hopes to stay married and “live happily ever after”. But guess what – this is not a fairy tale. Things happen. People divorce, unfortunately. No – I’m not advising you to do so. I’m just saying that sometimes that’s the only choice when all else has failed.

    As far as the children go; is it better for them to see their parents unhappy and arguing or better for the parents to go their separate ways and have the kids spend hopefully good quality time with each one? Not an easy decision!

    Only you (and those close to you) know your whole situation and hopefully will make the right choice for you and your children. I wish you all the best. May you have the strength to see this through.

    Keep in touch here. We care about you.

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910180

    SaysMe – I hear what you’re saying about closing the thread. But don’t worry, I don’t think anyone is really taking him seriously. I’m not anyway. He just wants attention.

    Zeeskite – Nice try but I don’t think we are dealing with someone who is going to take your advice. It’s sad.

    Maybe we should all just ignore it already.

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910176

    SaysMe – I totally agree with you – I had and have absolutely no intention of responding to his post. Like I said, he’s not worth my time and energy. He’s just getting meaner to try to rile me up. Well guess what, it’s not going to work. I’m actually finding it funnier as we go along. He also thinks he can speak for most posters by saying they can see right through me. Well, he’s got me all wrong and I don’t care what he says. BTW – I haven’t seen any posters stick up for his snide remarks.

    So I will end this post here thanking all the nice cr members.

    Zeeskite – thanks again for your words of wisdom and kindness.

    in reply to: blood drive #910013

    mod 42 – LOL

    Wolf – You should be very proud of her. As far as her being too young at 16 for shidduchim – hey you never know. 😉

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910172

    Zeeskite – thanks 🙂 You’re one of the nice posters on the cr with whom I like talking. And yes – I too commend Giggle girl for her post.

    Giggle girl – btw, notice how he insulted you and basically all females by saying your sn is redundant. So like he says “don’t judge a book by its cover” – his name does not contribute to anyone’s health. 😉

    But anyway let’s take his insult as a compliment instead and say yes – we females (be it girls or women) are a happy group, not bitter and nasty.

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910170

    Giggle Girl – thanks so much. You are so sweet and you sound intelligent. Your head and heart are in the right place.

    But as I mentioned in my last post on this thread – I’ve had enough of him. It’s not worth my precious time and effort to deal with one arrogant poster. I have better things to do (like cursing other posters and bashing organizations here one the cr. 😉 right?)

    Anyway the other posters here were all mentchlich whether or not they saw my point. As one example – Farrocks (and some others as well) explained the situation to me in a clear and respectful manner. This made me understand it in a different light. In fact, I believe I thanked him (I’m not going back to check all the posts now but I hope I did). If not – thank you Farrocks and all the other posters who were so pleasant to hear from.

    in reply to: Finish the sentence, There's nothing like a good ______! #907345

    nishtdayngesheft- LOL! 🙂

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910165

    Health – I came here CURSING others????????? I’m dissing organizations??????? Chas V’Shalom! Are you for real?????? Obviously you really don’t understand my posts or read them all the way through. I’m not going to repeat myself or explain my posts(where, by the way, I did say that I see the point that ppl like you were making). I also thanked one of the posters for explaining it to me.

    Anyway, I certainly don’t owe you any explanations for what I’ve said. I have a clear conscience and I’ve HAD ENOUGH OF YOU.

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910160

    Midwesterner – I assume we were at the same collection place and I hear what you are saying. However I did see a lot of ppl bringing things with tags. In fact they looked like they had just come from shopping at the mall or target. What a truly amazing mitzvah!

    I personally (my family included) were not doing early spring cleaning as we had just recently gotten rid of stuff (in fact,a lot of unusable things were thrown out – I would never give certain things away for someone else to use or wear if it’s in such bad condition). I must say, some of the things we brought to the collection place, we had to think twice as to whether or not we were still going to want them. But we decided it’s more important to do a mitzvah – Please know – I am NOT trying to sound holy by saying that. Doing a mitzvah with gaiva sort of cancels itself out IMHO. I’m just making a point (not so much to you – but more at another poster who is bent on criticizing and insulting me). Also we are not in a position to go out and buy new things so we did the best we could.

    Anyway, it’s amazing how many ppl had such wonderful intentions and wanted to help out in such a horrible crisis. It was hearwarming to see so many ppl there donating and volunteering their time to help out.

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910159

    Health – I’m so glad ur in a position to judge that I am WRONG.

    Just a word of advice (I know, I know – you don’t need my advice)-calm down- ur getting all heated up and getting nasty. Be careful so you can continue to use the name health because you can chas v’shalom compromise ur health if ur blood pressure goes up. CHILL!

    btw – I don’t care where you grew up. You do need an attitude adjustment.

    In times like this, we should be working on ben adam l’chaveiro. Which by the way, is what we were trying to do by sending things to NY NJ.

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910152

    Health – If you would know me personally, you would know I am certainly not haughty! (I would also be very insulted by your comment) If anyone is acting haughty, it’s you. You’re also very insulting! Yes, I understand your post. Thank you for insinuating that I’m an idiot.

    I hear and understand all the points you made. I also agree that money is the best donation, which, yes, we did that too.

    But just as the person I quoted – I also feel ppl should be able to choose what they will take or not.

    And again – it was presented to us in a negative way when we brought the goods for collection. It sounded as though the New Yorkers were being very haughty.

    in reply to: New Seminary, by Popa #930247

    Send me an application.

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910148

    @ wanderingchana “Gefen – same with me – I have things in good condition – the only thing “wrong” is that my kids outgrew them. If someone doesn’t want to take something that’s not new, that’s their choice, but when they’ve lost everything, shouldn’t they be the ones to decide?” EXACTLY!!!! Thank you for understanding it the way I do. I was beginning to think I’m crazy (well maybe I am, but not for this 😉 lol)

    @ shlishi “I wonder why people have so much extra clothing that is in used but excellent condition as it was “barely used”. Do people buy clothing for one-time use? Really? Are these people with money to burn?”

    Take ur pick:

    A) We are massively wealthy and change our wardrobe every 6 months.

    B) Maybe, just maybe,(as wanderingchana also pointed out) kids outgrow things before they had a chance to use them more than once or twice

    C) Did you ever hear of impulse buying? That’s when you buy something that you think you absolutely love and must have. Then it sits in the closet. Waste of money? Sure. But it does happen. So yes these are new items that can be used by someone else.

    D) A person can lose or gain weight after having worn some items only once or twice and it doesn’t pay to have them altered.

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910144

    farrocks: Thanks for explaining. Yes – it would have been much better had it been told to us the right way.

    I am glad to know that there is an overabundance of donations. It shows how we all care for klal yisroel.

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910142

    Syag- once again, I like your post. It’s all in how it’s presented. Yes – if they have been getting an abundance of donations, BARUCH HASHEM. But if they’re turning it down just because it’s not BRAND NEW, then that’s another story.

    We were specifically told at the drop off place that New York is ONLY ACCEPTING NEW ITEMS. No mention that they have gotten so much and can’t handle so much more.

    Anyway I’m glad to give to our local chesed fund just as well. It’s all for a good and worthy cause.

    Naftush – one more comment on your post. You mentioned people who turn down gifts that are “too small”. My husband has been upset so many times in shul when meshulachim come over (while he’s in the middle of shmone esrei- but that’s a different story) and asked for a donation. He will pull out what’s in his pocket which in our financial situation is not a lot. He then gets a look of disgust and “that’s all you can give??” He feels like saying -“if you don’t like it, give it back and I’ll give it to someone who will appreciate it”.

    in reply to: Very Disheartened #910139

    @ Syag, Commonsense, and Naftush: Thanks so much for your insightful posts. I wish more people would see things that way.

    @WIY: Giving clothing in excellent condition is a slap in the face? Excuse me? These were items that were barely used. As I said in my first post – good Shabbos coats, Shabbos robes and other things that were definitely in good condition and nobody should be ashamed to wear them! I would never give them old, torn, worn out things.

    @Poster: I really don’t think your story with the Rav applies here. In your story the Rav was better. In this situation, people are still in need. Nobody told us they had enough new clothes and didn’t need used. They just said they were not accepting used. If they feel it’s taking away their dignity, then that’s their problem. I am from New York and I hate to say this – but this shows their snobby attitude.

    in reply to: Why Do You Think Bnos Obama Yerushalayim Was Hit by Hurricane? #1038699

    Nanny: Engaged in what??? 😉

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