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edit- GAW- if you really had the proper haarachah of a good cookie, youd understand.
🙂 Its a question of Mekomo V’Shayto. Perhaps this sale is taking place at the Siyum Hashas.
gavra_at_workParticipantmusser zoger: Calm down and don’t feed the (rather small) troll…..
gavra_at_workParticipantif the price on a cookie is five dollars and i tell the guy to pay me for it and he agrees, thats perfectly valid.
Except that it would be Onn’ah and an Issur D’Oraysa. Nothing to do with the point in question, and more of an FYI.
gavra_at_workParticipantgavra_at_workParticipantmoeisrael = Chrysoprase on slab.
This is not even worth discussing, and I request the mods remove it.
gavra_at_workParticipantgavra_at_workParticipantGAW – As long as you’re not using the ginger beer trick on the guy at the same time…
ginger beer -> Ploughman’s pie? Not sure of the connection. Besides, I would trust the baker to have enough self-respect not to ruin the pie, to the point where I would accept food from such members of the public without a food taster.
gavra_at_workParticipantTrue, that’s an exaggeration, but I have little doudt that had DaMoshe stayed in yeshiva at least a bit longer, his hashkafos would have been better.
What you then meant to have said:
R’ Altusky was wrong. However, he does have a point that those who remain in Yeshiva longer many times come out with more right-wing Hashkafos, which is “better” in R’ Altusky’s (and IMH) opinion.
Hizaharu B’Divreichem!
gavra_at_workParticipantgavra_at_workParticipantYou can get anyone to like you by feeding them a Ploughman’s Pie. Certainly a good idea in this age of the shidduch crisis. Just make sure to use the onion trick to keep them crisp. Otherwise the pie will get ruined.
gavra_at_workParticipantDaMoshe, R’ Altusky was right.
Obviously, because “there’s no way for someone to go to college and stay frum.”
gavra_at_workParticipantWhen I went to R’ Bender and told him what R’ Altusky said, he told me, “Don’t listen to him. He obviously doesn’t know you well, and he just wants everyone to sit and learn whether it’s the thing for them or not. You should go to college so you could earn a parnassah – just make sure you’re in yeshiva at least part of the day while you’re in school!”
The difference between a “Rosh Yeshiva” and a “Rosh HaYeshiva”, or someone who can learn and a master educator in Rabbi Bender. None of what you brought surprised me in the least.
Good story, and thank you for sharing.
gavra_at_workParticipantThe vast majority of women whose husbands are in kollel now do not “forgive’ their husbands the obligation to feed the family. To say that a woman with 5-6 kids (and more) is “mochel” her husband his obligation to feed his family is sophistry.
You are leveling a viscous, unsubstantiated charge, that the women aren’t willing partners in their husbands’ learning.
I’ll agree with DY. I know many women who work full time and are happy to support their (rather large) families. Whether that is due to Sem influence (read: Brainwashing) or not is truthfully irrelevant.
The bigger problem Halachicly is when such families get breaks from the Klal (read: Tuition) and are not on the level where they should be taking Tzedaka to continue learning. I will admit that in Lakewood (I believe) no one gets a break, so if you are learning there, go for it. It is a serious Gezailah Shaila if one can force others to support them via such tuition breaks, and certainly actual collecting of funds (Rabbi Hoffman had an article about this recently). Some should be allowed, others not, but certainly a Shailah must be asked.
gavra_at_workParticipantI have a pet yennork too (canine, obviously)…
Goes well with a Barking Dog.
Do you enter your yennork in shows?
gavra_at_workParticipantJune 20, 2013 4:25 pm at 4:25 pm in reply to: 8 BILLION dollars spent on nothing every year! #960443gavra_at_workParticipantGAW – That was different. A) It wasn’t because of the magical field but because she was mistakenly identified as the 7th son of a 7th son and the handing over of the staff is irreversible. B) It was a quasi-sociological issue, not an anatomical or biological one. Same reason there is the occasional male witch…
FYI, it was the eighth son of the eighth son. Even so, “Unless it is the male of Chelys galactica that gives birth” is a large Caveat (as is the species).
June 20, 2013 3:53 pm at 3:53 pm in reply to: Lo Yilbash (YWN Article about R' Chaim Kavievsky Shlit"a and wristwatches) #968711gavra_at_workParticipantAt times, I puzzle about R”chaim’s piskei halocho.
They are not “his”. Rav Chaim (I believe) doesn’t “Pasken”, but rather quotes the P’sak of others.
In this case, in Beni Brak it may very well be Assur to wear a watch, as only women wore them. This would be similar to any culture in which certain items are worn specifically by one gender (such as skirts in the US (vs. Scotland), or moss on a troll).
gavra_at_workParticipantI have a Gonne… Does that count?
As much as a piecemaker.
gavra_at_workParticipant1. no one has to have their child vaccinated in order to attend school, its a law, as it was quoted earlier. There is no such a thing as a jew must vaccinate, because the religious belief has to be a personal religious belief, nothing to do with your jewish religion.
This is basically her admitting she is a Kofer.
I believe that would be enough of a response. I’m a Gavra, not a Dr. (but know enough that Mendelson is a Quack).
where are the Mods?
I actually agree with you here.
gavra_at_workParticipantActually no- you do not get a booster right after getting the shot. And if your immunity weakens over the year, yes you can get a booster, but then again it doesn’t stop you from getting the disease 100%. Which is why everyone should be vaccinated so there will be a less chance of it going around.
People being those who already have had the vaccine a while back (IIRC some of them need a booster every 10 years). Sorry that I wasn’t clear.
gavra_at_workParticipant“P.S. If you don’t vaccinate your children, I’m interested to hear why not. (Also I’d like to make sure that no one in my family has any contact with you or your children).”
“Not really. I don’t think I asked for such personal information from a complete stranger.”
You said you do some but not all. That means you have put thought into it. I’m looking for those like Chance, who say all vaccines are the devil. I (probably) have no issues with what you did and did not do.
I agree with you on the rest, except for your glaring omission of arguably the most important vaccine for travelers and for people in contact with travelers: yellow fever.
Agreed. Didn’t think of “exotics”.
As you see, good reasons for declining potentially life-savings vaccinations exist. You are proof of it.
I agree 100%. I did not say smallpox either. And once again, yellow fever has a different transmission vector, so it in not in the same Parsha (although it is more similar) as something that has airborne transmission.
June 20, 2013 2:51 pm at 2:51 pm in reply to: 8 BILLION dollars spent on nothing every year! #960440gavra_at_workParticipantGAW – No need for a space-ship (although Da Quirm made a very handy one), Great A’Tuin is clearly female. Unless it is the male of Chelys galactica that gives birth – she/he/it had 8 baby Great Star Turtles at one point.
You never know, such a heavy magical field may “change” standard gender practices. Like making a female wizard (against the lore!) due to the giving over of a staff, for example.
June 20, 2013 2:17 pm at 2:17 pm in reply to: 8 BILLION dollars spent on nothing every year! #960438gavra_at_workParticipantThis is possibly the most important research out there. Who knows waht may be found that can help mankind? Zero point energy, fusion, and faster space travel are only a few of the possibilities.
Besides, it is much better than spending money on useless items such as advertising cotton in India, biofuel standards or sending out a spaceship to figure out the turtle’s gender.
gavra_at_workParticipantGAW – Archdeacon Vorbis reliably informs me that the world is a sphere, and, after much persuasion, I have admitted to this. The truth in this case really did hurt…
P.S. The Turtle Moves!
Until the turtle smashes someone in the head. Then everyone sees the truth, and the entire edifice falls apart.
The Archdeacon has no clothes.
gavra_at_workParticipantgavra_at_workParticipantThe traditionalists would never agree to that. They do have issues with following halacha sometimes, but they never want to break tradition .
How about having the ceremony on a pitched roof with a fiddler balancing on top?
Equality (or claims of such) will trump tradition in their minds.
June 19, 2013 7:18 pm at 7:18 pm in reply to: 8 BILLION dollars spent on nothing every year! #960432gavra_at_workParticipantI didn’t see it then, but I completely disagree with the OP and agree with JustHavingFun.
gavra_at_workParticipantThe vaccine is only 80% effective, which means you can still catch the disease regardless.
Which is why people should get their titers, especially if they fear exposure, and get a booster if needed.
gavra_at_workParticipantBut sure, there are plenty of sources I can point to with guidelines. There is plenty of guidance on what the qualities of an appointed rav should be.
As said before, the position of “chief Rabbi” is mostly political, with all of the patronage that goes along with it. Appointing a Rov of a city is an entirely different scenario.
What planet do you live on?
The Disc, on top of four elephants carried by the great A’tuin. Where the sun revolves around the Earth, as Da’as Torah has declared, and so it was.
(you ask a question like that, this is the answer you get).
gavra_at_workParticipantgavra- it’s a lot easier to have a halachik marriage by mistake, than it is to have a halachik divorce.
And? Change the law so that mistakes don’t happen. A simple solution would be to require a double ring ceremony.
gavra_at_workParticipantWe should allow them to produce mamzerim (whose grandchildren might marry mine and yours)?
And the easiest way to avoid that is to make sure that they never get halachicly married.
gavra_at_workParticipantIMHO, it’s actually very much a root of the issue.
The way you view it.
I don’t think anyone would disagree that someone like Doeg would have been better off not learning. The question as you pose it is where does someone who “does these things” fall?
As I said earlier, I think both sides are posturing in the time-tested Israeli manner, and what they say reflects on absolutely nothing. IMHO that is wrong, but it is what it is.
gavra_at_workParticipantJMH: Good one!!
gavra_at_workParticipant“And of course, they are causing most of the leukemia children are suffering with.”
No, that is due to the Jews and the space aliens conspiring together. Only those with aluminum foil hats are safe!!
(P.S. Is that part of the minhag to wear a straimel 🙂
gavra_at_workParticipantGavra at work, if you wish to know about why we did and did not this or that choice in regards to vaccination….
Not really. I don’t think I asked for such personal information from a complete stranger. If my family marries into yours, then I’ll consider asking. I’ve got my own infectious disease specialist who is the head “ID” attending at one of our local hospitals to whom I can ask questions.
As I said before, Tetanus+ (TDAP?) & Polio are the biggies. MMR is also important, as those diseases can hurt pregnant women. After that, if you don’t want to take flu or Chicken pox vaccine (and certainly HPV), I have no Tayainos.
And I’m a Gavra, not a Dr.
gavra_at_workParticipantSo- are you brave enough to let this through: why must I respect as a gadol someone who calls another Jew evil? Is it solely because he is called a gadol?
Rav Ovadyah says evil like the Satmer Rov said Apikores. The level of hatred has become so bad in Israeli politics (and not just Charaidi/non charaidi, but even more so Charaidi/Charaidi) that I am happy that I don’t live there.
Isn’t that sad?
gavra_at_workParticipantgavra – sorry, call it what you want, but as i stated before, i just don’t buy it. my kids are perfectly healthy k”h, b”h, they are active, they eat properly, take vitamins, and have no medical issues except when they took vaccines 3 years ago. since then we avoid certain vaccines.
So is a hand grenade. It is the potential.
Besides, as I told “chance”, I’m not looking to convince the true believers. I’m trying to convince others that exposure to unvaccinated children in any form is a real health problem.
P.S. I notice you say you avoid “certain vaccines”. I’ll give you credit that you made a risk/reward analysis and decided some vaccines (lets say for example the MMR or Chicken Pox) are not worth taking, while others (such as Tetanus) are. I have to give you credit for making an informed decision, if nothing else.
secondly, what’s up with HPV?
For a different thread. HPV has a different transmission vector, and casual contact will not transmit the virus. As such, it (and similar viruses) will not affect others like airborne pathogens.
gavra_at_workParticipantare you seriously saying that my healthy kids or my neighbour’s gezunte kids, who aren’t vaccinated, are a ticking time-bomb?!
One could put it that way. I would not. I would rather say they are “more at risk” than the average child, similar to a child who has adult pictures at home (in a spiritual comparison). Can it affect other children? Certainly. A “Ticking time bomb”? Probably not. How about a hand grenade? Someone (who is sick) still has to pull the pin of the grenande in order for it to be lethal.
gavra_at_workParticipantI would personally prefer everyone else to get vaccinated,
so that I and my children won’t have to. There are side affects and dangers, serious ones are rare but do occur. I hope you all conclude that the proven benefits are worth the definite but statistically small risks. (Not autism, that one is ridiculous).
So if you would all be so kind….
This is the first logical argument that I have heard against vaccination yet. Unfortunately, it is the same argument brought by Israelis as per why many Charaidim claim they should not fight in the army.
“I don’t want to be at risk, even though someone has to. Risk someone else(‘s child)”.
I hear.
gavra_at_workParticipantwhy can’t you just be tolerant and respect other adults’ opinions just as every other controversial issue?!
Tolerant? No problem, as long as it doesn’t put my family (and other Yidden) at risk. I’m “tolerant” of Catholics too, but not towards suicide bombers.
gavra_at_workParticipantThe only thing that will make a “real” difference in the community is if the Rabbonim get behind the issue.
Which will not happen. One of the members of the Moetzes is against vaccination. That is why I said
“or the say-so of a “Gadol” (or his wife, who have been instrumental in killing the concept of Da’as Torah for many people).”
If enough people make it socially unacceptable, then they will have no choice but to stop. Child marriage was also socially acceptable at one point. So was offering your child to Molech. Not anymore.
gavra_at_workParticipantUnfortunately, you’re right, but the Net is Not the place.
I agree that “the net” is not the only place, but it is one in which people can make a real difference. If someone vaccinates because someone else here told them that their child (or sibling) can not make a shidduch, or can not be friends, or can not stay in school because of the vaccination issue, than I have done something positive.
gavra_at_workParticipantYou think that it is ok for 3 rabbis who are elected to run the RCA to say things like that about one of the gedolei hador? This is insane. Insane.
I would 100% agree with you if Rav Yosef heard first hand from Rabbi Stav. However, from the Statement of Rav Yosef, he “accepted Eidus” regarding Rav Stav. We have recently seen (specificly with Rabbi Lipman & Rav Feldman, but others as well) how “eidus” is in many cases not true in the end.
Now, I agree that it doesn’t justify the language used by the RCA, but it seems that such language is the norm when involving any disagreement in EY (unfortunately).
Call it a “Limud Zechus”.
gavra_at_workParticipantSection 2164 of the Public Health Law permits the following two exemptions to this mandatory immunization requirement:
(1) If the parent objects to the immunization because the parent holds genuine and sincere religious beliefs which are contrary to the requirement that the child be immunized; or
Religious Exemptions
If you are seeking a religious exemption for your child, you must provide a written explanation of the foundations for your religious belief opposing immunization. In your own words, describe the religious principles that guide your objection to immunization. Also, indicate whether you are opposed to all immunizations, and if not, the religious basis that prohibits particular immunizations.
Our schools should know that there is no religious belief that allows for non-vaccination, and should not accept those that claim as such.
gavra_at_workParticipantThank you Dr for opening this thread.
1: I’m a Gavra, not a Dr.
2: Thank you for contributing.
From Wikipedia:
Birds of a feather….
I know there is no chance of convincing you, so I will not try. What I will try to do is get others not to risk their children by associating with you. Your children are on your head.
Also, to the OP, I was always under the impression that a PARENT can object to vaccinating his/her kids, and if given such a statement in writing the school must legally accept it. Am I wrong?
It may depend on the state, I don’t know for sure how that works in yours.
gavra_at_workParticipantDr. Hall:
Even if you would like to claim that the original intention of WoW was acceptable, they are currently well beyond the pale.
For example, their “Halachic article” by Rabbi Monique Susskind Goldberg of the Shechter Institute. Anat Hoffman (chairwoman) is the executive director of the Israel Religious Action Center, the legal and advocacy arm of the Reform Movement in Israel. (as per the WoW website). Every member of the board is conservative or reform.
gavra_at_workParticipantWhat compromise would you accept? You already stated that there is a problem with them davening in the woman’s section.
The wimmin could try praying on the mountain. It will make the charaidim look like a picnic in comparison.
gavra_at_workParticipantmaybe a kiruv school would be a good idea because they are usually known for better secular education and get a disproportionate amount of donor dollars for resources so they probably get more money for these things (otherwise not supportive parents would want their kids to stay in public school), also have lower tuition rates…
This. Otherwise I would suggest Rochester. In no way would I suggest Darchei, and I doubt (just an opinion) that the school would accept such a child from outside the community who wouldn’t pay in full.
gavra_at_workParticipantFrom the WOW website (I couldn’t make this stuff up myself):
Why Nashot Hakotel?
For other ROTFLOL and Kefirah-like statements, see the WOW website.