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  • in reply to: Rally in Washington #2239404

    Am trying to figure out the major Hisnagdus against the taking part in the Rally.
    It’s not like it is officially organized by any particular Org.

    On the contrary, if it does NOT go against Hashkafa, you might have an issue of “Lo Samod Al Dam Rayechai”
    !לא תעמוד על דם רעך

    It is a no-brainer – Politicians are influenced by the size of participants. We need to outnumber the opponents. If this rally will garner 500K plus Pro-Israel participants rallying it will have a major effect world-wide!

    The same way the Kenayim have rallies and Protest’s based on that logic..

    in reply to: Natural-Hair Sheitels Are Assur #1982289

    Due to the recent controversy of Lace Top Shaitels..

    in reply to: is coffee kosher? #1957523

    Whilst I didn’t exactly watch the TikTak I would say two things:

    A) is he referring to ALL brands?

    B) In regards to “filtered” water, it used to be a major issue, that’s why many “rebbishe, wear these shirts with huge cuffs, to filter the water. See sefer Aruch Shulchan (YD)..

    in reply to: Baby Wipes on Shabbos #1935579


    (Of course we live in a generation of Kol Hamachmir Tova Aleyhu Bracha..)

    in reply to: Corona-Safe Chol Hamoed Activities for Children #1842777

    The only thing I can think of now is perhaps a scenic drive away. We stay in the car and then exit in a quiet spot next to a lake or similar, if its empty w no issue of distancing..

    in reply to: Are you a bechor? #1842113


    There is absolutely no chiyuv to have any minyan at a siyum. The only ones you should have is other bichorim.
    You can be mesayum mesecehet Tamid. Or a sefer in Navi as well.

    in reply to: Why is Yad Soledes Bo so Cold? #1768208

    I will quote a similar approach by the Darkei Teshuvah:

    בעל “דרכי תשובה” (על שולחן ערוך יורה דעה, סימן קה) ציטט את שיטת בעל הלכות גדולות, ולפיה חלב הנחלב מבהמה נידון כ”צונן”. ובכן, בדקו ומצאו כי טמפרטורת החלב בשעת החליבה היא כ45 מעלות צלזיוס. מכאן כתבו רבים, שחימום עד לשיעור זה בוודאי אינו מוגדר יד סולדת, שכן הבה”ג הגדירו “צונן”. ובכן, אין לקבוע ששיעור יד סולדת הוא 45 מעלות צלזיוס, אלא שפחות מ45 מעלות צלזיוס בוודאי איננו שיעור יד סולדת

    The above point is that fresh milk which is basically warm i.e. body temperature of the above 45c is considered “cold” regarding halacha.

    Another interesting definition of YSB, Harav Ovadia quotes the Ben Ish Chai :

    הרב עובדיה זצ”ל (לוית חן, אות מח) מביא את הגדרת הבן איש חי :”כל מקום שזה החמין ראוי לשתיה או לאכילה שאין האדם נמנע מכח ריבוי חמימותו הרי זה לא נחשב יד סולדת בו”. כלומר, אם אתה יכול לשתות או לאכול את התבשיל מיידית ללא נשיפה לקירור וכו’ אז אינו יד סולדת בו. אם אתה שותה אותו לאט מחמת החום כמו תה רותח אז מוגדר היד סולדת.

    in reply to: Are sfardim from the 10 shvatim #1745153

    Asides that the OP is just absurd..

    The very vast statement of “Sefardim is also ignoramus.

    There are many diff Sefardim each their own category.

    Some orig from Spain (hence the term Sefard) which bordered with Ashkanzi’m as well. Some were from Italy, Greece, Tunisia….
    Some were Persians, Iraqi’s – toshvim before the 2nd Bh”M…?

    Which ones are you referring to?

    Perhaps, you are confusing it more with Teymani’m..

    in reply to: Are you makpid on ע ? #1742053

    “sometimes it’s better to be normal than to be right.”

    Agreed as far as davening etc goes – but why shouldn’t you say Krias Shma with the proper pronunciation?

    in reply to: Are you makpid on ע ? #1741736

    ” I can assure you, Hebrew has no J sound”

    How do you know that?

    How about “W” sound for Vav?

    in reply to: Are you makpid on ע ? #1741677

    “Only with the name Yaakov. No idea why so many of us have that minhag.”

    That proves my above point that the Ayin as in “Yankev” is actually the true pronunciation, (as in the Gemara megilah,) with the years it got lost, but it still stuck to the name “Yankev”.

    BTW – The Brisker Rav ZTL said Krias Shma with the Ayin.

    in reply to: Are you makpid on ע ? #1741668

    Its not a matter of “differences”. It is actually mentioned in Shu”A and based on the Gemara in Megila 24b, it was simply forgotten…lost within the years.

    As the following in OC siman 128 :
    מי שאינו יודע לחתוך האותיות כגון שאומר לאלפי”ן עייני”ן ולעייני”ן אלפי”ן וכיוצא בזה לא ישא את כפיו:
    Mishna Brurah:

    לאלפין עיינין – וה”ה מי שקורא לחיתי”ן ההי”ן או שקורא לשבולת סבולת ואם כל בני עירו קוראין כך מותר לישא כפים שם באותו מקום. ומטעם זה כתבו האחרונים דבזמנינו שרוב בני עמנו אין יודעים להבחין בין הברת העי”ן לאל”ף ממילא מותר לישא כפיו

    in reply to: Is HebrewBooks Holier Than Sefaria? #1737896

    TLIK, Nev.
    “Sefaria is a memory heavy website”

    Not if you download in entirely, I downloaded all onto my SD card. Its MUCH less memory than Heb books will ever have as its digital text. I takes up a gb plus and you have off-line access to T’nach, Halachah, (rambam, shu”a and most nosei kelim) Shas and many others.

    The features are also, no way even comparable, you click on the text (anywhere in Tanach, Shas, Shu”a) and you have the meforshim/midrashim…M”M, etc on the side.

    Perhaps try to updating it.

    In any case, its apples and oranges…

    in reply to: Unacceptable Grammar #1737891


    Agreed – rather, it should be listed as “acceptable” grammar.

    Not everything that is incorrect grammar is “unacceptable”.
    There is grey area as well.. especially as it becomes integrated with English and other languages..


    They did print a MB with דברי הרב on all halachos that the the MB disagrees with the Rav .

    in reply to: How did Chabad change from being Anti Zionist to Pro #1727695

    The very comparison to the times of the Rash”b is sort of a Satmar outlook on the concept of Zionism, or sort of misunderstanding the very issue of total diff times and situations.

    If you read the Rshb”s writings ( in sefer/kuntres מעיני)
    I recall it was more against the very movement of Zionists, which was made up from secular etc. That all changed once there was a reality of a government and state of Israel.

    Once Israel was already established many gedolim upheld that it is a total diff status. As the fact is, its here to stay and we need to deal with it. Even the ones that opposed Zionism l…So was the opinion of Rav Ahron Kotlers, Ponovizh Rav and the Chazon Ish etc.

    Whereas, Satmar and NK shitah was to totaly distance themselves as it does not exist..



    Gam Ani Miztarif Umcham, well said!


    ““The reason it was once common for yeshiva bochurim to shave is because the issur involved was not widely known.””

    I doubt the quote is accurate.
    Anyone should just search ‘google images’ for “Kollel Kovno” you will clearly see — they all went shaved.

    FYI – Kollel Kovno was made up from major Talmidei Chachamim, one of them is Hg’ Rav Aaron Kotler (as seen there shaved). Same when you search “Rav Shneur Kotler” as a yungerman he was cleaned shaved, I doubt Rav Ahron would allowed him to, if its indeed an issue as above.

    Same when you search for the ‘Chafetz Chaim”, you will see the Bnei Torah surrounding him were all shaved (I’m referring to the picture of him sitting in front of his house in Radin). Same situation when searching “Rav Baruch Ber” the Talmidim are all shaved.

    Asides that, Rav Chaim K Shlita goes by the psak of the Chazon Ish (as with all), whereas, Rav Moshe Feinstein disagreed. so if one goes by Rav Moshe’s psokim, he certainly has Al Mi Lismoch…

    in reply to: WARNING : Shemita wines being sold in NY/NJ #1724982

    Otzar BD officially keeps the wine at the zman Biur, especially wine that is intended for export, hence I don’t see where you concern is coming from.

    Moreover, on wine/grapes that is grown for export there many other heterim, regarding Hotzah and Biur see, at length discussed in Ridvaz on Shmitah in the following link, wherein they did export wine :

    Personally, many hold its nowadays a rabanon (see above), and many hold the Heter Mechirah is in effect if done, although they would oppose doing a Malacha (planting etc) though a Mechirah and oppose the very Mechirah as well ואכמ”ל
    But the fact is there was a Mechirah on all of Israel, so it would be fair to say you can rely on that regarding the concern of Biur only, where its facts are unknown and was sold via Otzar BD.

    in reply to: Difference between Chabad and everyone else? #1719682

    In other words, the op is incorrect.
    Personally, the very concept of דירה בתחתונים is not Chabad, many others have been focused on that as well, it’s not about a better “spot” in gan Eden.

    Although, you will definitely find that distinction in old school classic literature explaining the diff between chassidim and misnagdim. E.g. one of the sayings: “a misnagid is afraid of the ‘Shulchan Aruch’ whereas a Chassid is afraid of Hashem”…

    Are those accurate assumptions?
    Perhaps in some cases and many cases certainly not.

    Some sayings would go the other way around…

    Also, when saying “polish chassidim” we need to be aware that there were diff approaches there as well, like Peshischa/Kotzk were diff as they were focused and more on intellect and perfection..ואכמ”ל

    in reply to: Karpas – is any ha’adoma ok? #1704438

    So “my nafka mina” between potatoes and peanuts?! ”

    Very simple diff, they are totally two diff shailos:
    Peanuts – I recall , is if it is included in the ‘min’ of Kitniyos and thus included in the very original Gezero of the Gaonim…

    Whereas, potatoes – everyone agrees that its a “min” on its own, the only issue is that “potentially” it can produce flour and should come under a new ban, but after all it was never included in the very original ban.

    in reply to: Rabbi Elyakim Rosenblatt #1704269
    in reply to: Karpas – is any ha’adoma ok? #1704237

    One sefer says that we are all fortunate that there were no potatoes in times of Geonim for if they would have them then, they would surely prohibit them as kitniyos because of their ability to produce flour.”

    That very same sefer states that it is indeed NOT kitniyos as we do not have the power to be Gozar new Gezeros. Only what the Gaonim prohibited are included not any new…

    in reply to: intellectual thread #1703030

    It is time:

    Define happiness?

    I will start with the Rambam (recently learned and quoted by many). The Rambam paskens that if one has a choice of either giving additional Matanos l’evyonim or Mishlocach manos, he should rather give l’evyonim. The reason given is as the following:
    מוטב לאדם להרבות במתנות אביונים להרבות בסעודתו ובשלוח מנות לרעיו, שאין שם שמחה גדולה ומפוארה אלא לשמח לב עניים ויתומים ואלמנות וגרים, המשמח לב האמללים האלו דומה לשכינה שנאמר להחיות רוח שפלים ולהחיות לב נדכאים”

    We see from the Rambam that helping people in distress is true joy being that it is דומה לשכינה .

    in reply to: intellectual thread #1703036


    “Because anyone can easily start mentioning moshiach nonsense and there we go again…”

    I think it will depend on the topic, – if you will just mention Tanya regarding “Beninim” etc and keep the controversial topics out, you should not have an issue. (There are already other threads out there for bashing.. as we speak.)

    Also, if you will name it “Chabad” that too will attract the bashers as well…

    Moreover, I think you always have an option of closing a thread..

    in reply to: SHNITZY ATTACK!! #1703026


    “Do I have to wash?”

    More important, can you have a coffee after that cholent?

    in reply to: intellectual thread #1703014


    You are more than welcome to restart the torah! It sure beats that other ‘bashing’ thread…

    in reply to: Joining Sephardic #1699823


    It seems like from an Halachik perspective, in most cases, the Toshvim simply accepted the Rambam’s psakim, whereas, Maran the Bes Yosef took the Rosh’s psakim in consideration.

    in reply to: Joining Litvishe #1699255

    “there are those in Khal Adas Jeshurun who complain that Rav Shimon Schwab zt’l made KAJ too Yeshivish/Litvish.”

    You do understand, there is a major Halachic diff between switching to Chassidish which includes switching Nusach haTefilah and Yeshivish…

    But in any case, everyone did what they thought will keep the youth in touch with Yidishkeit and that is really that matters. Being a “simple” erlich Ashkenazic Jew does not fly these days any more. The same reason Chassidus spread out two hundred years ago..

    in reply to: Joining Sephardic #1699242


    True. The Rambam is considered a Sephardi, he lived in Morroco and in Egypt, but was born in Spain. All Mizrachi/Sephardi throughout the Mideast accepted him as the leader, in Yemen they would add a special prayer for him, also see his famous letter Igros Teman/Shmad..

    in reply to: Joining Sephardic #1698983

    If you going by region, you might as well throw in תימנים…some say they have the closest mesorah, e.g. Rav Noson Adler ztl would say Krias shma with the Temani havarah, for the above reason.

    in reply to: Saving shul seats, sidurrim for others not yet here #1698981

    Some strange shul you daven, Reb….

    in reply to: Joining Litvishe #1698613

    “I do not merit to understand how tachanun, which poskim make a point of saying is a reshus not a chiyuv, would take precedence over chazaras hashatz ”

    For the record, the very Minhag is already mentioned as a “sefardi minhag” by the Bes Yosef OC 334:5:

    ומתפללין י”ח וש”ץ מחזיר התפלה כדרך שעושין בשחרית כ”כ ג”כ הרמב”ם בפ”ט מהל’ תפלה וכן נוהגים האשכנזים וכ”כ הכלבו שצריך להחזיר התפלה כמו בשחרית אם לא ע”י הדחק אבל הספרדים אין נוהגים לחזור ש”ץ התפלה במנחה אלא מתפלל ש”ץ עם הציבור בקול רם ואומר קדושה וברכת אתה קדוש ואח”כ אומר האמצעיות בלחש עם הציבור ומתחיל רצה בקול רם וגומר תפלתו בקול רם ומנהג האשכנזים הוא הנכון וכן הנהיגו חכמים שבדור שלפנינו בצפ”ת תוב”ב וגזרו לעובר על תקנתם:

    in reply to: Joining Sephardic #1698414

    “Can I start eating kitniyos if I join?

    It might just make it worth it despite the extra selichos.”

    Yes, that is the deal. An entire Elul of Selichos for eating Kitniyot and perhaps your wife covering with a Mitpachat..

    in reply to: Joining Sephardic #1698412

    Rebbetzin: “Ashkenazim who have a cholent of minhagim (example: Chassidim and Misnagdim and Yekkas and Oberlanders etc).”

    Speak for yourself about being confused. You don’t even know which gender you are!

    Asides, you obviously do NOT have any inkling about Minhagim of Sefardim. Each region had their own Minhagim as well. Syrian, Persian, Bagdad etc..same way Ashkenazim have. And the rest, you totally confused with Yemenite’s….

    in reply to: Joining Litvishe #1698208

    Chossid, it is a minhag like all minhagim. It was originated at a time when Bitul Torah was precious and even if its not anymore as it once was, the minhag stayed on. Same way chassidim daven late because once upon a time, chassidim in Peshischa and Kotzk purified their minds and souls many hours for davening, starting from the early hours, which is totally not relevant today…

    in reply to: Joining Litvishe #1698207

    “Aren’t they the ones that “many gedolim” (invisible ones like my invisible friends) consider them Ovdei Avoda Zara?! ”

    You are probably confusing me with “Lernt” but regardless, the ones having an issue with Chabad are with the most recent Meshichists, absolutely nothing with the ones mentioned. In any case, you did not respond to the point made, regarding the so-called dress code “mesorah’

    And btw, that sefer mentioned is clearly one with an agenda, aa some have pointed, so the “shitos” are probably just the way he understood it and should be taken with a grain of salt.

    One clear psak of the Chasam Sofer probably שקול נגד כולם…

    in reply to: Joining Litvishe #1697706


    “For starters, you could look at the paintings of the Gra, Chasam Sofer, Ksav Sofer, etc. What was the point of this discussion, again? Surely you’ll find a lot of bearded Jews if you go back to the pre-electric shaver days, right?”

    Asides that the discussion pertains to laymen not Rabbanim, so you can’t compare, – even many MO Rabbis wear beards to this very day. (Note, it is certain, there was no such concept as a Rabbi w/o a beard in those times), but lets take it a step further, even the typical Non-Jew in Poland and in Russia, most were ‘bearded’ until the early 1900’s.

    So the mere fact that every Jew went with a beard is non-applicable as proof of Mesorah, unless you back it up. Chassidim in Poland they wore Spudiks on Shabbos because they couln’t wear Shtriemels at one point so that became their “mesorah”, According to many Shtreimels developed from a ‘Gezero’, same with Yerushalmi garb, the striped Zebras etc, was also a result of one of the Ottoman decrees..

    If you look at all Chabad Rabbis, starting from the Baa’l Ha’tanya, Tzemech, then Rashab you will see a change of dress code as well…

    in reply to: Joining Litvishe #1697441

    “There is a teshuva from the Chasam Sofer about beards.”
    Its the same Teshuva that he mentions that the Italian rabbis affiliated with Kabala shaved, particularly the רמ”ע מפאנו

    in reply to: Joining Litvishe #1697439

    “It makes perfect sense if the cherem wasn’t on a specific person or people, but on anyone who conducts themselves a certain way.”

    Certainly, and that is precisely the reason why gedolim like the Chafetz a Chaim held that the Cherem is totaly not relevent, as chassidim are not authentic as well, there are no major differences in Hashkafa etc. (I.e. in whatever the true reason on the cherem was based upon)

    in reply to: Joining Litvishe #1697438

    “I’ve seen pictures and paintings from Lita and from Germany in the 1800s with the Yidden wearing shtreimals and long peyos.

    Not Chasidim.”

    Nu lets assume we can pasken from a “painting” but how did verify their Chassidic” status?
    Did you see them holding siddurim marked Siddur HGra or Ashkenaz”…

    in reply to: Joining Litvishe #1697435

    “– to the point that after he discussed the topic with them, he stopped sleeping a sukkah himself)! ”

    I don’t know which nonsense you have been reading, asides the heter of not sleeping in a sukkah is mentioned in the Rema, this is totaly fabricated. Rav chaim and all his talmidim sid indeed sleep in the sukah.

    “The Chofetz Chaim wore a cap (kashket) – there are pics. He did not wear a Borsalino! When did a Litvish hat become “The Look”? A tie is “required” for bnei Torah – when did that “requirement” start (chassidic bochurmin. kollel men and rebbes don’t wear them!)?”

    The same way Chassidi Admorim decided wearing velvet and fur coats are part of yehadus or wearing silk etc. Not The Rambam nor the Beis Yosef nor the Rema wore black velvet hats.

    אלא מאי,
    Each group, segment or region decided to stop the clock at a diff time or era, the is NO specific mesorah in klal Yisrael how exactly your hat has to look like. With a pinch or without. Chabad decided to stop the clock in the 1930’s and the Yeshivish in the 50’s not so Yeshivish 60’s etc

    E.g. Rav Eliezer Silver zl decided to stop as the early 1900s wearing a stovetop hat. Same as Rav Itzele of Ponovizh..
    The rest is all שטיות the fact is that ia how a Ben torah nowadays dresses so behold that is the dress codw. Same with chassidim. There is nothing more holier in a velvet hat than a hat with 2 or 3 pinches ..or with a tie ir without…

    A שמחת פורים whatever hat you decide to wear..

    in reply to: Joining Chabad #1696352

    For the record there’s chabad non-Lubavitch that you can get into, eg the mesorah of the Rogatchover , ”
    For the record the Ragatchover had the same mesorah as all Chabad had only he chose a diff rebbe. He did go to the Tzemach Tzedek and then to the Kapuster.

    Asides that, Rav Chaim of Brisk was very close with the Rashab as well. So was a Rav Itzele of Volozhin with the Tzemach..

    in reply to: Joining Chabad #1696350

    All your ranting is basically a case against extreme Meshichists. Many in Chabad do not agree with them, so you have not proven your case..

    in reply to: Joining Chabad #1696349

    Based pn your logic about “treif meat” are you makpid to eat ONLY Beis Yosef shchita or typical Glatt out there is good enough?

    in reply to: Joining Chabad #1694847

    “Halachicly one should not change from his father’s derech, minhagim, etc. That a requirement. ”

    Can you please explain then how Chassidus or Chabad came about? At some point their ancestors did not daven Nusach Sephard/Ari etc.

    אלא מאי
    It is far from as simple than the black and white you have stated. There are minhagim that can not be switched and there are some that can, with certain conditions. However, the main thing is you need to follow “a” mesorah. If you decide to join Chabad you need to keep all chabad minhagim. Same applies the other way around..


    “Rabbi Bender, Artscroll,”

    כבודו במקומו מונח but I am quoting sources from chassidic seforim that were written at the very hight of chassidus, and you are quoting a book that mentioned it as a mashol and as a BTW…

    Bottom line, and as Neville pointed out, missing zman krias shma certainly goes against the official policy.


    “but it’s not the minhag of most chassidim”

    Find me one legit chassidic source that claims so. On Zman tfilah they once had a minhag, and it was based on הכנה לתפלה etc.
    However, the ones that you meet at the after 10 minyan claiming so are just a few לצים that slept late, not the ones that were occupied with learing a few hours prior to davening
    They indeed have no legit heter even al pi chassidus. I will qoute part:

    “המאחרים סומכים על קריאת שמע קטנה, שקוראים בהשכמה, ובוודאי יש טעם נסתר, כי מי יבוא אחריהם, אחר שאנו רואים שהם צדיקים גדולים בכל מעשיהם, רק לא בפרט הזה שהוא זמן תפילה שהוא מדרבנ”
    (ספר הויכוחא רבא)

    ה”יהודי הקדוש”:

    ידוע כי ההכנה למצווה כמצווה. אם כן: ההכנות לתפילה כתפילה. את ההכנות הריני עושה בזמן תפילה. (שיח שרפי קודש ח”ד ע’ 119

    in reply to: A Solution: Finding Shidduchim (aka “Shidduch Crisis”) #1687928

    “You are arguing against the Halacha according to the collective wisdom of Chazal, the Rishonim and the Mechaber.”

    Name the source please. I named a source in tosfos.

    ” I already answered your very poor point about the husband attempting to divorce his new wife.”

    My point was that if a marriage is forced it will most likely end up with :

    כִּי יִקַּח אִישׁ אִשָּׁה וּבְעָלָהּ, וְהָיָה אִם לֹא תִמְצָא חֵן בְּעֵינָיו – כִּי מָצָא בָהּ עֶרְוַת דָּבָר, וְכָתַב לָהּ סֵפֶר כְּרִיתֻת וְנָתַן בְּיָדָהּ וְשִׁלְּחָהּ מִבֵּיתוֹ.

    The only way it can be prevented is if the woman refuses. But in this case, both will want out.

    “Your comments are very simplistic and have neither the complexity not depth required to make major Klal decisions. ”

    You remind me of a one liner said by the אור שמח.

    Someone was trying to convince Rav Meir Simcha ztl a certain chidush which he totally dismissed. The mechadesh being upset confronted him: היתכן you are not accepting my chiddush, you did not even שלאג it אפ!
    On that the או”ש replied
    (a play in yiddish words

    עס איז צוגישלאגן – דארף מין אפשלאגן אויב
    אויב עס איז ניט צוגשלאגן – דארף מען ניט אפשלאגן

    in reply to: A Solution: Finding Shidduchim (aka “Shidduch Crisis”) #1687781


    “Gaon, “How come Tosfos (quoted earlier) couldn’t’ come up with such a tekana?” That is an unanswerable question. But the same question can be asked about any innovation in Torah (e.g. chiddush of an achron that answers a question from a Rishon), one can (but doesn’t) ask the exact same question, why didn’t earlier doros come up with that?!”

    Sorry, but you are technically wrong; you will always find proof and refutes like that in Achronim, “so how come Tosfos didn’t answer like so and so” !? Usually when an Achron will say another tirutz it will be with the hakdamah of “lulai divrei tosfos” and will (almost) never be leHalacha.

    That’s a kalal, especially when dealing with some simple solution like Jo and you have..

    R Gershom came up with the most exploding tekanos in his times and no one ever tried that…?

    “If Hillel would have suggested a pruzbul in the CR, he would have been mocked and called a troll. (Ok, I am trolling now).”

    Yes, you are aware that only someone like Hillel has the power to impose such tekanos,
    It goes back to the old klal (despite Josephs dreams) : “we do not have the power to be Gozer any new gezeros.”

    in reply to: A Solution: Finding Shidduchim (aka “Shidduch Crisis”) #1687772

    “Winnie, how is it that you give a detailed response to a non-serious extra-halachic suggestions of Mr. Rebbetzin yet leave unaddressed my serious and very much halachic suggestion?”

    I think WTP basically said what I told you earlier in one nutshell:

    “You omitted the last part:

    A month later they divorce… unfortunate for Shaindel.”

    As for your BesDin taynah. No bes din has any power to be gozar any such tekanos. Same goes to Rebetzin, Marrying is a mitzvah dOraisa and in most cases the chasson is above the age of 21 so EVERY day that it is postponed (once one is ready) for no legit reason is sort of an issur…

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