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  • in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1361669

    Chaver….many schools in EY teach Arabic given that 20 percent of the population speaks that language; likewise, a large percentage of Palestinians speak Hebrew

    There are several Jewish day schools in the U.S. that offer introductory Arabic as an AP option…probably not in any of the yeshivos or kollels

    in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1361647

    At this point its clear that anyone who wants to function in society and assure his/her children are able to earn a parnassah will have taken steps to learn either English or Ivrit (depending on where they live) and acquire any Yiddish skills as a function of need to access limudei torah in the context of where/how they are learning. Those who want to suspend time, live in a cave and not have any material societal access can continue with Yiddish…no one else will care and they will ultimately atrophy.

    in reply to: I'll put ur name by the satmar rebbes tzion #1361461

    Does anyone doubt that if you daven with real kavanah and seek a yeshuah in the name of the the Satmar Rebbe, Z’TL, the Ebeshter would respond with a least as much rachmanis as would be the case if some third party left an email message by the tzion

    in reply to: Yemois (Ha)moshiach ? #1361194

    These natural events are not happening any more or less frequently than on a long-term basis. Something truly unprecedented (e.g. achdus between the Satmar Aronites and Zalmonites) is more likely to get the attention of 770 EP.

    in reply to: Traditional clothing choices amongst religious Ashkenazy and Sephardic Jewry #1360451

    Not sure what is meant by “traditional ashkenazay clothing”….most yeshivish dress today is best described as loosely fitting dark business suit, white shirt sans tie with black borsalino/fedora hat. Add the tie and a bit of tailoring to the suit and you couldn’t distinguish a kollel yungerleit from an investment banker. In either event, nothing really that are readily traced to the alte heim or czarist Russia or wherever….sephardeshe and chassidish lvush cut a more striking sartorial statement


    Read the excellent article in yesterday’s NY Times addressing the growing number for frum Yiddeshe women coming forward to report domestic abuse. There is more willingness among rabbonim and askanim in the frum tzibur to affirmatively address these issues, provide access to resources and counseling and when needed, assist in obtaining a divorce as an option where the women are provided a needed support network for life afterwards. This is not the only reason for the changing trends, but certainly a factor.

    in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1360362

    More and more Litvish schools are teaching in English/Ivrit while retaining Yiddish in the upper grades for Talmud study etc…..need for basic English fluency for whatever secular studies they offer and job skills afterwards. Not sure that most take seriously the ludicrous notion that speaking Hebrew makes one a “Tzionista”. Does speaking some Arabic (as do a larger percentage of students in EY) make them Islamic Terrorists?

    in reply to: Is the Coffee Room Tzniusdik #1360058

    The Mods seem to be doing a good job keeping us on the straight and narrow path….if you’ve ever asked for directions in EY, you probably heard some variation of “yashar, yashar”….same here


    To CT Lawyer:
    Yasher koach on an extremely thoughtful and analytic response. Very helpful in understanding the transition from first-generation (post WWII) immigrants to the Millenial look…

    in reply to: Kosher Electricity #1357346

    Froggie..your welcome…there is nothing that the management of the IEA (aka chevrat chashmal would like better than to be able to automate the entire system. For many years, it was the most bloated government-owned business with the Histadrut insisting on many unnecessary employees. Its gotten a lot more streamlined in recent years.

    in reply to: Kosher Electricity #1357283


    Again, not sure what the relevance of a natural gas pipeline system is to an electric power network. Whereas gas is effectively “stored” in a pipeline under pressure and can be released as necessary with variations in demand, electricity is unlike any other utility service since it must be supplied real time and generation must be balanced with load on 24×7 basis. Further, the IEA grid is has few interconnections with Jordan or Egypt unlike other countries that can import power when shortages arise. As noted earlier, AGC telemetry and advanced control algorithms have substantially reduced the need for human intervention but some amount of real time human intervention will be needed for the indefinite future. Computers cannot perform certain tasks which are needed for real time monitoring of system thermal stability and voltage support. If you still don’t understand, try reading some background material on electric systems on Wikopedia or other non-technical sites and it may become more intuitive. While individual homes can go “off the grid” and there are some “micro-grids” in Tel Aviv and Haifa, those account for less than 2 or 3 percent of total end-user demand. Individuals who worry about chilul Shabbos and illegally install their own generators in densely populated urban areas are endangering large numbers of people and their mindless behavior is beyond understanding. Fortunately, these individuals are being tracked down and prosecuted by the authorities and several have been sentenced to prison. If you don’t like the IEA services or don’t trust their assurances in reference to Shabbos, simply open the circuit breaker on your electric panel and have a guten Shabbos by candelight with the windows open.

    in reply to: Kosher Electricity #1356848

    Froggie…not sure If you are joking or serious about “buying better generators”……IEA operates several large coal-fired baseload plants using relatively modern steam boilers and turbine generators….they’ve also added a number of new natural gas-fired combustion turbines. ( I think they’ve shut down most of the old oil-fired steam units but may keep them on standby for emergency use). By definition, these generating units are cycled to follow load (less so for the baseload coal, more so for the gas fired units and peakers). All of these units have AGC dispatch via computer telemetry but still require a small team in the dispatch center 24×7. No utility in the world is completely automated. IEA also buys power from about a dozen independent generators with varying size units, some which may not require 24×7 staffing if they are linked via AGC and have the appropriate telemetry. In addition to the Staffing at the plants who monitor boiler feed and turbine performance, IEA also has several hundred line crews available 24×7 in case of any wire outages.

    in reply to: Chinuch. Parents Vs Schools #1356769

    Adherence to “rules” imposed by a private yeshiva/BY/kollel/pre-school etc. shouldn’t be a question…they are entitled under both secular law and halacha to impose such rules as long as they do not involve physical or emotional harm to children. (I’m putting aside the few schools that still claim a right to use corporal punishment which fortunately such dysfunctional practices are largely gone from Yiddeshe mosdos). The more prevalent issue in many schools are students who question or challenge the instructional naarative they receive from teachers. Many extraordinarily bright kids, some informed by their own internet research (where schools allow for such access) are getting suspended for speaking up in class, even when done so respectfully. Many kids don’t seem to have basic derech eretz and offer their “counterpoint” without being disruptive but often the smartest kids are most prone to be an azaz panim and disrupt the flow on instruction. Parents, teachers and school administrators need to get more involved with these types of issues and develop policies setting out boundary conditions for “intellectual disruption” on both limudei torah and secular subjects.

    in reply to: Kosher Electricity #1356756

    The chevrat chashmal public affairs officers have repeatedly said that they staff their dispatch centers on Shabbos with non-Jewish engineers etc. and only call in their Jewish employees in emergency conditions. Some take them at their word…some prefer to have their own personal generators, notwithstanding the risk that improperly located and installed units pose major safety concerns.

    in reply to: Tznius Problem? #1356424

    A good start would be for all the MEN constantly whining about the “tzinius crisis’ to step back this chodesh Elul and look in a good mirror and focus their musar internally. I can’t believe we have the most erliche male population among yidden today since dor ha’midbor and they have exhausted all opportunities for self-improvement in their emunah and hashkafah and thus the only issue left for them to focus their lives on is for women to become more machmir in their observance of tzinius.


    Have you noticed that virtually all the photo essays of one gadol or chashuve Rav visting another seem to take place in the same rooms the “old fashioned” look and lots of “stuff” like the original post in this thread described….Maybe there is some chiyuv to keep the “alte heim” look…

    in reply to: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas 💃🍸🍷🕺 #1356256

    Who or what is “Bloris”???


    The trend is real and long-overdue. Younger families like the clean and uncluttered look without all the dust collectors their parents managed to accumulate. They are less attached to “stuff” and don’t have the guilt about throwing out junk from the parents’ and grandparents’ homes they have no use for and had no real market value. Photos are available on your phone or PDA and only a few warrant being framed. They are considerably more discriminating in what items have emotional attachments and everything else is expendable. No more plastic slip covers on the couch, no more piles of seforim that will never be opened, etc. etc. With lots of kids, you have enough junk without accumulating more from prior generations.

    in reply to: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas 💃🍸🍷🕺 #1355088

    Joseph….are you insinuating that Rav Tendler, shlita, was somehow not aware of your chumrah or simply felt in a yekeshe mood the day of his chassanah?? I doubt either he or R’ Moshe, ZTL, would have not been aware of what halacha required

    in reply to: High heeled shoes are the reason for global warming 👠 🌤💧💧 #1355033

    So the First Lady’s wearing of super high heels on her flight down to Texas last week to show empathy to the victims of the flooding (which some say was worsened by global warming) was a deliberate effort to say, “and in accordance with my husband’s denial of global warming, I’m doing by best to make the future flooding even worse)

    in reply to: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas 💃🍸🍷🕺 #1354929

    The story is told about Rav Apron Soloveichik Z’tl, who responded to a shaylah from either his gabbai (or some talmidim) who said he/they had gone to a friend’s wedding and was surprised that there was mixed seating for the singles attending and what should he/they do in the future when those circumstances arose.. According to the telling of this story, the Rav sighed, and said something along the lines of, “Oy vey – how do you think I met Ella?” I’ve heard numerous variations of similar stories attributed to various rabbonim who were both makil and machmir on this issue with the R’ Breuer/Yekeshe practice at one end of the spectrum and the more mainstream Chassidus at the other end….

    in reply to: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas 💃🍸🍷🕺 #1354874

    Da’Moshe had an excellent point regarding the underlying assumption of this thread that any comingling of the genders at chassanahs will lead pritzus, raise issues of tzinius and giluye arroyos etc. He notes that
    Rav Yosef Breuer, ztz”l (and some other chashuve rabbonim not all of whom were Yekeshe) strongly opposed to the practice of separate seating at chassanahs. He correctly noted this was a relatively new Americaneshe minhag and was not the practice in the alte heim where perhaps except for certain chassideshe courts mixed seating had been the general practice in Eastern Europe. The Yekkishe practice. was to have four married couples to a circular table (withno man sat next to another’s wife and with singles deliberately mixed so that young men and women could socialize with each other.

    Given that the fundamental biological, hormonal and yetzer harah DNA cannot have changed so quickly, If it was good enough for the Alte Heim, why is it not good enough for chashuve askanim like Joe??


    So long hair is the underlying cause of the shidduch crisis in Lakewood?? I would think the real cause is the absence of “real’ beards” among the BMG crowd (aka facial hair cut too short)

    in reply to: Kosher Electricity #1354687

    The biggest sakanah with so called “personal” Shabbos generators in frum neighborhoods is that many (not all) are hooked up illegally without the required protective equipment that would prevent backfeed into the grid and this puts the lives of chevrat chashmal workers at risk. They are also fueled by propane or diesel which must be stored on site which creates even greater fire hazards. There have been deaths and injuries reported as a direct result of these illegal generators.

    in reply to: Kosher Electricity #1354645

    Some use the term in EY to refer to power that has generated without any yidden working at the powerplant on Shabbos or in any way indirectly resulting in chilul Shabbos for power consumed. Some areas of Meah Shearim etc. have their own “Shabbos generators”…
    I’m sure there may be other meanings but this is one possibility.

    in reply to: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas 💃🍸🍷🕺 #1354549

    For a change, Joe has a good point….The vaad in each community should organize and recruit a special group of Chassanah Cops (modeled after the Iranian Revolution Guards) who would enforce the halachos of tzinius,ervah, nidah etc. and take all necessary steps to assure none of the pritzus Joe describes would ever happen. They would operate under the supervision of the Rav Hamachshir for that simcha hall and if all else fails, announce that they will cancel the Viennase Table and Deserts undless everyone immediately moves back to their side of the mechitza.

    in reply to: Feud between Chabad & Breslov #1353074

    I don’t know where you get the mesorah that the Rebbe, Z’TL, taught his chassidim that all yidden, Litvish, misnagdim, other chassidus etc. will magically become Lubavitch at the time of z’man moishiach. Somehow the visuals of the BMG crowd in Lakewood and Skver from monsey joining hands on Eastern Parkway and waving yellow flags saying “Welcome Rebbe Moishiach” are a bit difficult to internalize.

    in reply to: Menashe #1352723

    The movie actually shows how the father desperately wants to raise his young son alone after his wife dies but his rav feels the son should be raised by his brother-in-law’s family until the father, who works long hours at a heimeshe grocery, remarries and has someone at home for the child. Its a feel good movie, nothing at all that would raise concerns about pritzus, tzinius, or any visual kafirah.

    in reply to: Menashe #1352631

    we saw it several weeks ago and enjoyed it. If you like this genre of “gritty” message movie (aka widower father’s love for his son v. rebbe’s insistence on need for a “stable family life” etc.) its reasonably well done and edited down to a short length. I’m not sure what the “mamash soton” element of this movie as its quite harmless….


    There are some young women within the frum community who may simply decide for whatever reason to remain single. Yes, the are the exception and yes, some consider that contrary to what should be the singular focus of a bass yisroel but having made that decision, we should not make them feel marginalized. They should be accepted within the tzibur w/o our being judgmental.

    in reply to: Womyn and their careers #1351717

    My presumption is that the majority of readers do not conduct their daily lives exclusively in certain neighborhoods of Willy, BP, Lakewood and Monsey. The point I made very early in this thread is that there is more widespread legal and social acceptance of nursing in public areas with varying degrees of attention to “modesty” (I won’t use the term tzinius to avoid confusion) among young women outside of the frum tzibur. Yidden who travel will have to accommodate these diverse visual encounters since they are only going to increase. To my knowledge, few (if any) of the 48 states that have legalized nursing in public specify limits on the mother’s exposure.

    in reply to: Feud between Chabad & Breslov #1351711

    Chaverim kol Yisroel??

    in reply to: Womyn and their careers #1351241

    To L&uL
    these are NOT two entirely different scenarios. Even among non-frum women, most will seek to discreetly nurse even in public (cover over with blanket or something like that). It may not be “strictly tziniusdkik by your standards but still discreet. The few wild-eyed nursing fanatics who do it openly and “in your face” are not the ones who really care about their children as much as their own political agendas. Some insist on nursing their children until they reach school age and the mother is told she cannot come on the school bus. At least in my experience, there are very few of these types of women in the frum community and most exercise common sense. Agree the my definition of “common sense” may clash with your definition of 100 percent tziniusdik/.

    in reply to: (Men’s) Mikvah Halachos #1351245

    Its a bit absurd that anyone would ask whether its appropriate (or halachically required) to shower prior to toiveling in mikvah. I think every mikvah I’ve ever been to has signs requiring a shower (and I assume the local Rav has approved such signage). As far as NOT showering after mikvah, for those who hold this way, for how long?? An hour? a day?

    in reply to: The best & worst shidduch advice you’ve been told. #1351161

    Best advice: Follow your head, then your heart and if all else fails, follow the eitzah from Joseph.


    I think we are living in a transitional generation and there is a very slow but gradual upward creep in the age of kiddushin as more frum young men and women take advantage of the new programs available for college and graduate education geared towards the frum tzibur. Also, the new Administration has vowed to cut off welfare payments, food stamps, etc. for able bodied young men and women who are not working at least part time. I dont’ think they will have a special “shteiging exemption” for kollel yungerleit who refuse to work. This MAY encourage more young men and women to stay in school and get the educational skills they need to get a job and support their families, knowing that reliance on public assistance may no longer be an option in the future.

    in reply to: Womyn and their careers #1350433


    According to a recent survey, forty-seven states, DC and the Virgin Islands have adopted laws that specifically allow moms to breastfeed in any public or private location. Two of the remaining states — South Dakota and Virginia — exempt breastfeeding moms from public indecency laws, and Idaho is the only state that has yet to pass any similar laws. Currently, the only protection nursing moms have in Idaho is jury duty exemption. I’m not allowed to post the link for this survey of state laws but if you google, you will find same results (or roughly similar since the terminology and degree of exemption from specific statutes may vary by survey). From a medical perspective, there are peer review studies that highlight the importance for nursing moms to nurse when their own and the baby’s needs dictate

    in reply to: Womyn and their careers #1350370

    A nursing mother is legally and halachically allowed to nurse whenever and wherever the baby requires. The vast majority do so in a discrete and private manner since this is better for both the mother and baby. However, in rare cases where circumstances dictate and there are limited options for “privacy”, better to nurse the baby than worry about Joe’s or someone else’s visual/erva fragility.

    in reply to: Is the shidduch crises real ? #1350163

    I don’t see Joe’s views as mainstream even among my yeshivish friends, much less as typical of the MO or frum tzibur in general. If you are saying that Joe is the resident troll and should be ignored, than perhaps I give his rants too much credence from an obviously “leftist” perspective….However, when he keeps pushing the same perspective on seemingly a new thread every few days, and seeks to legitimize an ignorant and hurtful view of young women who c’v havent’ married in their teens, than I will respond since these view have a long-term hurtful impact on so many b’nos yisroel who make their own life choices that include personal growth and education.

    in reply to: Protocols when getting an Aliya #1350128

    I cannot think of one single area of the davening where minhagim vary so considerably among shuls, even within the same chassidus or litvish shuls within close proximity….In many cases the practices stem from how the Rav, baal koreh and gabbai doing the misheberachs do things. One of the most prevalent trends is to make
    “shenadars” less frequent and less blatant while always assuring that someone called for an aliyah has the option of doing so.

    in reply to: Is the shidduch crises real ? #1350111

    Not sure if you realize that there may be some young men and women (who for some reason I cannot personally relate to) do not want to marry and have children. Thats clearly the exception in the frum tzibur and off your radar screen but those numbers are actually rising, albeit based on anecdotal data. My personal objection is the tendency to label those individuals as dysfunctional, damaged goods or whatever since we don’t know (nor should we) why they may have made the decision to defer marriage or simply not to marry.

    in reply to: Is the shidduch crises real ? #1350069

    Joe: No, in my family a girl marries for the whole person, including his/her ruchnios, midos, overall intelligence etc. I don’t think anyone in my family is or will ever be deemed “wealthy” Going to college is not a matter of accumulating wealth or material items. Its about learning and experiencing much of what the Ebeshter has created and simultaneously developing the skills and intellect he provided beyond what might arguably be obtained in a beis Yaakov setting. From your postings, it seems your family’s frame of reference is a more narrow criteria of simply whether the kallah is of child bearing age a ready to start to start a family with little, if any concerns about what follows.

    in reply to: Womyn and their careers #1349807

    Hey Joe….Irs not just the courts….the majority of states, including many of the “torah belt states”, have enacted laws giving women the legal right to nurse their babies in any public location. A baby doesn’t care if the mother is at home, on the subway or in shul. When they want to be fed, they let the mother know. Most women typically find some way of nursing their child in a discrete way but thats the mother’s chocie. If something as natural as nursing a baby troubles you than perhaps you need to deal with that issue

    in reply to: Is the shidduch crises real ? #1349667

    Addtional comment to Joseph with respect to his analogizing kiddushin to a “game of musical chairs” where a young woman who pursues advanced education risks being the one “left without a chair” when the music stops…..I cannot think of a more uneducated and false analogy unless that has sadly been your experience, and for that I am sorry. A baas yisroe with strong grounding in daas torah and good midosl who pursues her dreams of having a balanced life including a career and family (and can also make a substantial contribution to the family’s income) will clearly be more attractive shidduch prospect in her 20s than someone with a high school education and little if any earnings potential. I guess it all depends on what you are looking for. For the bochur chained to a shtender and shteiging in kollel 24×7, maybe not but thats probably not what SHE would even consider.


    It is not up to the phone dealer to install filters prior to selling a device to yidden….given the vast diversity of opinions among rabbonim about smartphones and their use, its up to each individual to follow the guidance of their local rav/posek in terms of what level of filtering (if any) they should install. If these idiots who demonstrate at the home of this dealer don’t want to use any smarphone, thats their deicsion but its not their right to impose their views on others.

    in reply to: Additional Societal Casualties Of The Shidduch Crisis #1349700

    A number of frum sociologists and demographers have attempted to peform studies that compare divorce rates across various segments of the jewish community (aka chareidi vs. MO etc)…the only thing they agree upon is that there is no reliable data upon which to perform such studies….thus, these anecodotal “expert” conclusions will continue….i

    in reply to: Is the shidduch crises real ? #1349368

    It is comical that in the 21st century, t is predominantly men who are postulating on what is good for women’s spiritual, physical and economic well being. Clearly, looking around at the state of affairs in many areas of the tzibur, they have been doing a great job. Perhaps wake up and realize that a young woman is no more susceptible to the yetzer horah than a man ( and biologically probably less so). As one of the other posters noted, a young woman with strong hashkafah and upbriinging can find many opportunities for pursuing her edcuation and career without compromising her yiddeshkeit, If she chooses to delay starting a family for several years, thats probably a net positive for the future success of that family since she will be able to contribute to their economic and educational well being.

    in reply to: Is the shidduch crises real ? #1348607

    There are so many young frum women today who successfully have navigated marriage, family and careers that its hard to know where to begin to respond to your somewhat backward looking philosophy. Women should not be criticized for choosing a career path involving a graduate degree beyond college any more than those who simply choose to get married w/o any higher education or career skills. However, too much emphasis is placed on rushing to finding a husband have babies and making girls who haven’t married by their early 20s feel like damaged goods.

    in reply to: Is the shidduch crises real ? #1348560

    Several posters’ (in this thread and others) voiced variations of Joe’s theme that “going to college somehow reduces a girl’s ruchniyos outlook on life…”. Not sure how to respond to such a misogynistic allegation other than to note that bochurim are equally (if not more) susceptible to “worldly” influences once they step outside the narrow yeshiva/kollel world they have evolved from….in fact, girls attending college to be able to assure a parnassah for themselves and a prospective choson probably have greater maturity and more discipline to focus on what they are there for (i.e. obtaining job skills) and less on the more secular, mundane or social aspects of college life that Joe worries will adversely affect her ruchnioyos

    in reply to: What’s a girl to do if her father is not a Talmid Chacham? #1348060

    Toi Meno:
    And what is the shiduch analogy to drilling multiple holes until you find the stud in your closet?

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