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  • in reply to: Is hanging pictures of leaders considered to be Avoda Zora? #1372708

    worshiping or venerating ANY physical image, representation or whatever is assur so you guys can dance on the head of a pin but the outcome is still the same ….lo taaseh lacha pesel v’chol tamuna……

    in reply to: Congratulations Judge Roy Moore! #1372357


    “Senator Moore is as deplorable as they come, and its time that the deplorables (which includes us, like it or not) have a representative in the Congress.”

    The last time someone used that argument in relation to a Southern Judge was when an incredibly undistinguished judge (Harold Carlswell) with strong racist and misogynistic credentials was nominated to the Supreme Court to replace Justice Abe Fortas. In defense against charges that Carswell was at best “mediocre”, Senator Roman Hruska, an equally undistinguished Nebraska Republican, passionaltely made the following argument
    “…. there are a lot of mediocre people [in the United States] and we are entitled to a little representation too, aren’t we…. We can’t have all Brandeises, Frankfurters and Cardozos [on the Supreme Court}.”

    in reply to: Congratulations Judge Roy Moore! #1371983

    I won’t bother commenting further on this jerk….I think the Senate would be better off with Judge Judy

    in reply to: Congratulations Judge Roy Moore! #1371973

    Hey Sam…his comment was “God and Country in that order’ and executive branch should nullify any law that violated Christian beliefs….cabinet officers must affirm a belief in “a Christian-Judaic God”, a tzelem in all public buildings, etc….

    in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1371929

    So the chidush is that in lieu of Yiddish, English or Hebrew, rabbonim from all segments of Yiddeshkeit, both Chassidish and Litvish, Ashkenaz and Sphardishe, should come together at an asifah at 770 EP and declare that going forward, all yidden should learn and converse only in French, s’il vous plaît

    in reply to: What’s up with Kosher Shampoo? #1371910

    I don’t mean to disparage anyone whose hashkafah dictates having some hashgacha on everything, just that for a large percentage of frum yidden (or at least many considering themselves frum) and who also believe they are reasonably observant on matters of kashruth, they wouldn’t think of going thirsty because they couldn’t find a bottle of spring water or filtered water with chassideshe hashgacha. Obviously, when you move to “flavored” waters, special energy drinks, etc, some hashgacha is definitely required

    in reply to: What’s up with Kosher Shampoo? #1371872

    For the same reason we don’t put a plumba on a potato

    in reply to: What’s up with Kosher Shampoo? #1371859

    Demonstrating again the “greater fool theory” of marketing, there are several brands of water with some claim of “hashgacha”…..perhaps they are concerned about rumors that certains brands of bottled water are used for avodah zorah or the Chelmer Rebbe’s inyan regarding “mayim yisroel’ versus “mayim stam”

    in reply to: What’s up with Kosher Shampoo? #1371711

    Don’t buy it!
    In the context of looking for problems, there are well over 7,000 brands of shampoo on the market including well over 1500 varieties certified vegan (no meat or dairy derived products). Thus, your question is a great shailah to debate between musaf and mincha yom kippur afternoon if the d’var torah is boring or otherwise troll here in the coffee room. However, it would be irrational to presume the question is relevant in any other context.

    in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1371546

    To Yiiddeshe Kop

    More than four million yidden living in heretz hakodesh speak Hebrew including most of the gadolim living in EY. A large percentage of Israelis are also fluent in English. Its embarrassing when you see videos of some of these “asifahs” and speakers get up to the podium in front of thousands and cannot communicate in either Hebrew or English so that their message is intelligible to all the attendees.

    in reply to: Changing Shuls — justification needed? #1370176

    Ask some of our Landsmen in Stamford Hill and Golders Green in the UK how much it is costing them to follow up on Nigel Lefarge’s decision to leave their old Europeaneshe Unioneshe shul and daven without a minyan in the future. The bill from the EU for costs incurred while they were still “members” is estimated to run anywhere from $50-90 billion dollars.

    in reply to: Changing Shuls — justification needed? #1370263

    The point is that there may be practical considerations governing severing a relationship with a shul. Payment of dues for the full year is clearly one concern, especially if the shul relies upon dues to pay the Rav, etc. Also, in some shuls, you may have multi-year pledges to the building fund, etc. The shul possibly got a mortgage based on these pledges. Finally, if there is some aspect of the davening you find problematic than it makes sense to at least alert the Rav so he may consider possible changes, or at lease know about how some of the tzibur feel.

    in reply to: Changing Shuls — justification needed? #1369156

    “If the new Shul has more talking and you’re changing because the old Shul became a crowd of older mispallelim who you have little in common to socialize with, so you want to go to Shul with a younger crowd you can shmooze with, that would seem to be unjustifiable.”

    Agree on not changing shuls to schmooze more or better quality scotch in the Kiddush club…However, if you have kids and the tzibur of the old shul is increasingly geriatric, than changing shuls to a younger crowd so that kids have friends going to the davening and have special programs for the kids on the yom tovim might be a legit reason to consider changing.

    in reply to: Is hanging pictures of leaders considered to be Avoda Zora? #1368851

    To RebYid…

    Obviously, it depends on the picture….if the picture was the usual stuff kids draw in school, no problem; if it were to be an image of some goiyeshe god, than probably not a good idea

    in reply to: Changing Shuls — justification needed? #1368850

    Yidden already have enough chumrahs w/o having to postulate a new “shteeble hopper rule”. There are legitimate restrictions that chazal bring down regarding a shul’s ability to “fire” its Rav; there is no restriction I am aware of that limits the ability of a davener to “fire” its shul and relocate to another. There are limits stemming from the inyan of “aseh l’cha rav” that discourage venue shopping among different rabbonim to get the psak din you want on a particular issue and encourage us to establish a relationship with a local rav/posek for all our questions. That doesn’t mean over time you cannot change your shul (and by implication, your rav for those of us for whom the rav of the shul is the rav we use for any halachic questions).

    in reply to: Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat #1368805

    Outside of the yamim noraim when the shul if full and there are generally no available seats, if you walk into shul and someone is in “your” seat, and that person is not a regular, one would generally just sit elsewhere where a seat is available and avoid the awkward request to tell someone to move elsewhere. There are times where common sense and the desire to make a strange yid feel welcome and avoid embarrassment should take precedence over your “entitlement’, whether real or implied.


    If you voted for racism, xenophobia, msycoginy and vulgarity, you are a winner…for a change, a politician who is delivering on what he promised…

    in reply to: Slavery in Israel #1368775

    Lets just ignore “morality”….if there are those who somehow get some kind of sick and perverse psychic satisfaction from theorizing or postulating the enslavement of other human beings because there is some predicate in the torah or Talmud, we should definitely cater to their needs and indulge them. Why not start a thread on when/how its OK to administer summary capital punishment against another yid for violating one of several prohibitions

    in reply to: Is hanging pictures of leaders considered to be Avoda Zora? #1368749

    Obviously, the answer is contextual…..if a shul were to post a picture of Trump in the lobby as a sign of respect, there is little likelihood (with the exception of a few resident Trumpkopfs) of such a picture triggering any concerns of avodah zarah. Likewise, the obligatory photo of the Rebbe, TZL, in many chabad homes is no more or less avodah zorah than the guys who run up and down Eastern Parkway with yellow flags singing “Rebbe is Moishiach”. Same, I’m sure for other chassidus where I’ve seen playing cards (like baseball cards) with photos of their rebbe and other rabbonim in that Chassidiseshe Court. Not sure about Litvish practices on photos but just about every Livtvish home has family photos on the wall

    in reply to: Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat #1368668

    There is a lot of back and forth regarding shuls where someone has some actually “entitlement’ to a seat by virtue of some sort of purchase or endowment of a specific seat (although most MO shuls only “sell seats” for the yamim noraim). For example, when I go to a simcha at a Young Israel somewhere, I rarely have encountered anyone telling me “that seat is taken” by someone not yet in shul. I’m certain that other shuls the issue is as much an entitlement by virtue of years of having sat in the same place rather than a financial entitlement to the seat. However, some of the comments seem to conflate the two different situations.

    in reply to: For Trump Voters #1368002

    “since he has been “good for the Jews”, we shouldn’t complain

    Yes. we should just keep quiet until we wake up one morning and read his latest tweet about yidden.

    in reply to: Davening with a metronome? #1368003

    “:Speak to Hashem like you would speak to a king or other important person”

    If the purpose of tefillah is to engage with the Ebeshter, than there are times where you would speak slowly and pause to consider your thoughts and at other times, speak excitedly and more quickly. It would seem a metronome could make it more likely that your davening would be more mechanical and less from the heart and with less kavanah.

    in reply to: Why is hashem punishing the Caribbean islands? #1367631

    You can read anything you want into any natural event. When you get to olam habah, please post here and let us know if you were correct in your speculation as to the REAL reason why the Ebehster took the action he did. Per my prior comments, I’m skeptical poishete yidden can postuate a cause-effect relationship or point to a specific message from shamayim for even tragedy that occurs.

    in reply to: Nusach for Yom Kippur Mincha #1367227

    To Gerodie13:

    Great minds think alike….Chazan Lubelsky’s website is what I was referring to above….I discovered his site last year while searching for something similar….He is from London but now lives in Zurich. He has an absolutely wonderful voice, with great articulation of the words of the tefillot without excessive chazanus that frequently makes it difficult to understand. His melodies are so true to form and evoke the memories of what most of us relate to for the yamim noraim.

    in reply to: Value in preserving a historic home’s character #1367044

    Meno….”we” obviously have a (reading) issue…I’ve read multiple stories on this and other frum websites about efforts to restrict expansion of frum neighborhoods, location of shuls and mosdos etc., many of which focus on the “excuses” provided for blatantly anti-Semitic efforts to exclude yidden…first and foremost are that large frum families somehow don’t keep up the properties or are not good neighbors. sadly many of these allegations come from other jews in the same neighborhoods. As to my “hated” of religious yidden, I’ll just wish you a g’mar tov and leave it at that.

    in reply to: Nusach for Yom Kippur Mincha #1366964

    I don’t know if the Mods will allow a link….if not, just google “nusach and yom kippur mincha” and this link to recording from a well known UK Chazan will appear….

    in reply to: Difficulty with morning Shachris routine #1366947

    Avram…..agreed that everyone’s body clock is different but you have to start somewhere. This guy acknowledges he is a “big night owl” and thus another option would be to go directly from the late-night pizza place to daven vasikim….but not sure that would work well either.

    in reply to: Why its important to show pictures of Married Couples #1366948

    I cannot think of a more “over-analyzed” photo than the one shown here…you can probably put a million different captions on the photo to make whatever point you wish to make and have some basis for your spin…

    in reply to: Value in preserving a historic home’s character #1366902

    It is as much as a mitzvah as would maintaining a non-historic home in good condition with attention to its appearance and how it affects neighboring homes. We read here frequent complaints about how yidden often fail to pay attention to the upkeep of their homes relative to their neighbors by not maintain the landscaping, paving the lawn to park cars, not cutting the lawn (if there still is one) , putting out too many bags of trash motzi Shabbos and yom-tovim w/o taking care they are tied up, leaving childrens’ toys lying in the front yard,etc. All of these factors have a big impact on the visual quality of life in a neighborhood and are as important as painting an historic home in the right color, not using period doors and window in a remodeling project etc. As yidden, we should always strive to be a model neighbor and comply with housing codes, HOA rules etc.

    in reply to: Difficulty with morning Shachris routine #1366893

    Don’t try to change your entire pattern at one time.. Start with a realistic target of getting to sleep earlier two nights a week (e..g Sunday and Wednesday) so you get get to minyan for shachris with Torah reading on Monday and Thursdays…..if that works, add one day to your routine every few months. On those days you know you won’t make it to shul, make sure you do the full shachris at home.

    in reply to: Shmiras einayim sunglasses and covered bus windows #1366442

    the obvious intention is to be certain that the bus driver cannot see through the window and has no idea that a jaywalking guy wearing his latest shemira einayim sunglasses cannot see the bus…….at some point, you simply take a deep breadth and hope that this is truly Fake News and there is no substance behind the story….

    in reply to: Why its important to show pictures of Married Couples #1366198

    What is “the point”…..the inyan of visual images of a husband/wife together somehow triggering inappropriate thoughts, pritzus or even mundane worries about some as of tzinius has been hijacked by the churmah crowd beyond any rational understanding. While we obviously try to avoid photos or images that are designed to draw attention or highlight some inappropriate visuals, normal day-to-day imagery of normal, healthy relationships would provide a real positive input to all of us, whatever “medrega” we are on and make us aspire to move up the ladder if necessary.

    in reply to: A Letter YWN Received On Sept 17 – Can Anyone Help Her? #1366000

    To Gaon:
    R’ Kanievsky, Z”TL, was wise enough to avoid putting down someone who was clearly in a moment of emotional distress and came to him for help. Clearly, the Editor’s request was for some simple and meaningful d’var torah tha tmight be invoked by this well meaning Zaidah that would inspire her granddaughter at this simcha (probably at a MO shul) but not offend. There are multiple references in Torah and Tehillim to the concept of tsa’ar ba’alei chayim that might be woven together to provide a short d’var torah that is appropriate for the occasion (w/o getting into a broader discussion about bat mitzvahs, what and who should participate etc).

    in reply to: Lakewood’s Traffic becoming unbearable, any solutions? #1364827

    Morahmon….machatonim said it was .only 17 hours from West Palm to Atlanta last week (and try finding a restaurant with chassideshe hashgacha on the Florida-Georgia border near I-75

    in reply to: Why do many chasidish yeshivas start on rosh chodesh cheshvan #1364822

    Georidie: Not sure I understand….aren’t their rabbonin at the Yeshiva? Do you mean the out-of-town bochrim go home to their families for the yamim noraim?

    in reply to: Why do many chasidish yeshivas start on rosh chodesh cheshvan #1364392

    Actually, that is NOT the case but its a good idea since the Zman after the summer in Tishrei is so broken up by the yom tovim AND the extra days before and after the actual days of the chag that those who work in yeshivos seem to require to prepare and get unprepared. Its actually costly to open the facilities and dormitories for a day or two and then close and then open again.

    in reply to: Lakewood’s Traffic becoming unbearable, any solutions? #1364280

    For a change I agree with Zahavasdad. Many cities are taking steps to make it easier to use bikes for short trips in lieu of auto traffic which results in air pollution, noise and congestion. In Willy, there are two bike shops that cater to the frum tzibur. Biking is a healthy option for trips to shul, market, work and mikvah. Women can use bikes for light shopping trips to the market, riding with the kids to school (if they are too close for school bus service) or just visiting friends. Yiddeshe mosdos can help by putting in bike racks, allowing public rental bikes to set up on the sidewalks out front and not fighting bike lanes because c’v they might see some “hipster” riding by from outside the neighborhood. Bikes are a win win option for yidden and goyim alike. I’m not that familiar with Lakewood’s traffic issues but I’m certain that BMG can take a lead role in promoting bike usage among their bochurim around the campus and local shuls and commercial establishments.

    in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1364092

    770….what is the yichus derived from speaking the “real ole Yiddish” from Russia as distinct from any other form of Yiddish (other than hydbrid “Yinglish”)…..

    in reply to: Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat #1363618

    Putting aside common sense, which is the norm on some of these threads, a yid walking into a new shul typically doesn’t first search for a seating chart hidden behind the door or wait for the gabbai sheini or shlishi (who was supposed to be standing by the entry door and instead is schmoozing with his chevrah by the bimah) to point him to a seat not covered by the local minhagim governing makom kavua. My experience is that 9 of 10 times, you walk in and absent a simcha where you search out the family, you take whatever seat appears empty.

    Edited -79

    in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1363566

    To Mammele….I was seeking to be a bit over the top in response to someone suggesting that restricting the language skills of children to Yiddish only is a good idea because it might help reduce or prevent assimilation. I personally find that abusive to the child in that it makes it more likely that such child will have major difficulties when he seeks to marry and support a family and discovers his inability to communicate renders him dysfunctional for most professions and careers and unable to earn a good parnassah to support himself and his family.

    in reply to: Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat #1363193

    Its a real stretch to extend the inyan of chazaka in baba basra as cited above to stand for the notion of makom kavua and a license to demand someone who comes to daven change seats if there has been no financial commitment in relation thereto. If a shul wants to “reserve” particular seats for certain individuals, they should be clearly marked as such. In most shtieblach, one would logically conclude that a chair and shtender in the corner by the bimah piled high with seforim “is reserved” for the rav, gabbai, etc….not so for a unmarked seat in a row of otherwise identical seats in a shul with many rows of seats

    in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1363156


    If you want a really state-of-the art and cost-effective “anti-assimilation tool”, simply move all yidden into some underground cave…perhaps the facility at Yucca Mountain in Nevada on which we’ve already spent 22 billion dollars as a nuclear waste repository.

    in reply to: Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat #1363050

    To Ubiquitin….yes, I understand the concept of chazaka but don’t know of where chazal bring down that x times provides such ownership rights….presumably, it varies from shul to shul but my point is that whatever the number, a more rational approach in a large shul, as many have posted, is open seating, especially after a certain point in the davening whether it be baruch she’amar, nishmas or borchu..

    in reply to: Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat #1363021

    To Meno: I’m not talking about where someone has “paid” for their seat, either in perpetuity (aka brass plaque with his or deceased’s name) or where one buys a ticket for the yamim noraim for a specific seat. My reference is to an otherwise large shul where the olam has no financial nexus with a particular seat but some otherwise ehrliche yidden insist they have some sort of property rights based on the equivalent of “adverse possession” (aka if I sit there x times, its “mine”).

    in reply to: Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat #1362887

    The concept of a “makom kavuah” or having “chazakah” over a particular seat in shul is an anachronism except perhaps for seats reserved for the rav, gabboim, elderly, disabled or small shtieblach where the seating is sort of random and movable chairs are paired with a shtender where one stores his tallis/teffiin/seforim. Otherwise, in a moderately or larger sized shul with fixed seating, it should be “open seating” period, without regard to whether certain baal habtim consider themselves to be sufficiently important to warrant having seats permanently dedicated to them regardless of whether they are in shul when davening starts. There is no more or less important chair from the perspective of the Ebeshter who could care less where you are seated and is more concerned with your kavanah, even if you are hanging from a chandelier or mistakenly seated in the varbeshe section.

    in reply to: No Power #1362823

    If LB lives in a detached home, very easy and inexpensive these days to have a back up generator installed that runs of natural gas with transfer switch that covers most circuits in the home except for AC. Obviously not an option in an apartment or condo bldg. but certainly you can have extra batteries or powerpaks for your cellphone and computer to keep them running during power outages. Cell towers have battery backup for a day or two at most so no tower, no call, even with your backup batter on the phone. Satellite phones work fine in a blackout but are still a bit pricey unless you have emergency communication needs. As for food, lots of options now for freeze-dried kosher meals like we use on camping trips etc (including several with good chassideshe hashgacha). If all else fails, cans of tuna fish work great if starvation is imminent.

    in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1362447

    Think of all the time wasted (aka bitul torah) by yidden attempting to learn a dead or dying language for “ole times sake”….Its fine for those who are already fluent in English or Hebrew who find comfort in learning in the style of the their parents/grandparents but only contributes to dysfunction if kids are forced to live in a “Yiddish -only” world at school and at home.

    in reply to: Yemois (Ha)moshiach ? #1362133

    Once or twice a month, there are a bunch of guys who run around Crown Heights near 770 waving yellow flags screaming various nigunim about Rebbe Moishiach etc. At first, they got some attention but over the years they have morphed into the fabric of background noise that goes with the turf….Their comical appearances do not have us fixated on looking for some heilege-looking yid riding a white donkey coming up Beford Ave making a right turn on Eastern Parkway….The vast majority of Yidden truly believe that we don’t warrant z’man moishiach until we have overcome the sinas chinam and demonstrated the achdus for all of klal yisroel that arguably is the reason for the churban habayis galus in the first place

    in reply to: Inappropriate intermingling at Chasunas 💃🍸🍷🕺 #1361919

    Some of you treat the “yetzer horah” as some type of living, active and uncontrollable force in our lives separate from our mainstream existence. Yes, we have urges of all types, both spiritual and physical, that may not be good for us but we also have the strength and discipline in most cases to push back on most, albeit not all, of these urges. We know not to start eating ice cream directly from the quart container, lest we end up eating most of it. Rather we dole out a small portion in a cup to discipline our culinary gluttony. Likewise, we don’t willingly set ourselves up to be alone with a woman not our wives on a business trip to avoid both inappropriate business outcomes, but more importantly, our spiritual geder that shields us from what some might call the siren song of our yetzer horah. Do we always show such strength….obviously not but most of us seem to have won the large percentage of these battles w/o making the looming shadow of a yetzer horah the overriding focus of our daily lives.

    in reply to: I'll put ur name by the satmar rebbes tzion #1361673

    Besides….if the internet itself is assur, kal vachomer, wouldn’t any supplication for a yeshuah at the tzion communicated and/or facilitated by internet messages and email. not be looked upon favorably??

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