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  • in reply to: Is recreational cannabis muttar? #1447414

    Several posters note that canabis (in moderation) is no more dangerous than alcohol (in moderation) and probably less dangerous than tobaco. Why don’t we seriously consider assuring both alcohol and tobacco.

    in reply to: Praying For The Marines #1447146

    So we have one Rav who had respect in many segments of the tzibur and was regarded as a posek tell us its OK to daven on behalf of the government and soldiers (most of whom are goyim). Is the issue that we are doing this on our own rather than in response to a “request for prayer” by the goyim. If the Trumpkopf was to ask the nation to “pray for our soldiers” would Joe start a new thread warning us NOT to do so since it violates Halacha?

    in reply to: Can you bless someone? 馃ぇ #1444588

    Hey Joe….I forgot to give you my “blessings” for a successful 2018….not sure what are the top 10 New Years’ resolutions for trolls but hopefully your Streimlach hanging over the fireplace was filedl to the brim with seforim on Secrets of a Successful Troll etc.

    To others, speculating on Joe’s different screen names, don’t waste your efforts. If the theme of the posting is a xenophobic and myscogenistic rant cloaked in distorted citations to chazal or some meforshim, you probably have the right guy.

    In any event, most of us don’t walk around giving “blessings” to anyone, yiddin or goyim. If a goy you work with sneezes, its OK to say “god bless you” if that is the norm in your culture. If a goy is sick, its ok to wish him/her a speedy recovery. Not sure what a blessing is but generally, you might draw the line on saying “I’m going to shul to daven on your behalf” although even that might be mutar if the outcome will be to create good will for you, your family or the yiddeshe tzibur in general.

    in reply to: Is the ‘Fire and Fury’ book on Trump lashon hara? #1444242

    “….We should not be seen to make any criticism of [Trump] at all. Particularly as the President is known to be a sensitive type. (which is a fact not a criticism. I am also sensitive…”

    Well since your are sensitive, I won’t say that is one of the dumbest suggestions I think we have read here …I first thought you were engaging in some sarcasm or satire but then I realized you might be serious. We should always respond positively and show hakoras ha’tov when our elected leaders take actions that we support but should not remain silent in the face of actions we oppose, weather in relation to religious or secular matters. Too many American yidden sat on their hands in the late 1930s right through the end of WWII while the American president refused to take action which would have saved tens of thousand of yiddeshe lives. Trump’s presidency so far has been a very mixed outcome and to feel we have to forego our voice for one instance of reversing an unjust sentence, reminder that the other case of a Presidential pardon was for a racist sheriff in Arizona who was condemned by most of those supporting SMR’s release.

    in reply to: Cooking in Basar Bchalav microwave #1444264

    Roughly the same point made above by several posters with respect to surface accumulations of treifus which may or may not be easily cleaned. I have a feeling that there also may have been an issue as between the earlier microwaves which had interior plastic surfaces versus the steel and ceramic coatings used today (although plastic is still used a lot in the cheaper units..)

    ?The interior surface of the microwave over time gets greasy, such as a pot of greasy meat and so on, but such as our cooking, which is consists mainly of [boiling] water, [cooking potatoes or pancakes, with meat in it….etc……

    in reply to: CDC/FDA alert on romaine lettuce #1444238

    As others have said repeatedly, there is NO ban or limit on romaine or any other food. They have said it could be among the causes but it will take more time to determine if all of those taken ill have ingested romaine in roughly the same time period. In the interim , wash your lettuce and enjoy.

    in reply to: Names that are used for both boys and girls #1444229

    Just because some Rav was named Zissel, it doesn’t make it any more appropriate “name” than some modern Hebrew names that R’ Kanievsky thought weren’t sufficiently “Jewish”. What is “Jewish” about adopting some Yiddish name derived from Old German etc. If we want to be machmir on naming children with only “Jewish” names than one should only use a name that appears in the Torah or the Neviim.

    in reply to: Names that are used for both boys and girls #1443869

    Gordie: …….naming a boy “Zissel” i(aka “sweeties) is borderline child abuse…perhaps consider “schlissel” which lends itself to more masculine connotations

    in reply to: Surviving in a Bad Environment #1443665

    For many of us who interact daily with goyim in a business environment, its generally not appropriate to engage them on religious beliefs. It some circumstances, under state and federal law, it could be view as contributing to a hostile work environment (i.e. there is a fine line between sharing factual information in response to a question versus engaging in evangelical behavior). Likewise, generally not a good idea to push sheva mitzvos discussions with goyim you don’t really know and haven’t inquired about Jewish beliefs in re “gentiles’.

    in reply to: Must a Shul Select Only Someone Who Is Married To Be Chazan? #1441458

    Obviously there is no halacha requiring a marrid chazan even on the yamim noraim. At the same time there are lits of chazal, who bring down a preference for a married chazon, other factors being equal. The recent ad here to the right side of the page by a Eruopean shul seeking a “married chazana’ triggerd the thtread, not any “agenda”. Also unmentioned is the fact that an unmarried chazan would have more time to focus on the shul, provide intruction for bar mitzvah preparation for the younger kids, etc.

    in reply to: Museum of the Bible #1441457

    I found it an interesting experience and one of contrasts. They clearly ar focused on reinforcing the linkages between modern Christian belief and its roots in what they call the Old Testament. They have collected moe Judaica tha I’ve seen anywhere in the world other than the Hebrew Museum in EY. Literally dozens of sifrei troah (some hundreds of years old) from all over the world (and a frum sofer from EY writing a new sefer real time as part of the Exhbiti) . If your able to deal with it, the goyishe parts fo the museum are interesting but nothing really new (skip the animated exhibits and videos). If you call in advance, they can arrange for prepackaged kosher lunches with hashgacha from a local vaad tht are served in huge cafteria. (there is also a kosher foodtruck parked on the nearby mall a few days a week). Allow about 2–3 hours mimimum (if you intend to skoip over the goyeshe exhibits. Also, come later in the day when the christian school groups have generally fiished their guided tours. Skp the evening musical performance in the theatere., Its only about 5 or 6 bloks south of the Smithsonin Air and Space museum (just off the Mall). Definitiely worth the trip even for frum yidden. They clearly have us in min.

    in reply to: Gog umagog #1441450

    While the leadership of the frum tizbur is dancing around and offering barachos to the President for releasing Sholom Mordechai, the Trumpkopf himself continues his mindless taunting of North Korea as a pretext to launch an attack, threatens the integrity of our criminal justice system, and ammounces a contest to deligitimize the news media (and that was only this morning). The total obcession with one individual’s freedom (which was long overdue) has blinded us to the non-stop downward spiral playing out in the WH>

    in reply to: Must a Shul Select Only Someone Who Is Married To Be Chazan? #1441178

    “You find many more married talmidei chachamim than unmarried talmidei chachamim”

    Obviously as a numbers matter, given that such a large percentage of the male segment of the tzibur is married.. However, there are many fine young chazzonim who have not yet met their besschert so no reason to exclude them other then the preferences of the particular shul (just as the are more likely to prefer a married Rav). Its funny that l’havdil among the reform congregations that have gay clergy, there was a recent brogias because in one publicized case, the lay leadership wanted a “rav” in a committed relationship. Marriage (however defined) seems to be the preferred state of affairs.

    in reply to: Heter Mayah Rabbonim #1441177

    Even if the 1000 years shelf life of cherem R’G were up in 5778, does anyone really believe Yidden living in North America, or EY would start taking multiple wives, unless, of course, if we had a kol koreh from all the leading Gadolim authorizing polygamy as a means of addressing the shiduch crisis.

    in reply to: Heter Mayah Rabbonim #1440818

    So the obvious question is why Rav Gershon or some other gadol over the centuries did not provide some equivalent (aka heter shava maohs rabonim) alternative for extreme cases where the husband refuses to provide a get to his wife?? And the obvious answer is…??

    in reply to: Must a Shul Select Only Someone Who Is Married To Be Chazan? #1440779

    To Honda 613….My Yiddish-English dictionary had no listing for “gifeelechtz” but I assume it means something like “with great emotion and kavanah”. I would agree with you entirely that logically, there is no logical nexus between a yid being married and having the requisite attributes for being a chazzan (in terms of his yiddishkeit, lamdus, etc).
    As to the banner ad I noticed posted on the right side of the page, the ad simply said it was for “a European Shul” and presumably a full time position but it did not mention the name of the country or city where the shul was located.

    P.S. I personally prefer a chazzan who has the ability to invoke emotions with the old-time nigunnim and a modest degree of chazanus but who can also articualte the ivrit so it is intelligible, I’m not a big fan of every other teffilah having to be rearranged into a shlomo karlbach nigun….Chazan YM Helfgott is someone whom I have had the privilege to hear many times and meets that standard for me along with Yanky Lemer (both at MO shuls) but I’m certain others have their own preferences.

    in reply to: Heter Mayah Rabbonim #1440791

    “Its mostly common when it affects a rebbeshe or rosh yeshiva family…”
    And the reason for this is….???? Are wives in “rebbeshe” families more reluctant to “refuse a get”?? Is a Rosh Yeshiva more likely to want to impose a get on his wife than a poihsete yid??

    in reply to: Daas Torah for Goyim #1440203

    Does anyone here on YWN frequently encounter goyim at work, school or in social settings who come up to you an say they live their lives in accodance with the Shevah Mitvos B’nai Noach an have a question as to how mitvah A or B might apply and whether they should consult a Rav or Posek?? I’m sure there are some but not in my experience.


    What I find difficult is how it is possible for a couple to hide such illnesses from one another after dating for a reasonable period of time? Personality disorders maybe….serious mental illness and someone on medications seems unlikely. We have laws in many states requiring a homeowner to disclose if their basement has water problems; we have the ability to find out the source of every bump and dent on a used car on Carfax but for someone with whom we plan on spending the rest of our lives, their is no disclosure obligation for the family members??

    in reply to: Who is the new leader of Klal Yisrael? #1439569

    If not Rav Moshe, Z’TL, how about the new Whatshisnamme Rebbe, the young “Rav” who was megayer by the Vaad of Queens and immediately started his own chassidus. He clearly has “leadership” aspirations.

    in reply to: Who is the new leader of Klal Yisrael? #1439151

    Health…..yes, it does. ….that’s the greatness of the internet

    in reply to: New Details About Ger That Got Married And Is Now A Rebbe #1439146

    To Take22Tango:…with respect to the “Hellbrander Rebbe”, did you make that up or is there really another such rebbe who anointed himself and convinced his wife he wasn’t ganz meshuge and over time they got a minyan of genuine “Hellbrander Chassidim”??

    in reply to: Who is the new leader of Klal Yisrael? #1439038

    To benignuma

    Well said…all of the rabbonim mentioned earlier in this thread have their own following and will continue to do so. On particular issues, one or another may emerge as the “leader” of the klal but as you note, that may be for purposes of a transient issue or a psak on a global emerging issue. If a Rav has to “claim” leadership, which as you say none have historically done, more likely than not he will be a leader without many followers.

    in reply to: New Details About Ger That Got Married And Is Now A Rebbe #1438958

    They confirmed the geyrus, NOT the Chassidus….the Vaad of Queens doesn’t certify chassidus (nor to my knowledge does anyone). Any rebbele can anoint himself as the Rockaway Rebbe, have someone design a cool set of levush (how about feaux fur streimlach and a green bekeshe for the environmentally sensitive millennials), rent an old Starbucks location as his shteitel and hope someone shows up for davening (e.g. advertise free chulent for the local yungerleit).

    in reply to: New Details About Ger That Got Married And Is Now A Rebbe #1438925

    A “chassidus” only requires one follower…unless Rebitzen Yisruel is a closet misnaged, I think he has the required quorum of ONE. If Joe is monitoring this thread, he might have a second so that he can be certain to have the requisite broigas among his chassidim.

    in reply to: Who is the new leader of Klal Yisrael? #1438885

    “So the criteria for a Gadol now is whoever approves of Trump in English?”
    Probably not since I’m not sure any chashuve Rav will “approve” of the Trumpkopf in English, Yiddish or Mandarin…..maybe an occasional nod of the Shtreimlach in his direction for a particular policy decision (e.g. designating Chulent as the National Comfort Food”) but there is any oxymoron about being a “gadol” and giving the Trumpkopf a blanket endorsement. in any language

    in reply to: PSA About the Use of the Phrase “Trolling” 馃摙 #1438806

    And of course some folks just say things that are so stupid, everyone assumes they are “trolling”….

    in reply to: Congratulations Judge Roy Moore! #1438808

    Alabama’s Secretary of State (who BTW said that actually voted for Moore) has said that NONE of the claims of fraud had any substance and that the State would proceed to certify Doug Jones as the new senator from Alabama at 1:00 PM today CST. He and other state leaders have acknowledged that Moore had become an embarrassment for the state and several have said they believe he has become delusional. (One of his election “experts” is best know for claiming that the CIA arranged for the JFK assassination based on “statistical analysis”). I’m sure this all upsets our resident Moore lover who started this thread but perhaps he can start a petition to get Moore’s trolling rights at local shopping centers restored now that he will have so much times on his hands.

    in reply to: New Details About Ger That Got Married And Is Now A Rebbe #1438515

    To Geordie613
    No. 831: Meshulachim flying into JFK to raise funds for their phony Yeshiva

    No. 830: Shteiging on Friday mornings in the beis medrash with a bunch of guys who were out late Thursday night at an all-you-can-eat Chulent-fest. …

    in reply to: New Details About Ger That Got Married And Is Now A Rebbe #1438386

    “… since he converted, Yechiel Yisruel started his own Chassidus called Toldos Yisruel, over which he presides as Rebbe”

    On a list of 100 things the frum tzibur needs today, no. 832 is ANOTHER chassidus with ANOTHER rebbe. Perhaps he will wish to be know as the Gerrer Rebbe (or has that been trademarked?)

    its own bureacracy

    in reply to: Does it mean he’s a bad person? #1437183

    Who still uses CDs? Most music today is downloaded to our phones or PDAs via electronic music files or stored in the cloud in our Amazon or Apple Music accounts , or equivalent. Much more convenient and considerably less prone to damage.

    in reply to: shalom mordechai is OUT…..BARUCH HASHEM! Its Zos Chanukah #1436670

    Even Joe would not have wanted SMR to rot in Jail for 7 years to lower the price of a hindl…the new management of the Postville Shlachthois, though, seems to be doing a good job and to my knowledge, there have been zero problems with banking or immigration issues since they assumed ownership.

    in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1436663

    To Reb Yid:
    I was trying to give our resident Trollista the benefit of the doubt but clearly was mistaken…

    in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1436622

    To Chabadshalucha

    Joseph is always right….he can create quotations from Chazal that will be proven correct in olam haboh, especially all his misogynistic fantasies regarding how daas torah supports the subordination of women. The secret is always to rationalize such sexist remarks with the cloak of “the special status of women” under daas torah or that Halacha creates separate but equally important roles, before defining the woman’s role not much differently than the German philosopher who relegated women to “children, kitchen and church” (loose translation from old German). Joseph obviously has issues with women, especially frum women who have a brain and a voice.

    in reply to: Annoying Shidduchim Questions #1436619

    My friend used to respond to such questions that her son” looked like Dovid Hamelech but a bit taller..”

    in reply to: Tax Reform and Tsadakkah #1436610

    CT Lawyer states it accurately and objectively (as usual). Hard to say how the impact on the frum community will vary much from the national trend. Fewer will be itemizing and most likely will have some adverse near term affects next year on many Mosdos.

    in reply to: Are Sephardic rabbinic leaders called Rabbi or Chacham? #1435622

    Unless you know this particular Rav is also considered a big talmid chacham, probably safer to be respectful and just call hin “Rav”

    in reply to: Every vote counts #1435625

    “BTW, apparently Georgia does require voters to show photo ID. That鈥檚 not deterring Moore supporters from accusations of voting fraud”
    .all those illegal voters from Atlanta were bussed down to Alabama to vote for Jones…..Moore claims he has proof that over 1000 buses were seen heading south…..

    As Alice said to Toto: “We not kn Kansas anymore…” Georgia ain’t Alabama

    in reply to: shalom mordechai is OUT…..BARUCH HASHEM! Its Zos Chanukah #1434222

    We should be happy he is free but not to excess….the many public officials from all ends of the political spectrum who signed letters supporting his release did so because they believed his sentence was excessive, not because an “innocent” man was being held in jail.

    in reply to: Attention All Urban & Regional Planners! #1433538

    Degrees in MCP or MRP provide some great opportunities to pursue multiple career paths that go well beyond the more traditional land use/zoning focus of state and local governments. My planning degree goes back more years than I’ll readily admit but has provided a great background for subsequent work in investment banking and project development. I agree with all of K-Cups observations but those are more of the traditional planning focus in local government. His/her comments regarding the critical importance of interpersonal and listening skills can’t be over -emphasized.

    in reply to: The New Tax Law – 2018 – How it affects frum families #1433514

    A lot depends on the combined income of the husband/wife, their investment income and how they are affected by AMT (as a function of their other deductions. The way this bill was drafted and the loss of the SALT deductions over $10K (for income taxes but not property taxes) a family in NYS/NJ/CA will be affected differently than those in FL or TX. The families hurt most are generally upper middle income with combined incomes in the $250-$400K/year taxable income living in a high tax state

    P.S. The average orthodox family in the U.S. has 4 kids, NOT 8….

    in reply to: President Donald Trump, Oheiv Yisroel Par Excellence #1431458

    Granting clemency to SMR was the right thing to do. However, extrapolating from that decision that DJT is a mega “oheiv yisroel” is mega-meshugaas. Until the Trumpkopf stops retweeting anti-Semitic postings and praising the racist anti-semites who marched in Charlottsville as “really fine people”, I’ll continue to view him as an an unprincipled opportunist who would throw us under the bus (and back up several times) if it served his purposes.

    in reply to: Fire escape plan #1430537

    Yes Joe, high rise buildings also have fires….reminder about London several months ago

    in reply to: Every vote counts #1430530

    Actually, in Virginia, there historically was a high level of bipartisanship and consensus (largely due to state law which restricts governors to a single term) and a measure of southern civility…that ended under a Republican majority that tried to push through a right wing social agenda and deny the minority an opportunity to participate in the legislative process. That ended earlier this month with a new moderate Democratic governor being elected and today with the recount results. The blue tide is spreading south from the D.C. suburbs and north and west from Richmond

    in reply to: Lighting on flight #1430258

    You either light before dark (if your Rav/posek says its OK) or else simply skip a day and have someone light on your behalf and you rely on their lighting

    in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1430209

    No one has provided a halachic basis for prohibiting it. If some families want to follow a minhag that the wives and daughters rely upon the husband/father for lighting, certainly nothing prohibits that but don’t suggest there is any reason to deny women the right to light candles if that is their preference.

    in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1430170

    the Sulchan Aruch (written about 460 years after Rashi’s death).

    砖讜诇讞谉 注专讜讱 讗讜专讞 讞讬讬诐 讛诇讻讜转 讞谞讜讻讛 住讬诪谉 转专注讛 住注讬祝 讙

    讗砖讛 诪讚诇拽转 谞专 讞谞讜讻讛, 砖讗祝 讛讬讗 讞讬讬讘转 讘讛

    A women should light Chanunka lecht because the neis Chanukah was for them as well. While some try to assert that a married-woman is yotzeh from her husband lighting the candles and should simply forego working while he does so, ignorance abounds on a number of issues .

    So there you have it. Women should light…because they should light. We need no more of a reason than that.

    in reply to: Can there be parve meat? #1430146

    Would be easier (albeit less tasteful) to simply rely upon protein-based “feaux” meats, chicken, fish etc. plant and vegetable-based products are certainly much more healthy although unlikely to ever achieve the taste and texture these new “in-vitro” products claim to have

    in reply to: Who Are The Most Liberal Posters in the Coffee room? #1429831

    I guess we have fundamentally .different views on what/who constitutes an “ohev yisroel”…perhaps it contemplates someone who is “soneh everyone else”….some of .the right wing evangelical Christians are also “ohevei yisroel”, at least as long as we are necessary to assure their nuclear Armageddon

    This thread started as liberal versus conservative but as would be expected, became Red versus Blue as a surrogate like everything else in the country today.

    in reply to: Modifying or repairing a wool tallis katan with non-wool thread #1429765

    As always, check with your local rav/posek but I’m sure we can get a few of the resident CR poskim to provide a completely contrarian set of opinions on shatnes 101.

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