Forum Replies Created
iacrisrmma: Because after a few bites of this special ungareshe Purim Kugel, you will have been yotzeh the mitzvah of ad shelo yada mincha from shachris.
BTW: where do we bring down from chazal that eating kugel on Purim is m’doraisah??
GadolhadorahParticipantRecipe for Purim Kugel:
Start with a take out 2-lb Kugel from Greenfeld’s on Lee Avenue In Willy (or whatever is the best source fo an Ungaresh style kugel in your neighborhood), soak in 3/4 cup of Johny walker red (or your favorie scotch) and warm in oven at about 275 degrees for about 15 minutes before serving. Call Uber for a ride to shul fo Megillah.GadolhadorahParticipantThe point being that the inyan of rebuilding beis hamikdash is wrapped in absraction and emunah about z’man moisiach and how we know who is moisiach (putting aside all the Eastern Parkway meshugaas). Thus, there i considerable skepticism about the efforts of some groups in EY who sincerely believe in accelerating the process by literal efforts to begin architectural planning, engineering and procurement of the “stuff” we think will be necessary to for avodah, shlepping goats up to har habayis to restart karbanos etc. Achdus in terms of hoping for coming of moishiach is very different than some of the crazy stuff we read abou here every few months.
February 11, 2018 4:34 pm at 4:34 pm in reply to: Does it make you a better person if your material possessions are substandard? #1466931GadolhadorahParticipantNot sure what you mean by “substandard”. You get the best quality”stuff” you can afford that serves its intended pupose and provide you and your family with satisfaction. If your not a big “car person” than there is no need to buy a $75,000 luxury SUV if a $35,000 provides the fucntionality, safety, space and comfort you need. Buying to impress others rarely provides the satisfaction you are seeking but deliberately living a spartan lifestyle with substandard material posessions may cost more in the long-term and in some cases could also put you and your family at risk.
GadolhadorahParticipantReb Zuckerberg has more yiddeshe “followers” than any Rebbe in history… As the originator of “social medial”, he Guiness Book of Records lists him as hving been the “guest of honor” at more “Asifahs” than any other person in the hitory of “Assur the Internet” Asifahs.
February 10, 2018 7:19 pm at 7:19 pm in reply to: Chareidi IDF Officer Tried To Compel A Religious Soldier To Enter An APC With Wo #1466441GadolhadorahParticipantPhil…..
Apparently the need for comic relief outweighs the trolling factor….try to remember trolling 101 (aka if you respond to a stupid or hateful comment by a troll you get more trolling). Do you recall those cute little furry creatures on the original Startrek series called “Tribbles” where each time you touched them, you got more Tribbles. Well Trolls here in the CR are sort of like virtual yiddeshe Triblach. If you respond to Joe you get more Joe.GadolhadorahParticipant“….we should all go to Eretz Yisroel and start building the Beis Hamikdosh”
So if 8-9 million yidden from chutz l’aretz show up next week in Yerushalayim with shovels, hammers, etc. please explain how this will get done? What does it mean to “start building”? Fundraising? acquiring need land? physical excavation?GadolhadorahParticipantObviously, there are those who strongly hold that it is irrelevant that today, dairy farmers don’t mix milk supplies from different animals, there are rigid inspection protocols over dairy farms and producers, we have strict health and refrigeration standards, etc. All that is important to them is that a gazillion years ago, some goy might have milked a cow, adulterated the milk, yadda yadda. For them, they are fortunate that cholov yisroel is more readily available at reasonable prices and with better shelf life. For those who hold that cholov stam is sufficient for their hashkafah, than its never been a concern.
GadolhadorahParticipantSince there are over 70+ comments on the regular news website, what chidush are you offering that has not been said 69 separate times? The large percentage of posters think the verbal and physical assault was disgusting, although a small number suggested that perhaps the girls had “asked for it” because some felt their skirts were too short even though they were wearing long-sleeves and high-necked clothing.
GadolhadorahParticipantLaskern: So you are saying that the Ebeshter wants his yidden to first build the Beis Hamikdash prior to the arrival of Moishiach somewhere in the vicinity of har habayis (TBD) and then he will send down a secondBais Hamikdash that will consume the first one in flames??? Sounds a bit circular….
GadolhadorahParticipantA couple of years ago when some right wing moishichist group began “planning”: for binyan bayis shlishi, the postings quickly spiraled out of control with questions as to whether the new beis hamikdash would be built to the original specs in the torah or with modern technology icluding high-speed internet acesss..
GadolhadorahParticipantMinor issue that even talking about building ANYTHING in the area currently occupired by what we commonly refer to as har habayis, El Asqua, the Dome etc. would likely trigger a massive civil insurrection, war with neighboring arab countries etc. Other than that bloodletting (and also that there has been no sighting of Moishiach on Eastern Parkway other than the usual guys running around with yellow flags) initiating construciton of a “beis hamikdash” b’yamenu, would be a great idea.
As a gadol hador(ah), I know that when the topic is whether a certain askan, public official, Rav or poishete yid acted properly in doing XYZ, its not “lashon harah” to clearly present your view as to whether XYZ is an appropriate action, public policy etc. We read here often how in EY where Rabbonim are much more active in political debate, that certain rabbonim denigrate and use hyperbole with respect to those whose political views they disagree with yet when someone responds by criticizing the source of the negative comments, they themselves are criticized for using lashon harah w/o acknowledging the original source . Yes, there are ways to disagree without engaging in what you might consider lashon harah but many times, there is no way to avoid acknowledging what was said or done, even if it might “upset” some readers. If someone goes OTD (linguistically) that’s why the Ebeshter created “Mods”.
GadolhadorahParticipantThe level of dialogue here in the YWN CR is really outstanding. Every few weeks, there is some posting complaining that criticisim of other yidden by some participant or strong disagreement with a political view expressed by a well know rav is either lashon harah, mevazeh talmid chacom or apikorsus (or in some cases a trifecta of all three). By and large, the Mods seem to be trying to keep us on the high road without cutting off legitimate dissenting views. In many cases, there are facts and realities which some may regard as lashon harah but in reality must be stated and openly debated. Shutting down discussion in the name of avoiding someone else’s definition of “lashon horah” would substantially erode the valuie of this site.
Sadly, there are many yiddeshe “magazines”, “news outlets” etc. which hav a Rav on their mastheads and still barely rise to the level of “Daas Balebatim”…..having some rebbele on the staff is no guarantee of a higher level of journalistic compliance with shulchan aruch given that so many of the likely questions of lashon horah, mavazeh talmedei chachamims, tzinius,etc are nuanced.
GadolhadorahParticipantIn theory, every business has the potential to encounter issues of halacha but that doesn’t mean you need to pay some rebbe to set around during business hours in case you have a shaylah. Many food establishments have gone out of business, in part because of the high cost of keep a mashgiach on the payroll.. If a media company has some issue arise, send an email, text or just call your rav/posek and ask if some comment might be construed as lashon haroah or some photo might cross the line on matters of tziniu.
GadolhadorahParticipantDoes a real ben torah who shteigs all week, goes to mikvah every morning, foregoes a smart phone etc. but looks forward to several hours on Thursday nights at the local gourmet chulent venue with his chavrusah qualify as a “foodie”? This whole tread seems to imply there is a bright line test on both “ehrliche” and “foodie” defined to a large extent on when induling in certain earthly “pleasures” become “excessive”.
GadolhadorahParticipantToo much angst about the ehrliche cousins or chashuve rabbonim who somehow cannot ever seem to get their acts together, and allow enough time for traffic et. al. so they can arrive on time. Better to delay hundreds of people, stress out th already stressed chasan/kalah etc. and just get started rather than c’v having to explain to cousin mordechai or some rebbele why you started without them. Answer is simple, as we bring down from chazal, “TIME WAITS FOR ON ONE”…
February 2, 2018 12:04 am at 12:04 am in reply to: Monsey Times newspaper printed Yud-Kay-Vov-Kay! Treat as sheimos! #1461397GadolhadorahParticipantSadly, putting the newspaper into a shaimos bin at the beis medrash may be the same as putting into the blue recycling bin at the curb. There have been so many recent episodes of bags of shaimos turning up near landfills, in abandoned rental trucks or simply strewn on the street.
GadolhadorahParticipantIf the Ebeshter did not want us to experience “pleasure” from ingesting great food separate from the physiological need for nutrition, why did he wire our nervous system and sensory organs so that such “pleasure ” messages get sent from mouth to brain???
GadolhadorahParticipantFor a younger couple (in their late teens) its probably better for the boy’s parents to meet their future daughter-in-law since boys of this age may be impulsive and would benefit from parental advice.. For boys in the 20s and 30s, maybe less important.
GadolhadorahParticipantHaving seen many chashuve rabbonim and poskim engaging in dinner events that were NOT tied directly to a seudas mitzvah and went far beyond what one might opine was necessary for sustenance, its fair to speculate that they were not worrying about risking their share of olam haboh or otherwise engaging in bitul torah by simply having a good meal.
GadolhadorahParticipantVery fact specific….too many scheduled visits and overbooking in many cases simply as basic economics for small practices trying to meet “quotas” to cover their costs. Unscheduled emergency visits or patients with more complex issues add to the delays since their is no “free time” built into the schedule.
January 29, 2018 3:44 pm at 3:44 pm in reply to: Chabad Shlichus – Risk of Sacrificing Own Family’s Ruchniyos? #1458548GadolhadorahParticipantTo DellEpson;
First of all yasher koach on Dell announcing this AM it will do a reverse merger with vM Ware, with the surviving company taking the Dell name so you may need to update your posting name.
Second, you are right on with respect to how much easier it is to maintain your yiddeshkeit while living in Zimbawe or Antarctica w/o having all the sinas chinam so pervasive within ostensibly “frum” communities as our day-to-day environment.
GadolhadorahParticipant“You’re not supposed to understand chumash at your age the way you understood it at three. A primitive understanding of the avos should not serve as your yardstick for life…”
Actually, I am a great believer in the admonition from chazal that “everything you need to know in life, you learned in kindergarden”…….it also lends credence to the commonly encountered phenomena that “Your Gashmiyus Is My Ruchniyus” whether on food or any other indulgence that doesn’t involve shteiging 24×7January 29, 2018 2:23 pm at 2:23 pm in reply to: People with felony records voting: Ken ou Lo? #1458581GadolhadorahParticipantYehuda: Several GOP Congressman who were among the most strident opponents of voting rights for felons (which is primarily a STATE issue) are now themselves felons
January 28, 2018 9:15 pm at 9:15 pm in reply to: Is the Meningitis vaccination required for boys living in Yeshiva dorms? #1458125GadolhadorahParticipantHey Charlie…..we now have Yosef and Binyamin (rather than Milhouse) to kick around…I remember a similar debate about 7 or 8 years ago about the wisdom of substituting the advice of a rav for that of a medical professional. Fake news then, fake news now….rabbonim paskin Halacha and give musar, doctors paskin diagnostic and treatment protocols.
Have fun lurking
GadolhadorahParticipant[being a Foodie]… is a secular hedonistic expression which contradicts the mitzva of Kedoshim T’hiyue.”
As the resident expert in all forms of ” secular hedonistic expression” (at least from Joe’s perspective) I can assure you that we have had “foodies” among gadoylei yisroel for generations. We can even go back to the avos and remind ourselves that a certain “son” sought to gain favor with his father by exploiting his yearning for good food.
GadolhadorahParticipantThere are many “real” fruits (aka boreh peri h’aetz) at reasonable prices available in your local supermaket.,…the fixation on dried fruis to some extent is a residual of generations past when “fresh fruit” was not readily available in the winter months
January 27, 2018 11:59 pm at 11:59 pm in reply to: People with felony records voting: Ken ou Lo? #1457800GadolhadorahParticipantJoe says that literacy in the English language shouldn’t be relevant to voting rights for the frum tzibur and they should be allowed to participte in selecting our public officials notwithstanding their inability to communicate in the English langauge and for many of them, making zero economic contribution to the economy. However, his hero, the Trumpkopf in Chief, has insisted we need to prioritize access to America to those who speak English, want to assimilate into our society and contribute to our economy. So I guess, Joe will be overjoyed if they start rounding up those in can’t speak English and refuse to work and start shipping them back to the Alte Heim so we can make room in Monsey,BP, Willy and Lakewood for some more productive Norwegians.
GadolhadorahParticipantA tallis katan with tzitzis 70 cm THICKNESS would require a crane to lift since that is about the size of the heavy lines used by big ships to tie them to the docks….
January 21, 2018 6:15 pm at 6:15 pm in reply to: Choson & Kallah Walking Together Into Wedding Hall – Jewish or Gentile? #1454087GadolhadorahParticipantIf any Rav runs out of a chassanah screaming “pritzus” because the Chassan/Kalah sat next to one another in front of hundreds of guests at the chassanah, I think we all know who has a problem. (Hint: its not the chasson or the kalah or the photographer).
January 21, 2018 6:14 pm at 6:14 pm in reply to: How to deal with Disrespectful sons-in-law – “Bnei Torah” #1454085GadolhadorahParticipantOne good turn deserves anoher. Tell the azaz panim that each time he disrepects his in-laws, there will be a reduction in the “support check” for the next month. Perhaps give some money to your daughter on the side soe the kids don’t suffer but othrwise, no need to finance your own misery.
January 21, 2018 12:12 pm at 12:12 pm in reply to: Is the Meningitis vaccination required for boys living in Yeshiva dorms? #1453477GadolhadorahParticipantGreetings from the Greek Isles and a special shout out to Binyamin.
While I’m not sure if being called a “Hellenist” is sort of like being designatd an upscale apikores, I go back to a simple point that in matters of public health such as vaccination against highly infectious diseases, our primary sources of guidance are medical and public health professionals, not a rav or posek, no disrepect to the latter. If something about the medical advice we receive raises a red flag, than certainly discussing it with you R/P may be warranted and he may offer some useful guidance as to reconciling that advice with halacha. If the Rav himself is not also a medical professional, it was be malpractice for him to render medical opinions. We are not like the goyishe lunatics who refuse medical care, transfusions etc. because doing so might contradict their misguided notion of hashgacha paratis (i.e. if you are sick its (R’L) “God’s will” and seeking medical intervention is to disrupt “God’s” will. Even if you want to put yourself and your own family at risk by foregoing recommended vaccinantion s (with the concurrence of your R/P), you have zero right to project your foolishness on the rest of the Tzibur and place others at risk.Having said that, hoping all the CR family including UB) stays well and is up-to-date on the ir shots.
January 21, 2018 10:12 am at 10:12 am in reply to: What to do if your level of bitachon is not the same as your spouse’s? #1453403GadolhadorahParticipantWe are individuals, each in the imgage of the Ebeshter but projecting different values, strengths, and weaknesses. There is no reason for couples either to expect or aspire to have matching readings on eiher the bitachon or hishtadlus meters. We should individually aspire to be the best we can but not stress out our partners or being viewed as constantly giving musar on how the “other” can improve.
GadolhadorahParticipantYes….we know they eventually sent out some type of “false alarm” message to all those who received the original alert but why did it take 30 or 40 minutes to type those two words and push the same button again
GadolhadorahParticipantStudent….you are 100 percent correct…its all a function of your situation, lifestyle, local minhagim and expectations. You can spend anywhere from $25-$100 pp depending on what you want (not what you need). You only need an aliyah on Thursday morning, two bottles of scotch, a few bottles of soda, and a takeout platter of bagels, cream cheese (and spluirge with lox)
January 19, 2018 1:49 am at 1:49 am in reply to: Is the Meningitis vaccination required for boys living in Yeshiva dorms? #1452732GadolhadorahParticipantFrom the bottom of the “bor”, the view is a bit blurry but Binyamin’s willingness to ignore the consensus of real medical experts and blindly substitute the advice of his Rav on the risks of vaccination is truly admirable…..just don’t bother sending your kids to school or coming in close contact with otherwise rational yidden who don’t go to their physician to paskin on the the kashruth of their local Chinese take out place or whether they can ingest the cute little bugs on the romaine in the Caesar salad. Wisdom is knowing from whom to seek knowledge on a particular subject. Since its now eruv Shabbos I can wish you a gutten Shabbos and stay healthy.
GadolhadorahParticipantThe WH just clarified that consistent with the President’s long-standing position, no work will begin on moving the Embassy to Yerushalayim until EY agrees to pays for the new Embassy building. He further conditioned the Embassy move on EY also agreeing to pay for the wall along the Mexican border and changing the name of Kind David hotel to the King Donald Hotel.
GadolhadorahParticipantThere are also frequent assertions here on various threads that the pre-War generation of gadolim in the alte heim were somehow on higher madragah than those of today. From there, it is presumed that the downward spiral implied by the concept of yeridas hadoros continues unabated and will not be remedied until z’man moishiach. Ultimately, we go back to the notion that there are objective standards through which one can measure the “gadlus” of the gadolim of today versus those of prior generations and the kedushah and spirituality of yidden today versus those of our grandparents in the alte heim.
January 18, 2018 10:15 pm at 10:15 pm in reply to: Is the Meningitis vaccination required for boys living in Yeshiva dorms? #1452687GadolhadorahParticipantWhere does “Halacha” speak directly to vaccinations?? As a practical matter, what rational Rav would knowingly advise against getting a vaccination unless the consensus of public health officials would also advise against it? And if there was such advice against the consensus of medical experts, one should quickly find a new rav/posek who would not put him/her at risk.
GadolhadorahParticipantWhat is a radio?? I think we have one in the car but never use it. Seriously, though, no one has explained why the shlemeil in Hawaii who pushed the wrong button to send out the false alert could not have typed in “false alarm” and blasted it out to the same distribution list used for the initial alarm.
Perhaps you can do a milchig stand-up Kiddush after davening for about $25/pp in Flatbush but thats NOT the frame of reference in the original question which implied the family was doing a full seated meal with music, photographer and simcha hall rental…. get real. They are not doing some quickie Kiddush catered by the Sisterhood or fish platters from some local takeout place (hopefully not sushi from Jin in Passaic)
GadolhadorahParticipantWe have been fortunate in our lifetimes to have had some of the greatest gadolei yisroel in generations share with us their daas torah and ahavas yisroel to an extent I cannot imagine was exceed in any prior generation. We still suffer from a level of sinas chinam that some would say is the biggest obstacle to z’man morishiach but its hard to imagine from a spiritual perspective we are on a downward trendline. Some will invoke the internet as the biggest contributor to moral decline but over the long term, I think this will be shown to have resulted in greater access to torah knowledge than any other single development in our history.
January 17, 2018 1:11 pm at 1:11 pm in reply to: May a lawyer publicly state that his client is crazy? #1451545GadolhadorahParticipantNot a simple yes/no question. An attorney may claim mental impairment, illness etc. consistent with advocacy on behalf of his client to the extent it would be exculpatory under the charges brought by the prosecutor or mitigate the charges or in sentencing. The procedural rules and ethical obligations of counsel are governed by the applicable federal or state laws in the proceeding, local bar rules, the circumstances in which he/she has assumed the representation (e.g. retained by the client, court appointment etc).
GadolhadorahParticipantThe “gashmisus versus ruchnius’ battle goes on virtually non-stop since every decision about “how much is too much” triggers a question of whether at the margin, additional expenditures don’t contribute to hidur mitzvah but rather are focused on “hidur those who are the simcha machers” (aka showing up in shul with a Calabrian esrog that cost several hundred dollars in a sterling silver box). There is no bright line test in terms of $$/person spent on a bar mitzvah any more so than having a chassidus charter a commercial jet to shlep over several hundred chassidim to join a rav at some simcha or on his vacation or advertising a “heimeshe peisach” at some incredibly expensive Florida hotel for a cost of $5,000 per family member. Its what you can afford and what makes you happy. Every dollar you spend for a simcha celebration beyond the minimum required to be yotzeh the mitzvah, at the margin, could feed some poor family or help some yesomim. But that’s not life.
January 17, 2018 9:45 am at 9:45 am in reply to: Kallah Taking Chosson’s Last Name Upon Marriage- Jewish or Gentile? #1451384GadolhadorahParticipantTo RebYIdd23
Obvious: POTUS
January 16, 2018 9:29 pm at 9:29 pm in reply to: Kallah Taking Chosson’s Last Name Upon Marriage- Jewish or Gentile? #1451295GadolhadorahParticipantThere is a growing trend today, even among frum families, for the woman to retain her name or use a hyphenated name, especially among women who pursue both families and a professional career. As another poster noted, there is NOTHING in hallacha that mandates adopting a husband’s name, even though that is the norm today among both yidden and goyim.
January 16, 2018 9:29 pm at 9:29 pm in reply to: Choson & Kallah Walking Together Into Wedding Hall – Jewish or Gentile? #1451293GadolhadorahParticipantBinyan:
Actually, the name of the shevet was Shevet Joseph, not Shevet Yosef….after a lengthy review of CR postings here on YWN, the Ebeshter realized that it would be easier to just go with Joseph rather than suffering through 327 postings under 14 different aliases as to why Yosef had all sorts of negative implications (e.g. his initial treamtment of his brother when they arrived im mitzrayim)January 15, 2018 10:55 am at 10:55 am in reply to: Saying L’shana Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim in Eretz Yisroel #1449493GadolhadorahParticipantTo Winnie: probably the former…unless you happen to be wishing it to some guy in chassidish lvush on Eastern Parkway waving a yellow flag and humming a new nigun for “Yechi”