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  • in reply to: Rav Miller Website Accuses ‘Joseph’ Of Stealing #1479408

    If the owner of a website has obtained copyright protection for IP, whether you agree or not that such IP content warrants copyright protection, it should be honored until you either gain approval or the protection is withdrawn. Not clear if the owner of the website is claiming copyright protection or simply has invoked some other basis for wanting Joseph to stop stealing their material. Is it A or B?

    in reply to: Rav Miller Website Accuses ‘Joseph’ Of Stealing #1479201

    Any IP attorney will tell you that compilation, transcription and presentation of the work of a third party in a particular format should not be reprinted without attribution for fair use, and then only in limited format. Joe can squirm around and seek to explain his ganavah of the website’s IP rights but g’navah is g’navah. Simply apologize, request fair use approval going forward from the website and move on if they approve, If not, find another source for quoting Rav Miller to the extent you believe his views are important.

    in reply to: Rav Miller Website Accuses ‘Joseph’ Of Stealing #1479039

    If the leadership of the website requests you STOP appropriating their materials, than have the derecho eretz to follow their request. If you have recordings or other sources, than use those sources but don’t use their material w/o permission.

    in reply to: Rav Miller Website Accuses ‘Joseph’ Of Stealing #1478157

    While there is no legal concept such as “copyright” explicitly referenced in tanach there is a considerably more basic concept called “ganavah” which generally is frowned upon…like any other intellectual property, the writings of a talmid chacham on matters of torah are no less worthy of protection than the writings of a scientist or business person on issues of importance to the tzibur. A rav who has expertise in certain matters of halacaha is frequently compensated for sharing his expertise in various forums. You can repeat in your own words what you thought he said but you cannot violate any copyright protections against a recording or printed rendition of his comments, if he claimed such protection.

    in reply to: Rav Miller Website Accuses ‘Joseph’ Of Stealing #1478088

    Anything that might rid us of a portion of Joe’s tolling of FAKE MUSAR would be in the public interest. This Pinchas Wolhendler complaint is valid since it is burdensome for him to obtain R. Miller’s views on some of the postings made in response to Joe’s “Miller Q&As” since not all yidden have the ability to communicate on a timely basis with chashuve rabbonim resident in olam habah. A copyrighted d’var torah by R. Miller (or from some pintele yid in Minsk for that matter) has the same legally protected status any other copyrighted material.

    in reply to: Rav Miller Website Accuses ‘Joseph’ Of Stealing #1478103

    “Torah is Hefker…”

    Seems like a somewhat novel legal concept….If I write a sefer, “Gadolhadorah”s Torah Insights” and get it copyrighted, I would very much disagree that my brilliant insights and analysis are “hefker”

    in reply to: Orthodox Jewish (Rock and Roll) Concerts #1477788

    JJ2020 “copying the goyim is really creative”…

    Actually, it is really the goyim copying the yidden….we are living at a time when the really frum Christians (especially the charedii brand of Evangelicals) seem to find great joy in cloning everything we do….over the weekend, I noticed a sign at a local reform shul advertising a joint Purim carnival with a local church, just like they’ve previously held joint sedorim/last suppers. Even the muslims have gotten in on the act with a proliferation of “challal” fast food joints which are almost indistinguishable from dozens of kosher pizza/felaffel places with the adder of “all you can eat Schrama on Thursday nights (in lieu of chulent). Mi kamocha yisroel

    in reply to: Litvishe chasanim wearing frocks at their chasunas #1477784

    If this minhag becomes prevalent, how will the guests at the chassanah be able to recognize who is the chassan and who is Lipa Shmeltzer??

    in reply to: Are Chareidi women judges the wave of the future? #1476980

    No American court would ever grant a request from a frum yid who wanted a “real judge” (aka not a woman) to preside over his trial. Even in EY, you cannot get a change in judge because you don’t like the gender or the lvush of the judge assigned to your case.

    in reply to: Hat Lining #1476985

    Wear a Trumpkopf “MAGA” baseball hat under your Borsolino or Shtreimlach.. Thus, when you take off your hat, you will have something more substantial to be embarrassed about.

    in reply to: Orthodox Jewish (Rock and Roll) Concerts #1476794

    There have been advertisements on frum websites for concerts (men only performers) but where they offer mixed gender (aka “family”) seating along with men only/women only seating. None of these sites would knowingly or deliberately post ads for activities that are explicitly “assur” by the majority of frum rabbonim. We have always acknowledged here that one person’s chumrah may be another’s kulah. Obviously, just being here on YWN means that we are violating the directives of many gadolei hador (as manifest in a gazillion asifahs) that the internet and social media are assur m’doraisah. Rav Miller’s position 25 years ago is what it is and some will choose to follow the general inyan that Jews don’t come together just to enjoy music. I suspect many YWN participants don’t hold by Rav Miller but no reason they have to.

    in reply to: What’s a good last minute costume for a woman? #1476699

    A very feminine (and tziniusdik) Achasverrosh

    in reply to: Litvishe chasanim wearing frocks at their chasunas #1476695

    What do you mean by a “frock”?? A kitel, a bekeshe ???

    in reply to: Orthodox Jewish (Rock and Roll) Concerts #1475745

    To JJ2020

    “Things have gotten a lot worse since 1993..”

    Many of us believe the music has gotten a lot better since 1993. As evidence by the many concerts promoted here on YWN, we are fortunate to have a proliferation of great frum artists with incredible musical talent and creativity. Concerts are conducted so that they are either exclusively for men or that separate seating is available for those that wish to be machmir. The quality of the audio, lighting and other production values are substantially better than they were in 1993. Most importantly, there are even concerts by women performers that are exclusively for women. Sorry you have such a negative view of today’s musical scene.


    “….if we were to truly see …how many Jewish lives are being extinguished thanks to assimilation and intermarriage, we would be even more horrified”

    I would much rather my children go on and live their lives with whatever yiddeeshkeit they might get through attending after school “Hebrew school”, attending jewish-themed youth activities, attending services in a non-orthodox shul, etc. than having their lives literally extinguished with multiple wounds from an AR15 shot at close range. Your use of the term “extinguished” in a spiritual context is a poor choice in the near-term although I understand your intent

    in reply to: Minhag Hamakom #1472409

    If a frum woman from KJ or NS (where driving by women is generally discouraged) is flying from NY to visit family or friends in Cleveland or LA,, she obviously needs to rent a car and drive herself or take a taxi or Uber from the airport (and risk driving with a man). Either way, minhag hamokem becomes irrelevant when it cannot be observed in practice outside the “makom”.

    in reply to: Trief Recipe #1472398

    We crossed this bridge generations ago when some creative baal abusta in the alte heim adopted a old ungareshe recipe for boiled sugar with pork and beans and called it Chulent.


    As frum yidden, parents and grandparents, we should first be incredibly proud of the many self-identiifed Jewish students and their heroic teacher who was niftar during the attack while saving the lives of many students, jews and goyim. The Jewish students who appeared on TV were articulate, passionate and unafraid to demand changes from our elected leadership. Several have spoken openly of how thier Jewish faith has been integral in getting through the past few days. The Chabad rav who has been counseling the families has been incredible. Would it be better for klal yisroel if more of these beautiful children were studying in yeshivos, of course. But when I compare these kids to some of their brothers in EY who we’ve also read about in the past fewdays behave like animals and attack other jewish women and chayalim (admittedly an unfair comparison), I’d take kids from a public school in Florida anytime.


    Perhaps just back uff the musar fo a few days while the families bury their children and the survivors deal with their grief and loss of friends. There is a time for everything, but you’d never know it based on some of the postings. who knows if this event might bring one or two families closer to yiddeshkeit. The Chabad Rav in Coral Springs has been on CNN and the other networks several times since the shooting and has done a real kiddush hashem in his demeanor, avoidance of politicization (nothwithstanding several efforts by newscasters to get him to criticize Trump’s position on gun control etc.) This kind of outreach will be more effective at attracting parents to yiddeshkeit and possible enrolling their kids in yeshivos than implicit criticism on a frum website of their decisions not to have done so previously.

    in reply to: Purim Question? #1471900

    The “drinking” issue has been taken to levels of absurdity and potential criminality when ther are some who are actively promoting the notion of drinking “up to the edge” of intoxication and potential life-threatening behavior. I suspect i will take c’v the death or serious injury of a family member of some adom chashuv before the rabbonim decide enough is enough and simply assur excess drinking on Purim. There is NO rational reason why anyone should ever drink to excess (defined as more than they would ordinarily drink) on Purim any more than any other yom tov. If you disagree, consult a first responder or Zakah rather than any mindless yid promoting ad shelo yadah as a chiuv that translates into intoxication.i

    in reply to: Problem Being Unable to Consume Much Alcohol – And Can't Get Drunk #1471584

    I recall this posting (and several similiar threads) from several years ago and the inyan of “getting drunK’ as somehow being necessary to be yotzeh the mitzvah is as disgusting now as it was then. People die from vehicular accidents and falls related to intoxication….jiust about all rabbonim who have addressed the issue assur anything more than modests amount of alcohol and those who explicitly “permit” excessive drinking and thereby creating a risk of dealth and serious injury to the entire tzibur are putting their own families in the front of the line for such a tragedy.

    in reply to: Minhag Hamakom #1471416

    There was a Rav who used to say that the men who always claimed to put women up on a pedestal (to establish their egalitarian credentials) did so only because it made it easier to bash them…sort of like teein up a golfball. While this Rav was not widely known among the frum tzibur (he was a musmach from YU in a MO shul), there is an element of truth to his words. Most of the worst abusers superficially have ehrliche yiddeshe and traditional church affiliations and claim venerate and worship women in their “special role” but the reality are women with black eyes the photo we saw of the ex-wife of Trumps special assistant last week.

    in reply to: Kallah Taking Chosson’s Last Name Upon Marriage- Jewish or Gentile? #1471406

    To Laskern:

    It prevents adultery because if a woman is known in the community to have the last name of her husband, everyone will know he is married to that woman and no other woman wiill be interested in engaging in any intitmate relationship with him.

    in reply to: Minhag Hamakom #1471259

    Obviously the learning we bring down from chazal are timeless but hte ability to apply that wisdom to the world we live in is what distinguishes midless trolling from the daas torah we receive from the gadolim and poskin we rely upon in living our daily lives.

    in reply to: Practical building the mikdash (parsha thought) #1471238

    Lets first create the essential prerequisite of achdus among klal yisroel before we even begin worrying about the “practical” issues in building bayis shlishi. I’m sure moishiach will be bale to resolve the nuts and bolts issues of the construction project.

    in reply to: Why has the YWN gone PC? #1471217

    There is a difference between “political correctness” and vulgarity. When being PC provides an excuse for failing to deal with serious public policy issues, that is wrong and “plain talk” may be necessary. But as we have sadly learned, “plain talk” can be civil and respectful but objective. Vulgarity and bullying simply provide anoher excuse for different segments of the population to avoid addressing the real issues.

    in reply to: Minhag Hamakom #1471185


    It takes an adom katan to find some quotation from chazal that arguably had a nuanced meeting over a thousand years ago and attempt to suggest it has literal applicability today. Such trolls obviously have serious issues that they are dealing with via anonymous postings on a discussion site and derive some sick satisfaciton from watching the outrage they can muster. The arsonist who sets a fire and then waits around for the sirens and flashig lights are a poor analogy to trolling sick and hateful comments on womens’ right, ethnic superioriy etc and saying “well thats what chazal say”, . are a form of virtual arson. To wish bad outcomes for such trolls is probably stooping to their level.

    Approved, with the disclaimer that chazal’s quotations do not expire with time. – 29

    in reply to: Reb Moshe on Shabbos Clocks #1471097

    Its possible that there is no psakfrom gadolei yisroel in the pre war/ post war era dealiing directly with AC systems given that most since very few shtieblach had central air conditioning systems. There were occasional references to fans but those don’t generally deal with whether they would be treated in the same way as lights for purposes of whether it was OK to have the shabbos goy turn them on/off. Likewie, the issue is futher complicated by whether using a programmed thermostat to turn on the AC systems would be a question o maris ayin or zilzul shabbos. Very few batei medrash/shtieblch in the Alte Heim had AC systems with thermostats so it wasn’t an issue

    in reply to: Minhag Hamakom #1470908

    “…the process of obtaining the [driver’s license] results in compromising her modesty as does actual driving of a vehicle by a woman for this exposes her to sites in the streets and marketplace…”

    Not sure what relevance this may have had at some point decades ago but it is totally irrelevant and nonsensical today. A woman can get a driver’s license at the Motor Vehicles department with no issues of tzinius and in NY, NJ and many other states, can request a woman examiner for the driving test. The second comment makes even less sense. A woman walking on the sidewalk is more likely to encounter and see up close a lot more pritzus than driving in her car along the same street.

    in reply to: Big Brim Vs. Small Brim! #1470677

    Covering your head while davenin with your tallis is fine as long as that is minhag in that shul or beis medrash. However, to do so in a shul where no one else engages should be done with care so you don’t c’v send the signal that you consider yourself a much more ehrliche yid than others in the tzibur.

    in reply to: I want to eat raw salmon. #1470379

    What is the possible concern with eating raw salmon versu raw tuna, flounder, snapper or any of over 20 other types of kosher fish which are served at restaurants with Chassideshe hashgacha. With proper preparation and monitoring for possible worm infestation, raw fish is raw fish.

    in reply to: Why has the YWN gone PC? #1470333

    I am not certain why there even needs to be a debate regarding a simple statement by the editors that echoes a theme shared by virtually all yidden (except for a few trolls who derive some sick satisfaction from enraging others with their rants). All lives matter. Sure, each segment of society may hve a special interest in how a tragedy affects those closest to them (as stated in the YWN editorial note) but its a lot different than saying the lives and well being of Group A are more important than those of Group B. I recall several terrorist episodes where the hostages were separated out by yidden and others and in some cases a few heroic goyim claimed they were yidden or the group overall refused to self-segregate to protect yidden.

    in reply to: Unhealthy lifestyle in the Frum community. #1469620


    ” Be happy. It is a bracha to live at a time when obesity is considered to be a public health problem”

    I don’t think we should be “happy” nor consider it a barachaa that yidden have among the highest rates of obesity and suffer from obesity related diseases at a higher rate than the general population. Your sense of simcha is a bit warped and misplaced.

    in reply to: Reb Moshe on Shabbos Clocks #1469412

    So if they didn’t ask the Shabbos goy in the alte heim who turned on the lights to also turn on the AC or fans, who did they ask???

    in reply to: Big Brim Vs. Small Brim! #1468863

    “….[Chaza]l say you should wear a hat like one that is normally worn when walking in the street or meeting with an important person.

    There is something inherently contradictory in this statement. When you observe photos or artistic renderings of someone in the alte heim meeting with an adam chashuv, askan or melech, they almost always take OFF the hat they wore in the streets or when traveling. Even today in Congress, there is a requirment for both men and women to REMOVE thei hats out of respect for the institution. Why would you want to keep the hat you wore in the street (or in the field, or whatever) on when presenting yourself to melech malchei h’mlachim??

    in reply to: Big Brim Vs. Small Brim! #1468743

    Very wide brims are like the oversized eyeglass frams and similiar “fashionista” styles that are desigined to call attention to oneself and thus are not tziniusdik for men. Jut becasue some litvisher rav wears oversized brims doen not make it “ok”others. Perhaps he was given the hat and cannot afford to have ithe brim made smaller.

    in reply to: Blue Money #1467361

    Even credit cards will soon be obsolete as more businesses (and especially restaurants, bars, etc.) move towards new payment systems tied to phone apps. Millenials don’t want to carry cash or even credit cards…just one universal device (aka their iPhones) for every task in their life (well almost every)…that is why all these periodic asifahs to “ban the internet”, “assur smartphones” etc. are such a waste of time. Instead, lets focus the frum tzibur on how to intelligently use these new tools and what protections we should consider since they will be essential for daily life within the next few years.

    in reply to: I am looking for a Purim kugel recipe #1467018

    iacrisrmma: Because after a few bites of this special ungareshe Purim Kugel, you will have been yotzeh the mitzvah of ad shelo yada mincha from shachris.

    BTW: where do we bring down from chazal that eating kugel on Purim is m’doraisah??

    in reply to: I am looking for a Purim kugel recipe #1466970

    Recipe for Purim Kugel:
    Start with a take out 2-lb Kugel from Greenfeld’s on Lee Avenue In Willy (or whatever is the best source fo an Ungaresh style kugel in your neighborhood), soak in 3/4 cup of Johny walker red (or your favorie scotch) and warm in oven at about 275 degrees for about 15 minutes before serving. Call Uber for a ride to shul fo Megillah.

    in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1466936

    The point being that the inyan of rebuilding beis hamikdash is wrapped in absraction and emunah about z’man moisiach and how we know who is moisiach (putting aside all the Eastern Parkway meshugaas). Thus, there i considerable skepticism about the efforts of some groups in EY who sincerely believe in accelerating the process by literal efforts to begin architectural planning, engineering and procurement of the “stuff” we think will be necessary to for avodah, shlepping goats up to har habayis to restart karbanos etc. Achdus in terms of hoping for coming of moishiach is very different than some of the crazy stuff we read abou here every few months.


    Not sure what you mean by “substandard”. You get the best quality”stuff” you can afford that serves its intended pupose and provide you and your family with satisfaction. If your not a big “car person” than there is no need to buy a $75,000 luxury SUV if a $35,000 provides the fucntionality, safety, space and comfort you need. Buying to impress others rarely provides the satisfaction you are seeking but deliberately living a spartan lifestyle with substandard material posessions may cost more in the long-term and in some cases could also put you and your family at risk.

    in reply to: Mark Zuckerberg: Is He Jewish? #1466622

    Reb Zuckerberg has more yiddeshe “followers” than any Rebbe in history… As the originator of “social medial”, he Guiness Book of Records lists him as hving been the “guest of honor” at more “Asifahs” than any other person in the hitory of “Assur the Internet” Asifahs.


    Apparently the need for comic relief outweighs the trolling factor….try to remember trolling 101 (aka if you respond to a stupid or hateful comment by a troll you get more trolling). Do you recall those cute little furry creatures on the original Startrek series called “Tribbles” where each time you touched them, you got more Tribbles. Well Trolls here in the CR are sort of like virtual yiddeshe Triblach. If you respond to Joe you get more Joe.

    in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1466389

    “….we should all go to Eretz Yisroel and start building the Beis Hamikdosh”
    So if 8-9 million yidden from chutz l’aretz show up next week in Yerushalayim with shovels, hammers, etc. please explain how this will get done? What does it mean to “start building”? Fundraising? acquiring need land? physical excavation?

    in reply to: Cholov Yisroel VS Cholov Stam #1466372

    Obviously, there are those who strongly hold that it is irrelevant that today, dairy farmers don’t mix milk supplies from different animals, there are rigid inspection protocols over dairy farms and producers, we have strict health and refrigeration standards, etc. All that is important to them is that a gazillion years ago, some goy might have milked a cow, adulterated the milk, yadda yadda. For them, they are fortunate that cholov yisroel is more readily available at reasonable prices and with better shelf life. For those who hold that cholov stam is sufficient for their hashkafah, than its never been a concern.

    in reply to: The Outrageous Video #1466338

    Since there are over 70+ comments on the regular news website, what chidush are you offering that has not been said 69 separate times? The large percentage of posters think the verbal and physical assault was disgusting, although a small number suggested that perhaps the girls had “asked for it” because some felt their skirts were too short even though they were wearing long-sleeves and high-necked clothing.

    in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1466018

    Laskern: So you are saying that the Ebeshter wants his yidden to first build the Beis Hamikdash prior to the arrival of Moishiach somewhere in the vicinity of har habayis (TBD) and then he will send down a secondBais Hamikdash that will consume the first one in flames??? Sounds a bit circular….

    in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1465943

    A couple of years ago when some right wing moishichist group began “planning”: for binyan bayis shlishi, the postings quickly spiraled out of control with questions as to whether the new beis hamikdash would be built to the original specs in the torah or with modern technology icluding high-speed internet acesss..

    in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1464588

    Minor issue that even talking about building ANYTHING in the area currently occupired by what we commonly refer to as har habayis, El Asqua, the Dome etc. would likely trigger a massive civil insurrection, war with neighboring arab countries etc. Other than that bloodletting (and also that there has been no sighting of Moishiach on Eastern Parkway other than the usual guys running around with yellow flags) initiating construciton of a “beis hamikdash” b’yamenu, would be a great idea.

    in reply to: YWN Coffee-room is lashon hara!! #1462201


    As a gadol hador(ah), I know that when the topic is whether a certain askan, public official, Rav or poishete yid acted properly in doing XYZ, its not “lashon harah” to clearly present your view as to whether XYZ is an appropriate action, public policy etc. We read here often how in EY where Rabbonim are much more active in political debate, that certain rabbonim denigrate and use hyperbole with respect to those whose political views they disagree with yet when someone responds by criticizing the source of the negative comments, they themselves are criticized for using lashon harah w/o acknowledging the original source . Yes, there are ways to disagree without engaging in what you might consider lashon harah but many times, there is no way to avoid acknowledging what was said or done, even if it might “upset” some readers. If someone goes OTD (linguistically) that’s why the Ebeshter created “Mods”.

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