Forum Replies Created
May 15, 2018 1:45 am at 1:45 am in reply to: Chashuve Rabbonim participating in Public Events with Goiyeshe Prayers #1520652GadolhadorahParticipant
Avi K…
Prior postings have answered my original question about the appropriateness of the two chief rabbonim participating in the event. Most, not all, feel it was OK. The part that is more troubling is the choice of these two evangelicals with their track record of hateful insulting yidden, Catholics, Muslims, etc. Also, the visuals of Ivanka sitting there smiling on the split screen with the other side of the screen showing bodies be carried away in Gaza was upsetting. While Hamas was clearly the cause, those visuals also made the event somewhat surreal and may create a bid setback for EY in the longer term.
May 15, 2018 12:21 am at 12:21 am in reply to: Chashuve Rabbonim participating in Public Events with Goiyeshe Prayers #1520637GadolhadorahParticipantIt was not a “chilul hashem” nor a question of Harog V’al Ya’avor’. They transformed a day that could have been a big victory lap for both Trump and Bibi and instead turned it into some political intern’s version of the campaign event from hell by inviting Trump’s favorite racist galach who makes vile comments about yidden, Mormons etc. to offer “prayers” in Xsus’ s name in front of the two chief rabbonim of EY. Why not simply recognize that EY is a JEWISH state and let an American rav deliver the invocation (but of course that wouldn’t have played well with Trump’s right wing evangelical followers).
May 14, 2018 5:14 pm at 5:14 pm in reply to: Why does Schmaltz Herring cost $22 a pound? (excluding the onions & oil) #1520431GadolhadorahParticipantTo CG…
Then try Reubenshtein’s herring flavored crispy onion rings…they come in “original plain”, “matjes” and “schmaltz” flavors…..much more economical and efficient
May 14, 2018 5:13 pm at 5:13 pm in reply to: Stop Eurovision song contest next year in Yerushalayim #1520445GadolhadorahParticipantWinnie….If the guys with the yellow flags on Eastern Parkway are any indicator, looks like the Eurovision competition will be held on schedule and the world will still be focused next year on the 2018 Republican losses in the mid-term elections and why it wasn’t the Donald’s fault.
May 14, 2018 2:33 pm at 2:33 pm in reply to: Chashuve Rabbonim participating in Public Events with Goiyeshe Prayers #1520380GadolhadorahParticipantWith one exception, I wasn’t bothered and in fact felt it was appropriate for the two rabbonim to be in attendance. BTW, as you can probably sense, I am makeil on many issues that the chumrah crowd finds very offensive. What really did both me bigtime was the decision to import the Evangelical galach from Texas who has a history of racist, islamaphoic and implicitly anti-Semitic remarks which devalue yidden and yiddeshkeit, along with Mormons and other minority faith groups. BTW, he did mention the name of his “moishiach” explicitly whereas he could have offered a less offensive and inclusive prayer. This was really a Trump campaign rally for his right wing base and was orchestrated with that in mind.
May 14, 2018 2:04 pm at 2:04 pm in reply to: Why does Schmaltz Herring cost $22 a pound? (excluding the onions & oil) #1520359GadolhadorahParticipantNorman’s, HaTov, Vita, Acme and J&J are ok if you are just a poishete yid satisfied with a poishete herring as might be served in your shul’s kiddush for the regular tzibur while the baal simcha has a formal catered luncheon for “friends and family”, If you are a herring aficionado, as I’m sure are most YWN CR readers, than only the best will do such as the fresh product sold at Pomegrante or Russ and dauhgter’s or the Bay View bottled variety available online and only during certain times of the year with overnight shipping. They will provide a complete life story of the particular herring you will be consuming and was niftar for your gastronomical joy.
May 14, 2018 1:14 pm at 1:14 pm in reply to: Stop Eurovision song contest next year in Yerushalayim #1520337GadolhadorahParticipantApparently, the Eurovision musical competition in 2019 will be held at the King David Hotel in Yerushalayim which the Dan Hotel chain just announced will be renamed the King Donald Hotel in conjunction with this competition and his role in moving the U.S. embassy back to ir hakodesh.
May 14, 2018 1:04 pm at 1:04 pm in reply to: Chashuve Rabbonim participating in Public Events with Goiyeshe Prayers #1520314GadolhadorahParticipantI recall a broigas right after the first big memorial event after 9/11 held at Yankee stadium where several big rabbonim who participated in offering prayers with clergy from other faiths were subject to considerable criticism… I guess if you do it outside a church in a public venue its ok
May 14, 2018 12:16 pm at 12:16 pm in reply to: Stop Eurovision song contest next year in Yerushalayim #1520263GadolhadorahParticipantWhats the chilul hashem of some goiyeshe/secular contest being held in EY? There are all sorts of sporting competitions, Christian bible competitions, dog shows, etc. that are are NOT items that the heimeshe tzibur really cares about but roughly 60 percent of Israelis do care about. If your not interested, “change the channel” so to say….stay home and listen to the newest album from MBD or Shloime Gavornlik
GadolhadorahParticipantfocus on the substance of the message and let the Mods decide what/when gets posted. Do you know for certain that every sefer in the beis medrash or home library that you learn from was not c’v written by someone who might have written it on Shabbos?
May 14, 2018 10:34 am at 10:34 am in reply to: Why does Schmaltz Herring cost $22 a pound? (excluding the onions & oil) #1520232GadolhadorahParticipantMost herring is cheap but the species “Herringus Schmaltzus” is on the endangered species list and there are annual catch quotas limiting supplies and increasing prices. There are some commercial efforts at raising the rare schmaltz herrings at fish farms but the results so fare have been mixed and the taam of the farm-raised fish lacks the natural onion taste of the wild-caught variety.
GadolhadorahParticipantMentsch1….you have a valid point but at the same time, not clear how to counter this blatant anti-Semitism masked as “anti-Zionism” without pushing back forcefully where it hurts them (jobs, Euros etc.)
Joey….you may choose as you typically do to view the world through your tunnel vision with a tzinius and kol isha focus and lose sight of the much larger trend in the EU being led by Ireland’s leftists to marginalize and delegitimize EY in the name of “Palestinian suffering”. Most Yidden do care even if this is minor PR issue that serves to feed a much more critical narrative. Also, the competition is in EY next year and I’m certain there will be efforts to shift to another country to “punish” EY, expecially after today’s violence on the Gaza border with dozens killed and hundreds injured (who will be characterized as “martyrs”}
GadolhadorahParticipantIn the real world, authorized goiyeshe law enforcement personnel from the lowly meter reader, to the policeman, prosecutor and ultimately the justices of the Supreme Court certain do have the authority to adjudicate violations of the law by anyone in their respective jurisdictions. If you have any doubts, ask SMR, Madoff, Dwek or tens of thousands of yidden who have spent quality time at a federal penal institution. If you find that upsetting, don’t violate dina d”malchusa or even better, move to EY so you are more likely to be arrested and judged by yidden for the same crime you committed here in the golden medinah.
GadolhadorahParticipantThe Innocence Project, the of the nation’s most respected legal aid programs working on behalf of those wrongly convicted, and with one of the most successful track records in obtaining reversals of prior convictions, estimates that as many as 10-12 percent of felony convictions are candidates for reversal based on procedural error or false information presented to the trial court by the prosecution. It may sound like a small percentage but when applied to the millions in prison, it is a lot of people.
GadolhadorahParticipantOnly if she is from West Virginia or Kentucky .
GadolhadorahParticipantThere are really two questions here. First, would it make sense from an economic perspective based on the current Medicaid reimbursement rates from the various network/PPO insurance providers? The second question is whether there is a moral or ethical imperative for physicians to make their services available to the Medicaid population given that many practices will not accept patients in this group? The answer to the first question is based on the facts of the specialty, type of practice, etc. The second question is entirely a personal decision for a health care professional. Many reach a compromise and limit the percentage of their patients who are on Medicaid.
GadolhadorahParticipantWhile not explicitly stated, there is a concept of “rule of reason” that the McDonald’s analogy above makes very well We don’t blindly worry about how anyone might interpret anything we do….we use our sechel to reason which appearances would likely be misinterpreted by the large percentage of yidden, how that misperception might c’v lead others to repeat our inappropriate action(s) etc. , who else might be hurt etc. Walking on a public street in a heimeshe neighborhood with your wife/daughter where everyone knows everyone else and their family relationships isn’t likely to pass the “maris ayin materiality test”. For those who are machmir and hold by eruvim, perhaps hang a big sign on her back saying “I’m his wife/daughter”
GadolhadorahParticipantWe also bring down from chazal many inyanim of the importance of honoring your wife and it would seem that making her walk several feet behind you would be a real bushah. I’ve walked around just about all the frum neighborhoods in BP, Willy, Lakewood, Monsey etc. on many shabbosim and yom tovim and the vast majority of couples out for a walk are walking side by side with the kids and talking like normal people. We cannot live our lives in fear of what some pervert might read into a normal function of a husband/wife simply walking together on a public street for all to see, dressed appropriately and acting appropriately. I’m sure you are right that there are some who might engage in the chumrah of making their wives walk several feet behind them but it would seem such bizarre behavior would make them stand out and attract more attention than walking together.
GadolhadorahParticipantA large percentage of girls graduating high school girls in EY speak both ivrit and and English so you shouldn’t have any difficulty finding a frum girl (if that’s what you want) who is bilingual . If you intend to move back to the U.S. soon, than hold off on your dating until you move since its a bit expensive to hop on El Al to share a drink with a prospective beschert. Finally, there are several thousand frum girls from the U.S. attending seminary in EY who are English speakers.
May 6, 2018 12:55 am at 12:55 am in reply to: If Nassi is wrong, how do you explain why 1000’s of older girls are stil single? #1516621GadolhadorahParticipantThis constant drumbeat of a “shiduch crisis” for girls is both mindless and hurtful. Not sure where you are getting your data but there is a documented trend nationwide for millienials to marry at an older age so its quite possible the “normal” age for a chassanah, even among the frum is moving up a few years. There are other factors too including more frum girls pursuing advanced degrees and careers rather than marrying right after high school Its no big deal today to marry in your 20s or 30s. Efforts to make unmarried frum girls feel like damaged goods or failures is a big chillul hashem
GadolhadorahParticipant“What about minhag hamokom”?
There are yidden in places whose minhagim are quite different and questionable then those of our parent and grandparents in the Alte heim….we don’t always adopt minhag hamoakom on certain matters where the local minhagim would have us doing really wierd stuff.
GadolhadorahParticipantAgree with Winnie…it takes a Roman Mashgiach to Neutralize A Roman Bug on a Roman Artichoke
GadolhadorahParticipantHey Joe…..they actually had some choclate covered bugs on the desert menu but we took a raincheck…..the cesar salad special (with imported Romaine from Yuma, AZ) was delicious .
On a serious note, go on to google and pull up photos of regular artichokes and Roman artichokes and you will readily see the physical difference that makes the latter more easily cleaned and checked by the mashgichim for the little buggers..
GadolhadorahParticipantWe ate the artichokes at a restaurant in the old ghetto area of Rome that has a good hashgacha. They are delicious (lightly fried in olive oil).
May 2, 2018 4:01 pm at 4:01 pm in reply to: Upon discovering that your shul uses Carlebach niggunim #1515016GadolhadorahParticipantI was at a Satmar wedding several months ago and the music was definitely a nigun adopted from Naomi Shemer’s Yerushalayim Shel Zahav…..I don’t recall any of the chassuveh rabbonim running out and shutting off the sound system although I couldn’t see from behind the curtains
GadolhadorahParticipantBronx Zoo….I hadn’t been back in many years and its a new place with all the old smelly buildings gone and new open exhibit areas. Plus, the big advantage is that if the date goes downhill fast, there will always be some cute animals doing some cute things to make your date smile and give both of you a needed laugh
GadolhadorahParticipantFor those of you living in galus (aka outside of BP and Willy) there will be a bonfire with plenty of kosher snacks at the Chabad Center of Prospect Heights on Vanderbilt Ave on Thursday night. Very family friendly and very convenient for the many frum younger couples and singles who have relocated to Park Slope etc.
May 1, 2018 10:41 pm at 10:41 pm in reply to: The Embassy is really opening up in Jerusalem? #1514541GadolhadorahParticipantThe Israeli embassy in D.C. is on Reno Road in upper NW part of the city and is literally surrounded by the embassies of 7 predominantly arab countries including Pakistan, Jordan, Bahrain etc. There are generally two secret service marked cars parked on the Van Ness Street side of the building but otherwise no other visible security presence outside. There has never been a major security breach although demonstrations occur with some regularity.
May 1, 2018 11:33 am at 11:33 am in reply to: The Embassy is really opening up in Jerusalem? #1514338GadolhadorahParticipantOne of the few things Trump has done that I agree with. The fears of an Arab backlash were overstated and the Palestinians never had any intention of negotiation in good faith over the issue anyway.
May 1, 2018 11:32 am at 11:32 am in reply to: Jewish Jobs – Shouldnt Say Female Only Very Many Times #1514337GadolhadorahParticipantJoseph….you should try some of this special chinuch kool aid at the Kiddush Club next Shabbos…..according to various studies (both frum and non-frum) sources are finding more opportunities for women teachers and there ARE men teaching at beis yaakovs in smaller communities where the boys and girls’ schools share the same physical campus (even though the classes are strictly separated).
April 30, 2018 11:19 pm at 11:19 pm in reply to: Jewish Jobs – Shouldnt Say Female Only Very Many Times #1514070GadolhadorahParticipantSurprisingly, there is less of this gender discrimination going on today then 10 years ago. More jewish employers and mosdos are looking for the best job candidate and have found ways to work around halachic concerns while still adhering to the advice of their rabbonim and poskim. There are more women teachers in yeshivot for classes that do not involve limudei kodesh.although we see fewer men teaching secular subjects in beis Yaakov and other girls’ schools. Private employers are using open floor plans to lessen problems with yichud and taking advantage of the increasing numbers of yungerleit who are pursuing secular studies and college degrees.
GadolhadorahParticipantOur emunah and bitachon is not and shouldn’t be conditional on finding physical/archeological evidence providing verification that all of the events described or alluded to in the torah are accurate. Yes, such findings are fascinating but if we go down that path, we are also at risk of undermining our beliefs whenever there is some new scientific evidence that the world is much “older” than we believe it to be in accordance with the torah’s description of briyas ha’olam or we go down the slippery slope of having to reconcile the literal words of the torah with new archeological finds or scientific discoveries.
GadolhadorahParticipantThe Lionza Rebbe, who is a big talmid chacham and archeological expert on matters described in the torah had a CD on his website years ago describing matan torah, har Sinai and various theories about its location. It was available at the Living Torah Museum but I’m not sure its still there. He had some issues with Lubavitch and they weren’t too happy about a book he wrote about the rebbe, moishach and all the usual stuff.
GadolhadorahParticipantThere are many heilege rabbonim who has paskind that anything that didn’t exist at the time of briyas ha’olam is per se assur to derive any benefit from. There are some rabbonim who a makil and have moved the timeline forward and said that the benchmark should be to assur anything that was invented or adopted subsequent to the golden age of yiddishkeit in the pre-War Alte Heim.
April 26, 2018 12:00 pm at 12:00 pm in reply to: Upon discovering that your shul uses Carlebach niggunim #1511908GadolhadorahParticipantI did. And my first thought this morning was how I personally could provide better musar to our resident kvetchers whose mission is to raise questions about others.
GadolhadorahParticipantIt is a bushah and certainly not consistent with hidur Shabbos for a Kiddush Club to serve “beer” versus at least a decent quality schnaps, whether or not that beer may have “chometz” issues.
April 26, 2018 10:57 am at 10:57 am in reply to: Upon discovering that your shul uses Carlebach niggunim #1511790GadolhadorahParticipantThere seems to be an endless ability for segments of the frum tzibur to invest countless hours in searching out potential opportunities to create broigas with those who don’t share their hashkafah and promoting the “sinas chinam issue du jure’. How about self-mussar and waking up each morning and finding some new inyan of our own behavior we might consider changing as compared to waking up each day and starting a post about some issue in our lives that requires others to change.
GadolhadorahParticipantThere are several programs at the Brooklyn Museum of Art that offer programs in mixed media including using colored filters in combination with digital photography and various lithographic techniques. They also have a course in use of traditional film photography in combination with other media in a collage format. These courses are also very reasonably priced and some are offered on weekdays.
April 25, 2018 9:17 pm at 9:17 pm in reply to: Upon discovering that your shul uses Carlebach niggunim #1511643GadolhadorahParticipantThis whole meshugaas about not usoing a nigun from Reb Shlomo, Z’TL, or Lipa or from any yid whose hashkafah some may object to can be taken to extremes. As someone else noted, the majority of nigunim have no known source and could have been composed by big some big time apikores. The shtender in the beis medrash might have been assembled in Germany from European Beechwood (as many are). If a nigun helps a yid to feel closer to the Ebeshter, thats all that counts. We don’t adopt the ethics or values of the source of music we enjory hearing or books we enjoy reading. They stand independently for the emotions and feelings they bring out in each of us as individuls.
April 23, 2018 10:56 pm at 10:56 pm in reply to: Getting a ride with someone from the opposite gender #1510347GadolhadorahParticipantFreddyfish: Maybe when you grow up, you will figure out why there is a difference in the real world inyan of yichud and how it applies in different situations. Until then, much hatzlacha in your black/white world.
GadolhadorahParticipantAfter reading 28 postings about how each segment of the tzibur or group of talmidim referred to THEIR leader as “THE RAV” or “THE REBBE”, one has to wonder whether it might not be more respectful and create considerably less confusion to use the Rav’s actual name.
April 15, 2018 6:51 pm at 6:51 pm in reply to: Capitalone 360 ATM dollar withdrawals in Jerusalem? #1506631GadolhadorahParticipantThere are several locations at major hubs. The one I recall using about a year ago was the Bank Leumi branch in Tzioon Square ( corner of Jaffa Road and Ben-Yehuda Street). It has ATMs that dispense dollars and euros.
April 12, 2018 1:30 pm at 1:30 pm in reply to: Banning All Missionary Activity Inside Israel #1505730GadolhadorahParticipantThe most narrow question here is how does a democratic state which guarantees freedom of thought and expression implement a broad prohibition on what is “protected free speech”. To whom does it apply, under what circumstances, what is considered “missionary activity” versus simply expressing a view regarding religious beliefs? Not sure it is remotely feasible absent narrow cases of individuals needing protection (aka children, developmentally disabled etc.) who cannot decide for themselves.
GadolhadorahParticipantThe Saudi crown prince, who is now visiting the U.S., just announced that Saudi women will be able to drive by themselves w/o a male relative escorting them in the vehicle. I’m not sure how many Yeshivish families hold by Wahabi hashkafah but what is now becoming mutar in Riyadh b’yh might someday also be the norm in Willy and Monsey.
April 10, 2018 1:28 pm at 1:28 pm in reply to: Is it reasonable to tell a 21 yr old boy to date a 24 yr old girl !!!!!! #1504741GadolhadorahParticipantJoey…….sorry, but you also need to come out of your cave occasionally….your dark and myscogenistic view of Jewish women (both married and single) isn’t funny any longer. No, its not just a goyishe thing for a professional Jewish woman who earn a decent parnassah to have their own living arrangements (typically with friends to share the rent) If that offends you, all the better.
April 10, 2018 11:47 am at 11:47 am in reply to: Can a “Kosher” Restaurant Advertise it also is “Halal” #1504614GadolhadorahParticipantNeville…actually, that was pretty funny and not all that out of the realm of possibility. Several months ago we read here on YWN about this young guy who was megayer and started his own chassidus at roughly the same time. What the world needs is a chassidus whose chassidim hold by BOTH kashruth and hallal….a sort of Badatz-Bet Yosef-Yekkishe model where the shoichet has to be proficient in all the laws of hallal
April 10, 2018 11:27 am at 11:27 am in reply to: Is it reasonable to tell a 21 yr old boy to date a 24 yr old girl !!!!!! #1504599GadolhadorahParticipantTo Litvishechosid
You may live in a time warp but “NOT all unmarried girls live at home until they get married no matter now much money they make”….. Your stereotype is about 10-20 years out of date. More young frum women are getting their own apartments (many sharing rentals with friends) while there are also many guys likely to be living in their parents’ basements, when not hanging out in some dorm room at a yeshiva. The applications for admission to Stern College have been growing by record amounts along with other special programs for frum women who want to pursue college and graduate studies. No, they just don’t hang around the house anymore helping with the younger kids and cleaning.GadolhadorahParticipantThe more ostensibly frum candidates, the better chance of splitting the Chareidii vote….other possible candidates include Meir Porush and Ze’ev Elkin. Porush would be and especially fun choice since it would give the Gerrer Rebbe and opportunity to do “political tshuvah” for getting Barkat elected several years ago.
April 10, 2018 9:41 am at 9:41 am in reply to: Can a “Kosher” Restaurant Advertise it also is “Halal” #1504559GadolhadorahParticipantSince I posted the original question on whether there was any inyan about a kosher market or restaurant advertising its Halal creds (as I noticed on a recent European trip) I’ve checked further and its apparently not all that unusual here in the U.S. For some reason, I never noticed the advertising (sometimes simply a symbol on the establishment’s website or a sticker pasted on the door or window). Apparently, not as big a deal as I thought. All of the above postings regarding Halal rules and practices have been very informative and appreciated.
GadolhadorahParticipantIf you are talking about the Rothschild family from Paris who control the world’s weather (as reported here recently on YWN)) the answer is probably not. If you are talking about the Rothschild family from Willy and BP, absolutely all are frum yidden and big baalei tzadakah.