Forum Replies Created
Perhaps having the “smell” of new teffillin with you is a positive and removing it will have negative vibes….
June 19, 2018 10:42 pm at 10:42 pm in reply to: Will recreational marijuana become legal in Canada?!?!? #1543588GadolhadorahParticipantIn about 2 weeks, you can light up a joint legally in Canada (with a few locational exceptions). Check out the share prices on the 3 largest publicly traded Canadian cannabis companies traded…they are up an average of 80 percent this year.
June 19, 2018 12:30 am at 12:30 am in reply to: Is preparing all girls for marriage contributing to the Shidduch Crisis? #1541897GadolhadorahParticipantThe phrase “working boy” is itself offensive. Throughout our history, men have taken responsibility to live a balanced life that allows them to support their families while engaging in limudei kodesh. It was only the rare exception who was such an outstanding learner that he was encouraged to shteig 24×7 and his wife and their respective families would support them. Today, we have normalized the notion that virtually all bochurim should learn full time with their wives having to earn some money for their parnassah as well as raise increasingly large families. The opportunity to find a “working boy” shidduch who will care for you and your children should be the ideal, not something you “settle for” . To the extent a young woman expects to support her husband while he learns full time, she should take a few years to acquire education and job skills so she can earn a professional salary while working part-time and not have to spend most of her day at minimum wage jobs while she also has children at home who need her attention.
GadolhadorahParticipantCTL and CTR could very well could very well be related but someone here in the CR should volunteer to collect digital DNA from both so a firm identification could be confirmed
GadolhadorahParticipantThe underlying sentiment of the article is that this community is pursuing their religious beliefs bu sending the “bill” to ALL the taxpayers. The implicit argument (which was probably not meant to be “anti-semitic”) is that you enjoy the freedom to pursue your religious beliefs but don’t have more kids than you can afford to support and in any event, get a job and pay your own way. We’ve heard that same set of arguments here on YWN and other jewish media outlets.
GadolhadorahParticipantZahavasad makes some excellent points. At a time when seemingly every Rebbelah wants to be a “Rosh yeshiva” and there are a proliferation of mosdos with almot identical names, it is quite likely that few even have heard of the kollel you are referencing or may be conusing it with half a dozen others wih similiar names. You don’t even provide the location or formal name. Further, a helpful, albeit truthful assesment could invovle lashon harah (aka the Rav is not an effective teacher, the students are not real masmidim, the facilities are a fire trap, etc.). overall, i you plan to spend much time learning somewhere, it would be foolish not to visit the yeshiva, spend at least a day (or a few days if you are flying over to EY) observing the learning, experience the ruach and talk with the talmidim . Would you even consider going to a secular college without visiting the campus? Well, the same applies to a yeshiva.. Relying on the “experts” here in the CR is malpractice What may have been a great experiene for someone here in the CR may be based on personal experiences 5, 10 or even 20 years ago, something they heard from a friend or relative and what may be positve for one may be not be so good for another. And yes, there can be bad yeshiva if the test of “good” or “bad” is what kind of learning experience it will provide for a particular bochur
June 10, 2018 12:19 am at 12:19 am in reply to: Something’s are too controversial for the frum media to address #1536442GadolhadorahParticipantThere is no reason that public policy issuescannot be debated in a frum media outlet (print or online) without crossing some imaginary halachic line. There are certain terms and ways of saying things that might be better left for the secular media and perhaps direct personal attacks on chashuve rabbonim and askain may need to be toned down (as the Mods here remind us frequently) but otherwise, political pand pulbic policy issues, accusations of of wrongdoing etc. that affect the frum tizbur need MORE coverage rather than less.
GadolhadorahParticipantFind a respected rav (or rebbitzen if that makes a woman more comfortable) with some professional training in counseling, domestic relations and family matters. As others have noted, we are fortunate today to have many rabbonim and rebbitzens with professional training and who are qualified to provide advice informed by daas torah. Trying to get an appointment with some chashuve rebbe and convey the facts of your situation in 5-15 minutes and obtain meaningful advice is a joke.
GadolhadorahParticipantIt is foolish to dismiss the guidance of all professional marriage counselors or psychologists just as it would be foolish to unequivocally accept the guidance of any older talmid chacham as to whether to stay in a dysfunctional marriage. Ideally, the advice of both could be helpful but ultimately each of the parties needs to make their own decision based on what is best for them (and their children, if relevant). CTL offers some very cogent thoughts on the issue and how in some cases, the courts will accept the counseling efforts of a Rav, even one lacking in counseling “credentials”.
June 4, 2018 9:40 am at 9:40 am in reply to: Why do people think they could “trust themselves” with smartphones? #1531809GadolhadorahParticipantIn the alte heim, they never worried about kosher for shabbos elevators, shabbos friendly refrigerators/freezers and dozens of innovations they have evolved to serve a need, albeit not necessary accepted by all segments fo the tzibur. I was obviously being a bit sarcastic about hard copy seforim being displaced entirely by electronic devices but there is probably some frum geek in Palo Alto or Silicon Wadi (the high tech center outside Tel Aviv) who is researching a virtual reality tech solution where you could wear special kosher of shabbos eyeglasses that would read your thoughts and know exactly where in the davening you were and project the visual on your lens. Don’t try to forecast the boundary between technology and halacha….those who try typically lose or move to meah shearrim and live in a cave.
June 4, 2018 9:23 am at 9:23 am in reply to: Enforcement of gittin in civil court custody cases in New York #1531795GadolhadorahParticipantCustody caselaw and trends seems to cycle with respect to a pervasive focus on “whats best for the kids” and competing equities with respect to the parents’ lives. The issue of religious observance puts the judge in the position of deciding whether a parent’s mindset at the time of the divorce agreement should govern their daily lives and “hashkafah” for the next 10 or 15 years “for the sake of the kids”. Its one thing to require adherence to financial commitments but even those can be broken if circumstances change.
June 3, 2018 7:05 pm at 7:05 pm in reply to: How do you keep your children interested @ the Shabbos Seuda #1531579GadolhadorahParticipantWhen our kids were growing up, we would make a point of inviting one of their friends to spend Shabbos with us at least once a month. Somehow, that was enough to keep them engaged at the table for a bit longer than just eating with the “same ole family”.
June 3, 2018 6:58 pm at 6:58 pm in reply to: How do you keep your children interested @ the Shabbos Seuda #1531575GadolhadorahParticipantTo TakahMamash
In the section of Mishnah Berurah where we learn that someone who knows that he will not be having wine or any other beverage or challah over which to make Kiddush on shabbos, may eat dinner without saying kiddush, chazal also bring down the more general rule that if one is in doubt about whether certain foods are sufficiently “shabbosdik”, one should consult his local rav or as a last resort, rely upon the psak of DaasYochid. Mishnah Berurah 289:10.June 3, 2018 12:07 pm at 12:07 pm in reply to: Enforcement of gittin in civil court custody cases in New York #1531491GadolhadorahParticipantFrum and Mentch et. al.
I think each of you makes the same valid point and properly distinguish between what a frum yid would want the outcome to be versus what the secular courts will rule as a matter of civil law. Joseph can rant all he wants about the absence of moral equivalence between Yiddeshkeit, Christianity, various sects of Islam etc. or atheism but the courts should not affirm even “voluntary” belief or religious thought commitments as “enforceable” components of a filed agreement. Would an agreement to raise the children in a chassidish environment be violated if one of the parent suddenly became a misnaged? What about a Satmar couple from Willy who diviorce but agree to continue to raise their children in accordance with the hashkafah of Zalman Leib . However, the wife then remarries a Zalmanite and moves with the children to KJ where the husband will not venture? Is that a violation of the agreement that the court will enforce? What about the leftist couple who met in college whose car had the Obama bumper stickers, where they diviorce but agree to maintain a “politically progressive” home environment for the kids. Then the husband suddenly becomes a Trumpkopf wearing MAGA baseball hats? Does the judge throw him in jail or curtail his visitation rights. Courts will NOT enforce agreements that curtail (even voluntarily) protected rights to freedom of thought, religious belief etc.
May 31, 2018 10:54 pm at 10:54 pm in reply to: Why do people think they could “trust themselves” with smartphones? #1530898GadolhadorahParticipantThe bottom line is the world is changing rapidly to an exclusively electronic/online mode of communications and commercial interaction. Paper documents and cash will be stuff you see in a museum. You will need a smart phone for basic life functions from purchasing a container of milk, reviewing resumes from a shadchan, making an airline reservation, paying the bus-fare or communicating with first responders. Hard copy printed seforim will be phased out and electronic versions on tablets will take their place. Its time to begin educating our children ho to use a smart phone responsibly rather than making believe they will be able to function without one indefinitely.
GadolhadorahParticipantThe issue for many is one of the optics of seeing these massive celebrations with their perceived astronomical costs in juxtaposition with pleas for tzedakah by mosdos associated with the same chassidus. The same shekels that pay for the simchas are fungible with funds desperately needed to pay for so many other needs. Some will say the simchas are paid for by wealthy chassidim of the rebbe and absent the Simcha, they wouldn’t give the same funding to the rebbe’s mosdos.
GadolhadorahParticipantThere is no inyan of NOT giving to any tzedakah that links such giving to some segulah….its both the proliferation of such solicitations over the internet and in posters on utility poles, leaflets left in shuls and batei medrahsim etc. AND the questionable use of the names/images of gadolim that are the problems. Calling such skepticism and invocations of need for diligence apikorsus is a mindless claim. Caveat emptor, even with respect to segulos. When you read about some mekubal flying over from EY and marketing segulos and taking appointments in advance for a 5 minute audience (guaranteed by your Visa card) put your hand on your wallet and block the sender on your email.
May 29, 2018 1:28 pm at 1:28 pm in reply to: Which one of the faang stocks (Facebook amazon Apple google Netflix) is the best #1528133GadolhadorahParticipantThen go for the one with the best valuation and growth opportunities and least likelihood of being “Trumped” either in terms of breakup or limits on its business model. …P.S. its also now being called FAAANN, with the extra “N” for Nevidia which is the largest and fastest growing provider of chipsets for mobile devices, AI and VR
GadolhadorahParticipantWhy is it that in most shuls, there is ONE regular whose voice rises above all others (including the baal tefillah) and somehow manages to have the worst pronunciation and cadence for the ivrit and also manages to mangle the melody of the local nusach. Its the heimeshe version of that great commercial picturing an artic landscape with tens of thousand of identical penguins with ONE having a bubble over its head singing out of tune, “I wanna be ME!!!!”
GadolhadorahParticipantPY makes a great point with respect to the large number of solicitations for funds in return for segulahs, barachos, special davening etc. which picture a gadol or gadolim as “sponsoring” the effort and promising their personal intercession on behalf of donors, specifically mentioning them in their tefillos at some special time or makom kodesh. In reality, a large percentage of these have been shown to be scams, where the Rav has not personally given informed consent to the solicitation where is name/image is used and in some cases, the Rav’s gabboim have approved the use of the rav’s name/image in return for some “consideration”. Really important to do your diligence before making such contributions. I’m assuming there is such diligence on ads running here on YWN and the other major websites but even those should be scrutinized .
GadolhadorahParticipantThis seems to be a rather silly debate….do whatever both of you (mother/father) are comfortable with and don’t feel bound by old bubba meisas, “its bad luck,” etc. stories. Most parents will respect the mother’s privacy and be more than happy with “she’s due about the 3rd week of February” or “just before the yom tovim” etc.
May 29, 2018 6:55 am at 6:55 am in reply to: Enforcement of gittin in civil court custody cases in New York #1527840GadolhadorahParticipantThe judge in one of these cases was criticized (I think unfairly) forallowing his personal religious beliefs to influence his decision. With the overload of cases on the family and domestic court dockets, Judges (and their law clerks) are unable to invest the time in draftng decisions in the needed detail to explain their legal analysis and rationale for their decision. Failure to provide such robust decisions invites such criticism.
May 29, 2018 6:55 am at 6:55 am in reply to: Which one of the faang stocks (Facebook amazon Apple google Netflix) is the best #1527839GadolhadorahParticipantP.S. Its now FAAAN not FANG…..the publicly traded stock od Google is now called Alphabet (A shares and C shares),
May 29, 2018 6:55 am at 6:55 am in reply to: Which one of the faang stocks (Facebook amazon Apple google Netflix) is the best #1527837GadolhadorahParticipantWhat metric are you asking about? As a long-term investment? As a short-term trade?
GadolhadorahParticipantWeather you call it a “segulah”, a “mitzvah”, or whatever, it still comes across as offensive in many advertisements where the solicitation implies the more you give the bigger the “dividend”. If you’ve ever mistakenly tuned in to some religious informercial in the wee hours of the AM where they literally claim a specific percentage “return” on your donation or some miracle healing (aka “healing of one paralyzed leg for X dollars and both for Y dollars”) . Whether promising marriage, children, a job or recovery from illness in return for donations is offensive to many yidden where it would seem that davening with real kavanah would have equal if not greater returns).
May 28, 2018 2:43 pm at 2:43 pm in reply to: Enforcement of gittin in civil court custody cases in New York #1527005GadolhadorahParticipantJoesph and Littleknow are both correct that custody agreements VOLUNTARILY negotiated through a beis din should not be nullified by a civil court any more so than agreements reached via any other alternative dispute resolution procedure outside of a courtroom. However,in most states, a Judge can arbitrarily negate certain provisions of such agremeents if he/she concludes that it is not in the best interest of the minor child, even years later. Total separate, is the really poorly drafted language of some of these anti-Shariah statutes being pushed by the right wing Islamaphobics that could be used as the basis for negating even voluntarily negotiated religious agreements if a state court concludes the parties did not have equal negotiating ability or might have been coerced into accepting such agreemnt from a religious court (evn if stipulated to be volunarily when initially filed with the civil court).
May 28, 2018 6:44 am at 6:44 am in reply to: Enforcement of gittin in civil court custody cases in New York #1526728GadolhadorahParticipantFor perhaps the first and last time, I may agree with Joseph. For a number of years, there had been an increase in the number of states which had attempted to recognize religious agreements and practices established in or pursuant to religious court decisions into state law. However in the past 2-3 years, there have been a number of states which have enacted legislation which seeks to restrict any formal recognition of religious court decisions in a thinly veiled reaction to a non-existent threat from Islamic Shariah law. Unfortunately, those same restrictive laws enacted as part of an Islamophobic hysteria also have the unintended effect of limiting recognition of the decisions of a beis din in secular court decisions in those jurisdictions. If the issue goes to SCOTUS, as it seem likely to do given the split in circuit court outcomes, unclear which way the court will go but it may ultimately conclude that state laws cannot “formally” recognize religious court outcomes that may infringe the parties’ exercise of constitutional rights.
If you go to Seven Mile and look for a meat substitute that is readily used in cooking, almost all the options are either tofu or seitan (with one or two almond-based options). You are right that a full variety of whole grains, fruits nuts and vegetables along with seafood are essential but I was focusing on a narrow slice of the menu….items that can directly substiute for beef in chulent and other traditional recipies which rely on red meats.May 23, 2018 9:48 pm at 9:48 pm in reply to: Is there any food better than an excellent potato kugel? #1525363GadolhadorahParticipant“Exactly how Sushi is related to Smartphones is beyond me…”
Its very difficult to order take out sushi on a rotary dial phone……most of the sushi places prefer you order online using their mobile apps
May 23, 2018 3:11 pm at 3:11 pm in reply to: Is there any food better than an excellent potato kugel? #1525213GadolhadorahParticipantIf you search, you will find numerous postings about the supposed virtues of eating the same salty, fatty and starchy foods that were a staple in the Alte Heim only because that kind of junk food was all that poishete yidden of that time could afford. There is no yichus in perpetuating that sort of junk food nor is there any virtue in eating only veggies. The point here is that too many yiddeshe mosdos promote the wrong types of food and wine for “traditions’ sake” and only grudgingly offer more healthy and tasteful alternatives. Because someone can bring down from chazal that there might be some special “hidur Shabbos” associated with eating a small piece of meat (based more on the time when meat was a luxury that was unaffordable weekdays) there is no reason that a Shabbos meal cannot be fish, veggie or even dairy if prepared with a focus on special healthy dishes.
May 23, 2018 1:47 pm at 1:47 pm in reply to: Why do people think they could “trust themselves” with smartphones? #1524637GadolhadorahParticipantShopping; You say “if you aren’t working you don’t need one..”
Among many really naresh comments, this truly is breathtaking….a smartphone is a source of access to information as well as a tool for daily life functions, whether you are frum or otherwise. Most government and commercial functions have either migrated entirely to electronic format or will do some within the next year or two. If you want to live in a cave and revert back to barter trade and isolate yourself and your family from the world, you are certainly free to do so and probably can cobble together tools to bypass the internet but most normal yidden have learned to adhere to Halacha while taking advantage of all the benefits of an electronic world. It has nothing to do with working (although I’m sure there are some that view the “W” word as much of a threat to their neshamas as the internet).GadolhadorahParticipantIf there could be a special “app” for davening on weekdays so that when you walked into a shul, the GPS on your phone would recognize the nusach of the makom and automatically use the AI functionality of the phone to update your siddur to reflect local minhagim. Sadly, no one has yet invented a kosher Shabbos/yom tov phone to use for davening but hope springs eternal that maybe in my lifetime….
May 23, 2018 12:33 am at 12:33 am in reply to: Why do people think they could “trust themselves” with smartphones? #1524076GadolhadorahParticipantAs a gadol haorah(ah), I can assure you that it is indeed possible to “trust oneself” with respect to using a smartphone for its intended purpose of accessing information without sneaking around and watching pritzus on a 6 inch screen on which I couldn’t distinguish Esther from Haman (even with my reading glasses). Obviously, many other gadolim and askanim concur since they are routinely phtotographed with smartphones in their hands and many chashuve rabbonim now prepare divrei torah that can only be accessed with a web-enabled device. If the Ebeshter didn’t want us using smartphones, Steve Jobs would have been ended up the pioneer of solar-powered shabbos blechs
May 23, 2018 12:32 am at 12:32 am in reply to: Is there any food better than an excellent potato kugel? #1524077GadolhadorahParticipantThere are obviously many CR posters who passionately hold that eating anything their bubbah and zeidah didn’t eat in the Alte Heim is like eating chazerfleish and that heatlty foods like tofu, sushi, fresh green salads (with high protein bugs) and fresh salmon (with those cute little worms) are ASSUR along with drinking any wine that couldn’t also be used for intravenous injections for diabetics suffering a glucose deficiency. The more fat, starch, sodium etc. the better and the bigger chelek of olam haboh one earns from eating the stuff.
Chazal bring down in relation to the obligation of “ushmartem es nafshosechem” that we are not only required to care for ourselves in terms of what and how much we heat, but to “spread the word” about riskylifestyle practices that jeopardize our fundamental well being. Whatever you may believe about the virtues of meat on shabbos, in matters of nutrition, even my Rav tells me to listen to my cardiologist.GadolhadorahParticipantRebyiddel….I’ll be glad to respond to any posting which suggests that the fatty meats used in chulent are somehow preferable to vegetable based proteins, whether tofu, seitan etc. They have much lower fat, sodium, etc. plus essential amino acids and iron. Meat in moderation is great but save it for a great burger or filet versus wasting it on chulent.
GadolhadorahParticipantNot a vegie or vegan (although one of my kids has gone OTD with respect to meat and most fish)…but definitely trying to minimize my intake for health reasons. I spent yom tov in the UK (sadly not for the chassanah) and it seems that vegetarians are increasing in numbers over there as well….
GadolhadorahParticipant“One who does not learn Torah is not better than animals and has no right to eat meat”
So thats why all the vegetarians are also am haaratzim …..always wondered about that. Do any CR vegies have a good cheesecake recipe using soy-based cheese??
GadolhadorahParticipantFor the growing number of yidden who have recognized (with their cardiologist’s advice) the sakanas nefesh derived from fatty meats and are increasing their consumption of tofu an other plant-based proteins, searing the tofu cubes is important but do so after you have first marinated them since searing will make it more difficult for the flavors to penetrate. Another option is to go 50/50 in terms of the mix of real meat and meat substitutes. Either way, marinating first assures better flavor. There are still some traditionalists who insist on having “basar” on Shabbos so throwing in a few shticklach fleish won’t hurt you in moderation.
GadolhadorahParticipantLess chumrah…
….and on shabbosim and yom tovim you don’t daven or you have a dispensation from your rav to use a special “shabbos-phone” or you look over the shoulder of the guy at the shtender in front fo you and use his old-fashioned hard copy siddur.
GadolhadorahParticipantAssuming the usual Joey trolling its sort of a fill in the punchline…..
1. Share your secret family recipe for Possum Chulent
2. Provide her with a daft pre-nuptial agreement whereby you commit to giving her a Get when she turns 16 if she decides to change her mind
3. Show her the photos of your 2 ex-wives and how happy they are today (albeit having gotten rid of you)….May 17, 2018 12:14 am at 12:14 am in reply to: Chashuve Rabbonim participating in Public Events with Goiyeshe Prayers #1521913GadolhadorahParticipantNothing wrong with holding the Trumkopf campaign rallies where he rants on for an hour about how he is the “second coming” politically speaking with all the fawning and adulating boot lickers providing worshipful commentary about how his election was evidence of divine intervention into the American political system. Moving the embassy to Yerushalayim was one of the few things that ALL yidden could unite behind as long overdue However, for all the reasons noted in prior posts, they trashed an otherwise unifying event with their choice of speakers. I guess we just disagree.
May 16, 2018 3:43 pm at 3:43 pm in reply to: Would you let your children listen to non-jewish music? #1521722GadolhadorahParticipantThere is no such thing as “frum” music. With modern computer AI software, you can link the musical fingerprints or audio DNA of portions of just about any nigun to a precursor song with goiyeshe origins. One of the prior posters said it best with regard the Kalever Rebbe, Z’TL endowing an old goiyeshe nigun with kedushah in his adopting of the old nigun.
May 16, 2018 7:27 am at 7:27 am in reply to: Chashuve Rabbonim participating in Public Events with Goiyeshe Prayers #1521303GadolhadorahParticipantBenny. I agree with your grammatical musar and will stipulate that R Wolowik runs the 5T Chabad house without assistance of these two galachim. I’ll further stipulate that having goyim and political leaders quote from our Tanach is the norm and also not a concern. My feeling of “awkwardness ” was in the decision to have these two galachim with a long track record of hateful and racist statements on the stage for an event that should have been a great day for EY and the U.S. Instead, it was turned into a political event designed to play to the right wing base of both Trump and Bibi. There are many American evangelical leaders who also are big supporters of EY, Trump supporters but also don’t denigrate yidden and every other religious belief system other than their own. Enough said.
GadolhadorahParticipantBenny…..having too many choices offered by the siddur when davening is really hard on my kavanah which itself is already challenged. As to progressive lenses, I’ve been wearing them for years. I got them when I started skiing the more difficult slopes years ago and found it hard to read the smaller signs warning me of “pritzus ahead” while trying to avoid running into a tree.
May 15, 2018 9:52 pm at 9:52 pm in reply to: Chashuve Rabbonim participating in Public Events with Goiyeshe Prayers #1521260GadolhadorahParticipantUncle Benny…..most yidden don’t consider Xesus as “their savior” or for that matter, their anything. The Rav on the program (Wolowik), along with the two racist evangelical Trumpkopfs (Jeffress and Hagee), runs the local Chabad house in 5T on Long Island near the home of Ambassador Friedman so I’m guessing that’s why he was there. It was awkward that he decided to invoke the same pasuk from tehillim about davening for shalom yerushalayim that 5 minutes earlier had been quoted by the hateful galach Jeffress.
May 15, 2018 9:11 pm at 9:11 pm in reply to: Chashuve Rabbonim participating in Public Events with Goiyeshe Prayers #1521183GadolhadorahParticipantThe split screens were on several cable news networks in the U.S… are paranoid if you think some TV producer was “anti-Semitic” for showing the Hamas rioting where 58 were killed real time while the embassy event was ongoing….both were newsworthy but the effect was jarring.
GadolhadorahParticipantBenny….to simplify it for you, many siddurim offer parenthetical inserts that are more specific to certain segments of the tzibur….when I pick up one of those siddurim next time, I’ll provide some specific illustrations. Its not driven by what nusach you daven in (e.g. adding vayatzmach purkornei v’korev meschei in kaddish etc.) since a siddur, by definition will be either ashkanaz or sephardeshe
May 15, 2018 12:36 pm at 12:36 pm in reply to: Stop Eurovision song contest next year in Yerushalayim #1520981GadolhadorahParticipantThis type of event is really not the kind of issue that the frum tzibur needs to be wasting time on or calling attention to this or similar events. As someone noted, its an indoor event not parading down a main street in yerushalayim, does not expose others to so called “pritzus” (which I think is a stretch anyway for Eurovision) and otherwise is not the kind of event that warrants creating a further schism with the secular community. Choose your battles strategically.
GadolhadorahParticipantObviously, very personal decision. For me, needs to have the seder of davening for our shul and reasonably large type. I don’t like those that try to accommodate every possible hashkafah with parenthetical notes and adders saying (some Litvish living chutz laaretz add the following on erev purim when it comes out on mitvoch)