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  • in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1618767

    Joey’s analysis is generally correct although I’d say there was definitely a pushback against the Trumpkpof’s policies. What it really highlighted is the growing cultural divide in the country between urban/suburban and rural districts which are more polarized than ever. If the Trumpkopf follows course, as I expect he will do in his news conference this AM, he will use rhetoric designed to further inflame the divide and talk only to his chassidim living in the red districts and demonize everyone else.

    in reply to: Agudah Says to Vote, But Doesn’t Remind Us Who #1618551

    Two Eyes…..I suspect you also have two ears which suggests you may have have heard that most Jewish and Goyeshe religious organizations (especially the Evangelicals) have routinely found ways to communicate their political views while the IRS (courtesy of the Republicans and certain partisan Democrat yiddeshe woman at the IRS during ) has simply stopped enforcing the rules on political advocacy by tax-exempt organizaitons. No, I’m not advocating either side breaking the law, simply stating a fact…..

    in reply to: Agudah Says to Vote, But Doesn’t Remind Us Who #1618217

    As a purely legal matter, I think several of the above posters are correct. As a practical matter, not-for-profit organizations on BOTH the left and the right routinely find ways to circumvent the rules and indirectly endorse candidates, sometimes through issue advocacy. Also, the IRS no longer seems to actively monitor such violations by tax-exempt organizations as a result of the Lois Lerner episode.

    in reply to: Some topics are just too controversial for the coffee room moderators. #1617867

    Without speaking directly to the Lakewood situation but in general, wherever yidden as a block mindlessly vote for a candidate for public office simply because some rabbonim or askanim said to do so, there will be no political competition. Sure, take what “the Rav” may say into consideration as one factor among many but do your OWN analysis of the candidates and their positions and make your own decision whom to vote for.

    As has been pointed out to you before, doing things because your rabbeim said to do so is not mindless, it is called following Daas Torah.  Your habit of selecting when and where your rabbonim should to be heeded is inappropriate

    in reply to: Pro Vaccination Paranoia in the frum community. #1617869

    I don’t think these blog discussions change any minds regarding vaccinations. Some people just have made up their mind against the overwhelming views of publicly health professionals and want to deliberately put their own children at risk. That is their right but don’t ask the rest of us to incur any higher risk by being around them and their kids. Keep them at home or start your own schools for anti-vaxers but don’t you dare bring them into a public venue.

    in reply to: The Biggest Kanoim Today #1616130

    Before nominating anyone, it would help to have a common definition of what we mean by a kanoi. A kanoi in my mind is someone who is ready, at any moment, and nothwithdstanding the cost to him/her self to perform ratzon Hashem. Specifically, I think in terms of someone who is a kanoi for ddas torah and dvar Hashem. a kanoi in ahavas haTorah. a kanoi in ahavas Hashem. and perhaps most importantly, a kanoi in achdus and ahavas Yisrael. When you think about the cumulative attributes of a true kanoi, the list gets considerably shorter as you check off each box.

    in reply to: who is "The Gadol Haddar" of America #1615735

    In real terms, the only “gadol” that matters is your local rav o posek who guides you in your everday life and perhaps any more “senior” rav who your on rav relies upon from time to time for especially difficult matters. Beyond that, the guidance we have under daas torah is “aseh l’cha RAV” not “aseh l’cha Gadol”.

    in reply to: who is "The Gadol Haddar" of America #1615530

    Such a simple question with an obvious answer.

    in reply to: Tinuk Shenishbah #1615509

    Why do some feel compelled to attached labels to the kadoshim who were niftar shabbos morning before they were even in the ground?? They were yidden who died al kidush hashem. Period. End of story. Full stop.

    in reply to: Tinuk Shenishbah #1613941

    When yidden were being pushed on to the trains to the Camps, the Nazis didn’t sort them by their frumkeit, which shuls they went to or their observance of taryag mitzvos any more than the butcher in Pittsburgh decided to shoot specific individuals because they were davening in a “conservative” synagogue. The past 3 days have seen dozens of posts by yidden fixated on these distinctions which won’t matter a bit when the anti-semitim come gunning for them and their families. Once and for all, “achaeinu KOL beis yisroel”

    in reply to: Is it Bittual Torah to learn to be a Marksman? #1613337

    GadolHadorah, are you in Canada taking advantage of the new law? Your last post is incoherent ..”

    Stewart W: The concept of a “circular firing squad” is well established and first associated with the Third Armored Brigade of the Chelm Defense Force.

    “Circular Firing Squad: A military formation among those ostensibly allied against a common enemy or opponent but whose internal disagreements and attacks end up doing more damage to each other than to their target”

    P.S. The Canadian stuff is actually quite good and there is at least one dispensary with hashgacha from the Kashruth Council of Canada. No Badatz weed yet.

    in reply to: Is it Bittual Torah to learn to be a Marksman? #1613234

    For those of you who are machmir on the Second Amendment and love your Glocks, consider forming a circle with your chevrusah after davening and improve your shooting skills while simultaneously reducing the threat to the rest of us from introducing even more weapons into the public space.

    in reply to: Is it Bittual Torah to learn to be a Marksman? #1613209

    On a list of “My 10 Favorite Bitul Torah Activities”, learning how to defend oneself/family would not even register….posting stupid threads in the CR would certainly be no. 6 or 7….

    in reply to: Time to revisit the First Amendment #1612129

    Forget about second amendment for a moment. Should there be any First Amendment limits on social media postings ? It seems like in the current political climate, the assumption is that any such prior restraint would be an attempt to silence the “right” along with the “far-right” (aka white supremacists, Nazis, etc). . Private companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter have imposed their own “terms of service” which allows them to curtail hateful, threatening and racist postings although Twitter has said it won’t apply those rules to political leaders such as the Trumpkopf. They say its important for the world to see his raw vulgarity and demeaning rhetoric rather than censoring him. But for these other social media websites that attract the crazies (e.g. should the government be able to shut them down or block access for the kind of postings (“kill all the Jews”) that the gunman in Pittsburgh had been posting? Would that even work given that you can move website hosting offshore.

    in reply to: Time to revisit the First Amendment #1612119

    So for those opposed to any prior restraint in terms of limiting social media posting threats of violence, events like yesterday are just the “price of free expression”? We’ve always used the simplistic analogy that you cannot yell “fire” in a crowded theatre but its OK to post a Tweet saying you think its OK to “kill jews” because they are responsible for all the world’s problems. Also, is there a need for the leader of the free world to be up at 3:30 AM engaging in vulgar tweet responses to every third-rate political hack or media personality who attacks him?

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1611561

    The FBI Director yesterday afternoon said these devices were real and could kill. He also dismissed the lunatic conspiracy theories and refused to comment about the Trumpkopf’s use of quotation marks in his tweet when referring to the “bombs”. Even Geraldo Rivera today apologized for suggesting a false flag scenario. To those idiots like Limbaugh, Savage etc,, I’d just wish one of these “toys” shows up in their mailbox so we can wish whats left of them a refuah shelamah.

    in reply to: Eretz Yisroel dating vs. American dating #1609957

    Funny that our resident troll shares a simplistic vision of American family and social life at its zenith in the 1950s crica Leave it to Beaver world where women stayed at home, men labored in factories making “hard stuff” like steel , where virtually all your neighbors were white and gays were still hiding in the closet. In those “good ole days” the boys would all come to the girls’ house for a parental exorcism before being allowed out of the house with the parent’s daughter. As the theme song of Archie Bunker TV show went. Those were the days when “men were men”….those were the days.

    in reply to: Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Torah Vodaath #1609543

    Just to be clear, while R’ Lichtenstein gave an elegant shmooz in “fluent yiddish”, he speaks English considerably better than most of us here. He is an extraordinary speaker and charismatic leader who is highly respected across all segments of the frum tzibur.

    in reply to: Eretz Yisroel dating vs. American dating #1608656

    Joey’s awareness of dating protocols seem to be on par with his rather limited social skills on other matters. Having the boy pick up the girl is NOT a goiyeshe custom but quite common historically across all ethnic groups. In many cases the guy was older than the girl and her parents wanted to meet him. Also, in high schools, the boy typically gets his driver’s license sooner so it makes sense. Finally, and probably most antithetical to Joey is the notion of the guy being a “gentleman”….a thoroughly goiyeshe concept.

    In reality, it increasingly works BOTH ways in EY and here in the U.S., espeically as more frum young women join the workforce. sometimes pick=up and sometimes just meet after work at some mutually convenient location.

    in reply to: What Kind Of Headline Is “Chareidi Murderer” #1608062

    Agreed. More accurate to characterize him as a “Sick Animal Dressed in Charedi Lvush”.

    To No. 1…..yes we are more concerned about a murderer than debating alternative lifestyles in EY. If it was your daughter who happened to be the victim, I doubt if you would be giving musar to the tzibur about Toevah lifestyles.

    in reply to: In Defense of Judge Freier #1608060

    The gross ignorance here of the bail and pre-trial detention rules is beyond belief. A few posters have tried to make clear what the limits of the Judge’s discretion were but apparently emotion governs. Many states are eliminating bail entirely for lower-level offenses where the person charged claims poverty. The Judge had zero obligation to take account of a “hate crime” not charged where the victim just happened to be a yid and she correctly called it as the rules require.

    in reply to: Looking to sell a between 100-250 used Excellent condition seforim #1607650

    Hey Meno…..Are you serious. that the inyan of good and bad ” karma” is rooted in avodah zarah.. Gee, I never would have known. Perhaps you might be surprised to know that so are many of the rather bizarre practices that are sometimes floated here as providing for a segulah for just about everything you may wish for. If you would lighten up occasionally you would have immediately realized that I used the term in its colloquial sense as a “bad sign” or “bad luck” but maybe not. Just my own preference that if I wanted to buy sifrei kodesh, I wouldn’t want to buy them from some Moishe or Yankel who wants to unload them quickly on the cheap.

    in reply to: Peace Plan #1607646

    Over a year ago, we heard from the Trumpkopf that his middle east team (lead by his son-in-law and real estate lawyer) would be putting forward his secret middle east peace plan “soon”. Sadly, every action he has taken has set back the likelihood of any plan being adopted in the foreseeable future. But who cares, like everything else Trump, don’t believe what you see or hear him say. Don’t trust your lying eyes…

    in reply to: Why are all the phones smartphones now? #1606832

    The younger generation (aka anyone younger then me) doesn’t want to “talk” on a phone. My kids and grandkids get upset when I “call” them and much prefer I text them. The smartphone option keeps them busy during carpools, shopping trips and the dreaded drive to NY to visit mishpacha. That’s why thee are only these few niche suppliers selling old fashioned cell phone with no web access

    in reply to: Looking to sell a between 100-250 used Excellent condition seforim #1606784

    Not good karma buying sefrei kodesh from someone who simply wants to unload them on the cheap.

    in reply to: Gee thanks, anti-vaxxers #1606763

    When we read in the media that presumably responsible adult rabbonim and askanim have themselves come down with communicable diseases that most likely could have been prevented by vaccination, you have to wonder what occupies the space between their ears!!! Its not just kids but many adults as well. They cannot be that ignorant of the risk they pose to others.

    in reply to: Female Police Handling Men #1605522

    Rachelk: In EY, approximately 25 percent of police and first responders are women and they continue to score on average materially higher then the men on peformance tests. There are women serving in the highest levels of command in the police and fire units. Not sure what planet you live on but here on Earth, women have shown themselves to be the equal or better in matters where pikuach nefesh is a daily challenge. As for “hands off”, would you suggest the women first responders use a stun gun rather than a simple headlock to restrain some ehrliche yidden who decide to run into the street and behave like animals? I’m fine with that and I suspect so would be the women police officers and first responders.

    in reply to: Kapitel Yud Gimmel #1605488

    Try wearing a red riibbon on our big toe on rosh chodesh. I’ve heard/read dozens of such “segulas” offered for various outcomes ranging from the obvious to absurd. If you watch TV at 2AM you will switch channels offering vegematics, ginzu knives and televangelists offering magical oil and amulets from the “Holy Land” . We have advertisements for mekubals arriving each week from EY whose offer “guaranteed results” for shidduchimn, cures for all sorts of ailments, etc. Obviously anyone can believe what they want on these matters but my Rav told me a long-time ago there is nothing more effective than direct teffilah from the heart to the Ebeshter. He doesn’t need/want intermediaries or mystical accessories…just your teffilos with kavanah.

    in reply to: The stupid kind of gun control #1605451

    Why is “what” done? I think with few exceptions, we all agree that gun ownership for self-protection and sports/hunting (for the goyim hopefully) is both common sense and protected under the Second Amendment. Where the consensus quickly breaks down is on what are “reasonable” limitations on types of weapons (aka semi-automatic), numbers of weapons (who needs more than 1 AK-47) magazine rounds (do you really need a clip with more than 10 rounds), screening criteria and timing (is 48 hours enough time given the chaotic state of mental health and court records) etc.

    in reply to: Female Police Handling Men #1605425

    Hey Joey….so women should not be police, fire or emergency responders…..Hopefully, they will remember that thought when one of them passes by while you are lying in the street with cardiac arrest and they’ll wish you a refuah shelamah and explain that a MALE first responder should be coming “shortly”.

    in reply to: Shidduch crisis affecting bochurim #1604276

    Its sometimes hard to tell the difference between trolling and mamash gross stupidity. Its beyond doubt that smoking regularly (one pack a week or multiple packs a week) will more likely than not shorten your life and make the final years of your life miserable and painful for both you and your loved ones. Any idiot who is in denial about this with all the information available today and still questions why a bochur would not consider a girl who is a smoker (or vice versa) notwithstanding other midos she/he may have is clearly posting for the sake of eliciting responses. Its not funny having personally seen the horrible deaths resulting from smoking/ung cancer.

    in reply to: The Los Angeles Eruv #1603100

    Bottom Line: Another one of these endless line of shailos where a yid should follow a 3-step process:

    1. Aseh l’cha Rav
    2. Consult with that rav/posek on inyanim such as whether the eruv in your community is kosher
    3. Don’t go venue shopping if you are unhappy with the answer to step 2.

    in reply to: Shidduch crisis affecting bochurim #1602705

    The so-called “Shidduch Crisis” is a contrived “crisis’ that only serves to place more pressure on unmarried young men and women and make them feel like failures or devalues their decision to marry later in life so they can pursue an education and professional career before having children. When you see postings here in the CR and elsewhere about the “checklists’ some have for their beschert (he/she cannot use a smartphone, must be willing to live within 5 minute walking distance of my parents, must be able to demonstrate by DNA linkages to at least 3 recognized gadolim, will pay to fly my west-coast mishpacha to BP for the chasanah etc) then you sort of wonder why anyone bothers getting married these days. Lets drop the term “shidduch crisis” or at least close the CR to any new threads on this meshugaas.

    in reply to: The Los Angeles Eruv #1602629

    Its not clear if Rav Moishe ever considered the substantive merits of the LA eruv, at least not according to the books and recollections of R’ Aron Tendler. If you go to the website of the LA Eruv, (I think its against the CR rules to post a URL link) you will see a lengthy list of chashuva Rabbonim from YI, OU, several esteemed roshei yeshiva etc. who have endorsed the kashruth of the LA eruv.

    in reply to: Female Police Handling Men #1601100

    Based on he video, the bald guy in BP screaming gevalt while being arrested had no clue who was dragging him off to jail . He acted as if he was on PCP or some other substance since he was acting like a vilda chayah for the cameras. The police seemed to be exercising restraint in arresting him. Perhaps as a contrarian strategy will reduce the liklihood of actions in the future: the NYPD should make it clear that they will use only female officers to subdue such nutcases in frum neighborhoods. That might serve as a deterrant.


    Its a lot easier to ask your tatah or zeidah if they ate gebrokts on pesach growing up. You correctly note that “country of origin” will not definitively inform you whether your family follow a particular hashkafah.

    in reply to: Keith Ellison, Ted Kennedy, etc. #1600289

    The R’s obviously think they are immune to this stuff since the “base” gave the Trumpkopf a pass with his 15 accusers, the video where he acknowledges grabbing women, etc. The next test will be Cong. Jordan from Ohio who is seeking become majority leader when Ryan retires, even though there are allegations he was aware of sexual abuse of athletes in Ohio when he was a wrestling coach.

    in reply to: New Techeiles Movie #1599816

    Eichler’s offers special talleisim colored with techeles for only a $99 surcharge (and a free shatnes test. Like so many other issues, there is no “right” or “wrong” when you can find several chashuve rabbonim who say its “ok”.

    in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1597449

    To Philosopher:
    Don’t assume misogyny and old fashioned stupidity are mutually exclusive as our resident troll is patently capable of manifesting both of these admirable qualities simultaneously. However, he will likely have more misappropriated quotes in support of his misguided positions than you might possibly be able (or willing) to track down to refute.

    in reply to: How do I contact the editor of YWN? #1595347

    I recall a recent episode on another frum website where one of the regular electronic kvetchers was really upset about the pritzus in banner ads that kept showing up when he accessed the webite. He didn’t seem to realize that portion of the website showed advertisements based on his own browsing history and had nothing to do with the editors of the website.

    in reply to: Best Welfare Rules #1592561

    Hey Joe…..

    I have the same objections to long-term reliance by “certain” minority groups (codewords for those you frequently condemn) on welfare and actually DO support the Trumpkopf’s efforts to impose WORK obligations for able-bodied recipients of food stamps, medicare, etc. However, I also feel that yidden should aim for a higher standard that those minority groups and find it obscene to read about the too frequent episodes of fraudulent activity among some mosdos to actually inflate the rolls of those eligible for welfare.

    A G’mar tov from those on your left (which presumably covers a large percentage of CR participants).

    in reply to: Best Welfare Rules #1592564

    To Meno: Chazal bring down that the references in Shemos (16: 1-36) to מָן‎ or mān were really describing Tofui which dor hamidbar saved each week to make chulent for shabbos, a tradition revived in the Alte Heim (aka norther California) .

    in reply to: Cracking knuckles during davening – The New Mishugas!! #1592388

    Not sure where you draw the line on personal “habits” and “practices” during davening that are annoying to those mispallalim nearby. We have coughers, sneezers, pacers, shucklers, those who echo the chazan/baal tifilah offkey, shriekers, those who get in their “uumeins” before the chazan has even completed reciting the baracha, those who take off their taaleisim and run to the lav every 18 minutes, etc. etc.

    Where do you draw the line. Some of the above sadly are real physiological needs and simply have to be tolerated, some are simply annoying habits which may be hard to change even if politely brought to the attention of the offender and some may offend you but are tacitly accepted by the majority of mispallalim.

    in reply to: Best Welfare Rules #1592384

    Many of us believe that the biggest chilul hashem we confront as a tzibur is the continuing culture of welfare dependency in certain communities where there is a sense of entitlement to reliance on welfare payments to subsidize a lifestyle of large families where the husband is osensibly a full time learner and the wife perhaps earns a marginal income part time while also caring for a large family. This was NEVER the yiddeshe model in the alte heim but somehow is rationalized here that as long as the laws allow such welfare claims, we should grab every available dolloar because the goyim do (ans whereas they just sit around doing drugs, our welfare families are engaged in heilege limud torah etc. so that makes its “ok”). In the alte heim, there were a small number of full time learners but the large percentage of men had a parnassah and managed to conduct a balance life of limud torah and support their families. Changing this culture over the long-term should be a subject of debate. Again, this is an issue only for certain families as evident by the welfare dependency data broken down by zip code and more granular census tract reports from the NYS government.

    in reply to: Kaparos Chilul Hashem #1592189

    Perhaps the original question can be reframed as when does it make sense to consider modifying how we perform a mitzvah where one can be yotzeh the mitzvah but do so in way that is less offensive to the larger community in which we live. There is one side that would argue to NEVER be intimidated into changing our minhagim to satisfy the goyim and “liberal” (aka secular) yidden while others would argue to be flexible and choose your battles strategically. I personally find the use of live chickens offensive but would much rather that the authorities ratchet up the application of health/animal cruelty/sanitation regulations versus banning the practice completey.

    in reply to: Rabbi Miller on walking during davening #1590979

    To 1: Actually, I generally don’t always stand still when speaking…l frequently walk into a colleague’s office and pace a bit back and forth….for many adults (not just kids), standing still for an extended period of time is difficult. I’m obviously not referring to shmoneh esreh, etc. but to p’sukei d’zimrah and other portions of the davening where you are not obligated to stand in a solitary position.

    ‘Also, if I were to take your argument literally, when talking to another person, especially someone of great importance or authority, I wouldn’t be shuttling back and forth as many do while davening, even if holding the same position. Why is pacing a bit different from shuttling using your moshol?

    in reply to: Rabbi Miller on walking during davening #1590859

    How is davening light “shooting an arrow”? Even if it is, a good archer can take aim at the target from ANY location and hit the target. For many yidden, it is more natural for them to move around when they are talking, so it would make more sense that they are relaxed and able to communicate with the Ebeshter in whatever format make it the most effective for them. People are different and trying to lock them into a rigid structure to daven makes no sense as long as they do it with respect and kavanah.

    in reply to: Driving German cars by ” heimish” people. #1590636

    Its a much greater chilul hashem and insult to the memory of the kedoshim who were niftar in the Shoah for tens of thousands of yidden to go back to the blood-soaked earth of Uman each year and pour NIS millions into the Urkraine economy than to drive a VW or BMW which probably was assembled in the U.S. or Canada from about 1/3 U.S. made parts and benefits a universe of public shareholders from around the world.

    in reply to: Time to Walk Away #1590175

    If you can still vote for the Trumpkopf and his Republican enablers in Congress and somehow rationalize that you are still voting for “family values” than perhaps its time to acknowledge that dementia has sadly become an issue in your life.

    in reply to: נוסחאות Used by Ashkenazim for RH & YK #1590203

    I think the original question refers to the overall melodic theme of the davening for the yomim noraim where the same melody line with the minor chords creating an ominous feeling and growing crescendos leading up to the end of the paragraph. I sometime think of musical score that is programmed to a great movie and think that hundreds of years ago (or much longer if these melodies go back to the avodah during the z’ma beis hamikdash ) that the nigunim were deliberately meant to reinforce the emotional feelings we experience while davening alternating between fear, awe, supplication and solace.

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