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  • in reply to: TRUMP #1661643

    Fake News. The Councilman is referring to the OTHER Uncle Moishi. As reported here on YWN, there are TWO Uncle Moishis .

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis: Women who earn too much #1661644

    Given that there are more frum women entering certain higher paying professions that historically were male dominated including law, investment banking and certain technology fields, its not surprising that earnings disparity becomes an issue. Also, many women are deferring starting a family to complete grad school which compounds the issue (aka they are older and higher earning than the bochurim that may be seeking a kallah in that demograhic). Ultimately, I think most women will focus more on the intellect and midos of the young men they consider for a shidduch rather than their W-2.

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1661646

    I still haven’t heard a coherent reason why the Trumkpopf is asking for tax dollars to pay for the wall that he promised 233 times during the campaign would be paid for by Mexico. His nareshkeit about the new trade deal yielding benefits that might arguably “pay” for the wall has been ridiculed by leading members of his own party. The Trumkopf should impose a tax on all Mexican restaurants to create a fund to pay for border security as he promised. Such a “Burrito Tax” would pay for the wall within 2 or 3 years and get him off the hook and allow the government to reopen.

    in reply to: The Southern Wall #1661248

    Perhaps its because of the FACTS that a physical barrier would take tens of billions of dollars and nearly a decade to build across those portions of the border where a wall is even feasible leaving hundreds of miles open to illegal crossings to those who wish to go around the barrier. It doesn’t even address the hundreds of thousands who fly into the U.S. and overstay their visas and simply blend into the population. Any serious terrorist will simply change flights at Heathrow and fly into Toronto and walk across 2300 miles of unfenced Canadian border. Other than that, its a great idea.i

    in reply to: 66% of Muslims in the US are Democrats #1661230

    Given that the nominal head of the Republican Party recently refused to appologize for his campaign demand for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”, a Republican Congressman from Iowa (King) will be censured by the House this week for affiliating himself with anti-Muslim racists and white Supremacists (aka nationalists) and 25 percent of the Texas Republican party leadership voted this week to oust a local Republican leader simply because the Muslim religion is “incompatible with Republican idealolgy and values”, its quite surprising that even 13 percent of the U.S. Muslim population identify as R’s .

    in reply to: Yeshiva Fundrasing using Cigar Rolling and Wine Tasting #1661233

    One has to question the common-sense of the Rosh Yeshiva and askanim from the Board of this yeshiva if they knowingly approved this fundraising event. Its only for adults? So aduls don’t die from smoking and kids don’t take their guidance from adults?? What do these ehrliche yidden have betwen their ears??

    in reply to: Which Heimishe Hechsherim do you trust? #1660106

    After reading 40 posts, I get the feeling that you have a bunch of blind men describing the elephant that hone has ever “seen”. There seems to be no clear and explicit definition of what is meant by a “heimeshe hashgacha” or what metrics of “trust” one is referencing There were some who believe that only a top of the line chassideshe hashgacha can be trusted until there were a few isolated allegations of incidents where the mashgichim knowingly or unknowingly allowed treifus to be sold in establishments under their supervision.

    in reply to: Darchei Binah Sem Girls Coming For Shabbos #1660105

    I find it somewhat amusing that you would assume that a group of young women from a paticular seminary would all share the same personal attributes or adhere to a particu,ar hashkafah. Would you ask the same questions for a group of bochurim visting from Mir or Brisk? Each of these young women are likley to have their own personality and practices so don’t expect them to all fit into some steretype.

    in reply to: Google Home, asking “OK Google” can have bad results? #1659213

    Since these interactive devices are captive to the internet search algorithms they are linked to, any question posed verbally can be confused and revert back with stuff you wouldn’t want your kids to see. Not much different from misspelling a search and getting back pritzus.

    in reply to: Is It Assur To Go On A Cruise? #1658051

    Read the YWN news story from several weeks ago about all the detailed arrangements made for the frum group that took a cruise to the Anarctic. It is a great illustration of the challenges and the solutions found. Its also one of the greatest videos where the yeshivish-looking penguin in the far background of the guy who is finishing the siyum on the ice seems to be bowing up and down exactly at the moment in the video when the guy is saying “modim anachnu lafanecha…”

    in reply to: HELP – How Do I Stop Getting The Piece Of Trash Lehovin Newspaper? #1654097

    If the Peleg hoodlums were disrupting rush hour traffic, throwing garbage and starting dumpster fires in BP and Willy, I suspect that all the admiration and support for Rav Auerbach’s Z’tl shitah would disappear quicker than a copy of Lehovin on T22T’s doorstep.

    in reply to: Propane gas Portable Matza Oven in NYC #1654071

    An absolutely brilliant idea for an ehrliche yid anxious to burn down his home (along with those of other tenants or neighbors) while voiding his fire insurance coverage and likely subjecting himself to arrest for violations of the NYC fire and building codes. Whats even more amazing is your willingness to risk the lives of yourself and family al kidush hashem to use a portable gas-fired commercial oven indoors with no regard for carbon monoxide etc. Mi kamocha Yisroel!!1

    in reply to: Electronic Shaimos #1654052

    Joseph: Apparently, the new Amazon HQ2 to be located in Arlington Va (near the large complex of AWS server farms out by Dulles Airport) will have a special section carved out for electronic genizah.

    in reply to: Electronic Shaimos #1653895

    DY: So if I have one of the older USB flash drives containing files with the entire tanach with meforshim that I no longer use (its all on the cloud now) and want to dispose of, just trash it?

    in reply to: Trump will not be re-elected. Sorry #1653071

    By many estimates, both government and academic, by 2040-45, the U.S. will be a “majority-minority” nation from a demographic perspective (i.e. counting bodies not voters). Its also a reality that voting turnout among minorities is lower than whites (across comparable gender, income and regional peer groups) so it could be at least a decade or two longer before the reality of minority “control” will manifest itself in the electoral process. The hard core Dems are now crying Gevalt that the top 3 Dems in the early Presidential poles(the “3 Bs, Biden, Bernie and Beto) are all white males..

    in reply to: HELP – How Do I Stop Getting The Piece Of Trash Lehovin Newspaper? #1653036

    To 1: Because some of the articles cross the line such as a “special edition” some have attributed to the same publisher and distributed to attendees at the agudah convention hotel several weeks ago which was disrespectful to some chashuve rabbonim.

    in reply to: HELP – How Do I Stop Getting The Piece Of Trash Lehovin Newspaper? #1652994

    “Just do what this guy did. He took them back to the editors house on 1th Street” .
    The newsprint used by the publishers of Lehovin is especially well-suited for wrapping fish (especially prime cuts of Matjes herring etc.) . You will be making a statement of appreciation for their great editorial work by first wrapping some fish in the most recent edition delivered to your door before returning it. If you have a cat, there are some more creative options for gift-giving to the publisher.
    On a serious note, its not such a bad idea to scan these rags before trashing them simply to know what some of the nareshkeit that crazies at both ends of the spectrum are spouting.

    in reply to: Why do people get nervous when they fly? #1652189

    I think the above postings make a really critical point. There is a world of difference in the safety records of “private” planes. Aircraft maintained and operated by commercial private flight operators or corporate fleets have an incredibly high safety record, in many cases equivalent to commercial scheduled airlines. Aircraft owned/operated by individuals or by small businesses that rely on their inhouse pilots and maintenance staff have a considerably less stellar safety record in comparison. The author of the original post really didn’t provide much information to know which end of the spectrum he fits in. If he owns his own small plane that is maintained by a local flight services operator and only flies periodically, I can understand why some might be a bit hesitant.


    Riverdale is about 20 miles from BP and 25 miles from Monsey but it might as well be on another planet from the perspective of those who have contempt for YCT/Rav Weiss and his hashkafah. To those that view MO, and especially the YCT leftist brand of MO as inconsistent with daas torah and yiddeshkeit, then there really is no common ground for discussion on the pros/cons of whether they offer an option for keeping some connected to yiddeshkeit because they don’t view it as “yiddeshkeit” and some would say no better than conservative/reform kefirah.

    in reply to: Trump will not be re-elected. Sorry #1652107

    Continuing tensions between government “establishment/promotion” of religion practices versus more modern laws requiring reasonable “accommodation” of religious practice. Sadly, the two issues get morphed by both sides in the ongoing culture wars.


    The religious “left” (aka MO) and the political left are NOT the same. Jews who have nominally associated with the Dems and political left are increasingly moving center/right as the left is captured by an increasingly strident anti-Semitic tone (masquarading as anti-Israel and not anti-Semitic). This was noted in another recent thread where most of the Womens’ march leadership has resigned in protest to the continued inclusion of anti-Israeli/pro Palestinian groups whose agenda is clearly anti-Semitic. Sadly, we are squeezed with anti-Semitism on both the right and left fringes of the American political debate. The religious right itself, which for the past 2 or 3 years was almost 100 percent pro-Trump has shown a slight centrist tilt as some are questioning their unconditional support for the current Administration and looking beyond its clearly pro-Israel policies to other issues.

    in reply to: How to make delicious roasted chicken #1651968

    Assuming you are cooking a whole chicken, the single most important factor whatever recipe you use is to make sure it is cooked through to the proper temperature when served (160 degrees) but not overcooked to the point of dryness. Also, instead of the usual high heat/low heat which is recommended for a crisp skin, try cooking at a lower temperature (325-to 350 degrees until you are close to done (depending on the size of the chicken) but also remember it will continue “cooking” a bit after you take it out of the oven. Also, if you intend to reheat later, allow for that as well. No matter how good your recipe and basting, a dry chicken is really not very tasty.

    in reply to: We need a new inyan for Nittel Nacht #1651771

    Meno., Uncle Binyamin, etc.

    If my sarcastic reference to X’mas as a goiyeshe “yom tov” offends you, get a life!! For most of us who work in a secular world, its simply a day off from work, no different than other national holidays like Trump’s Birthday  As to the dearth of MO websites with intelligent commentary, you are partially correct. Biggest issue though is that Libs have a terrible sense of humor, something generally not an issue here.

    edited! kinda tired of your anti jewish/frum/religious stuff today. Thought you recovered from that ages ago. Or maybe it’s an alter ego? Get a life! – 29

    in reply to: We need a new inyan for Nittel Nacht #1651685

    The men’s club at our MO shul also has the minhag the past several years to combine some form of community service on Yom Tov morning after the davening and then have an afternoon shiiur with the Rav followed by a mincha/deli lunch and then an Israeli movie. From what I’ve heard, even among the Chabad, there is a vast range of Nittel Nacht activities. Many shalichim overseas where there are no yeshivos, organize special activities for the younger kids on “yom tov” just to divert them from the pervasive X’mas observances around them. Its easy to ignore X’mas in BP, Willy, Lakewood or Golders GReen, but much more difficult if you have a young child in areas of the world where yidden are virtually invisible.

    in reply to: shabbos gehienom #1651671

    can you try to think of a kinder way to say that? It was otherwise a good point. (talk about judgemental) – 29

    in reply to: Illegal curb cuts and NO PARKING signs in Boro Park #1651422

    Behyme: Agreed!! If we required all the parents whose kids ride the yellow school buses to put their yinglach in little baskets on the back of their bikes and peddle them to school, we would solve the school bus parking problem. Another strategy would be to repaint the yellow buses green to visually replace the “green space” lost when those ehrliche yidden in BP with the illegal curb cuts paved over their front lawns to create parking spaces in front of their non-existent garages.

    in reply to: We need a new inyan for Nittel Nacht #1651366

    ZionGate: While very funny, you raise a point regarding packaging of foods, drugs, small hardware items that sadly is a real problem. There was a recent news story about a class action lawsuit brought against a number of large food, drug and chain stores on that exact issue. They had affidavits from a supermarket manager who said that about 10 percent of their returns were from elderly who couldn’t open items they purchased and an emergency room doctor who said they dealt with a large number of severe lacerations from ordinary people attempting to open packaging with knives, box cutters, razor blades etc. What began years ago as a legitimate effort to protect consumers against deliberate food and drug tampering (remember the Tylenol poisonings?) has morphed into a parallel effort to reduce shoplifting and overprotection of consumer safety.

    in reply to: Illegal curb cuts and NO PARKING signs in Boro Park #1651354

    Leah: Thank you for the clear and 100 percent correct tutorial on “public” versus “private” space. I apologize if my attempt at sarcasm wasn’t clear. I was trying to make fun of those who claim “chazakah” on a public parking space but my attempt at humor clearly was too subtle. An even more selfish and sometimes bizarre practice I’ve encountered frequently in Boston and less so in NYC is the winter custom of placing lawn furniture, trash cans etc. to reserve “shoveled out” parking spaces after a snowstorm. In the latter case, the space may not even be in the front of the house of the individual claiming a reservation of a street parking space based on his/her prior efforts to dig it out.

    in reply to: You gotta be blind not to understand that Netanyahu is a dictator #1651258

    Joseph: He already has “dissolved” the Congress, to the extent that the spineless Republicans who are left will not speak out no matter how crazy he gets.

    in reply to: Illegal curb cuts and NO PARKING signs in Boro Park #1651259

    If you can save a seat in shul, makom kavuah, why not a parking space??i

    in reply to: Question about the new yeshiva laws #1649899

    Hours of instruction have never been shown to be highly correlated with higher performance on achievement tests. That being said, it defies logic that for some of the yeshivos offering barely an hour or two of instruction in secular subjects shouldn’t increase the time and quality of instruction but the NYS Ed threats against schools and parents is politically a non-starter and way overdone.

    in reply to: Trump will not be re-elected. Sorry #1649894

    For a change I agree with Joseph. What is remarkable and defies understanding (at least to us “libs”) is the nearly constant 35-45 percent approval ratings he gets in the polls. There is clearly a hard core base of support that may not budge no matter what he does. The Dems challenge will be to come together and motivate the other 55-65 percent of voters to turn out and elect an alternative. Problem, of course, is that the Dems will more likely form a circular firing squad as they typically do, fail to converge early on one of their younger and more charismatic candidates (aka NOT Beto, Bernie or Biden) and work to defeat Trump. If I was to bet now, I would say the likelihood of 4 more years of the Trumpkopf is about 50-50. As to his being a racist, I believe he truly does feel that his 1950s/60s vintage notions of “traditional America” is threatened by the reality of whites becoming a minority in the U,S. within a decade or two. He is not as verbally explicit as some of the racist leaders that have emerged in Eastern Europe (Hungary, Poland) for he proclaims great admiration but his advocacy of “really fine people” among the white supremacist demonstrators and calling himself a “nationalist” should be sufficient cause for concern.

    in reply to: Trump will not be re-elected. Sorry #1649854

    You are correct that Yidden should be thankful for the few positives achieved by the Trump administration but you correctly note that these are the exceptions. The economy is beginning to tank (as many predicted), the Stock Market is DOWN since the tax bill became law, we have alienated EVERY ally in the world except for the countries run by Trumpkopf wannabes (Turkey, Philippines, Saudi Arabia) and of course Russia and North Korea. The deficit is expanding out of control since the tax cut but suddenly Republicans say it doesn’t matter. Most of the responsible members of the cabinet have been fired or resigned, others have been forced to resign over lying and stealing from public ffunds leaving dunces like Carson, Dev Vos etc to run the show Mueller hasn’t even reported yet. Most of all, the racist stench and vulgarity emanating from the Oval Office has resulted in a massive increase in hate crimes and historic divisions in our country. Otherwise, we should be glad to vote for 4 more years of the same..

    in reply to: Disappointing event for my son and family #1649750

    To Eli Y:
    Kol hakovod for your efforts to involve you child through Chabad with this program. Its totally understandable that such programs are easier for kids from families where both they and the parents have grown up with immersion in lashoh hakodesh but encourage your kids to participate to the extent their Hebrew skills (and yours) allow. Over time, its one way among many to increase their Hebrew language skills while growing in their limudei torah. Again, you are doing great work and encourage the kids to move along at their own pace and make steady progress.

    in reply to: Is the MO community concerned with SED? Why the silence? #1649717

    The MO mosdos generally prefer that the State education bureaucrats stay out of decisions on curriculum and time devoted to instruction. However, they also understand the State’s legitimate interest in enforcing minimal standards for schools accepting any form of state financial assistance. If you line up the MO Schools with the Chareidi schools, I suspect the latter will not show up well on average test scores etc. The MO are walking a fine line but at the end, they should stand together with the more frum schools in insisting that the state should NOT impose its views on the frum schools..

    in reply to: Kashrus on Delta Airlines #1649317

    Ziongate: You cite the treife “curried chicken” as one reason not to fly. What are the other four? ”
    P.S. How does your “relative” get from Lakewood to Lisbon if he/she doesn’t fly? I checked the Monsey Trail website and they have no scheduled bus service to Portugal.

    in reply to: Kashrus on Delta Airlines #1649180

    Delta, like all the other major commercial carriers that offer “kosher” meals, does not publicly disclose the source of its “kosher” meals for particular flights. The sourcing for such meals is decided by the catering contractor for each airline and uses different criteria, primarily economic (although business/first class passengers get a much higher level meal) Flights from airline hubs may have a wider range of options and almost always, fresher (frozen) meals. The meals themselves will typically have a label clearly providing the hashgacha but good luck calling either the airline and/or the local flight services ops center and asking for the name of the rav hamachshir.


    I disagree with the bureaucratic process for granting draft deferrals under the new law and strongly support the concept of some form of alternative service for bnai torah in EY (whether in special IDF units such as Nahal Haredi forces or work in public institutions such as schools, hospitals, hospices or assisted living facilities). However, to engage in hyperbole such as this law would “eradicate torah”, “wipe out yeshivos in EY,”, threaten the “suvival” of klal yisroel etc. suggests that the writer has not read the law or is predicting outcomes inconsistent with the terms of the draft legislation pending in the Knesset.

    in reply to: Let’s Register Our Children To Public School #1646580

    A bunch of phony registrations of yeshiva/BY kids into local public schools will result in a lot of paper shuffling and thousands of wasted hours of bureaucratic time entering and deleting registrations, reassigning staff etc. at a cost that will be passed on to NYS taxpayers in next year’s budget. While the educational gurus have a political tin ear, they generally know this is a hollow threat since most frum yidden wouldn’t really send their kids to the local public school, except perhaps for some enrichment program of after-school activity.

    in reply to: What ate the best chedarim in Yerushalayim for teaching math? #1645485

    There are some affiliates of the Mathnasium network of after-school math programs in EY but no sure if they are located in Yerushalayim….(and some of them have really good hashgacha). If you really wanted to focus on math and not compromise on limudei kodesh, supplemental tutoring of one sort or another might be your best option.

    in reply to: Why no גזל שינה? #1645088

    While the inyan of pirsumei nisah (or assisting another to be yotzeh that or any other mitzvah) is always something to consider, an equally important and practical consideration is the fact that for a large percentage of the tzibur, getting a good night’s sleep is critical to their daily functioning and it may be very difficult to fall back asleep if they are woken. In such circumstances, be very cautious about waking a member of the family or friend.

    in reply to: Vote Republican #1644985

    To those mindless sheeplach who blindly vote for all of either party’s candidates w/o focusing on their individual background and positions, I guess there is not much to say. What has really been depressing for most traditional Republicans is their willingness to hold their noses and support Trump on even his most bizarre, racist and ignorant comments. Guys like Rubio, Graham and Christie who once were principled Republicans have sold their souls to avoid being on the wrong side of a Trump tweetstorm. Those who we thought had some backbone like Flake and Corker are heading into the sunset. To those who believe that moving the Embassy sign from Tel Aviv to Yerushalayim and pardoning SMR define a Presidency as the greatest in history for yidden, even less to say.

    in reply to: How Do I Unvaccinate My Kids? #1644515

    If you hold the same type of hypodermic needle used for the initial injection against the upper arm of your child and pull up to create a suction/vaccum effect, it will remove most of the vaccine. Be certain the needle reservoir is the same size as the original used for the vaccine injection.

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis Litmus Test #1643451

    I would reframe the question in more gender neutral terms of how does a woman know if her husband’s bad behavior is related to her own behavior or simply because he is a paskudnyak. In reality, parties to a relationship may respond to their partners but their core behavior is ultimately their own issue.

    in reply to: What’s the best way to drink the morning coffee? #1643442

    If you are drinking coffee for any reason other than you love the taste of coffee in the AM than it really doesn’t matter. You can find a gazillion brands of “flavored coffee”, 14 brands of cholov yisroel, and add enough sugar to compete with Ungarishe gefilte fish. Otherwise, buy really GOOD fresh coffee beans, store them correctly and grind them just before brewing. If you need the morning buzz, than just pop a few caffeine tablets with your cocoa puffs after davening.

    in reply to: Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Fighting NY Department of Education #1642465

    I’m not sure there is any credible evidence that compliance with rules requiring a minimum number of “hours of instruction” in certain subject areas correlates with “performance’ on various tests or metrics for the subject areas of concern. Nor is there much evidence from anecdotal success stories about individual yungerleit who have learned in yeshivos with minimal secular instruction have nonetheless been able to achieve success in various business ventures. Perhaps the yeshivos could agree on some performance metrics that would not intrude on their ability to maintain their current programs in limudei kodesh while assuring that their graduates can function at minimal levels in secular reading, math and language skills.

    in reply to: Hatzolah Billing Insurance #1642157

    Is anyone aware of any studies which have examined whether EMS unit seeking insurance reimbursements may have the indirect effect of discouraging the use of 911 by those w/o insurance and fearful that they might be held personally responsible for the cost of transportation to a hospital ER? At times of medical stress, individuals who are not familiar with the medical care payments/insurance system might incorrectly believe they could be held responsible for hundreds of dollars of ambulance costs.

    in reply to: Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Fighting NY Department of Education #1641526

    Laskern: There appears to be confirmation that the Rebbe Z’TL received an electrical engineering from the ESTP, a Grande école in Paris in the late 1930s and that he also attended the Sorbone but I haven’t seen confirmation that he actually received a degree from the Sorbone. In any event, the point is that the Rebbe was highly educated in secular and technology matters as were many of the great rabbonim in our history.

    in reply to: Borrowing/Loaning a Sefer Torah #1641436

    Unless you know the individuals who will actually handle the sefer torah (aka who will be the baal koreh, will the hagbah/gellilah know how to lift/tie) I’d be reluctant to share a sefer with others, even if you know they are erliche yidden. I’ve seen damage to a sefer torah caused by an inexperienced baal koreh who used a yad with too much pressure directly on the parchment scraping the ink.


    Cuomo will discover that he has more to gain by working directly with religious mosdos than trying to legislate these types of issues. Nothing bring yidden together than pereceived threats on freedom to practice religious observance.

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