Forum Replies Created
January 1, 2024 8:35 pm at 8:35 pm in reply to: How Should Israel Thank the United States for American Military and Economic Aid #2250529GadolhadorahParticipant
“Minutes in to 2024 and we already have the troll post of the year! Bravo!..
Hard to say if Reb yosef actually meant to pose a serious question, which this is. The Israeli and American governments both have decades of experience in managing the politics of their public statements for local consumption. Netanyahu has to appease lunatics on hisright and Biden has his “progressive” wing. Both seem to be able to manage their messaging quite well w/o undermining their actual non-public coordination efforts.January 1, 2024 3:58 pm at 3:58 pm in reply to: How Should Israel Thank the United States for American Military and Economic Aid #2250493GadolhadorahParticipantBy not getting bent out of shape and responding every time the U.S. leadership has to issue certain statements which appear to be contrary to Israeli policy positions or doctrine. Just as Bibi has to posture for the right wing of his coalition, Biden has to posture for the “progressive” wing of his own party, especially when it comes to the perceived suffering of women and children in Gaza.
GadolhadorahParticipantYou can find the one about the Ketzos on a Vimeo link if you search for videos of his songs. I can’t post the link but it comes up after a link to one of his English divrei torah entitled (appropriately) “If you could implant a cellphone in your brain” and before one of his songs entitled “Emuhnah”
GadolhadorahParticipantSam: Not EVERYTHING is about tshuvah, olam haboh, etc. We do live in Olam Hazeh and we need to exercise common sense in how we live our lives and organize our financial arrangements. That doesn’t mean fixating on gashmius at the expense of ruchniyus but the two are NOT mutually exclusive. Maintaining strong personal and family finances provides the basis for pursuing more important spiritual endeavors without having the bill collectors knocking on the door
GadolhadorahParticipantJackson was criticized multiple times in the 70s and 80s for using Jewish stereotypes and memes. At the same time, in 1978 he also accused Billy Martin, Yankee manager, of making anti-Semitic jokes about Yankees pitcher Ken Holtzman, who was Jewish. Jackson himself grew up with many Jewish friends who repeatedly came to his defense as being grossly politically incorrect in his jokes about other Blacks, Hispanics and Jews but not really someone who was antisemitic.
December 28, 2023 5:14 pm at 5:14 pm in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2249903GadolhadorahParticipantA parve x/large “pizza’ topped with chulent, pineapple and veggie cheese will feed a family of 4 economically and would be a special treat for a Thursday night change from the usual gourmet fare
GadolhadorahParticipantWe sometimes hear (sadly jokingly) that various frauds perpetrated by Yiddishe scam artists are a “shanda fur die goyim” as if that is the primary concern and that its somehow “ok” if no Jews are hurt. Whether we are addressing the seemingly endless nursing home scandals of a decade ago, massive financial frauds of a Bernie Madoff or the garden variety frauds such as those described here by the OP, there is some combination of laziness, greed, inexplicable stupidity and financial desperation that feeds these scams. What would seem to be obvious to any poishete yid somehow fails to register as obvious fraud and yidden don’t really seem to care whether they are fleecing other Jews or limiting their theft to “the goyim” since the dollars are fungible. While the civil courts don’t really care, hopefully beis din shel maalah has reserved a special section in gehenom for those yidden who prey on their brethren.
GadolhadorahParticipantHopefully, the owner will be in Otisville NY or Butner NC this time next year so that some other ehrliche scam artists can start a GoFundMe campaign for pidyon shivuim
GadolhadorahParticipantANYONE can get a collateralize “credit card” with varying credit limit ratios without needing some scam artist without needing “special connections”. New business startups can access several SBA and other government subsidized business loan programs depending on your prior experience, other assets and status under programmatic criteria for location etc.
December 26, 2023 1:14 pm at 1:14 pm in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2249408GadolhadorahParticipantIt is not unreasonable to charge $100/person for a fine-dining steak dinner in a restaurant with good service (inclusive of a glass of vintage wine, appetizer tax and tip). With the cost of kosher meat, hashgacha, commercial rents and labor costs, thats actually a relatively modest charge. Obviously, for most of us, its not a regular weekly indulgence but certainly a fair price for special occasions. There are still plenty of lower cost fast-food places where you can still feed a family of 4 for $100-$150.
GadolhadorahParticipantEven gullible yidden cannot be THAT stupid to pay $6K to some some scam artist with the promise of future funding without any validation or diligence?? You can put payos and streimlach on a pig but that doesn’t convert a chazir to some ehrliche askan
GadolhadorahParticipantAAQ: Many frum yidden with substantial yichus still don’t endorse Sulam Yaakov dance hierarchy
GadolhadorahParticipantGiven that virtually the entire Western world outside EY has adopted X’mas day as either a religious or secular holiday and a day off from work, it is newly found time for limud torah (versus playing chess or video games). Many MO shuls are offering special learning programs for those otherwise who don’t do DY or other structured daily learning
December 24, 2023 12:29 am at 12:29 am in reply to: Chofetz Chaim-if call the poliece without baisdin no olamhabah/nachele in Isreal #2248849GadolhadorahParticipantThe Chofetz Chayim clearly wasn’t referring to loshon horah in a moderated virtual chat room on a frum social media site
GadolhadorahParticipantBuy a shtreimal and make the local chapter of PETA happy
December 20, 2023 9:36 am at 9:36 am in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2248169GadolhadorahParticipant“I don’t know what planet your living on but it sure is not mine….”
I think you are being a bit harsh. SK is the CR’s resident “sky is falling” trollster who is incredibly able to hijack just about any post or topic and turn it into a clarion call for us to do Tshuvah because we are no better than dor h’mabul and we are about to get another wake up call from the Ebeshter ch”v
December 19, 2023 10:52 pm at 10:52 pm in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2248103GadolhadorahParticipant“One now needs a good education in Shakespeare to know what to do in these fancy restaurants”
The same thing you would do in the lav in a non-fancy restaurant. If still in doubt, use the gender neutral facilities many restaurants have now adoptedDecember 19, 2023 10:52 pm at 10:52 pm in reply to: 10 teves daven screaming oovinay yerushalayim #2248102GadolhadorahParticipant“screaming” when davening is like posting an X (aka Twitter) message directed to @Ebeshter in ALL CAPS…
Not coolDecember 19, 2023 12:22 am at 12:22 am in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2247894GadolhadorahParticipantAdding that small sprig of parsley to a mediocre burger raises it to lofty gourmet levels that an unadorned burger could never aspire to….like everything else in life, its form over substance….b’tavon!!
GadolhadorahParticipantDaas Yochid
I’m sure you are correct but could you explain why triggering melting by introducing warm air into the ice chest is not “analogous” to the malacha of triggering the compressor to operate by opening a refrigerator door absent a shabbos mode setting?GadolhadorahParticipantIn the alte heim, the truly affluent yidden may have had a metal storage chest style of “refrigerator” with a block of ice added every other day or two. Presumably, there was an analagous debate about whether it was ok to open the ice chest on shabbos since it arguably would accelerate the melting of the ice block. While it is generally agreed that if one allows the ice to melt into liquid on its own there is no concern, whereas there is presumably greater concern that by introducing warm air into the chest by opening the door one would directly be causing the ice block to melt faster.
GadolhadorahParticipantThe more important question brought down by chazal is when there is a chiyuv to use clear plastic slip covers on a couch in the living room where these ehrliche menchen will gather before moving to the TABLE ROOM where there is less of a sheilah regarding the obligation to use a clear plastic table cover. Whereas some hold it is OK to use a translucent plastic cover for the table, the slip covers must be totally clear except for the seams where some opacity is OK
GadolhadorahParticipant“to the original poster: are you joking?”
Why would the OP “joke’ about such a heilege question which CLEARLY falls within the category of יהרג ואל יעבורGadolhadorahParticipantWhat type of table and for what purposes?? Wouldn’t it depend on the material the table is made of (i.e. wood, glass, ceramic etc) and what the table would be used for. Also, if a covering is required, why “plastic” which didn’t exist until modern times so obivously couldn’t have been mandated by the Torah or shulchan aruch etc
GadolhadorahParticipant“Shabbos Issues?”
Make sure your selection include a shabbos mode that allows you to open and close the refrigerator or freezer doors without activating interior lights, sounds, the compressor fan or other controls. While your fridge is in shabbos mode, water filter and icemaker status lights are disabled and temperatures cannot be adjusted.
Most important, don’t purchase on ShabbosDecember 10, 2023 3:49 pm at 3:49 pm in reply to: Seeking Guidance and Connection: Embracing Traditional Torah Judaism as a Young #2245713GadolhadorahParticipantSquare Root: A bit paranoid? As I noted in my post, a local Sephardic shul is a good place to start but certainly not the ONLY option if he doesn’t find a connection there.
December 10, 2023 10:53 am at 10:53 am in reply to: Seeking Guidance and Connection: Embracing Traditional Torah Judaism as a Young #2245632GadolhadorahParticipantAs strange as it may seem, this thread may not be the best place to reconnect with whatever stream of traditional Yiddeshkeit that resonates with your beliefs and emotions. For many, the best path has been to find a local Rav or mentor that reflects the hashkafah you are seeking and allow them to introduce you to their community. There are a gazillion threads here in the virtual world of the CR debating the positives and negatives of Lubavitch that will only increase your confusion and not really provide the direction you are seeking in the real world for connection to people and places where you will find a welcoming spiritual home. If practical, it may be as simple as attending the davening or at a local sephardic shul or one of their classes during the week (if driving is an issue)
GadolhadorahParticipantReb Yosef: If we start ‘inquiring” about marital infidelity and misogyny of past or future Presidents, the investigation of “45” will take us through Asarah B’teves 5787 or thereabouts. Ask any of your women and they will explain to you!
December 6, 2023 1:34 pm at 1:34 pm in reply to: Chanukah: A Reminder of the Dystopia that Exists in the Frum Community #2244877GadolhadorahParticipant“[markets selling] the most over-the-top donuts, meat boards and fish boards for $300….. Is this what chanukah is meant to be?
Obviously not when a much healthier veggie platter and parve dip would mamash be considerably cheaper
December 3, 2023 10:36 pm at 10:36 pm in reply to: ShopRites are disappearing from predominantly orthodox communities #2244072GadolhadorahParticipantAre kosher markets willing to pay higher rentals than national supermarket chains? If so, it makes sense for the real estate firms to maximize their revenues from these locations. More likely, the national chains make a decision to close because their new customer base won’t purchase the higher margin food items and they cannot survive on low margin paper goods sales
GadolhadorahParticipantSo Elon Musk agrees that we brought anti-semitism on ourselves…..DeSantis was given several chances today on CNN to condemn Musk’s posts but instead adopted the Trump strategy of claiming he “didn’t know” what Musk had said and hadn’t heard about it.
November 15, 2023 8:11 pm at 8:11 pm in reply to: This Gaza war could be over in minutes, if #2240112GadolhadorahParticipantThe war could also be over ‘minutes” if EY deployed its tactical nuclear weapons or massive 2000lb conventional bombs. Clearly, that won’t happen as a ‘surrender’ by Hamas won’t happen (as many of their terrorists will simply ‘blend-in” to the civilian population and seek to escape.)
GadolhadorahParticipantAs noted repeatedly, this was an entirely POLITICAL event designed to show solidarity within the American Jewish community and maintain the widespread support for the IDF’s war on Hamas in the face of growing calls for a cease-fire. These events, by definition, have a certain “inclusive” nature including politicians from both parties, “inter-faith” reps, celebrities, etc. It served its purpose with a huge turnout. Hopefully, the politicians will get their message and stop squabbling over “how to pay for” the Israeli military aid package as proposed by the new House Speaker.
GadolhadorahParticipantThe rally served its purpose, in spite of the signatories. Hopefully, those who opposed participation in today’s event will find their own way of providing political support to the efforts on the Hill to quickly move a military aid bill to EY.
November 13, 2023 10:56 pm at 10:56 pm in reply to: Why aren’t yeshiva’s and girl school’s going to the rally in Washington. #2239439GadolhadorahParticipant“nobody kicked out Beruriah from a class…”
True, but she didn’t have to deal with some of the resident CR mycologistsGadolhadorahParticipantThe vast majority of corporate entities that have spoken out on the October 7th massacre have been incredibly supportive of EY. Over 40 major banks and 70 law firms have signed on to letters to universities and law schools demanding action against the pro-Hamas/antisemitic demonstrations on campuses. Multinational corporations that usually remain silent on geopolitical events have found their voice in support of EY, while simultaneously expressing concerns for non-combatants in Gaza.
GadolhadorahParticipantSarah S: Perhaps we should boycott posters who feel it necessary to demonstrate their ignorance of reality. The current Democratic administration has been incredibly supportive of EY and has consistently blown off the small number of progressives on the left calling for a cease fire. I’m more concerned about the right wing MAGA crazies who have adopted the rhetoric of Christian nationalism and white-supremacist racists whose clear anti-Semitic tropes are no longer hidden. If you have any doubts, spend a few minutes on Gab or any of a half dozen other right wing social media sites or even the vile antisemitism now allowed on X in the name of “free-speech”. The same anti-Israel garbage (using code works for anti-antisemitism) garbage from the left is equally despicable but no longer taken down.
November 13, 2023 12:02 pm at 12:02 pm in reply to: Why aren’t yeshiva’s and girl school’s going to the rally in Washington. #2239224GadolhadorahParticipantSome are going, some not. Its going to involve 10-12 hours of RT travel to D.C. (including local travel in NYC and metro from D.C. bus drop offs to the mall and back). For those ehrliche idiots who worry about “yeshiva bochurim dancing with BY maidlach” on the mall as they allegedly did 40 years ago in a Soviet Jewry rally, I’d say get your heads screwed on and get them out of the gutter. The rally is to show support and solidarity for our brothers and sisters in EY after the butchery of October 7th…..I don’t think anyone attenting this rally is thinking about this a some sort of yeshivish Spring Break in November
GadolhadorahParticipantDalMoshe: Ignore uncle Joe…..he gets off on angry responses to his trolls. In this case, especially, his normally intelligent observatons, albeit on the fringe, are grounded in some degree of reality. Here, its just stupidity for the sake of stupidity. While some may question the efficacy of any type of demonstration, the purpose here is narrowly drawn to make clear that there is solidarity within all segments of the tzibur (except for NK and some some rabbonim askanim edited
GadolhadorahParticipantThere are dozens of rabbonim who are supporting the rally on Tuesday. If Sorotzkin and several others don’t believe it would be effective, that is their right but hopefully most Jews living in close proximity to D.C. with the ability to take the day off from work or school will participate.
GadolhadorahParticipant“Its a waste of time”
R’ Yosef: If even a few of our brothers and sisters in EY gain a moment of chizuk and comfort by seeing tens of thousands of Americans on the mall showing their support, its not a waste of time. Your comment, however, is but that is true to form.GadolhadorahParticipant“It seems clear to me that Hashem does not want our learning or our mitzvos. There is more Torah being learned worldwide than ever but still we are threatened…”
You succinctly verbalize a thought that many yidden must feel in these dark days and its difficult to find a simple rebuttal or intellectually satisfying explanation for something that cannot ever be “explained” other than by Emunah, Emunah, Emunah
GadolhadorahParticipantThe same Alan Dershowitz who has reinvented himself as Trump’s favorite Jewish lawyer and who has made a small fortune selling books and appearing on OAN and NewsMax claiming poor Donald is being persecuted???
GadolhadorahParticipantThe Jewish Federation of Rockland County is chartering buses for those who want to attend the Rally. You can RSVP on the federation website
November 9, 2023 1:42 pm at 1:42 pm in reply to: Does Hashem approve of voting for a democrat #2238355GadolhadorahParticipantSchnall ran as Dem for ONE reason only….$$$$.
The heads of the various mosdos in Lakewood finally realized that the Republicans in Trenton had very limited leverage in budgetary decisions. Tuition vouchers are clearly not popular with the Dems but Schnall is likely to have more success pushing for some form of limited financial assistance as a member of the majority party than as a Republican.November 9, 2023 1:41 pm at 1:41 pm in reply to: Does Hashem approve of voting for a democrat #2238218GadolhadorahParticipant“Nowadays, most politicians can’t think for themselves. They just blindly follow the party line….”
DaMoshe: I’d say thats generally true but even more so, the VOTERS in the frum communities who often mindlessly go out and vote whoever their Rebbe tells them to, without independently analyzing the issues and the candidate’s stated positions and record on those issues. Often, the ONLY objective is to “follow the money” (code words for who will try to funnel more $$ to certain mosdos).
November 9, 2023 1:41 pm at 1:41 pm in reply to: Does Hashem approve of voting for a democrat #2238103GadolhadorahParticipantThe rabid antisemitism today is the outcome of normalizing hate speech across the spectrum, from BLM to the Proud Boys, from Talib to Kanye West etc., from woke University presidents who are willing to tolerate hate speech in the name of academic freedom, to right-wing social media sites that have become a cesspool of white-power and Christian nationalism and the worse kinds of anti-semitic vile.
November 8, 2023 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm in reply to: Does Hashem approve of voting for a democrat #2238065GadolhadorahParticipant“The OP is repeating what HaGaon HaRav Avigdor Miller zt’l said about this…
Well, not exactly……the quote below provides a bit more context…Fortunately, the Rav explicitly contemplated the likelihood that some would disagree with his political perspective and on that point, he was 100% correct.
“..There’s no question that the conservatives of today [circa 1976] are extremely more liberal than the liberals of thirty years ago. We have already advanced so far beyond the borders of liberalism, that today we can afford to retreat many miles behind these boundries and still remain in the forefront of liberalism. And therefore, today there’s no such thing as too much conservatism. You have to vote for conservative candidates on every level – on national, state and city levels……That’s my opinion. By the way, nobody here has to agree with me – on anything. Only, I don’t have to agree with you either…”
Source: TAPE # 133 (July 1976)November 8, 2023 1:37 pm at 1:37 pm in reply to: Does Hashem approve of voting for a democrat #2237972GadolhadorahParticipant“Does Hashem approve of voting for a democrat”
Certainly, 10X more so than voting for a lying, racist, repeat-adulterer who energizes anti-semitism.GadolhadorahParticipantIts bad enough when some jerk in EY talks about “nuking Gaza”…..Its even worse, when ostensibly intelligent yidden in the CR normalize that type of Trumpian (“I’ve got a bigger button than you”) rhetoric in response to a real existential threat. If EY were to use nukes, it would go down in flames with the rest of the Middle East. (And yes, at that point the Ravens become irrelevant).