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  • in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2278035

    Why is [DJT] difficult to short?

    Few shares available to “borrow”/relatively low float.

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2277956

    AAQ: Unfortunately, it is very difficult to short DJT so its been a missed opportunity. A
    As you may be aware, it went down another 15% today so its now down from $68/share to $22/share but of course, the MAGA meshugaim posting on Truth Social and Reddit are calling it the “buying opportunity of a lifetime” while their hero sits in court in lower Manhattan making faces at prospective jurors. They are convinced the declining prices are all part of Trump’s plan and somehow they will wake up in the AM and it will explode to $100/share.

    I’m putting all my 401K in l’havedel, pork bellies.

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2277686

    What is truly hysterical are the posts on Truth Social blaming the 60% drop in DJT price since the merger on manipulation or shorting by Trump hating Wall Street investors and hedge funds. They seem to ignore the absurdity and irrationality of a multi-billion dollar market cap for a company that lost $53 million last year on $4 million in revenues, that is paying out millions in bonuses to executives and today announced a massive new stock issuance further diluting the MAGA meshugaim who are the retail investors who bought in at $68/share several weeks ago watching the price drop today to $26/share. There is a term for people who somehow feel joy in getting screwed over that would be inappropriate for a frum website.

    in reply to: Going to the zoo on pesach #2277503

    When I grew up in Pelham Parkway area of the Bronx, there were always large numbers of frum families walking around both the Bronx Zoo and nearby Botanical Gardens on chol hamoed. The Bronx River overpass near the Bronx zoo was the preferred choice for Tashlich. One of the best “family kosher” and educational TV series is the ‘Secrets of the Zoo: which provides an “insider view” of the Bronx Zoo
    P.S. Back then it was always “free” admission

    in reply to: Kol Crown Heights #2276501

    Its possible that some of the pirate stations have morphed into online podcasts available on apps that you can download; the stations I noted above are very low power FM broadcasts that are only accessible in relatively close proximity to the transmitter.

    in reply to: Cancel Bein HaZemanim #2276499

    AAQ’s suggestion of the bochurim performing some form of public service during the break has great merit and might be seen as a small but significant effort to mitigate the extreme polarization on the draft issue.

    in reply to: Shabbos Mobility Computers #2276498

    “Will there be any meaningful differences between “frum” and “Conservative”?

    Seems like the “frum” are already bending themselves into pretzels in relying on “technology” to enjoy all the benefits of a “conservative” lifestyle while claiming they are still living strictly in accordance with halacha.

    in reply to: Trump Trial #3 – Criminal Trial for falsifying business records #2276496

    The real insanity is how the Feds have slow-walked the really substantive charges against Trump related to January 6 and the post-election day efforts to block the results of the election. The NY “hush-money” case and the Georgia indictments are amateur hour and have undermined public perceptions of equal justice. Garland seems to be over his head in attempting to demonstrate “independence” and in the process conveying incompetence.

    in reply to: 18 Minute Machine Matzos #2276134

    “How does chometz “revitalize” itself?”

    It is said that every year in the weeks before Pesach, Satan and all the Yetzer Horahs come together to conduct an Asifah for Chometz of all types from around the world to provide chizuk and explore new ways to mislead yidden into violating hilchos Pesach. They hold panel discussions on “New Places to Hide”, “When Gebrokts is Nisht Gebrokts” and similar topics that will guide and revitalize the assembled chometz attendees over the coming yom tov.

    in reply to: Kol Crown Heights #2276076

    KCH is no longer listed among the unlicensed, low-power “Pirate Radio Stations” operating in Brooklyn. The only current listings focused on the frum velt in NYC are the following:

    91.9 – Mystery Orthodox Jewish Station
    95.1 – Jroot Radio
    105.7 – Radio Moschiach

    in reply to: 18 Minute Machine Matzos #2276064

    Thanks for the explanation.

    On a related topic, are the prices for hand-shmurah coming down this year. Last year I recall $30-$40 was not unusual.

    in reply to: 18 Minute Machine Matzos #2275782

    “According to the Rambam we should only have cholov yisroel on pesach…”

    Why be machmir on cholov yisroel on Pesach vs, year-round?? I assume this was not said with reference to somehow baking matzoh with cholov yisroel which makes no sense.

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2275686

    “The four years that he [Trump] worked tirelessly for every single citizen to make the world a better place…..”

    Absolutely tirelessly. When he wasn’t golfing in Florida or Bedminster, he was golfing at his club across the Potomac River in Virginia. He was up at 6 AM tweeting his heart out and then spent mornings in the residence watching Fox News and calling into Fox and Friends. שווערע ארבעטער


    Would you be kind enough to translate your post about “supper” singing “lishna habu”


    “Several times people have thanked me for helping them change their perspective of the issue being discussed”

    Myself included. I’m referring to when your trolls go off the rails.


    UJM: “I’ve changed people’s mind”

    Perhaps, but more about you than the subject matter of the thread. You’ve clearly demonstrated a unique ability to be the “smartest guy in the room” with the least sechel.

    in reply to: Eclipse ??? #2274074

    “GH arguing with a Gemara…..I’m not surprised”

    Neither am I when there is no context for a proclamation that a solar eclipse, which is a known geophysical phenomena, somehow portends bad outcomes for some demographic. Is there the same bleak outlook for a lunar eclipse, a meteor shower etc? It was sometime in the 1540s that Nicolaus Copernicus first explained what was happening in a solar eclipese as part of a radical theory of the Universe, in which the Earth, along with the other planets, rotated around the Sun. His theory took more than another century to become widely accepted. My recollection is the the gemorah you cited was written just a bit earlier,

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2273187

    ‘…. start actively working on ALTERNATIVES that could at least partially compensate. Organize fully chareidi units; help with training; work in cyber security; take jobs from people who are deployed (major limitation of Israeli army is that most large operations have to be quick to return people to work, can’t afford a standing army…..”

    AAQ makes the basic point that there will have to be some requirement for Charedi service. Its a mathematical reality that the fastest growing demographic in EY will have to participate in national defense beyond sitting in a beis medrash while others are required to incur the physical and economic burdens of service. If they fear military service than there are literally dozens of public service roles they can assume for a year or two to support those in military service. The “status quo” from 1948 is no longer viable.

    Apologies to those who know “sitting in a bais medrash” is a disparaging term for learning.

    in reply to: Eclipse ??? #2273172

    A solar eclipse is a predictable event (like a new moon, etc.) with known timing so it cannot be a “bad omen” that comes at regular intervals.

    in reply to: Trump “wealth” #2271366

    “Democrats are now the party of the super-rich (e.g. Wall Street, major corporations, Hollywood and media industries, Silicon Valley and Big Tech,,..

    Akuperma clearly holds by the Gornishte Z’L whose chassidim begin immersing themselves in ad’sheloyadah efforts on eruv shabbos when purim begins motzi shabbos so c’v they might not be completely inebriated by havdalah. g

    The President’s FY 2025 budget released earlier this week proposes multiple new taxes for the super-rich which if enacted would result in them paying over 2.3trillion dollars in additional revenue to the IRS over the next 10 years. The Republicans (the party of the working class) promptly labled the budget DOA and insisted that they actually look forward to additional tax cuts for the super wealthy. The Republican mantra is still “leave no billionaire behind”.

    Chag sameach to all the MAGA-menchen in the CR (and have a drink on the TDS chavrusah).

    in reply to: Fafsa #2270486

    One of the objectives of the 2020 legislation was to try and level the playing field as between families whose kids’ ages were clustered together (and likely to have several kids in college simultaneously) and those whose kids’ ages were spread out. The details of this change and all the other were left to the bureaucrats at DoEd who have totally screwed up the new simplified electronic application which is months late and creating a nightmare for high school seniors who have no idea whether they will get financial aid and how much.

    in reply to: Fafsa #2269505

    “I never heard of antisemitism or plagiarism at Chelm [University].

    Antisemitism no but the current vacancy is the result of the prior University President claiming he authored several original seforim of responsa that in reality, were verbatim compilations of the all-time greatest CR posts from R’ Yosef.

    in reply to: Fafsa #2269383

    Nisht: I actually turned down the Harvard gig….I’m rumored to be on the short list of candidates for the President of the University of Chelm.

    in reply to: Fafsa #2269298

    Overall, the new FAFSA application will provide more funds to more lower-income students but there will be some who may see a reduced funding eligibility. As of October 2022, what used to be called the”Expected Family Contribution, or EFC, calculation and is now the Student Aid Index or SAI , no longer includes a sibling discount, which took into account how many children from the same family were attending college at the same time. The new formula is applied uniformly across all racial, ethnic and religious groups and geographic regions in accordance with the law.

    Sadly, the actual online FAFSA application form which was supposed to be ready for users back in mid-2023 is running late and was just delayed again by HHS due to software and funding issues.

    in reply to: Democrats Interfere with Elections #2268551

    Lakewhut: You have your Purim spiels confused. If the Dems “do it to Israel in every cycle” as you claim, there would be at least several “Palestinian States” surrounding EY. I just checked Google Maps and they say it ain’t so and as you know, the internet is never wrong.

    in reply to: Dubai, United Arab Emirates #2267933

    UAE sovereign funds invested more money in Israeli technology companies through IPOS and late round venture funding in 2023 than the prior 3 years combined. I could care less about how many yidden spend their yom tovim on the beach in Dubai.

    in reply to: Children are not here to “bring Nachas to their parents” #2265845

    UJM: “A child is obligated to follow his father’s minhagim…”

    So if we watch a closed circuit video feed of the pre-K, the little bochur pulling the hair of the little meydlach and screaming at them to go back to the varbeshe section of the playground is named Yosef Jr??

    in reply to: Help Needed in Posting #2265476

    Posting in bold font or all caps (except perhaps for a single word or phrase) is childish, annoying , disrespectful to other CR readers and reflects an absence of substance in any naarative which requires that sort of vacuous visual highlighting to gain attention. Otherwise, its a great idea.

    in reply to: Trump throws Kurds and Ukrainians under the bus, will Israel be next? #2264884

    “He can’t throw Israel under the bus because Biden already did it.,,”

    So Biden has sent EY billions of dollars since October 7th (above the billions we already were sending in foreign aid, military assistance etc) and has also been supportive of the IDF’s military operations and opposing cease fire demands at the UN and domestically to the point of risking his reelection chances but he has “thrown Israel under the bus”??? What parallel universe do you live in??
    Yes, he has pushed back against some of the extreme rhetoric on the Israeli right and tried to expand humanitarian relief but many of those same demands are now being voiced by both Republicans and Democrats.
    Go on Gab or Truth Social and read some of the vile anti-Israel posts from some of Trumps’ America First MAGA supporters who don’t want the U.S. to keep sending money to Israel.

    in reply to: Virtual Israeli Bank Details #2264401

    Reb Yosef: Agreed but its sort of like a tax audit. If you haven’t committed a “crime”, you have nothing to worry about but the experience of having any government inquiry into your finances is just slightly more pleasurable than a colonoscopy.

    in reply to: Alabama’s largest hospital says it is halting IVF treatments #2264177

    Under the Alabama Court decision, IVF would be financially prohibitive if a woman had to pay for “perpetual storage” for any embryos that were not successfully implanted since destruction of a frozen embryo could be deemed as homicide. Likewise, a lab tech who accidentally dropped the container holding the embryo or who shut off the power supply to the cryogenic storage chamber would also be subject to an involuntary manslaughter charge.

    in reply to: Alabama’s largest hospital says it is halting IVF treatments #2264185

    Religion can play a role but it doesn’t mean that Judges can invoke THEIR OWN religious beliefs or interpretation of scripture to decide political or moral policy issues and impose their views on the rest of society.

    in reply to: B7 i19 n28 g42 o63 #2264188

    A new market entrant that forced some of the incumbents to reduce their profit margins would benefit everyone (except the incumbents). If it meant that the least efficient operators could not survive, thats really the way markets work. There would still be multiple options for shoppers and the overall price levels would be lower than current levels. While there are many products that are readily available in goiyeshe markets like Costco and Shoprite, the majority of shoppers still need to make most of their fresh meat, fish and some produce purchases at market-owned by yidden with hashgacha.

    in reply to: Virtual Israeli Bank Details #2264189

    Frequent cross-border virtual bank cash transfers are legal but they also trigger monitoring by both U.S. and Israeli banking and tax authorities. So too would any individual transfer just below the triggers for having to report such transfers under applicable money laundering rules.

    in reply to: Gedolei Torah and Municipal Elections #2263813

    A great reminder of how fortunate we are to live in the U.S. where all of our political candidates are such ehrliche menschen and we can’t go wrong no matter who we vote for.

    in reply to: Obama: Fraud and Destroyer of America #2263493

    “You probably would vote for Hitler Ym”s over trump…”

    CA: Thats beneath your ordinarily cogent comments. …..Its bad enough we have goiyeshe politicians making inappropriate Nazi comparisons and using hyperbolic imagery from the Shoah to make their points. It should be totally off limits for yidden speaking of other yidden, no matter how strongly they disagree with another’s political positions.

    in reply to: Alabama’s largest hospital says it is halting IVF treatments #2263300

    In 2022, the United States had a maternal mortality rate of approximately 24 deaths per 100,000 live births That same year, Alabama had a maternal mortality rate of approximately 37 deaths per 100,000 live births ….more than 50% higher than the national average. These vile excuses for legislators and judges who enact and adjudicate these laws obviously have a higher regard for protecting some frozen embryos than real women whose health care ranks 48 out of the 50 on just about all relevant metrics.

    in reply to: Obama: Fraud and Destroyer of America #2263010

    Trump demands blind loyalty. Ask Bibi who made the fatal mistake of making a telephone call to congratulate Biden after he won the election. Trump cursed him out privately and ridiculed him publicly. As a former legal practitioner in the State of Connecticut noted, there are many who regard Trump as considerably worse than Obama, Biden or just about any other former or prospective POTUS.

    in reply to: Time for Frum Magazines to Change their Standards #2262741

    For those of you who think its funny trolling about spousal abuse, perhaps grow up and stop demonstrating your ignorance and immaturity.

    in reply to: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks vs Hamas #2262495

    Sad how the environment for yidden in the UK has taken such a downward spiral since he was niftar

    in reply to: Pesach Vacation 2024 #2262204

    Over 20 years, that adds-up to $5 BILLION DOLLARS!!!! Think about that for just half-a-minute…

    Think of how many billions of dollars yidden have spent each year running off to Uman for Rosh Hashanah. For those who have the money, its a decision they can make without the need for prior approval from the CR nudniks.

    in reply to: Pesach Vacation 2024 #2262174

    Every year we read stories here on YWN such as the following. Yet they keep on coming….

    Pesach Nightmare in Orlando:

    A relaxing Pesach getaway to Orlando has turned into a nightmare for hundreds of folks this year.

    Described as “a five-star hotel program without the hotel” on its website, the “A Different Pesach Program” at the Windsor West Side allegedly ran into some serious financial issues, leaving many families without food being delivered timely or a place to Daven. There were all types of claims circulating on social media, including that there is no food whatsoever and that people were threatened with eviction.

    The program’s owner appears to have vacated the premises, leaving his remaining staff to contend with hundreds of shocked and disgruntled patrons, according to the Times of Israel……..

    in reply to: Time for Frum Magazines to Change their Standards #2262170


    With all respect, you are not an especially good troll. The CR is privileged to have a world class misogynist in Reb Yosef (aka UJM). Perhaps study his technique and style and try again after you have refined your skills.

    in reply to: Chazal Fitness Programs #2261773

    Is it irrational to assume that any nutritional guidance offered by chazal or referenced in gemorah were based on what our gadolim at THAT time believed was the best information available and that the guidance today would likewise be based on the best information available. We don’t necessarily want to clone a diet from the alte heim where yidden had very limited access to fresh seafood, fruit and vegetables and plant-based proteins were not yet commercially available. However, as others have noted, there are frum rabbonim with PhDs in nutrition and medicine who can offer torah-based guidance on healthy food and lifestyles rather than some shyster advertising in frum media claiming a miracle diet based on what he claims are brought down from chazal.

    in reply to: Biden Working on Creating a Palestinian state #2261694

    And what is YOUR long-term strategy for governing Gaza w/o engaging in some fantasy about expelling 2+ million Gazans to Arab countries that won’t take them or requiring tens of thousands of IDF troops to become a permanent occupation army? I’m sure Bibi would greatly appreciate your advice as to what he should do in several months from now.

    in reply to: Pesach Vacation 2024 #2261691

    “5TResident, would you like a medal?”

    AnonJew: If you knew his Machatainista, you would be proud to be awarding him the Medal of Honor.

    in reply to: Time for Frum Magazines to Change their Standards #2261495

    Kuvalt: You forgot to consider have the mug shot of R’ Yosef put on $2 bills which have traditionally been synonymous with integrity and traditional values. What greater kovod could a CR poster be endowed with than to have his admirers proudly say that he has a much credibility as a $2 bill”.

    in reply to: Pesach Vacation 2024 #2261407

    “The latest Peach getaway advertised in Mishpacha and Ami is in Alexandria… Egypt.”

    What would be a more appropriate venue to participate in the sedorim and commemorate yetzias mitzrayim?? Truly authentic vibe with side-trips to the kevorim of the Pharohs during chol h’moed.

    in reply to: Time for Frum Magazines to Change their Standards #2261212

    Our masorah over thousands of years clearly leans towards men taking a more lead role in both family and public affairs. However, that has evolved over times in accordance with daas torah such that today, women are pursuing roles in medicine, science, technology, law and even politics. Some of the gadolim of our time have been treated by medical teams that include both men and women when their lives were at risk. The MKs from the religious parties sit in the Knesset with women aligned in their coalition . All of this is done with recognition of tzinius and common sense. Even in the most conservative segments of the Chareidi tzibur, women no long feel a need to obtain permission form their husbands to “leave the house”. While daas torah is timeless, its also fair to say that the “times have changed’.

    in reply to: Time for Frum Magazines to Change their Standards #2261060

    “Why would you assume it’s designed to breed negativity, when all that was said was nothing more than a simple Halacha from Shulchan Aruch and Rambam…”

    Because you constantly go out of your way to make your point in the most negative terms that is demeaning to bnos yisroel and treats them as if they were some kind of chattel akin to the way the Taliban are treating the women of Afghanistan. Your misogynistic shtick is getting a bit old and tiresome.


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