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  • in reply to: I’m not voting for Harris or Trump #2307459

    The details of U.S. Arms shipments to EY are readily available on the DOD website as well as in the routine notices of shipments to the House and Senate Armed Services Committees. The “number” of shipments is a totally mindless and irrelevant metric since their value and contents is what counts. A single delivery of an F-18 is valued considerably more than a dozen shipments of artillery shells.
    As of June 30th, there were only 3 shipments being withheld or delayed. Two were because of supply chain/logistic issues issues and the other being the frequently cited shipment of 2,000 lb bombs. The value of arms shipped since October 7th is over $7 billion.

    in reply to: What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion or hot take? #2307458

    1. “Young adults should be ready for marriage at 18”
    Biologically, they are “ready” at 13-14 YO. Emotionally, they may not be ready until 10 years later.

    2. “Husbands should work, wives should stay at home”.
    Unless, as is frequently the case, the wife is smarter than the husband and can earn 2x or 3x as much so he can stay home, take care of the kids and learn.

    3. Young ladies who go to seminary after high school should do so close to home
    It depends where “home” is.

    4. Don’t dump Zaidy or Bubby into a nursing home.
    Agreed. Drop them off with love and dignity and call them once a week.

    in reply to: Sukkah tree clearance #2307457

    Go to Home Depot, buy a chainsaw and use the $1,000 you save to buy a Calabrian esrog. bbbb

    in reply to: I’m not voting for Harris or Trump #2306680

    “all democrats are in Chicago this week, I heard, so can I enjoy the rest of the USA….”

    AAQ: Not really. There are only about 33,000 Dems attending the DNC convention in Chicago this week plus the approximately 4.5 million Illinois residents registered as Democrats. That means there are still over 77 million Democrats in the other 49 states to make your life miserable this week. Sorry to rain on your parade.

    in reply to: Lashon Hara/ Hate Speech #2306349

    Square Root: What about a button to object to anonymous and chronic button pushing by other CR posters along with a button to seek appellate review of the Mods decision to edit or delete a post (sort of like the NFL rules which allow a team to object to a call by an official on the field).

    in reply to: smoking on Tisha Ba'v #2306299

    AAQ. Thanks for sharing. Wonderful story.

    in reply to: I’m not voting for Harris or Trump #2306298

    “I was reading about elections in Latvia in 1920s-30s, and there were trains of Jewish voters from several parties going from one district to another to maximize their chances against each other. I am not sure that was legal though…”

    AAQ: Move to Chicago where the city’s motto is “Vote Early, Vote Often” and you don’t have to be Litvish to register you cat to vote.

    A gutten shabbos

    in reply to: Lashon Hara/ Hate Speech #2306297

    Obviously, a “true” statement can also be lashoh harah but there are also exceptions where factual statements are permitted. The Mods seem to be able to make those distinctions w/o adding a link on each posting so that all the armchair CR poskim can demand the removal of another posting that offends them.

    in reply to: smoking on Tisha Ba'v #2306075

    “If doctors say smoking is detrimental to your health we cannot forbid smoking lehalacha because the proof of the danger of smoking cannot finally be decided….. I saw Tzadikim who were smoking and maybe this is an explanation for their doing so”””

    Unless you are engaged in really bad trolling, your comments about the “dangers of smoking cannot be decided” are bizarre. Any surgeon who does lung surgery would be more than happy to show you the tissue of a niftar where the residue of years of cigarette smoking are not subject to question. While there are certain areas of mortality/morbidity where causality is arguably still an open issue, smoking is NOT one of them and there is absolute certainty about its dangers. I can only assume that the so-called “tzadikim you saw smoking were sadly addicted and unable to control themselves OR have not seen a doctor in several decades and don’t read any newspaper or expose themselves to any media and are oblivious to the fact they are slowly killing themselves (and potentially those around them if they smoke at home).

    in reply to: smoking on Tisha Ba'v #2306062

    Most poskim hold that suicide is assur year-round, including on a taanis….perhaps R’ Belsky was unaware of the health risks.

    in reply to: Lashon Hara/ Hate Speech #2306038

    One person’s truth is another person’s lashon harah. The editors would need to a whole bunch of full time “mashgichim” to assist the Mods in evaluating what qualifies as lashon harah versus plain old hate speech (e.g. “all yiden who either vote for Dems or believe the Rebbe is Mashiach are mamash menuvalim, apikorsim, etc.”, )

    in reply to: What is Sinas Chinum? #2305897

    Its whatever has kept Moishiach from coming and delayed the z’man of the geulah. The various definitions, inyanim, darashos etc. and the multiple meanings that can be brought down from Chazal help inform but do not provide a definitive solution that will find acceptance among all segments of the tzibur.

    in reply to: Republicans Due for a Hard Reset #2305879

    “How does that make Donald Trump any different than the average American?”

    The last time I checked, neither Schumer, Pelosi, Harris etc, nor the “average American” doesn’t have anywhere the degree of narcissism as Trump which makes EVERYTHING about him. If he is not the biggest, the greatest, etc. he goes into a frantic counter-attack mode that even Republicans acknowledge is scary at times.. Most important to the original question (aka “how is he different”) the answer is that he has the nuclear codes and as we have seen repeatedly, is prone to act impulsively. In his last term, there were adults in the room to buffer his crazy impulses. The next time around, there may not be any adults in the situation room and he will be surrounded by Steven Bannons, Peter Navarros, etc.

    in reply to: Using Beach Chairs in Shul on Tisha B’Av #2305640

    The degree of nitpicking here is awesome. People have their own way of feeling and expressing the pain, sorrow and sense of availus associated with Tish B’av and the overall sense of despair given the trauma confronting yidden in EY and the world in general. Giving musar over the seating options chosen by some while they listen to eicha is pathetic and says a lot about the “baal musar”. .

    in reply to: Republicans Due for a Hard Reset #2305243

    Square Root:: There are a number of old yiddish jokes whose punchline is some variation of “my gan eden is his geihinom” .

    For American Yidden who don’t see Trump as the big Ohev Yisroel as he claims (and you seem to agree), and also don’t see Harris as a rabid, anti-semitic Israel hater, the your political gan eden is our geihinom.

    in reply to: Zohor how to bring Mashiach #2305242

    Sorry, but some of us are having a hard time tonight davening that the Ebeshter will grant a bigger chelek in olam haboh for Haniyeh, Shukr, Sinwar, etc.

    in reply to: Republicans Due for a Hard Reset #2304935

    If Trump would just shut up and stop with his daily obsessions with personal grievances and personal attacks on both Democrats and Republicans who he feels slighted him, he would be ahead in the polls by 5-10 points. Fortunately, however, he can’t help himself and has energized the Dems and made the election a toss-up as of now.
    Keep it up Donald.

    in reply to: End of MAGA #2304876

    No one is going to convince anyone here about which Presidential candidate to vote for, or whether to vote at all. As some of us have been saying for a while, its tragic that a country of 380 million people has such terrible choices to make in November.

    in reply to: Baseball cap #2304875

    Either the OP is biggest troll of the week or the biggest dummy of the week. Either way, yasher koach on being No. 1.

    in reply to: If moshiach came today (or tomorrow) #2304244

    “Hey… This is beginning to look fun!!! All old timers coming back?? ”

    A virtual techiyas h’mesim,…just like z’man moishiach

    in reply to: If moshiach came today (or tomorrow) #2303729

    ” For that matter, would it matter if the Yeshiva World existed?”

    CommonSaychel: Of course it would since in all likelihood, YWN will be the first to report his arrival and provide continuing coverage of all the breaking news we need to know (e.g. turns out that R’ Yosef was not one of the lamud vov tzadikim after all)

    in reply to: Problems with Camps today #2303519

    AAQ: Interesting points. I would have been mortified if my parents even suggested showing up at my first job interviews out of grad school but some of these millennials and first wave of Gen Zs seem totally comfortable with making an interview a family participation event

    in reply to: Professional writer #2303481

    Its just a question of time until there are artificial intelligence Apps that will provide a psak on any shaylah one may have. No more having to establish a relationship with a local rav or posek to ponder your complex questions of halacha. Just log in to www. LRP-AI.yid, type in your shaylah and within seconds you will have a psak din that avoids all those pesky chumrahs.

    in reply to: Problems with Camps today #2303179

    “If you let them out of the womb, you have to let them into the world….”

    So true, yet so many parents remain in denial. We have seen on multiple occasions, parents showing up with their kinderlach for job interviews at our firm. A recent news story sadly indicated that our experience is not all that unusual and other law firms and investment banks have seen similar episodes. These “helicopter” parents cannot let go. In Italy, young men continue to live in their parents’ basements well into their 30s and momma is totally happy with this arrangement, do the laundry and provide endless plates of pasta and chulent.

    Summer camp may at least be helpful in pushing the kids a bit further out the door, making them a bit more self-reliant and hopefully prepare them to function independently in whatever derech they choose.

    in reply to: Joseph #2302988

    “Who is this legend I keep hearing references to…”

    It is said that he is the yiddishe version of Sasquatch who hides in plain sight as the mashgiach in a chulent joint in Willy

    in reply to: No tachnun? #2302551

    “Where did you get smicha from”

    Harvard Divinity School with a specialization in Yetzer Horah Studies

    When a wasp lands on your nose while dining on your patio, I’m sure you immediately call your LRP and frame a shaylah with respect to the appropriate way of “neutralizing it” w/o any inyan of t’zar balei chayim or even worse, having the niftar drop off your nose on to your brisket sandwich.

    in reply to: End of MAGA #2302390

    CA: Go to WaPo archives and you will literally find multiple Fact-checking columns awarding both Biden and Harris multiple “Pinocchio” for misstatements, exaggerations, or straight out lies . Similar fact-checking efforts by WSJ and other media. Both OAN and NewsMax also do real time fact-checking of Biden when they even bother to cover him at all.
    Its just that Trump does it so brazenly and talks over the interviewer when they attempt to follow up and clarify that its more obvious in real-time.

    in reply to: No tachnun? #2302188

    “I guess a spontaneous reaction is all of a sudden מותר”

    Who said it is “mutar”. The point was that except for highly disciplined individuals such as David Hamelech and Coffee Addict, a spontaneous reaction is one that typically doesn’t involve prior thought and halachic analysis. On hearing news of the destruction of someone who has caused incredible death and destruction, its a normal human reaction to show joy and even c’v a few dance steps before pausing to consider the appropriate response protocols.

    in reply to: End of MAGA #2302159

    Reb E: 37 instances of either direct lies or misstatements to be precise. At the Black Journalists meeting in Chicago this week, he complained about the “delay” related to the sound system (which was resolved in a few minutes) In reality, he himself had refused to go on stage if there was real-time “fact-checking” on the organization’s website. After about 45 minutes, he finally relented and came on stage.
    Given his tendency to engage in personal insults, demeaning comments etc. (especially when challenged by female and minority reporters), go off on rants and refuse to directly answer questions even after follow ups by the reporter, some effort at fact-checking would seem essential.

    in reply to: Parking Meter Tickets – An NYC “Gotcha!” #2302157

    I generally take a photo of the stub on my phone (which also date stamps the photo). There is no way I’ll ever find the paper stub even a day or two later, much less several months.

    in reply to: Professional writer #2302073

    Dovid: Chat/AI apps are sometimes helpful but frequently provide totally meshugah rants. In the current situation, I’m not sure having someone who is not a good writer to begin with, use an AI generated template for his request for reconsideration.

    in reply to: Yet Frum people get screamed at or thrown off the plane #2302036

    The same women/children only options are available to some extent in Singapore, Manila, several cities in Japan, Thailand and other cities I’ve been to (and there are probably others). As repeated noted, the practice is driven entirely by levels of crowding and the extent there are high levels of inappropriate groping, assault etc.

    in reply to: Motzei Shem Ra commentators #2302034

    When you combine a 24 hour news cycle and the dissemination ease and anonymity of social media commentaryb , the rule is generally “post first and find the facts later”

    in reply to: No tachnun? #2302013

    “What heter was there for bachurim to dance when they heard the news?”

    I suspect it was a spontaneous reaction to what most of us consider great news and while you may be an exception, most yidden don’t stop consult with or seek a heter from their LRP when reacting spontaneously.

    in reply to: Professional writer #2301581

    Wondering555: I’d agree with Qwerty…..Probably better to move on. However, if you really want to appeal the expulsion with the Rosh Yeshiva, than write from your heart and convey your feelings. An appeal from a “professional writer” is likely to come across as phony and not especially helpful. If the school administration felt the circumstances warranted expulsion rather than suspension or some lesser penalty, its unlikely they will reverse themselves because you are feeling emotionally distraught.

    in reply to: Yet Frum people get screamed at or thrown off the plane #2300371

    “Why do woman have exclusive rights in deciding how men should act or can not act?”

    I’m sure there are documented cases where women on airplanes or on trains have assaulted mail passengers but it is an order of magnitude more frequent that men inappropriately touch or assault women. The numbers are what they are and sadly its not all that “rare”. Obviously not all men are “pervs” but in some countries the realities of these kinds of assaults are all too real and offering women the option is something the governments of those countries support. They are not doing it for purposes of “holiness” or any element of religious preference. Its purely a matter of physical safety.

    in reply to: אחדות #2300326

    Achdus in support of evil achieves nothing. In EY, there was achdus for the first month or two after the simchas torah massacre but both sides quickly retreated to their corners and began talking past one another and the political leadership sadly seems to thrive on this polarization.

    in reply to: Should Jews Go on Vacation while Israel is at War? #2300325

    “This is an individual issue and a Rov should be asked….”

    First, ask YOURSELF if YOU are comfortable. If not and you are in EY, perhaps consider spending a portion of your vacation volunteering in some venue whose regular workers have been called up for reserve duty. In the U.S., take a portion of what you had budgeted for a vacation and donate it to mosdos that are supporting those from the North who have been forced to leave their homes for over 6 months with no end in sight. While your LRP can be a helpful sounding board, its less a matter of halacha and more an issue of your personal ethics, hashkafah and comfort levels.

    in reply to: Yet Frum people get screamed at or thrown off the plane #2300113

    BM; Just to be clear, this is an Indian airline which is offering a comparable option long-available on Indian rail lines. If you’ve ever been to India, you know that most of the intercity rail lines have women only cars to literally protect women from the pervasive physical assaults and unwanted touching from men that is sadly embedded in Indian culture. It is not done for religious accommodation nor are women required to use gender-segregated rail cars. Some rail lines in Japan offer the same option and airlines are following suit. The same arrangements would likely be illegal in the U.S. and most of Europe.

    in reply to: Biggest supporter of Torah in the world #2300112

    Square Root : So other than those 3 factors, do you agree with Hakatan??

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2299581

    “Those that are compulsively obsessed with anti Chabad style talk, usually in my experience, pretty happy to use Chabad”

    PureYid: As someone who has indulged Chabad hospitality for several decades at dozens of locations throughtout the world, I can confirm you sage assessment. I suspect that from a numerical perspective, there may have been more misnagdim dining at Chabad house dinners in remote corners of the globe than Chassidim. Nor have I ever seen someone ejected from a Chabad minyan for adding “vayatzmach purkanei…” in kaddish or too loudly intoning an “Uuuumein”:

    in reply to: Ethics and Entenmann’s #2299301

    We should emulate EVERYTHING our grandparents did in the Alte Heim regardless of what we know today about the health risks and the multiple nutritional options available to just about everyone regardless of their income levels. Yes, many will die at a younger age, but who are we to believe its ok for yidden to live longer today than our grandparents and their parents.

    in reply to: End of MAGA #2299298

    I think it would be easier to predict when Moishiach will arrive than the outcome of the November election. The events of the past several weeks were beyond the imagination of even the most wild-eyed script writers of West Wing and Veep and it will likely get even crazier in the next several months.
    The polls still clearly favor Trump but having a new Democratic ticket with Harris and her VP choice at least make the race more competitive.

    in reply to: Assassination Attempt #2299295

    After Trump called for “unity” and a more civil dialogue at the Republican Convention Thursday night, the Ohio legislator introducing J.D. Vance at a rally in Ohio last night screamed to the crowd that “if we lose this election, it’s going to take a civil war to save the country… and if we come down to a civil war, I’m glad we got people like Bikers for Trump on our side.”.
    Clearly, he didn’t get the memo or if he did, he violently disagrees with Trump’s call for unity and civility. In fairness, he apologized this morning for his poor choice of words. Perhaps there is a more polite way to say “civil war”.

    I’m certain the Dems have their own crazies and we will have these kinds of instances going forward on both sides,

    in reply to: Post-debate fallout- question for Democratic voters #2299076

    Ex-CTlawyer; If you are planning to attend the convention and a virtual roll-call hasn’t already locked-in the nominees, I’ll send you a campaign button
    “Beshear is באַשערט

    While Harris will likely retain the support of the traditional Democratic constituencies, Beshear is the strongest of the Democratic VP options to attract the independent voters turned off by the far-right MAGA turn of the Republican party.
    Winning in Kentucky is hard enough for a Democrat but he has done so TWICE and successfully worked across the aisle with a Republican legislature. Perhaps most importantly for many here in the CR, he has been a consistent supporter of EY, speaking out strongly after October 7th. More than just flying state flags at half mast, his administraiton has aggressively gone after those accused of anti-semitic attacks and established a state Task Force on fight antisemitism. I also like Roy Cooper of NC but believe Beshear will provide a stronger boost to the Democratic ticket in November

    in reply to: Sleepy Joe is desperate #2298753

    “Joe may be sleepy, but what is Dopey Donnie going to do now that Sleepy Joe has withdrawn from the presidential election race?

    Clearly, he will be spending more time bashing Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Bashful, and Sneezy.

    in reply to: Dedications — Has It Gone Too Far? #2298593

    “What about dedications for commodes?”

    Well, I guess you have to draw a line somewhere. Its doubtful anyone wants to spend several hundred dollars for a small brass plaque in the back of a stall door for someone to read about his tatah, a’h, while sitting on the throne.

    in reply to: Why b’davka Trump was shot, and why b’davka in the ear #2298592

    “please try to keep up with all the lessons that Hashem sends to you indirectly…”

    I generally find it challenging just to keep up with the multitude of direct messages, so the indirect communications often get sidelined.

    in reply to: The Fade No Peyos Look found Among Bnai Yeshiva #2298454

    ‘Peyos is no different than any other style”

    Huhh??? There are some that naively believe that having pyeos is m’doraisah (V’yikra 19.27).

    Shtreimlach and Huizen Zaaken are hashkafah-based style statements from the Alte Heim. Peyos are not,

    in reply to: Why b’davka Trump was shot, and why b’davka in the ear #2298440

    It’s well known that often when klal yisroel deserves a punishment or just a little wake up call, instead of punishing us, Hashem in His infinite kindness punishes the goyim instead hoping that we wake up….”

    So when the goyim deserve to be punished, the Ebeshter inflicts pain on Yidden?? Whats your point??

    If you want Reb Moshe to change his ways, punishing Reb Yankel is unlikely to create the needed incentive for Reb Yankel to behave differently

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