Forum Replies Created
So Sam Klein, our perpetual “blame it on Hashem” acolyte wants to know why Dems hate Trump? Well, given the YWN editorial guidelines limiting the length of responses, its really difficult to respond other than to observe that even the Ebeshter may be having second thoughts.
GadolhadorahParticipantItchy: If you type “di letzte gedank’ into your browser, click on the first item you can hear the entire soundtrack including the Shtinkowitzs’ arrival from Romania and their efforts to get through immigration at the airport…absolutely hysterical starting with Chaim’s efforts to explain to an obviously Black immigration officer what he will be doing for a parnassah (aka professional “schneurer”). When the “aroma” from the shmates in his suitcase triggers a question as to how long he has been wearing those clothes, the response seems to be since churban bayis sheini…and on and on…
GadolhadorahParticipantRayKaufman: If you are involved in the development of new generating stations in EY, than you probably know that an ehrliche yid named Idan Ofer (from OPC Energy and the Rotem plant) has purchased one of the fastest growing independent power companies in the Eastern U.S. (Competitive Power Ventures based in Silver Springs MD). Thus, we have yiddeshe electrons that are not “flowing” but remaining in their atoms while the yiddeshe energy flows all through the PJM interconnection from Baltimore to Lakewood up to the NYISO.
GadolhadorahParticipantThere are powerplant workers in the U.S. who are also Jewish, although the numbers are obviously de minimis relative to those working for Chvrat Hahashmal. Do we not worry about it because the likelihood a jewish powerplant operator or worker in the NYISO or gPJM dispatch center is a Yid?
GadolhadorahParticipantWill an AI powered computer be able to tell whether several CR contributors posting under different participant names are really the same poster and whether their contributions are serious or meant to be trolls??
May 7, 2023 6:39 pm at 6:39 pm in reply to: A Chief Rabbi Attends the Coronation in a Church? #2187981GadolhadorahParticipantRav Mavis does not owe anyone an explanation beyond his statement and the public efforts he made, with the assistance of the Charles’ staff, to participate while recognizing the shabbos context. The small-minded comments here (“political pulpit rabbis”) are not much different from those who describe R’ Yosef and R’ Lau as “political hacks”.
GadolhadorahParticipantWhile I admittedly am well to the left of most posters (but admittedly have been dragged a bit to the center) and we still have several of the most gifted trollsters on social media (R’ Yosef reincarnated as UJM), the sad part has been the proliferation of a growing number of mindless and childish topics post by the BBC (bored bochurim chavrusah). And yes, despite several thousand posts since your last visit, the FDC has still not approved a cure for the shidduch crisis.
Visit us again in 5 years and perhaps the CR will be populated entirely by AI bots emulating R’ YosefMay 7, 2023 10:19 am at 10:19 am in reply to: A Chief Rabbi Attends the Coronation in a Church? #2187777GadolhadorahParticipant“And then he sat there, in the church, listening to real goyishe blabber….
Yechiell: Well, we sit here respectfully listening to real yiddeshe blabber from you about a Rav you have obviously never met. You are entitled to your misinformed opinion about his actions (and those of prior chief rabbonim of the UK) who weighed the pros and cons of participating in key events in British history and decided on a case-by-case basis whether and hot to participate. Rav Mirvis concluded here that his presence was in the best interests of the kehilla he is responsible for and most yidden in the UK respect his decision. I wasn’t a big fan of Jared Kushner driving in a big limo to the inaugural on shabbos back in early 2016 but respected the “pikuach nefesh” rationalization underlying the dispensation for chilul shabbos ostensibly received from his Rav.
I frequently go back to the musar from Rav Yisreol Salanter who advised those who came to him seeking condemnation of the actions of others to focus on their own neshamah and leave the rest to the Ebeshter.May 7, 2023 10:15 am at 10:15 am in reply to: A Chief Rabbi Attends the Coronation in a Church? #2187768GadolhadorahParticipant“And then he sat there, in the church, listening to real goyishe blabber….
Yechiell: Well, we sit here respectfully listening to real yiddeshe blabber from you about a Rav you have obviously never met. You are entitled to your misinformed opinion about his actions (and those of prior chief rabbonim of the UK) who weighed the pros and cons of participating in key events in British history and decided on a case-by-case basis whether and hot to participate. Rav Mirvis concluded here that his presence was in the best interests of the kehilla he is responsible for and most yidden in the UK respect his decision. I wasn’t a big fan of Jared Kushner driving in a big limo to the inaugural on shabbos back in early 2016 but respected the advice he ostensibly received from his Rav.
GadolhadorahParticipantZAfter the religious service has ended, the King will receive a greeting by Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim and Buddhist leaders.
The move reflects Charles’ deeply-held belief in promoting unity between different faiths through championing interfaith dialogue and celebrating the major religions practised in the UK.
“At the coronation he [R’ Mirvin] will be asked to swear oath to King Charles…
Zeturth: Again, NOT truthful. The so called “oath” will be elicited after the ceremony from millions attending the live ceremony, lining the nearby streets and watching on TV. Neither Rav Mirvin, hid predecessor R. Saks, Z’L nor any Chief Rabbi in modern times has ever “sworn’ an oath of allegiance to the monarch nor have they ever been in a situation where they were asked to.
Also, the participation of R’ Mirvin will be AFTER the religious portions of the coronation ceremony which will be limited to Bishops of the Anglican Church. Participants from other religious denominations will offer “greetings” in a separate portion of the ceremonies AFTER the religious segment. This will be the FIRST time there will be formal participation from reps from other religious groups which the palace has described as “an unprecedented gesture that will reflect the religious diversity of the Realms of King Charles III”. However, the “greeting” (which will be in a form of best wishes and good health for the new monarch and his family) from Rav Mirvis will NOT be audible for anyone watching on TV or outside Westminster Abbey because the Rav will be standing AWAY from the podium where the broadcast microphone is situated and unless he has a really loud voice, ONLY the royal party on the podium or in the first few rows will hear a word he says.
I understand that many feel he should not be there at all on Shabbos, but the Rav is an ehrliche yid who has done much for the tzibur living in the UK and believes his participation is both necessary and justified under HIS understanding of halacha.An embroidered cloth screen is decorated with a large tree which represents the 56 member countries of the Commonwealth and three angels flying above it.
GadolhadorahParticipantIs there some local support network for the OOT Kollel Yungerleit to transition out of kollel after several years when they are ready to enter the work force part or full time or do they gnerally move back to the major NY/NJ areas once they leave kollel??
GadolhadorahParticipantAnyone in chinuch who is posting daily about despising all the parents, teachers and the school in which he lectures is unlikely to be a “big lamdan”, although he may be a legend in his own mind.
GadolhadorahParticipantIts clear you could build an eruv that appears to address ALL the technical objections to the kashruth of an eruv but some will always oppose as a matter of principle along the lines of Rav Moshe’s objections of “what it might lead to” and other “slippery slope” arguments. Those who hold by eruvim will take advantage of what it offers and others will simply continue to be machmir. Doesn’t seem like the objections could ever be satisfied by the physical attributes of the eruv per se.
GadolhadorahParticipant“What a disgrace for Israel: Herzog and his wife will be at the church to “honor” the illegimate king on saturday…”
Well, not really since President Herzog will be staying close to Westminster and will walk to the coronation with the Chief Rav of England, Rav Mirvis, shlita. The Rav will be staying at St James’s Palace erev shabbos, daven at a nearby shul and the palace is providing kosher catering with a top hashgacha.
GadolhadorahParticipantMobico: Thanks, but he was absent from kindergarden the day they covered civility….in any event, I appreciate the update from Yeshivaguy on his status and obviously, continued teffilos needed
GadolhadorahParticipant‘Chinese people eat dog meat…’
Most Chinese restaurants serving dog meat lack a good hashgacha.GadolhadorahParticipant“I’ll stick with my goldfish
They don’t bite
They don’t need to be house trained
They don’t need to be fed often
They love you the same”I’d respectfully suggest that an alternative to goldfish is simply to purchase several “Beware of the Dog” signs and place them at your driveway entrance and on your front and back doors. You get all of the benefits of goldfish in terms of not having to walk them, feed them, etc. PLUS the security benefits you are unlikely to get from “Beware of the Goldfish” signs.
GadolhadorahParticipantWhen I see the ‘president of Israel’ going to church with his wife on saturday, I kind of like this galus…
Zeruth: Then I suspect you must be kvelling as you watched the PM of EY gulping down a blg ugly looking Lobster on the Shabbos before Pesach at one of the top restaurants in London. Mi kamocha yisroel!!GadolhadorahParticipantAAQ: Great point….I’m not always thinking in terms of hashgacha paratis.
GadolhadorahParticipant“[One option would be to]Lie about it and forge documents…”
On further consideration, this may be a great idea. Specifically, when the OP is arrested and detained at JFK for forging vaccination documents, we can start a pidyon shavuim funding campaign on behalf of West Bank.
GadolhadorahParticipantWest Bank: If getting the vaccine is such a big deal for you, than have your friends fly over to EY and spare you the extreme burden of getting the shot like hundreds of millions of others have done w/o any problems. You will be safe and they will be helping the economy of EY.
April 27, 2023 10:15 pm at 10:15 pm in reply to: Joe Biden is not the 46th President of the United States of America. #2185008GadolhadorahParticipantCA: he may not be YOUR president but he has and is exercising all the powers of the Presidency so you can blissfully ignore him but that is really irrelevant to what is happening in the real world.
April 26, 2023 1:27 pm at 1:27 pm in reply to: I refused to be injected with an experimental product #2184395GadolhadorahParticipantAlizgitt: Sorry you feel neglected. We would be glad to vilify you again if that would be helpful in affirming your existence and self-esteem.
April 26, 2023 1:27 pm at 1:27 pm in reply to: Joe Biden is not the 46th President of the United States of America. #2184398GadolhadorahParticipant“If Trump becomes the 45th and 47th presidents of the US, how many US presidents will be colossal jerks, 1 or 2?”
In fairness, there were other Presidents who might be deemed “colossal jerks”. A recent survey of journal articles by the American Historical Society found that Warren Harding, Ulysses Grant, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Zachary Taylor and Andrew Johnson were the overwhelming choice of historians as the “worst presidents in American history. Having said that, one can challenge the notion that being among the “worst presidents” is synonymous with being a “colossal jerk”. Clearly, the Trumpkopf would satisfy both criteria although there are some who were failures at leadership but not necessarily jerks.u
April 25, 2023 11:21 pm at 11:21 pm in reply to: I refused to be injected with an experimental product #2184131GadolhadorahParticipantMost of us have received the vax and boosters w/o any problems and avoided serious Covid issues. For those who chose not to get the vaccines, the biggest issues w343 not being able to get reservations at certain restaurants during 2021/22. Virtually all countries have dropped their Vaccination requirements for entry so travel is no longer an issue. Otherwise, your kvetching about being “criminalized” etc. sounds like the usual anti-vax meshugaas.
April 25, 2023 8:38 pm at 8:38 pm in reply to: Joe Biden is not the 46th President of the United States of America. #2184093GadolhadorahParticipantAccording to some (and disputed by most historians)James Polk’s presidency ended on March 3rd. Zachary Taylor had been elected to succeed Polk. March 3rd was on a Sunday and Taylor’s “shomer shabbos” religious convictions would not allow him to take the oath of office on a Sunday. Therefore, with Polk’s term ended and Taylor refusing to be sworn in, Atchison, as as President pro tem of the Senate became president for the day.
April 25, 2023 8:24 pm at 8:24 pm in reply to: Joe Biden is not the 46th President of the United States of America. #2184086GadolhadorahParticipantDavid Atchinson was “President” for a day
GadolhadorahParticipantNo one has explained if there is an option of one or both parents can get some part time work and earn sufficient funds in order to sustain the primary focus on Kollel learning. I would assume that finding some balance between work and learning is preferable to having to leave Kollel entirely in order to earn a parnassah in the absence of parental or some other third-party financial support. The question seems to be framed as a binary choice.
GadolhadorahParticipant“It shouldn’t fall within the purview of common sechel to ask ignorant people questions”
Actually, I found your comment rather ignorant since the level of knowledge here in the CR is a lot higher than most discussion boards and individuals here oftern have a considerably higher level of knowledge on rather arcane subject areas than your typical LRP.
Having said that, for those who may be a bit skeptical of the whole inyan of davening at kivrei tzadikim to obtain a segulah, than davening at the kever of some relative of that tzadik would seem especially bizarre, unless that relative has his/her own special yichus.
GadolhadorahParticipantHe did some good work decades ago on water quality and other environmental issues. Then, somehow, he went off the deep end with all sorts of conspiracy theories, aside from just the anti-vax meshugaas.
GadolhadorahParticipantThere is a paid ad running on the news site for some organization associated with Reb Shayala’s tziyun, collecting virtual kvitlach, etc. Are they are legit??
GadolhadorahParticipant” And Rebbe Yochanon would deliberately sit by the mikvah so women coming out would see him and have beautiful children”
Huh?? Today, the Rebbe would be lucky if Hatzalah didn’t show up and detain him for the police. While I’m not sure exactly what might arguably have been the case at the time of R’ Yochanon, not a good idea today to hang out outside of the mikvah no matter how good looking you may think you are.
April 22, 2023 11:59 pm at 11:59 pm in reply to: why is Yeshiva world news bashing trump non stop #2182914GadolhadorahParticipantYWN doesn’t have to “trash” Trump. DeSantis’ political action committee will handle it for them. Their new ad blasts Trump for calling his newly adopted state of Florida “the worst state in the country” and offers to share moving expenses so the Donald can relocate to California where he can bond with Gavin Newsom, whose ex-wife is now sharing a bedroom with Don Jr.
GadolhadorahParticipantYou neglected to mention tofu and pea protein (aka Beyond Beef), two of the essential elements of the Gadol Diet.
GadolhadorahParticipantBuy it online where you can shop at your leisure, compare prices and read reviews of those that interest you. Focus on the size of the watch face you are comfortable with, the type of band and closure, and whether you want the display to be digital (i.e. show the time in numbers) or have a traditional hour/minute watchface.
April 17, 2023 5:57 pm at 5:57 pm in reply to: why is Yeshiva world news bashing trump non stop #2181772GadolhadorahParticipantYWN is an equal opportunity basher. If you do a relatively simple search in the archives of dump on Donald articles vs. Sleepy Joe articles, JOE wins by a margin of roughly 4:1. Headlines about controversy trigger clicks and clicks = increased ad revenues. Of course, we can go back to the good ole days of daily “Crooked Hillary” or “Barrack Husein Obama” outrage of the day articles and those really attractive stock photos the headline editor was enamored of and Donald would be nowhere to be seen (or bashed).
April 16, 2023 11:18 pm at 11:18 pm in reply to: After Biden sent $1 billion to the PLO, Israeli deaths rose 900% #2181423GadolhadorahParticipantSorry, but I would submit that some of us would ignore ANY rav who offered a generic dismissal of any particular party abstracted from the candidates for a particular office. Without debating “individuals” some of the loudest voices claiming to represent “traditional” values are disgusting human beings who directly and indirectly support some of the most vile anti-Semites in our society.
GadolhadorahParticipantI suspect most rabbonim truly deserving of these honorifics would prefer to be referenced simply by their names w/o all the adjectives. For some reason, we can reference a gadol hador by his first name (aka R’ Moshe, R’ Yolish etc) or by a sefer he has authored and everyone know who we are addressing without prefixes Gadol hador, saar hatorah, hagoen, ha’rav etc.).
April 16, 2023 8:07 pm at 8:07 pm in reply to: After Biden sent $1 billion to the PLO, Israeli deaths rose 900% #2181383GadolhadorahParticipantIf R’ Miller had the misfortune of meeting some of the recent putrid examples of GOP leadership, he would probably be leading the charge to form a Third Party.
You can never have too many gadolim.
April 15, 2023 11:10 pm at 11:10 pm in reply to: After Biden sent $1 billion to the PLO, Israeli deaths rose 900% #2181200GadolhadorahParticipantLakewhut: you win dumbest post of the week and its only motzi shabbos. Please don’t associate R’Miller, ZL, with your nareshkeit.
GadolhadorahParticipantThe most surprising aspect of the Bragg lawsuit against Jordan is the signature block. Never would have imagined that Gibson Dunn would have taken on this case against the Republican House wingnuts.
GadolhadorahParticipantAnan: Toiveln in mikvah isn’t m’dorisah??
‘GadolhadorahParticipantHakoras hatov in honor of President Trump
GadolhadorahParticipantIf you haven’t seen it, the current exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art entitled “Renaissance Masterpieces of Judaica: The Mishneh Torah and The Rothschild Mahzor” is definitely worth an hour or two if you happen to be in Manhattan during Chol Hamoed.
GadolhadorahParticipantEmes: I’m fully aware of the caselaw on that section of the NYS code through which 2-year time constrained misdemeanor charges are leverage up into 5-year timelines but the point I’m making is that the linkage here to the Federal “crime” is considerably more attenuated and is ripe for judicial review in a federal appellate court. I didn’t find anything on WestLaw testing the application of the code to the fact pattern Bragg cited in yesterday’s charging document. Nothing would make me happier than to see Bragg’s charges sustained but I’ve consistently believed this was the wrong case to bring at the wrong time.
AAQ: You say that, “Congress will be justified in arresting the prosecutor for “election interference…” If that was the case, and Congress had such authority, Nancy and Chuck would have the Trumpkopf, Eastman, Clark, Guiliani and the rest of the gang sitting in D.C. jail. Congress does not have “arrest authority” beyond say having the Sargent at Arms round up members for a floor vote or arguably, “arrest” a potential witness who failed to honor a Committee subpoena and lock them up in the Capital basement.GadolhadorahParticipantIf Turkey and Greece are considered “North Atlantic” why not Israel?? Perhaps Erdogan will find a reason to object.
GadolhadorahParticipantIncredibly weak indictment. Big problem for the DA is that he will have to show that there was an effort to hide the payoffs in furtherance of “another crime”. Plain meaning of the New York statute would appear to be another STATE crime. Here, the DA is claiming the other crime was the FEDERAL crime of election interference. If the “crime” can be construed as ANY crime, there are no bounds on how the statute could be applied. While the issue has not been litigated, it will be a tough case and might be dismissed at the circuit court level IF it make it though the state appeals court.
GadolhadorahParticipant” Trump by now is the most acquitted person in this country…”
Aside from “acquittal” in political theater (aka impeachment) because the Republicans in the Senate have no backbone, he has never been personally indicted so he cannot have been acquitted. The Trump organization was recently convicted of tax evasion and Trump himself has repeatedly settled cases (e.g. Trump Univ, etc.) rather than go to trial.
GadolhadorahParticipantThe strength of EY’s bipartisan political in Congress is such that even if Bibi proceeds with these “reforms” there will be very few consequences to the Israel-U.S. relationship although there will be loud dissents from a substantial portion of the center/left wing of the Democratic party.