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  • in reply to: Exorbitant Filter Pricing #2373305

    Start with the most effective filtering technology you can afford and upgrade when you can. Some degree of filtering is obviously preferable to none at all and generally, there are new market entrants offering improved software at lower cost. And of course, also use one of the multiple free or low cost virus protecton software which often will also filter out multiple sites with pritzus

    in reply to: How Trump can become problematic #2371568

    CA: Zelensky met with members of Congress from BOTH parties before his WH meeting.

    in reply to: Crisp Restaurant -Under CUP K Supervision #2371308

    There are always reasons for concern when the name of the Rav Ha’machshir is followed by Z’TL. Somewhat less problematic is when the Rav Hamachshir shows up as the default hashgacha whenever one of the gold standard chasideshe hashgachas removes their certification of a restaurant.

    in reply to: How Trump can become problematic #2371039

    All excellent points. There are so many obvious opportunities to scale back inefficient and outdated government programs that can be done surgically and would have very widespread support. Instead, their meat-axe approach seems driven by petty vindictiveness and anger and in the process, squandering so much of the support he had just 4 weeks ago. Their treatment of Zelensky on Friday should serve as forceful reminder to Netanyahu that Trump can throw you under the bus quicker than you can say MAGA if you fail to engage in the most obsequious flattery and agree to his demands, no matter how outrageous.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Idea #2370319

    ”B’H they [the gedolim] are in charge and not some ignorant troll who enjoys pretending to have multiple wives..”

    Troll, yes. Ignorant, no.

    in reply to: Sorry, you must be logged in to comment. #2369472

    Buggy? Yes, but easy to bypass and much preferable to Brand V

    in reply to: Ya’amod! #2368798

    Perhaps adopt a Sephardeshe persona and arrange for someone in the Varbeshe section (Mrs. Wolfish or a surrogate) to stand when they hear the Ya’amod so the gabbai doesn’t take it personally.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Idea #2368258

    “JUST GET MARRIED [to anyone who proposes] It will work out….”

    “Instead of going to seminary, go to a gym for 1-2 years and lose some weight..”

    “Move to West Virginia and marry your 15 YO first cousin”

    We don’t have a shiduch crisis…..we have a sechel crisis.

    in reply to: Songs for Lo Saivoshi #2357190

    Pinky: The MBD version of Lo Saivoshi (which you can easily find through google search in the video library) is still one of my favorites (unless its also one of the 3 you are trying to update).

    in reply to: AI response to my question on Trump Lies #2354861

    By Trump standards, yesterday was a relatively truthful day. He was unusually restrained compared to the usual nonstop flow of nonsense.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2354870

    Common Saychel; No one seriously holds that Elvis is moishiach. Nor are any of the other chassidus nominating their rebbeim as candidates. As others have noted, the true hard-core moishichits within chabad are not really mainstream.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2354144

    Is is just a coincidence that this thread gets posted the day after the Court sentencing of six ehrliche chabad “developers” who were arrested in an attempt to dig a tunnel into 770 to expand its capacity? Just seems a bit strange.

    in reply to: No Drone Zone #2350714

    Republicans in Congress have criticized the FAA for several years for its slow action in issuing guidelines governing drone technology and have pushed for a very relaxed regulatory structure so as to allow for commercialization of a wide range of business venture, Their argument is that government regulation will block technological innovation and allow other countries to take the lead in developing drones. Federal law also limits both private individuals and local/state governments from trying to take control of or “shoot down” drowns over their properties. Perhaps the next congress will loosen these restrictions and provide greater authority to local/state governments in monitoring and regulating drone activity

    in reply to: Does Saying “CE” and “BCE” Kasher the Christian Calendar? #2348284

    Your points about the provenance of the secular calendar system are totally correct but the reality is that we need to use secular calendar dates for most commercial activity, international travel, communications etc. Our protocols regarding corrections to adopt for lunar versus solar calendars, daylight savings versus standard time, arbitrary designations of geographic time zones etc. have each evolved to address distinct problems, some religious in origin and others functionally driven but all somehow accepted by default to make life workable in an increasingly interconnected world.

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2344532

    They are probably under some pressure after the recent announcement that a group of Satmer askanim had provided funding to increase compensation for rebbes/moros in their yeshivos by 30%.

    in reply to: Polio Making a Comeback? #2343078

    Trump is belatedly learning about a lot of RFK Jr.’s political baggage on public health issues and trying to “walk back” a lot of his positions. In some cases, its gaslighting to tell the tzibur he “never said” what we have heard RFK Jr. say on multiple occasions. In other cases, they are spinning his misstatements to say that “what he really meant was that government should “STUDY” a vaccine or medication even though it has been studied over decades and the vast majority of public health and medical studies support efficacy and safety.

    RFK Jr. has a unique opportunity to go after the real issues in public health and is squandering both his own (and indirectly Trump’s) credibility even with the Republican constituencies.

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2342654

    Will Israel follow along if the U.S. goes to year-round Standard Time?

    in reply to: No Drone Zone #2342178

    rightwriter: I guess we might as well get used to conspiracy theories for the next 4 years. The sightings appear to be a mix of fixed wing aircraft, helicopters and some really stupid drone operators getting their highs out of contributing to mass hysteria. However, the government agencies are equally stupid by saying “we don’t know what they are but we can assure you they pose no threat”. If they don’t know what they are, how can they assure us that they are not carrying dangerous payloads?

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2341988

    Correction: Now, Trump is supporting Elon Musk’s DOGE idea for year-round ST (not DST). I think most Americans would be OK with either but don’t like the changing back and forth. Agree that the original energy-savings arguments were questionable and even if true 30 years ago, may no longer be valid today.

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2341948

    Eighteen months ago, all members of the Senate (including ALL republicans) voted unanimously under a UC to support year round DST but it was not brought to a vote in the House. Earlier this year, Trump’s choice for SoS, Marco Rubio, reintroduced a bill for year round DST. Now, Trump is supporting Elon Musk’s DOGE idea for year-round DST. I think most Americans would be OK would either but don’t like the changing back and forth.

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2341741

    They’ve gone back and forth about year-round daylight savings time and year-round standard time. I think the position is to just pick one time option and stay with it year-round and no more changing back and forth.

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2341315

    Trump just posted on X that he favors year-round daylight savings time and the republican party will make it a high priority to adopt the needed legislation. No mention of the problems for the cows and frum yidden.

    in reply to: What if it was the other way around? #2339919

    AAQ: I suspect a bit of Trollisher hyperbole and a bit of actual belief that but for Tziyonists, we would still be living in a time warp where yidden and Muslims would still be living peacefully side by side.

    in reply to: What if it was the other way around? #2339344

    UJM: Respectfully disagree that the relationship would have continued unchanged. I don’t think it has anything to do with Tziyonim, Israeli politics, or anything on OUR side of the equation. Sadly, the degree of extremism and intolerance for other belief systems (even within Islam itself) has so changed since the early 1900s that I just cannot believe yidden living in eretz yisroel would be secure today under any scenario.

    in reply to: Daylight savings, DOGE and Musk #2339343

    “It is also a major nuisance for dairy farmers because if their cows wake up so late in the day …….. it will be a major problem for Bochurim summer bein hazaminim when the second zman krias shma will get as early as 8;00. Baale Batim aren’t going to like 7:30 Shabbos Shachris either….

    All valid concerns to the cows and kollel yungerleit but I’m not sure even working together they have the political leverage to offset the DOGE caucus.

    in reply to: Tehilim 83: Syria (Assyria) joined anti Israel genocide #2339225

    Netanyahu wisely seems to be seizing the opportunities created by the power vacuum to secure a more defensible border situation and take out any Iranian assets in Syria knowing that neither the U.S. or Russia will intervene.

    in reply to: What if it was the other way around? #2339218

    .f the Hareidim were running the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael, as was the case in the pre-zionist era, we wouldn’t be war with the Islamic world.

    Agreed. We would all have been dead. Its quite delusional to believe that the pre-1948 “peaceful” relationships between yidden and the Islamic world would have been perpetuated to the modern era had we simply remained subservient and docile and gone about our business waitng for the geulah.

    in reply to: McGee Toyota #2337472

    AAQ: All very good ideas but my point was that ELI has already wasted numerous hours with the dealer and then with the NH consumer advocate. He should simply cut his losses (his time has value), fly up to NH (frequent flights from EWR to Albany/Boston) and drive the car off the lot knowing that next time, he should take your good advice when buying a new car from an OOT dealership.

    in reply to: McGee Toyota #2336729

    Just fly up to NH, take delivery of your new car and don’t waste any more time dealing with this dealer. Caveat emptor for others considering to deal with them. The value of the time you’ve wasted “negotiating with them:” probably exceeds the amount of money you might save. b

    in reply to: Mazel Tov to the new AG Merrick Garland #2336360

    Strangely, I agree. He has been a disappointment to those of us who believe he slow-walked critical Trump prosecutions and has failed to aggressively go after those who engaged in blatant anti-semitic acts after October 7th, especially on college campuses.

    in reply to: All good things must come to an end #2336358

    I miss Mod 29 and his chavrusah. Perhaps they will return as virtual Mods using AI to enforce the rules. b

    in reply to: Carlebach’s Music #2334743

    U.S. copyright law has historically identified 3 Performing Rights Organizations ( SESAC, ASCAP and BMI by name in Section 101 of the Copyright Law. To the extent rights To R’ Shlomo’s music have been assigned, one of these entities would be the centralized source for rights (and can be confirmed through a simple online query.
    P.S. The OP asked about music rights, not about R’ Shlomos well-known hashkafah and personal issues. Many frum shuls still use his nigunim nothwithstanding these concerns., some real and some questionable.

    in reply to: One more cheeseburger, and we have J.D.Vance as president #2332841

    Trump would clearly prefer that Israel continue its operations in Lebanon for another month or two so that they “finish the job” as well as the political optics of his being able to take credit for a “beautiful peace agreement” immediately after the inauguration (since he won’t be able to deliver on his promise to “end the war in Ukraine on Day 1”.

    in reply to: Trump Cheated The Election’s! #2331730

    We already get enough spam (OP too dumb to be a troll) so we don’t need to get more when we open the CR

    in reply to: Adopt a dog. It’s a chesed. #2331462

    If you are looking for unconditional love with minimal baggage, consider a goldfish. Also, consider the potential secondary opportunities in case of unrequited love including sushi and a one of the great recipes for Ungarishe gefilte fish .

    in reply to: Should bochrim be going to goisheh sport games? #2331460

    “Should a bochur look up to a goisheh sport player???”

    Only if they are shorter than the object of their adulation.

    in reply to: Trump’s presidency #2331197

    “Former federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani should be appointed by President Trump’s new Attorney General as an independent Special Prosecutor ”

    Really bad troll,……you obviously know there are some really outstanding attorneys and prosecutors in the right-wing segment of the Republican party who would actually be quite effective at leading a targeted investigation of the DOJ’s activities under AG Garland. Crazy Rudy might have been such an attorney 30+ years ago but as demonstrated in the post-2020 election, he is obviously in a steep downward spiral (whether dementia or simply old age) and is no longer capable of a coherent statement, much less leading any investigation. Also doesn’t help when you’ve sanctioned or disbarred in New York or DC.

    in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2330879

    Those of us suffering from TDS are seriously considering relocatingng to Budapest, the new global epicenter of progressive democratic governance (along with side benefits of ready access to Hortobágyi palacsinta and sirkepaprikás.


    Dressing “differently” does not translate into marginalizing those who may come into a shul from a different hashkafah (or maybe no hashkafah). We should greet them with open arms and encourage them to return. I suspect, in most cases, they will quickly pick up on “minhag hamokom” with respect to the lvush of the mispallalim and conform without the need for exclusionary signage.

    in reply to: WHY DO LITVOCKS ALWAYS SAY TACHNUN?? #2329956

    “Chassidim don’t have a real Mesorah, because it only dates back a few hundred years….”

    How many hundreds of years does it take to officially “have a real Mesorah” ? I’ve always viewed the term a process through which minhagim are transmitted from one generation to the next

    in reply to: What Can YWN Do To Improve Itself This New Coming Year? #2328964

    “Ban UJM, Joseph and his ilk..”

    Actually, once you learn to get past his trolling (which admittedly takes a while), he is one of the smartest guys in the room (no disrespect to Jeff Skillings of Enron fame).

    in reply to: I’m Taking Over The Coffee Room So Yaal’ Better Watch Out! #2328790

    Uncle Ben: You’ve been around the CR long enough to recall that I originally discovered the 614th mitzvah years ago to troll the trollers. Tikun Olam is up there with Tofu-based chulent and other heimeshe priorities.

    in reply to: Not every chabadnik is meshichus and we need to see that line #2328605

    Most chabadniks don’t spend their free time running up and down Eastern Parkway with yellow flags. The Rebbe is Moisiach cult clearly has some traction but certainly NOT the majority view.

    in reply to: I’m Taking Over The Coffee Room So Yaal’ Better Watch Out! #2328269

    To quote a great American, Garbage + Garbage = 2Garbage.

    In the spirit of Tikun Olam, your commentary will be ecologically disposed of along with the coffee grounds we routinely add to our compost pile.

    in reply to: Should Women Have the Right To Vote? #2328161

    It would actually make more sense to use a minimum IQ threshold for voting rights which would ensure that women have a structural majority irrespective of any explicit gender restrictions. Sadly, there are constitutional restrictions on applying such a test to candidates for federal office (since that might otherwise exclude a certain “stable genius” from running).

    Alternatively, women could just change the”gender’ designation on their registration forms.

    in reply to: WHY DO LITVOCKS ALWAYS SAY TACHNUN?? #2328157

    Nisht: Correct…only in the varbeshe section and only on days that chassidim don’t say tachnun except on the second day of rosh chodesh.

    P.S. Yiddim are “greeners” who came over on the Mayflower


    “The definition of a seudas mitzvah is one that is eaten in celebration of a mitzvah…”

    Perhaps literally, but this definition implicitly devalues the whole concept of a siyum coupled with a seudas mitzvah. Most associate the concept with a significant degree of incremental effort in one’s limud torah, hashkafah, etc. Trivializing it with putting on teffilin, saying asher yatzar, toiveling in mikvah and other more routine mitzvos seems to be form over substance.

    P.S. Try something innovative that you haven’t done before. Commit for shanayim mikra/echud targum for a least sefer Bereshis, try following R’ Eli’s nightly shiur in Hebrew (MDY home page link) for several weeks, volunteer to tutor a special needs bochur in a blat gemorah and celebrate a small accomplishment with him. All of these type events seem more in the spirit..

    in reply to: WHY DO LITVOCKS ALWAYS SAY TACHNUN?? #2326904

    For the same reason Sephardeshe yiddim add “v’yatzmach purkanei v’kareiv mishichei.” in the repetition of the Amidah.

    Because they can, and because it is part of their mesorah.


    I suspect one “devalues the currency” if a Siyum becomes a routine affair or a pretense to to avoid other halachic restrictions.

    in reply to: Lelover Rebbe #2326572

    Is there just one “Lelover Rebbe”? I thought there were several Lelover kehillos in both the U.S. and EY

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