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  • in reply to: A new low point for Democrats #2086172

    Fear not, brainless Brandon will hold a news conference where he:

    – blames all Republicans for these shortages
    – brags that this is an indication of how well the U.S. economy is doing
    – castigates formula industry CEO’s for artificially manipulating the market
    – claims that this proves why abortion on demand must remain legal and unrestricted
    – appoints his neighing, horse-faced Vice President to spew her usual inane word-salad
    – directs his Minister of Truth to charge complaining mothers as threats to national security

    which Dorah and company will parrot and defend on YWN.

    in reply to: Unusual occupations for frum people. #2082288

    For what it’s worth, Joseph claims to have been a self-taught nuclear physicist and semiconductor engineer. That’s certainly unusual, even if only a figment of his very active imagination.

    in reply to: Youthful Misconceptions #2081996

    As a child, I thought that people who dressed chasidish or yeshivish were automatically more trustworthy than those who didn’t. I later realized that not only do murderers like Helbrans and molesters like Walder hide behind their clothing, they use that implicit trust to victimize others.

    in reply to: Youthful Misconceptions #2081037


    “Hashem commanded us to judge others.”

    So you have no problem if others judge you as a closed-minded. misogynistic dinosaur with delusions of grandeur?

    in reply to: Democrats Gone Full 1984 #2081018


    Before you suggest expropriating other people’s property “to the highest and most efficient use” perhaps you should put your money where your mouth is and give up your own.

    in reply to: Lakewood safety patrol #2077574


    That might be so but you made the comment, “Now that the Chasidim are in the process of almost overtaking a majority of the Lakewood population, you can probably expect a Shomrim of Lakewood”. Obviously, Lakewood and other communities don’t need to wait for Chasidim to start organizations that have already been started there by non-Chasidim.

    One has to wonder whether you’ve actually ever been to the communities that you so frequently make inaccurate comments about.

    in reply to: Lakewood safety patrol #2077459


    As usual, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The Shomrim patrols in Miami, L.A. and Baltimore were not started by Chasidim.

    in reply to: Will you eat Quinoa on Peisach? #2077173


    As someone who mocks and denigrates anyone who disagree with you, it’s a bit hypocritical for you to point fingers regarding being judgmental or lacking in empathy.

    in reply to: Is there any difference between a religion and a cult? #2076280


    Whether the various Gedolim who supported Shlomo Helbrans thirty years ago were right or wrong is water under the bridge since he subsequently drowned to death in Mexico. It doesn’t change the fact that a bunch of these murderous, abusive, kidnapping cultists have now been convicted of their crimes and are getting locked away. If you’re twisted enough to defend them just because they wear long black coats, perhaps you should join this merry band as they run from country to country committing crimes, get extradited and finally thrown in jail.

    They’d be happy to have you!

    in reply to: Where do Israeli Charedim vacation? #2076213


    If you actually live in Meah Shearim part of the year then how could you not know that many charedim go up north on vacation after Tisha B’av?

    in reply to: Where do Israeli Charedim vacation? #2076110


    I was waiting for you to write exactly that but as usual, you don’t know what you’re talking about. As another poster wrote, many charedi families do go up north before Elul. They plan well and spend their money very carefully but they certainly take vacations during the summer. Been there, seen it.

    BTW, exactly how many times have you actually been to Eretz Yisrael?

    in reply to: Is there any difference between a religion and a cult? #2075693

    Lev Tahor pretends to be part of Judaism but has been proven to be a murderous cult.

    in reply to: Biden or Carter? #2067870


    Good intentions?

    Peanut farmer Carter was a horrible President. He is a also an outspoken Israel hater and thereby one of the world’s greatest anti-Semites. There’s a nice warm place waiting for him, right next to every Democrat’s hero, FDR.

    in reply to: Best and Worst inventions in the world #2065244


    No worries, Al Gore has already taken plenty of credit for creating the Internet, just one of the many lies he’s told. The Internet was created in 1969 and Gore sponsored some bills in the 1980’s.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2065240


    For someone who regularly employs labels such as “moron, nitwit, crazy, fool, jerk, deranged” and worse, it’s a tad hypocritical for you to cry crocodile tears about name calling. I also don’t recall any response from you to Charlie’s posts calling people apikorsim about COVID and anti-Semites over politics.

    Or does your pretend tolerance only work in one direction?

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2065182

    majorly edited

    For all your pretend tolerance, you two are the nastiest, most judgmental posters on this site.

    Nastiest? We would beg to differ on that call


    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2065162


    You said it best yourself: “It reaches out to change their silly views”. Dorah seems to think that since the overwhelming majority of Jews in the U.S. vote Democrat in lockstep, Orthodox Jews should automatically do the same.

    We must all reach out to them, they are our brothers and sisters but we don’t have to kowtow to their political views or outlook on Judaism. Chabad certainly doesn’t!

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Ignore GOP Antisemites #2064677


    Not in this lifetime; you’re as sane as your “handle” and I’ve never come across a bigger anti-Semite than your friend Sorry Charlie.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Ignore GOP Antisemites #2064650

    Sorry Charlie,

    The definition of a “Good Nazi” is a Jew that accuses other Jews of turning their backs on the Torah over politics and brands them apikorsim over COVID issues, when he himself follows a true apikores like Rabbit Avi Weiss.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Ignore GOP Antisemites #2064567


    I’m not a convert nor am I on the way to becoming one; I already have a religion. I don’t access either of those sites and perhaps that’s also why I don’t see agents of the former President lurking around every corner. You may want to lay off of those two yourself.

    in reply to: Why Does YWN Ignore GOP Antisemites #2064561


    ‘I hope that my posts will help offset the biased one sided “reporting” though realistically I know that they likely will not I pray that it helps break the idol worship of this false deity.’

    How many converts to this crusade do you estimate you’ve won with your daily dose of similar-sounding threads? Just curious.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2064507


    “Your hatred of Biden is blinding you to his excellent leadership. He is a great uniter and it is clear to see.”

    Even CNN is reporting that Brandon’s poll numbers are dropping to record lows and the American people consider him to be an abject failure on every issue. What are you smoking?

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2064398


    When the U.S. Intelligence Community began warning about Russia’s buildup against Ukraine months ago, what did brave, strong Brandon do about it? Aside from threatening sanctions to deter Russia, then claiming they were never meant to deter Russia, please all us back in a month to see how it’s working?

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2064152


    Good point; I’ll try to stick with a single adjective for Brandon per post.

    in reply to: Trump is a Coward #2064128


    As Brandon’s physical and mental health continue to degrade, I’ll use new adjectives. It’s only a matter of time.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2064120


    Descriptions such as moron, nitwit, crazy, fool, jerk, deranged and worse have been commonplace on this site for years before I began posting two months ago. You may want to take this point up with those who made this behavior commonplace.

    in reply to: Trump is a Coward #2064112


    No need, I’m going with the most accurate descriptions. It seems like you’re bothered by them but I’m not sure why, given your own fondness for adjectives.

    in reply to: Trump is a Coward #2064099


    Are your constant angry posts against someone not currently in office intended to deflect criticism from brainless Brandon, the clueless napper-in-chief?

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2063986


    Please do some research! Brandon isn’t a nickname, it’s a pejorative created in response to a reporter named Kelli Stavast, who attempted to cover-up the anti-Biden chants at a NASCAR race. It has now come to mean, “We despise Joe and the liars who cover for him”.

    The terms brainless, drooling, incontinent and dolt are simply accurate descriptions of his current mental and physical state.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2063964


    Religious Jews do not have to kowtow to anything irreligious Jews believe and they will exert no control over us. Their increasingly deviant lifestyles and growing disdain towards Israel should only strengthen our commitment to our own beliefs. Unfortunately, the drive to assimilate deeper and faster into American society has guaranteed their demise. Reform and Conservative temples are being sold off to Orthodox institutions in every major Jewish community and the gentile children and grandchildren of their aging members have no interest whatsoever in Judaism.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2063966


    Weren’t you claiming just last week that Putin pulled back from the border and decided to de-escalate the situation because of the valiant efforts of brainless Brandon, the weak, empty headed dolt?

    What happened?

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2063934


    How laughable that you, who constantly twists Torah into a pretzel to support every deviancy, would accuse another Jew of turning their backs on the Torah over politics. I seem to recall you recently bandied about the term “apikores” regarding some issue pertaining to COVID.


    calm down

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2063878


    80% of American Jews aren’t religious so who cares about their silly political views any more than their silly views on Judaism?

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2063832


    The past year has certainly demonstrated how sleeping for decades and a weak constitution have caused brainless Brandon to make boneheaded decisions during this and every other crises we have experienced.

    in reply to: So you voted for Biden #2063756

    For the past year, brainless Brandon, the drooling, incontinent dolt has presided over resurgent COVID, Afghanistan ruled by the Taliban, rampant violent crime, uncontrolled anti-Semitism, rising anarchy, invading illegal immigrants, spiraling inflation, skyrocketing energy prices, supply chain mayhem and more. Now, the laughably weak, non-performance of our napper-in-chief has resulted in a tyrant brazenly attacking a neighboring country and possibly even wider conflict.

    Boy are we lucky.

    in reply to: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? #2063523


    Brainless Biden, self-hating Jew Sanders and the anti-Semitic Squad are fit to serve this great country?

    in reply to: Renaming the Republican Party #2063331


    “There is no “Democrat Party” In the United States.”

    Correct; “Democrat Party” is a pejorative and also evokes “rat”, a more accurate description for these vile anarchy lovers than calling them “Democratic”, which they aren’t.

    in reply to: Remember why Trump was impeached the first time? #2063003


    We are all so grateful that Neville Chambiden has done such a fine job guaranteeing Ukraine’s security and brought “peace in our time” to the world.

    The fact that brainless Brandon’s head is filled with sawdust is his excuse for living in an alternate reality where diapers suffice and he never has to wear big-boy pants.

    What’s your excuse?

    in reply to: Renaming the Republican Party #2061530

    Let’s rename the Democrat Party:

    It’s clear that it’s no longer your father’s Chevrolet (aka what we knew as the Democrat Party). What’s not clear is whether the strategy is to actually have the party assume the name of their ultimate goal of complete anarchy, so that a “DINO” becomes an “AINO”. After 3 years of the most cringe-worthy and dysfunctional relationships between the legacy leadership of a political party and its self-anointed “progressives” the dwindling numbers of legacy leadership are the subject of scorn and ridicule from the contemptible Squad and their rabid followers.

    With a few noteworthy exceptions, for over three years, there was no act of obsequiousness too servile, no indignity too low for Democrats to willingly endure in their quest to prove their undying loyalty to promoting anarchy and lawlessness. Even those their “progressives” reject and humiliate by endorsing their primary opponents still retain that obsequiousness by pledging their fidelity to the vile Squad and their big-government, high-taxation, over-regulation, anti-business, Israel-hating, criminal-loving, anarchy-promoting platform.

    Perhaps it’s time to acknowledge reality and change the DNC to the ANC. Especially since their ultimate goal is to do to the U.S. what the party of the same initials has done to South Africa.

    in reply to: President Biden’s Supreme Court nomination #2056856


    Nominating based upon skin color is racism and your denying it makes you a filthy racist.

    in reply to: What Steps Will the Charedi World Take to Try to Prevent Abuse #2056236


    A problem with Daf Yomi learning is that the schedule doesn’t encourage more than cursory reading and Gemara must be learned in depth to be applied to a specific situation. If you study the commentaries there you’ll see it’s not referring to a monster like Chaim Walder.

    in reply to: What Steps Will the Charedi World Take to Try to Prevent Abuse #2056214


    The Gemara in Moed Katan is discussing one who is suspected of illicit affairs with women, not a sexual predator or a child molester like Chaim Walder.

    in reply to: Highschools with Secular Education #2052166


    In previous posts you claim to work as a nuclear physicist, to have been a semiconductor engineer and that you dropped out of college to start a business.

    It seems that many posters feel that you’re just a troll who lives in his mommy’s basement. But pretending right along with you, which pretend posek allowed you to pretend to attend college and then waste time from pretending to learn Torah on these pretend secular pursuits?

    Or are you just criticizing others for things that you pretend to be guilty of yourself, also know as trolling?

    in reply to: “Frum” therapist #2050647


    A number of charedi therapists, both licensed and unlicensed, have been convicted of abuse. Punctilious attention to Hilchos Yichud could have prevented some of these atrocities but not all. One infamous charedi monster abused boys before he fled to Israel. Another infamous charedi monster abused girls before she fled to Israel.

    in reply to: What Steps Will the Charedi World Take to Try to Prevent Abuse #2050487

    There will hopefully be teshuvos on how to deal with charedi monsters like Walder, given the sinfulness of their ways.

    in reply to: What Steps Will the Charedi World Take to Try to Prevent Abuse #2050336

    A number of charedi therapists, both licensed and unlicensed, have been convicted of abuse. Punctilious attention to Hilchos Yichud could have prevented some of these atrocities but not all. One infamous charedi monster abused boys before he fled to Israel. Another infamous charedi monster abused girls before she fled to Israel.

Viewing 46 posts - 351 through 396 (of 396 total)