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  • in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2164342


    I’m completely frum, I learned in Yeshiva and Kollel for years, I have several daily sedorim and make a siyum every year.

    You’re so insecure and filled with self-loathing that you use what little learning you have as a weapon to hurt other Jews. You clearly don’t belong in a classroom and one of these days your hatred will put an end to your teaching career.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2164306


    Who appointed you to highlight the faults of a specific group of Jews then brand those as “institutionalized”? There have been too many incidents of legal/financial wrongdoing in Chasidic and Yeshivish communities over the past few years to ignore. Yet there has been scant public outcry from Rebbeim, Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim. Should we conclude that such wrongdoing has been “institutionalized”, that these leaders tolerate and even encourage such behavior?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2164272


    No single group of Jews has an “exclusive mantle of victimhood” and none deserves this kind of bashing. My point was that this thread became open season on a specific group and the worst bashers would react with righteous indignation if their group was in the gunsights.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2164200


    I have visited many communities in the U.S. and also in other countries. Yeshivish, Chasidish, Yekke, Sfardi, Chabad and others too varied to be labeled. They all have tremendous strengths and they all have challenges, sometimes daunting ones. I’ve seen numerous MO communities over the past thirty years and the sheer growth in their learning, attention to mitzvos, pursuit of truth and generosity towards all Jews is remarkable.

    Ungrateful people such as yourself can be supported by a community, pretend to love them, then spend every spare minute condemning them for their faults. I get it; you grew up MO, are still insecure and immature so you’re compelled to bash them incessantly. But the same can be done to any group of Jews and it accomplishes nothing. You feel that MO threatens Jewish continuity and that it’s holding back Mashiach but in reality it’s hateful behavior like yours that’s doing so.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2164166


    I simply complied a list of all the loving things you and Avaira had to say about MO. You seem a bit defensive, why is that?

    You consider R. Lazer Ginsberg to be on par with the Gadol Hador, Harav Aharon Kotler, zt”l? He’s not my Rav and I’m not bound by his psak. I certainly don’t have to respect what he wrote in the neighborhood rag “for the benefit of the community”.

    in reply to: ChatGPT #2164031


    It sounds just like one of the infamous YW trolls!

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2163998

    To review all we’ve learned, mostly from Avaira’s logical and loving posts, Modern Orthodoxy:
    – looks similar to conservative Judaism
    – is mechallel almost everything in the Torah
    – has open synagogue parking lots on Shabbos
    – has almost no Torah knowledge at all
    – accepts feminism, evolution, pritzus, LGBT
    – are stragglers who contribute neither Torah nor gemilus chasadim
    – represents illegitimate judaism and fake jewish values
    – is robbing Jewish children of avodas Hashem and olam haba
    – are ignorant sinners with anti torah philosophies
    – are moving more to the samech mem
    – is like how the Arizal writes that goyim have no tzad tov at all
    – is born of haskalah and its leaders were all soaked in it
    – is practically all going OTD
    – presents the greatest ideological threat to the continuity of Judaism

    In addition:
    – there’s not one goyishe value they haven’t taken steps towards
    – they almost all go mixed swimming
    – their phone usage in shul is geferlach
    – their davening during the week is too fast to schmooze
    – their chesed turns into znus
    – they purposely hire rabbis who won’t criticize their lifestyles

    This is all the fault of their fake rabbinic leadership who:
    – encourage institutionalized ignorance, heresy and sinfulness to thrive
    – are desensitized to multi-generational violations of torah
    – are too afraid to call out the dangerous liberal elements

    So which group of Jews should get bashed next, Yeshivish or Chasidish?

    in reply to: ChatGPT #2163991


    “It makes many errors. Including on common secular subjects.”

    So do you.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2163949


    I can rewrite your puk chazi post for every real or imagined breach in Chasidic and Yeshivish communities. What’s particularly galling is your unending stream of hatred towards those who put food on your table. Don’t be so quick to think a charedi school would hire an insecure flip-out with a big chip on his shoulder and a constant need to prove something.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2163832


    According to logic:

    The crooks, who are mechallel almost everything in Choshen Mishpat are a large majority of the Chasidic population, whereas the law-abiding are a distinct minority of the Chasidic population. That’s certainly the case with the national/international Chasidic communities. But even within moderate sects the swindlers significantly outnumber the law-abiding.



    There will be no lawsuit since the mother did nothing wrong by calling for help. NYPD and Shomrim did nothing wrong by reacting quickly to the situation when called. The chasid was the only one who did anything wrong by foolishly touching someone else’s child so he’s the only one who was charged.

    As clueless as the chasid is abut the world, your fantastical legal proceeding indicates that you’re even more so. You’re not displaying much common sense.



    The multi-million dollar lawsuit trial would last five minutes:

    Q: “Why did you touch the child?”

    A: “I wanted to pass between two women in a manner allowed by Jewish Law”

    Q: “Couldn’t you have done so holding a cell phone or some other object?”

    A: “Yes, but I decided to make up my own stringency and use someone else’s kid instead”

    The chasid might then also have to deal with the consequences of bringing a frivolous lawsuit in addition to the two remaining charges on his police record and a tanked reputation.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2163417


    “As for it being a problem by chasidim…you say you’ve seen “posts” about it – don’t be a pesi maamin lechol davar, especially with what you see online”

    So one is a fool for believing negative posts about chasidim but your constant stream of negative posts about MO is Torah MiSinai?

    in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2163325


    The chasid’s clueless behavior which resulted in charges on his police record ensures that such a lawsuit would go absolutely nowhere. The camera may have saved him from a worse fate but it shows he touched the child and the court would have no sympathy for the foolish way he chose to implement halacha.



    Not surprising at all. It’s quite hilarious that the Rosh Kollel of Mir took out an apology ad on “behalf of Flatbush” to the chasid who learns in his yeshiva. Totally meaningless, an early Purim joke. I wonder who actually paid for it?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2162668


    You do realize that if the parents and administration of the school where you teach would read how much you love them, you’d be out on the street.



    Joseph’s definition requires three items; beard, payos and a long black coat. That’s why he insists that his Lev Tahor buddies are all “tzadikim”.

    in reply to: How to Reduce the Cost of Getting Married #2162582


    Even if Joseph is right and that’s almost always not the case, you aren’t obligated to give more than a quarter.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2162435


    Yes, but what do you really, deep down believe about the Shabbos observance of their parents?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2162336


    Do you frequently quote that loving statement of your Rebbe, that MO are anusim, in class? You certainly wouldn’t want your poor students thinking that their parents are chayav misa, would you?

    You really don’t belong in a classroom; Amazon’s hiring.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2162045


    You’re not be honest with yourself regarding how much time you spend “here and there” bashing other Jews. Many of your posts are highly critical, negative and downright hateful, not loving. If we knew your real identity there’d be plenty to criticize. Since it’s so easy for you to constantly target specific groups based on what you learned from your Rabbeim, you should have no problem with any of them being criticized on this forum. Then others can decide if they want to unquestioningly swallow the vile hatred that you were fed as Torah MiSinai. You’ve already posted who they are; is that what you want?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2161838


    It sounds like you’re quite the expert so please provide actual percentages with sources. Or is this just another one of your infamous boich svaros?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2161783


    You talk a good game about loving Jews despite their flaws yet in actuality you get on this site and constantly bash specific groups of people and while having only praise for others. Why do only single out some for their faults as if others don’t have their own? What motivates you to do so at all, is it cathartic for you?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2161760


    I really find it hard to believe that you can love those whom you constantly rail against in such a dismissive manner. Perhaps you pity them for not being on your exalted level but you don’t actually love them. I’m not the one crowing about tzidkus and frumkeit, you are.



    The chasid lucked-out this time that there was a camera. Since that’s not always the case, the chasid has hopefully learned that it’s perfectly acceptable to carry an object while walking between women. Most importantly, the chasid has been schooled never to touch children that aren’t his own. The chasid has black marks on his police record and reputation to remind him of this vital lesson.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2161656


    Your “brain exercise” must be so exhausting, having to pretend that the MO stragglers who contribute zero to the world deserve any measure of respect when you interact with them. Your negative opinions of so many Jews are a true credit to your Rabbeim. It’s an honor for this forum to provide an outlet for your deep frustrations so that you don’t suffer a mental break.

    I have a feeling that one of these days your mask will slip and people will see how you really feel about them. What happens next will be entirely of your own making and you’ll have only yourself and your Rabbeim to thank for it.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2161548


    When your students are from MO homes do you impart the holy words of your Rabbeim, of course in private and in the kindest way so as not to embarrass them too much? Do you tell them that their parents are worthless stragglers who only care about secular studies and contribute nothing to the world aside from their wasted contributions to non-Jewish causes? If not, why not? How can you deny them this vital guidance that you share so generously with us?

    And why are you so afraid to use your real name and those of your Rabbeim when sharing their holy words with us? Is it over money, since you’re afraid of losing your job?

    in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2161536


    That’s nice but I wasn’t referring to you. Perhaps you should join Shomrim and set them straight.



    There’s no point in debating issues of children’s safety with someone who insists that convicted child molesters like Walder and Helbrans are Tzadikim.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2161406


    Are you so critical and dismissive of other Jews while in the classroom, especially the parents of kids you teach or do you hold it in until you get here?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2161339


    So what exactly do you do to earn a living?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2161319


    It has to be a choice since it’s impossible to do both? Are you supported or do you earn a living and if so, how?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2161318


    A close friend from a prominent heimishe Hungarian family taught secular studies in a chassidishe yeshiva to earn income while he was in kollel learning for semicha. The boys used to call him “der goy”.



    The Novominsker Rebbe, zt”l served on the Moetzes as well as the head of Agudas Yisrael for over twenty years. Everyone at the convention knew who he was and he’d ask bachurim to walk with him. He wasn’t some unknown guy touching children.



    Nope. A Tzadik would graciously educate others, grabbing the opportunity to teach proper hanhaga while following it. Instead of grabbing a child and giving onlookers something to judge him negatively for.

    in reply to: Lessons Learned from the False Arrest of the Innocent Tzadik in Flatbush #2161154


    It’s obvious from the responses that your bizarre attempts to justify touching a child, especially lying about him being a teenager, has only turned this “tzadik” into a complete “chasid shoteh” at best. If he actually gave you explicit permission to defend him on the web, it only shows how woefully sheltered and uninformed he is. He’s already got two charges on his police record and shouldn’t also have to fight the damage you’re adding to his reputation with every post.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2160866


    Who permitted you to study “secular stuff” for your pretend careers as a nuclear engineer and chip designer?



    Sane people have learned the following lessons from this sad story:

    1) A child is not a “cheftza shel mitzva” and touching someone else’s child without permission is obviously a very dangerous idea.

    2) While a man should not walk between two women, doing so while holding an object such as a wallet or phone resolves this issue. It sure beats a long stint in jail.

    in reply to: Release of Flatbush “Kidnapper” #2160427


    You have previously posted that this child is 11 or 12 and in the past few days he suddenly became a teenager? Will he be an adult tomorrow?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2160388


    Here you go again. How many times per month do you allow your three wives out of the house? Are you also going to blame Bais Yaakovs for encouraging women to work to support their husbands in Kollel and Yeshivos for teaching that it’s perfectly fine?

    in reply to: Trump in 2024 #2160170


    Did you actually intend to post that someone should die in the next few weeks? If so, right back at ya!

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2160095


    I know what the SNAP guidelines are, they’re available online. Unfortunately, in our communities $80K is no longer a high income and it’s pure fantasy for anyone to claim that most chassidim are wildly successful businessman. If that were true they wouldn’t be dependent on welfare or have to collect tzedaka and there’d be no attempts to defraud the government.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2159757


    Since you’re so knowledgeable, what is the annual high income for these wildly successful businessmen and k”h how many children do they have, on average?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2159712


    Unbelievable. You branded an entire demographic of Jews as “stragglers who contribute neither Torah nor gemilus chasadim”. Since you can’t ask forgiveness from all of them, how will you ever do teshuva?

    in reply to: What’s Our Response to Environmentalists. #2159740


    For the same reason so many Jews are “biased” against the animal rights movement. From its outset, many in the environmentalist leadership have pursued the “rights of mother earth” (a Greek Goddess) with a dogma crosses the line into religious extremism. It’s one thing to feel a sense of responsibility towards Hashem’s creations but another to believe they have rights superseding those of humanity.

    in reply to: Taxes in Eretz Yisroel #2159343


    Harav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l certainly didn’t tell anyone they were allowed to cheat on taxes and you must provide written proof before you claim that he approved of doing so. You’re playing with fire when you invent psak in the name of the Gadol Hador.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2159344


    A Satmar business expo doesn’t mean that most chassidim are wildly successful in business any more than an MO expo does. If that were the case, why are so many chassidim on welfare? Why did Satmar admit to defrauding the government and have to repay eight million dollars several months ago? Why are the vast majority of those soliciting tzedaka in shul chassidim?

    in reply to: Aryeh Deri #2159355


    You have frequently quoted the Satmar Rebbe, zt”l and his opposition to Israel. He was against Jews making aliyah in numbers, i.e., the more than three million who have already done so. So do you really believe that every Jew have a G-d given natural right to live in Eretz Yisroel without anyone else’s permission?

    You also insist that the Israeli government is illegitimate and that Dina D’Malchusah does not apply. If that’s the case, surely the Gadol Hador, Harav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l must have paskened that Jews flaunt Israeli law and not pay taxes, right?

    You haven’t mentioned your three wives and eighteen children in quite some time. I hope that means you’re doing better “psychically” and that the medication is helping. Better go answer your mother.

    in reply to: Taxes in Eretz Yisroel #2159251


    Are you claiming that Harav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l didn’t pay taxes?

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2159249


    The majority of chassidim go into and are wildly successful in business? While some certainly are you need to cite proof for your statement which belies reality.

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