Forum Replies Created
January 12, 2024 10:07 am at 10:07 am in reply to: The Ba’alabusta’s Official Complaint Form #2253184GadolHadofiParticipant
Are those those all complaints from one of your wives or one from each of your wives?
So which Rav gave you permission to ignore Pas Bamelech Tochal and supposedly become both a semiconductor engineer and a nuclear physicist?
Hamas doesn’t need to call themselves “WOKE” when they have useful WOKE idiots like Claudine and Sally, as well as the quislings who defend them.
Are you going to now protest today’s announcement by StopAntisemitism that your woke girlfriend Rashida Tlaib was awarded “Antisemite of the Year”?
It’s so cute when you dictate a life of poverty and sacrifice upon others. Which Rav gave you permission to supposedly become both a semiconductor engineer and a a nuclear physicist?
It’s actually “Silver Spring”, a Maryland suburb of Washington, D.C. that’s located 45 miles south of Baltimore.
Hamas-loving, Jew-hating liberals, whether in academia, media, entertainment, BLM or the democRAT party, all proudly self-identify as WOKE”. Our people have always had enemies from without but our worst enemies have always been from within. During the Holocaust, kapos energetically crammed Jews into ghettos, cattle cars, gas chambers and crematoria. Modern day heirs to this shameful legacy, such as the hate-enabling Sally Kornbluth, unfortunately exist.
Passionately defending worthless, anti-Semitic scum like Claudine Gay on YWN? Unbelievable.
You may not have gotten the memo but “WOKE” refers to every insanity that you and your liberal coreligionists currently worship. Like “gender is a social construct”, “all white people are evil”, “gas stoves are destroying the world” and most laughable, “Claudine Gay is qualified and loves Jews”.
How are you going to respond when as usual, your anti-Semitic besties violently protest support of Israel as part of the platform during the convention?
One can simply become a self-trained “nuclear physicist and semiconductor engineer” like our very imaginative Joey. That’ll leave plenty of time for dealing with “multiple wives, giving Shiurim and answering a Shaila hotline”, just as he does.
Grow up, you child. Harav Feldman, Shlita explicitly wrote in his letter, “the Moetzes approved sending out flyers to the Agudah mailing list announcing the event and its importance”. Only a minority of the Moetzes later signed to forbid attendance at the rally.
Once again, keep your lies and made-up religion to yourself!
Nothing new here and you’re still playing childish games. This letter from Harav Feldman, Shlita on his personal stationary explains why he withdrew his support at the last minute on Tuesday morning. It does not purport to speak for anyone else on the Moetzes. You still can’t provide any proof to your claim that all or even most of them were against attending.
You also falsely implied the Moetzes had nothing to do with the initial letter yet Harav Feldman clearly writes, “the Moetzes approved sending out flyers to the Agudah mailing list announcing the event and its importance”.
Once again, please keep your lies and made-up religion to yourself.
November 20, 2023 7:54 pm at 7:54 pm in reply to: Why aren’t yeshiva’s and girl school’s going to the rally in Washington. #2241135GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
Nothing new here and you’re still playing childish games. This letter from Harav Feldman, Shlita on his personal stationary explains why he withdrew his support at the last minute on Tuesday morning. It does not purport to speak for anyone else on the Moetzes. You still can’t provide any proof to your claim that all or even most of them were against attending.
You also falsely implied the Moetzes had nothing to do with the initial letter yet Harav Feldman clearly writes, “the Moetzes approved sending out flyers to the Agudah mailing list announcing the event and its importance”.
Once again, please keep your lies and made-up religion to yourself.
Please see the letter on Cross Currents from R. Hauer of the O.U. where he explains:
“Painful as it was to leave Torah off the program, we all did so consistent with the principle that allowed us to be at that table to begin with, steering clear of areas where there are for now irreconcilable theological differences”
November 18, 2023 8:34 pm at 8:34 pm in reply to: Why aren’t yeshiva’s and girl school’s going to the rally in Washington. #2240518GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
Stop playing games. You know as well as everyone that most of the Gedolim did not forbid attending. Those that signed are not individuals whose Psak must be adhered to by all frum Jews in this country.
Back up your claim that “the decision was for people not to go”, implying that it came from the entire Moetzes by providing a letter signed by all or even most them. Otherwise, please keep your made-up religion to yourself.
November 16, 2023 11:11 pm at 11:11 pm in reply to: Why aren’t yeshiva’s and girl school’s going to the rally in Washington. #2240440GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
Please cite which Moetzes members, by name, you are alleging decided for people not to go, along with producing any evidence you have of a signed letter to such effect.
November 16, 2023 5:27 pm at 5:27 pm in reply to: Why aren’t yeshiva’s and girl school’s going to the rally in Washington. #2240323GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
Let’s review. The Agudah originally released a statement encouraging people to attend the rally. The majority of Gedolim on the Moetzes did not sign-on with their colleagues who later forbade going. None of those who signed that letter have been accepted by the entire Klal as “Posek America”. Unless one’s personal Da’as Torah is one of those against going, there was no reason not to attend and thousands correctly did so.
Live your life the way you always have and feel free to make up your own religion. For the rest of us, things aren’t automatically forbidden unless specifically stated as such by those in authority to do so.
November 13, 2023 5:10 pm at 5:10 pm in reply to: Why was the page about a jewish man ripping down posters removed? #2239299GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
These “useless posters” help keep people’s thoughts focused on our brothers and sisters being held in captivity by Hamas monsters, especially given our relatively easy lives outside of Eretz Yisrael. They’re obviously having the desired effect since you and the deranged poster-ripper find them so highly objectionable. Is he a friend of yours?
November 13, 2023 12:20 am at 12:20 am in reply to: Why aren’t yeshiva’s and girl school’s going to the rally in Washington. #2239076GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
Vital U.S. support for Israel in its war against Hamas, especially from elected officials, is tenuous and depends on votes. When our enemies can muster tens of thousands to D.C. who angrily demand an end to this support, a counter rally must bring even more voices in order for this support to continue. Davening and learning are unquestionably our weapons. Yet due to the “great concern about the extremely volatile political climate here in the United States”, organizations such as Agudah “feel it is important, midarchei ha’shtadlonus, that there be a large turnout at this event”.
It’s not hard to understand.
May you have much success in finding your match and may it be a pleasant and smooth experience!
September 28, 2023 3:17 pm at 3:17 pm in reply to: The final word on Moshiach from the meisim (hopefully!) #2228243GadolHadofiParticipantAAQ,
Kol Torah in Bayit Vegan is indeed a beautiful yeshiva but the story with R. Yaakov, zt”l actually took place during his visit to Kol Yaakov in Bayit Vegan. He was overjoyed to see Sephardim and Ashkenazim learning together in the yeshiva founded by R. Yehuda Ades.
September 21, 2023 4:49 pm at 4:49 pm in reply to: Which is worse: Married life or divorced life? #2227179GadolHadofiParticipantPoll: Which is worse?
1. Life in a marriage where a spouse physically disciplines their spouse and children, confines them to the home and otherwise restricts them based on twisted interpretations of Torah sources?
2. Life as a long term divorcee fighting with an ex over the kids, custody, visitation, money, support, asset separation/ownership and having the children used as pawns against them by the enemy parent?
Perhaps the multiple wives of our mod can enlighten us, if he lets them.
September 7, 2023 11:11 am at 11:11 am in reply to: Shidduchim Between Litvish Girls and Chasidish Boys #2223713GadolHadofiParticipantmdd1,
A review of posts by Joseph/UJM show that he has a visceral disdain for females, despite his delusional claims of marriage to multiple wives. His comments in favor of “higher tznius standards” are actually a reflection of his deep-seated desire to see women confined, restricted and made invisible.
September 7, 2023 12:13 am at 12:13 am in reply to: Is there a Drug Problem in the “Frum World”? #2223542GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
If you speak to old Rabbanim active from before the 1980’s you’ll hear multiple opinions stating that Jews were known to have a very tiny rate of alcoholism.
Anyone, especially a contemporary Rav who’s under the delusion that’s still the case has got their head buried very deep somewhere. Unfortunately, we’ve made great strides in catching-up to the rest of society.
July 2, 2023 7:22 pm at 7:22 pm in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2204960GadolHadofiParticipant741,
I will accept whomever the rest of Klal Yisrael accepts as Mashiach. I do not believe it’s in the realm of possibility that it will be any of the Lubavitcher Rabbeim, zt”l.
July 2, 2023 10:46 am at 10:46 am in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2204874GadolHadofiParticipant741,
I believe you’re the first self-identified Lubavitcher chasid to admit on this forum, “that, yes, it is in the realm of possibility that someone besides for one of the rabbeim will be moshiach”. Menachem appears to be highly allergic to this question.
If it is possible for Mashiach to come from those no longer alive, there are much worthier candidates than the Rebbe that Chabad is still fixated on, a full generation after his passing. Starting with Dovid Hamelech.
June 30, 2023 6:33 pm at 6:33 pm in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2204676GadolHadofiParticipantMenachem,
So once again after another round of playing the victim, you’re still refusing to answer a straightforward yes-or-no question:
Do you consider it within the realm of possibility that someone besides any of the seven Lubavitcher Rebbeim, zt”l will be Mashiach?
June 29, 2023 12:10 pm at 12:10 pm in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2204012GadolHadofiParticipantMenachem,
It’s cute the way Lubavitchers twist themselves into pretzels justifying their long-departed Rebbe as Mashiach, then complain that’s all the Snags want to talk about. If it’s really not such a big deal, please answer the following yes-or-no question, which you have refused to do so far:
Do you consider it within the realm of possibility that someone besides any of the seven Lubavitcher Rebbeim, zt”l will be Mashiach?
If you and Chabad want to twist yourselves into pretzels tirelessly defending why Mashiach can come from the dead, that’s fine. Just don’t call it sinas chinam when the rest of Jewry consider you all certifiably nuts and beyond the pale.
June 25, 2023 9:45 pm at 9:45 pm in reply to: Chabad Inspires all Jews to Yearn for Mashiach #2203005GadolHadofiParticipantsechel83,
IMHO, you would be neither. So you actually believe that someone besides any of the seven Lubavitcher Rebbeim, zt”l can be Mashiach? Please answer “yes” or “no”. If this is the common belief by Chabad meshichists, then why all the effort to justify how the last Rebbe, zt”l will be Mashiach?
June 22, 2023 11:24 pm at 11:24 pm in reply to: Chabad Inspires all Jews to Yearn for Mashiach #2202556GadolHadofiParticipantsechel83,
Do you consider it within the realm of possibility that someone besides any of the seven Lubavitcher Rebbeim, zt”l will be Mashiach? Please answer “yes” or “no”.
Oh no, not the Ten Commandments! Aren’t they from the New Testament? Instead, the Woke Mandates should be posted and “dress as your authentic self” events should be encouraged.
May 10, 2023 4:37 pm at 4:37 pm in reply to: Nabka event in congress canceled by the speaker #2189332GadolHadofiParticipantjackkk,
You’d be thrilled if this anti-Semitic squad scum moved the Nakba event and would gladly attend since the Palestinian issue is so “complicated”.
By the way, your hero, the anarchist George Soros isn’t in congress but he’d certainly have your full support if he were running.
Given your woke religion support for every abomination, why do you have problem with drag stars?
Sorry, not buying. Plenty of others in chinuch post here yet they don’t spend hours on a daily basis banging out vitriol like you do. It’s obvious that you don’t “despise what the torah despises”, you despise other Jews.
You are using this site as a release valve for your pent-up sinas chinam when you’re not at work. Please find more constructive ways of dealing with it, like mussar and therapy.
So you would permit, for instance, a rebbe to lecture students in a class while he posts daily that he despises just about everything about the parent body and school?
Would you want such a rebbe for your children, even if he is a big lamdan?
If you would, then we’ve hit rock bottom in this conversation.
I think you are a mah-yafis. Eating dog meat is banned in some Chinese cities but is allowed in most others and there’s even been an annual festival dedicated to it. Are your infantile woke sensibilities so ruffled by the truth that you actually compared it to the insidious blood libel lie?
The mods should permanently ban your sick kapo comments.
Despite the best efforts of her handlers, every time this stupid dolt opens her mouth, wilted word salad spews out. She is dumber than a box of hammers and doesn’t belong anywhere near the levers of power.
It would be terrible since unbelievably, there is actually someone more mentally challenged than the current brainless, incontinent, mush-eating occupant of the oval geriatric ward. Here’s just the latest from the horse-faced, hyena-laughing, word-salad spewing dolt, copied from
“So I think it’s very important — as you have heard from so many incredible leaders — for us, at every moment in time, and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past, but the future.”
Wow, that really inspires and builds confidence, doesn’t it?
Despite your insistence that you don’t hate Jews, your posts indicate that you do. Otherwise, you’d happily share them with your employer and their parent body but we both know you’d then be unemployable.
Just as it’s clear to you what goes on in the minds of the Orthoprax, your visceral hatred for others is obvious to everyone who reads your posts.
I’m not the one who constantly peddles vile hatred on this site, you are.
Just as it’s impossible for a person to perform mitzvos without proper belief in HKB”H, it’s impossible to properly educate children when you have nothing but disdain for their parents, their community and their school. Ortho-prax damage themselves but Chinuch-prax damage every child they come into contact with. The father in question would be less than complimentary if he read your posts.
Avira is a Rebbe in an MO school. I’ll bet you’re as thrilled to learn that as I was!
If you’re in shlichus I’m a bit surprised since the shluchim I know work day and night on behalf of their “localities” with no time to post regarding Chabad ideology.
You seem to heave a great deal of time on your hands. What is your occupation?
You may want to check out “Avodas Hakorbanos”, written by the eldest son-in-law of the Chafetz Chaim, zt”l, over a century ago and recently translated by ArtScroll. In his approbation, the Chafetz Chaim wrote that learning this topic demonstrates that we anticipate the coming of Mashiach.
Yes, the special Korbonos brought that day are referred to as “coming with the bread” and the Kohen waves the two lambs sandwiched in between them.
Not sure what you’re referring to but for one, the two lambs accompanied them. With other offerings, including the Todah, the Mincha was a “side” for the Korbon.
Ten of the forty loaves brought with a Korbon Todah are chametz.
I’ll check it out but please understand that many people won’t accept chiddushim that only exist in Chabad writings but not in more universally accepted sources. Nor do they have to.
Is this your interpretation or did the Rebbe, zt”l explicitly say that “anyone will be able to enter the Kodesh hakodoshim as long as they’re at that spiritual level, any day, when moshiach comes”? From Yechezkel (43:7) we see that the Third Bayis will be quite a distance removed from the city to prevent us from defiling it. People will certainly not be able to enter the Kodesh HaKadashim every day, regardless of their spiritual level.
Please provide the source for your Kodesh HaKadashim claim.
I wasn’t referring to attending college for “educational value” but strictly to pursue a livelihood. I know two sons of well-known shluchim who did so after marriage, one works as an attorney and the other as a therapist. They are both considered talmidei chachamim in their respective communities outside of Crown Heights but I was wondering how they would be viewed by Chabad.