Forum Replies Created
So now you know more than our gedolim do?
B”H, they’re in charge and not some ignorant troll who enjoys pretending to have multiple wives.
How pious of you!
When are you going to demand the name of the RAV who permitted “rabbi Oscar Mayer” to whitewash a murderous cult? Have you ever even learned sefer chofetz chaim about the obligation to protect Jewish lives through speech, quite literally in this case?
It’s just as critical for YWN readers to know that they can’t trust anything that “rabbi Oscar Mayer” prints in his rag, as to know that Lev Yahor is a murderous and abusive cult.
February 13, 2025 1:59 pm at 1:59 pm in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2364215GadolHadofiParticipantyechiyell,
You are very passionate about gender-bender surgery and seem to know a great deal about the topic. Were you born female and what name were you given by your parents? Poor thing, no wonder you’re so angry at the world!
You forget that there was a letter supporting Kamalek signed by “33 orthodox rabbis” including rabbits Shayna Abramson, Aliza Libman Baronofsky, Alana Suskin, Emily Golderg Winer and of course crazy’s personal rabbit, Wendy Zierler. There, now what do you have to say?
Heeeeellllllloooooo? Perhaps you haven’t gotten the memo but your hyena-laughing, dimwitted girlfriend Kamalek LOST!!!
It’s time to get over your infatuation with her and do something with your life. If you’re finding it too difficult, please seek professional help. which you won’t find here or with ChatGPT. Perhaps you should just move to California, currently on fire due to your woke coreligionists, in the hope that she wins office there and wrecks it even more.
January 15, 2025 11:34 pm at 11:34 pm in reply to: I better not hear a single word about מלחמת מצוה #2352961GadolHadofiParticipantNo question, it was definitely a מלחמת מצוה.
Now, go have your well-earned aneurysm.
FACT: every delivery Brandon made came with a slap, threat, or knife in the back, then he started withholding promised weapons
FACT: WSJ revealed that the useless turd you so slavishly worship was mentally incompetent from the start
FACT: the woke maniac commuted well earned death sentences of the worst criminalsYou’re living in your own sad, lonely fantasy bubble and have become a vile, mah-yafis kapo. FEH!
Brandon used every opportunity to slap down, sabotage and subvert Israel’s war against their enemies by repeatedly threatening them, withholding arms and sharing their negotiating positions. He just exposed his twisted woke soul to the world by commuting the death sentences of the worst criminals.
You expose your sycophantic, mah-yafis kapo nature to everyone on this site when you continuously defend this useless turd who was mentally deficient from his first day in office.
FEH and eternal shame on you!
So it wasn’t the complete mismanagement by Brandon’s clown-car caretaker administration that caused polio to comeback but negative talk about vaccines by people not even in the government? FEH, nobody’s buying the garbage you’re peddling!
You complain about Americans using their right of free expression to disagree with you then get all huffy about posting whatever lunacy pops into your sick mind Perhaps you should move to another country, like Iran or North Korea.
Google your straw-man phrase, “polio making a comeback” and the first page of hits is from medical sites published over the past two years. In case you’ve forgotten, Brandon, Kamalek and their woke, demented lackeys have been incompetently running the country during that time. FEH!
Newsflash: you may have missed it but thankfully your corrupt, clueless party lost the election, so get over it or get help!
Google your straw-man phrase, “polio making a comeback” and the first page of hits is from medical sites published over the past two years. In case you’ve forgotten, Brandon, Kamalek and their woke, demented lackeys have been incompetently running the country during that time. FEH!
Newsflash: you may have missed it but thankfully your corrupt, clueless party lost the election, so get over it or get help!
December 6, 2024 2:53 pm at 2:53 pm in reply to: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity #2338731GadolHadofiParticipantI’ve frequented this “trailer shul” a number of times without a hat or jacket and have seen others doing the same. Despite all the signs, no one ever said anything or even looked at me askance.
Perhaps you’ve been hiding under a rock but there was an election one month ago and yes, they do have consequences.
If incompetent, incontinent Brandon was so successful, why did Obama and Pelosi force him to sit it out in the corner, sucking his thumb? Why didn’t horse-face, hyena-laughing Kamalek win since she wasn’t going to change anything that her nincompoop boss did? The majority of American voters proclaimed that he and his clown car administration ruined everything they even looked at. That’s why the Republicans will control the White House, U.S. House and U.S. Senate, as well as the majority of Governor’s offices and State Legislatures.
The garbage woke religion you’re so enamored with will be hauled out to the trash heap of history to be incinerated and its ashes scattered to the winds. Please seek immediate professional assistance for your delusions and derangement before you harm yourself and others.
AAQ is right; on June 6, 2021 you posted:
“you sound just like my mother, she was a witch and would follow that mechanechs words, i was terribly beaten as a kid, i am now 40 with 10 kids and i treat them like kinderlech and not like i was treated”.
You were told repeatedly by the mods to cease and desist from this topic yet you’re still compulsively fixated on it. For your own sanity and that of the “10 kinderlech”, please logout and seek professional counseling immediately!
November 7, 2024 1:07 pm at 1:07 pm in reply to: You wanted an insane dictator? You got him! #2330699GadolHadofiParticipantyechiyell,
Nope, because Brandon, Kamalek and your immoral party have been swept from power. You would do well to read the “Morning After” piece by liberal Lanny Davis and reflect seriously on it.
The Republicans are now going to haul away the smelly garbage pile of your insane and dictatorial woke religion to the incinerator, then scatter its filthy ashes to the winds.
Do you allow your multiple wives to vote and if so, does it count against their allowed monthly excursion out of the house?
October 28, 2024 4:17 pm at 4:17 pm in reply to: US Thad Missiles and Troops to Israel. Beware of MAGA Isolationism #2326745GadolHadofiParticipantAAQ,
Kamalek’s Jewish ham-and-cheese sandwich seems to have a strong preference for shigtzas. She is shepping much nachas from his-daughter Emma, an anti-Semite who helps UNRWA raise funds for Hamas.
October 15, 2024 11:08 am at 11:08 am in reply to: US Thad Missiles and Troops to Israel. Beware of MAGA Isolationism #2324852GadolHadofiParticipantcrazy,
The system is called “THAAD”, not “THAD” and Kamalek, the horse-faced, hyena laughing slut had nothing to do with it.
Brandon stabs Israel in the back once again, dictating how they can or can’t respond to Iran and you think he deserves credit for deploying defensive weapons? The incontinent turd pisses in your face and you thank him for the rain? You’re actually an even bigger nincompoop than he is!
September 29, 2024 11:59 pm at 11:59 pm in reply to: Should America Offer Israelis a Safe Haven? #2320046GadolHadofiParticipantCharlie,
Liar. FDR had Democrat majorities in Congress for most of his terms as President and could have passed legislation allowing Jews into this country. However, like all good liberals, he despised Jews and wouldn’t even meet with the hundreds of Rabbis who came to Washington in October of 1943, beseeching him to save their brothers and sisters.
Nothing has changed.
September 22, 2024 4:15 pm at 4:15 pm in reply to: Why do regular ol’ chicken eggs need a hechsher? #2317454GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
While laughably extreme positions are the cornerstone of your made-up NK religion, for true Jews, “Frum is a Galach, Ehrlich is a Yid”.
The huge flaw on your shoulder requires you to find fault with anyone not pledging allegiance to your myopic outlook.
September 15, 2024 4:40 pm at 4:40 pm in reply to: Should America Offer Israelis a Safe Haven? #2315055GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
Several months ago, you were advocating moving to areas of E”Y inside Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. That would make an excellent safe-haven for you and your NK buddies, so when is it happening?
Why are you too scared to post as “Charlie”, your real name?
Did you share your original thoughts with him? Like how “the torah sometimes doesn’t know the difference between male and female, so gender fluidity is perfectly fine”, you dumb putz?
September 15, 2024 1:34 pm at 1:34 pm in reply to: Trump: ‘Israel will no longer exist if Harris becomes president’ #2314971GadolHadofiParticipantmodern,
You’ve already posted this lie as “Charlie” on other sites but are afraid to use your real name here. Why is that?
September 11, 2024 10:27 am at 10:27 am in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2313910GadolHadofiParticipantyechiell,
You do exactly what Brandon has done for the past nine months. He promised Israel arms so he sent some, then he started feeling sorry for the poor terrorists, then he kept delaying the most vital shipments such as shells and bunker busters. Then he repeatedly denied delaying arms, allowed U.N. votes against Israel to proceed and lied to them about ceasefire negotiations.
That’s how; stab, stab, stab, stab, stab!
September 10, 2024 2:49 pm at 2:49 pm in reply to: Terrorists Murdered Hostages Shortly Before They Were Located #2313774GadolHadofiParticipant1,
By constantly criticizing other Jews and spewing lengthy posts, Joseph hopes to destroy the Zionists entity, perhaps by boring its supporters into submission. Then, his NK messiah will arrive and maybe free the hostages, if he feels like it.
September 10, 2024 11:54 am at 11:54 am in reply to: Terrorists Murdered Hostages Shortly Before They Were Located #2313550GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
Do you really think that R. Hutner, zt”l and R. Miller, zt”l are having nachas from your unwavering hatred against Jews and disdain for the hostages?
September 10, 2024 11:53 am at 11:53 am in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2313548GadolHadofiParticipantyechiell,
Brandon, leader of the democratic party has spent the last 9 months stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing (this sentence too long for you? too bad), stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing, stabbing Israel in the back by withholding arms, lying to them about negotiations and allowing U.N. votes against them.
Kamalek, the horse-faced, hyena-laughing, word salad witch, is only coherent when criticizing Israel and would order an arms embargo against them. She never won a single primary and has also literally prostituted herself to where she is today.
It speaks volumes about you that you love her so much!
September 8, 2024 4:09 pm at 4:09 pm in reply to: Terrorists Murdered Hostages Shortly Before They Were Located #2312697GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
You define “we Jews” as yourself and your NK buddies, who are this generation’s devoted acolytes of Joseph Goebbels.
September 8, 2024 11:36 am at 11:36 am in reply to: Terrorists Murdered Hostages Shortly Before They Were Located #2312598GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
So once again, this thread was never really about the hostages, for whom you could care less, but to beat your scrawny, heartless chest about the evils of Zionism.
You’re repulsive.
September 3, 2024 11:01 am at 11:01 am in reply to: Terrorists Murdered Hostages Shortly Before They Were Located #2311204GadolHadofiParticipantphilosopher,
Joseph, like his hate-filled NK buddies, believes that Zionism is directly responsible for every evil, including anti-Semitism, war, terrorism, COVID, hemorrhroids, the Holocaust, pogroms, Chmielnicki, the Inquisition, Blood Libels, the Crusades and even the Churban. They feel that all Jews should move to the new Jerusalem of Brooklyn and celebrate when those in Israel are killed.
September 2, 2024 3:15 pm at 3:15 pm in reply to: Terrorists Murdered Hostages Shortly Before They Were Located #2310916GadolHadofiParticipantJoseph,
You’re a vile piece of stinking human excrement. You never gave a damn about the hostages and repeatedly mocked all efforts to free them. You and your twisted NK besties had the happiest Simchas Torah ever, celebrating the Hamas butchery of October 7th.
You’ve always hated anyone who doesn’t look and think like you do. Go slither back into the filthy sewer you oozed out of.
Over 731,000 Americans died of COVID under Brandon’s murderous presidency.
More of your inane korporal kapo armchair analysis. You sound sad about the hostage rescue and how it could hurt Brandon’s negotiating a ceasefire behind Israel’s back. Do everyone a favor and go to Gaza as the useless turd’s representative.
Your idol, the useless turd Brandon, is directly responsible for the COVID deaths of over 731,000 Americans during his presidency.
August 23, 2024 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm in reply to: What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion or hot take? #2308291GadolHadofiParticipantKuvult,
FDR was an anti-Semite, period, who could have allowed Jews into this country since his party controlled Congress for most of his presidency. He wouldn’t even meet with the 400 Rabbonim who came to D.C. begging him to save their brothers and sisters.
August 22, 2024 1:32 pm at 1:32 pm in reply to: What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion or hot take? #2308163GadolHadofiParticipantKuvult,
General Carl “Tooey” Spaatz, USSAF Commander in Europe felt that Auschwitz could and should be bombed.
August 22, 2024 11:05 am at 11:05 am in reply to: What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion or hot take? #2308035GadolHadofiParticipantKuvult,
Harav Michael Dov Weismandel, zt”l, who escaped from a cattle car and informed the world about the horrors of Auschwitz, insisted that bombing the tracks would have saved Jews.
More piles of your mindless and irrelevant kapo effluent defending this anti-Semitic administration. Israel doesn’t purchase the F-18, a carrier-based aircraft and they desperately begged for bombs and shells, which Brandon withheld.
Sorry to inconvenience you with the truth, but there were 101 arms shipments to Israel in the first four months of the war which were then cut to 52 over the next five months, despite Israel’s desperate requests. This was due to Brandon and his lackeys pressuring Israel to agree to the cease fire they were negotiating while lying to them about the details.
After October 7th, Brandon made statements supporting Israel and promised them munitions. Over the past eight months he’s repeatedly stabbed them in the back at the U.N. and during negotiations, then delayed vital arms shipments. Worthless VP Kamalek has done absolutely nothing and can only form an intelligible sentence when criticizing Israel and supporting its detractors.
As you love to say, “One faults with their own faults”, you lowlife!
One faults with their own faults, you shvantz!
Why don’t you mind your own business and stop asking others to air theirs in public? What’s wrong with you?
CNN ought to know about lies, given their “truthful” reporting in Israel.
One faults with their own faults, which applies to you also.
Clinton is narcissistic, immoral and a liar. He is an unmentsch, yet you hypocritically voted for him twice.
You’ll write anything not to answer how you voted for Clinton, who was married.
You’re the one who raised the morality issue, so how many times did you hypocritically vote for Clinton?
Your beloved party’s platform supports gays, lesbians, and transgender lunatics as well as those who hate Jews, just like your hero FDR did. Recent polls show that despite your rose-colored glasses, only 23% of Americans view the economy as excellent or good and Brandon’s clueless policies gave us high inflation throughout his failed presidency.
Regarding how important character actually is to you, I’m guessing you probably voted twice for the great paragon of moral virtue, Bill Clinton.
Stick to the cutesy b’nos vertlach.