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  • in reply to: Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman tells Yidden to shun secular education #895776
    frummy in the tummy

    Sometimes I can’t figure out whether to laugh or to cry….

    in reply to: What should next ASIFA be about?? #894723
    frummy in the tummy

    1) The CR and its importance to every Jew’s life.

    in reply to: 8 hours to refresh?? #895525
    frummy in the tummy

    I don’t know….seems like shticky guy is milking this thing for all it’s worth with pretty cheesy jokes…wonder if he’s this shticky just online or also in the flesh. I’m jk everybody, don’t have a cow.

    in reply to: Accepting Praise and complements #893565
    frummy in the tummy

    Just say thank you and try not to think about it too much – I’ve got the same issue (sorry to be a spelling nazi, but you want compliment with an “i”, not complement with an “e”).

    Great post btw! 😉

    in reply to: GUITAR chords #998255
    frummy in the tummy

    I always just google “(name of song) guitar chords” for whatever song I’m looking for. I figure, if it exists online, it’ll come up. But if you’re just looking for a whole list of songs to pick from, I can’t help you.

    in reply to: Where is right and wrong? Morals upside down. #895612
    frummy in the tummy

    <i>Less if for things you count. Fewer is for things you don’t count.</i>

    You meant right but said it backwards.

    in reply to: 8 hours to refresh?? #895520
    frummy in the tummy

    Okay, thank you.

    in reply to: 8 hours to refresh?? #895518
    frummy in the tummy

    Sam2: Thank you for a normal response to an innocent question. Much appreciated. I assumed that comments were automatically posted and any filtering was done after the fact, and also assumed that the multitude of comments that appeared after several hours of not seeing any included back and forth of commenters who weren’t having my problem, but I guess that’s not true either. Hence my frustration.

    My condolences to those who can’t handle others’ lack of knowledge and pursuit thereof.

    Yes, comments are moderated, and most moderators live in the Occident and are asleep at the same time.

    in reply to: Disinheriting an OTD Child #893463
    frummy in the tummy

    There are many OTD people who imho are better people than many on the derech…

    Why do people make life decisions? There are a thousand reasons. Do you really know that because someone makes a decision that on the outside looks to be wrong that it truly is not for the better? I think taking them out of an inheritance is stupid, and I think blaming it on the parents is stupid as well. Do we actually perceive someone who decides not to wear tzitzis and a yarmulke as having failed himself and his family? Is that really the sum total of life and its challenges? If someone sees the world a little differently than we do, is that somehow a sign that somebody messed up somewhere? Isn’t one of Judaism’s “claim to fame” the fact that we don’t believe all goyim are going to hell? Is that because they’re just too stupid to know better, or perhaps because what they believe actually has merit too and deserves respect? Sometimes it amazes me how close-minded people can be.

    in reply to: Which Threads Do You Ignore? #1005917
    frummy in the tummy

    The linen ones. Tends to get dicey when you have wool clothing.

    in reply to: Limo for after Wedding #892539
    frummy in the tummy

    I’m surprised they didn’t ask for money for first month’s rent…

    in reply to: Shabbos Shoes #1134495
    frummy in the tummy

    I only have the one pair, but on Shabbos I call them Shabbos Shoes. Am I yotzei?

    in reply to: Riddles #1050107
    frummy in the tummy

    557/ICOT –

    Although it’s certainly an interesting problem as stated, the one problem with describing it as pursuer (X) and pursued (Y) is that it does not factor in reaction time. In order for Y to travel in the perpendicular direction of travel of X for any infinitesimal movement (during your time t_i), Y must know X’s direction of travel before X actually performs said movement. Assuming that this is impossible, X can randomly preempt the direction of travel of Y and cut him off, and after enough guesses should eventually catch him. I’m with ICOT in not understanding your entire logic (I’m an engineer, not a mathematician :)), so please correct me if I’m wrong.

    in reply to: Dangerous territory #891669
    frummy in the tummy

    I thought my comment was unambiguous.

    To me, the title certainly does not seem deceptive. Perhaps it’s ambiguous, but you see what the thread is discussing as soon as you open it up, so who cares. What did you think before you opened the thread? Nothing, it looked like it could be an interesting topic, and so you clicked on it – same reason I did.

    You seemed to be trolling, and I find the best way to deal with a troll is to troll in return.

    And yes, your comment was ambiguous.

    in reply to: Riddles #1050106
    frummy in the tummy

    ICOT –

    Great Job! Heard it before or you figured it out?

    in reply to: saying good shabbos to girls (men) #892719
    frummy in the tummy

    tahini – well said. As a single guy I can say I’m at that point of being completely fed up with the shidduch system. I’m fed up with being put into this awkward, completely unnatural environment where you have to figure out how to have hours-long conversations with a complete stranger because Mrs. Weinstein thought it was a good idea. I’m fed up with being part of a system in which girls are these delicate, elusive creatures with whom you aren’t supposed to learn how to converse with until 20 or 25 years into life when you are thrust into above-mentioned awkward hours-long conversations. I’m fed up with a system in which a completely natural, healthy attraction to the opposite gender is viewed as wrong and even evil. But go ahead, don’t say good shabbos to people. (Rant over)

    in reply to: "Cheer Up" and "Relax" #891479
    frummy in the tummy

    It depends on who it’s coming from, how it’s said, and why the person is sad/upset. No easy fix-all way to answer.

    in reply to: Dangerous territory #891654
    frummy in the tummy

    The only thing worse than a hostile comment is an ambiguous one.

    The 😛

    in reply to: IDEAS FOR STORE NAME #899500
    frummy in the tummy

    How about: Roughly Diamonds

    in reply to: Sheidim #891589
    frummy in the tummy

    What is this “mind” thing you speak of?

    in reply to: Riddles #1050102
    frummy in the tummy

    I’ve always loved this one:

    3 good friends (they know each other very well) of absolutely equal intelligence, Huey, Dewey, and Louie are captured by Bin Laden and given an interesting opportunity for one of them to save his own life (ol’ Laden is in a good mood today).

    Bin Laden tells them: There are a total of 3 red hats and 2 black hats. I will blindfold all of you and place one hat on each of your heads. I will then remove the other 2 hats from the room and then remove the blindfolds. The first one who correctly states the color of his own hat will be spared; the other two will be summarily executed. If you answer incorrectly, are caught looking in someone else’s eye’s reflection, or any other form of cheating, you will be killed immediately. Good Luck! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    Bin Laden goes through the process and places red hats on all 3 of their heads. After about 2 minutes, Louie confidently yells out “It’s red!” and enjoys his freedom as he watches Huey and Dewey being burned alive in vats of excrement (coincidentally, Bin Laden was found the next week and guess what he’s burning in now for eternity?).

    How did Louie know? (It could have been Huey or Dewey who figured it out as well, but Louie happened to be faster today.)

    in reply to: I'm Bored #932719
    frummy in the tummy

    moskidoodle – MJ had your same dilemma: I’m starting with the man in the mirror. I’m asking him to change his ways….

    Boruch She’kivanta

    in reply to: ??? ???? ??? – A Thank You to Women! #1180359
    frummy in the tummy

    SiDi – It’s only in the tummy that I am frummy; outside the tummy I am Super Frummy (or at least that’s what this cape says).

    in reply to: Anybody following the Olympics? #890696
    frummy in the tummy

    Concerned, very well stated. I completely agree. (GO USA!)

    in reply to: ??? ???? ??? – A Thank You to Women! #1180332
    frummy in the tummy

    Curiosity’s “us” was referring to Jewish Americans, not women.

    in reply to: Dirty Tissues in Shul #984980
    frummy in the tummy

    In this case placing the tissue in tht trash bin, or bringing a bag to place it in and removing it after shabbos is assur. There is a chiyuv to drop the tissue on the floor, or at least to leave it on the table, so as to provide parnassah to the goyim. Although only the goyim are allowed to have lowly jobs like being a janitor, it is important to provide them with opportunities to get zchusim to be avadim for the times of mashiyach by servicing yidden now. In a b’diyeved situation, you may bring your own bag to place the tissues in, but make sure to leave the bag on the table when you leave, and one should wipe the tissues on the handle of the bag before inserting them so as to provide a siman for the future generations.

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