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  • in reply to: Another dating question??? #920401
    frummy in the tummy

    WIY – I don’t know what gave you the impression that I “think marriage is all about (my) physical pleasures”, but I can assure that is not true. And while I don’t know all the exact details of taharas hamishpacha, I get the general idea and I think it is important to keep with it. Regardless of your intimate knowledge of me, I know what self control is, and I also believe I am ready for marriage. Thank you for your input.

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937356
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful (3 or more colors)? It can be (usually not really)

    5) is it bigger then a computer screen/monitor? (Since that can vary, I’ll assume you meant an average size of about 20″) Yes

    6) Is it a household object? I’m gonna go with Yes (It’s not a chair)

    7) Does it have legs? No

    8) Is it partially ceramic? No

    9) is it movable? Yes

    10) Does it hold other stuff in it? No

    11) Does it have wheels? No

    12) Is its primary use outdoors? No

    13) Is it used for recreational purposes (as opposed to something used to accomplish something necessary/boring)? Yes!

    14) Is it primarily used by children (under 10 years)? No

    15) Is it a game? No

    16) Does it have many (10 or more) pieces? No (It is one object)

    Hint: Only some people have one, but it is almost universally appreciated

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937353
    frummy in the tummy

    Everyone give up? You’ve almost got it.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, Popa! #917438
    frummy in the tummy

    SaysMe – precisely 🙂

    in reply to: Another dating question??? #920397
    frummy in the tummy

    I also have many years experience (good experience) in yeshiva – I’m very familiar with that type of lifestyle and there are many positive things that I have learned and am glad to have experienced; I just don’t necessarily see myself as a “yeshivish” person.

    in reply to: Another dating question??? #920396
    frummy in the tummy

    rebdoniel – While your point may be valid to some extent, and I appreciate it, her family is actually quite frum, and even davens at the same shul as my family does. She is not a flipped out zealot and not even a BT, she just has a strong sense of doing what’s right, which I greatly appreciate. I do have a slightly more relaxed view towards frumkeit, but I still value it greatly, and I keep kashrus, shabbos and pretty much everything that “mainstream orthodoxy” (whatever that is) keeps.

    in reply to: Another dating question??? #920391
    frummy in the tummy

    uneeq – I don’t believe TV is inherently bad, but there are obviously shows that portray ideals I do not agree with. And I obviously wouldn’t want to expose my kids to things that could cause permanent harm or severely limit their ability to let go of those things (drugs, immorality) just to have them be open-minded. I don’t think even exposure to the worst things on TV fits into that category, though. Yes, people learn a lot from TV, especially young children, but as long as there is some restriction on it I don’t think it is the scary monster many religious people make it out to be, and adarabah, I think labeling it as a scary monster gives children both more of an attraction to it as well as a harmful (and unproductive) feeling of guilt if they do watch it. That said, as snowbunny pointed out, there are ways for me to get my ‘fix’ without actually owning a TV, and that is one of the things I am willing to compromise on. I think you’re 100% right about the parents’ open-mindedness being the most important factor.

    TheBearIsBack – What does ‘azoy vi a tzvibel, mit der kop in der erd’ mean?

    The Wolf – thanks! I feel like I’ve seen eye to eye with you on a lot of issues, and would greatly appreciate your input.

    in reply to: Another dating question??? #920384
    frummy in the tummy

    cruzer – To me, it does. I will have a much harder time being shomer with a girl I’ve been going out with and am very interested in than anyone else. I would certainly not be touching other women in an affectionate way if I am married, and if my wife would want me to avoid all forms of touching I’d certainly be okay with that, too.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, Popa! #917433
    frummy in the tummy

    Just to clarify….I never meant to SKIP zero. The two options I was thinking of were either to have zero only count as the low end of the string, because zero is actually the smallest value digit, so the only options would be numbers that contain 0-1-2-3, 1-2-3-4, 2-3-4-5, 3-4-5-6, 4-5-6-7, 5-6-7-8, and 6-7-8-9, OR to allow zero to connect the lowest digits to highest digits (kind of like an ace connects the lows and the highs in the card game spit), which would also allow 7-8-9-0, 8-9-0-1, and 9-0-1-2. There are 24 possible orders for any four unique digits, so that would be 168 possibilities if zero only counts low, 240 possibilities if zero can “string”. There are 9,000 positive integers that contain 4 digits, so that’s 168/9000 or 1.8667% if zero is low, 240/9000 or 2.6667% if zero strings. To have two such numbers independently, you just square the odds, so 0.0348% if zero is low, 0.0711% if zero strings.

    My sentence “The year 2,013 is the first year since 1,987 to have all unique digits, and when rearranged they are also consecutive” was admittedly confusing lol. ‘They are also consecutive’ was not referring to the 1,987; following either of the two possibilities, 1987 would not be consecutive (and I think just deciding to “ignore” zero wouldn’t be a very fair move, saysme, but thanks for the thought). The only commonality between 1987 and 2013 is the uniqueness of digits, which none of the years between them have.

    in reply to: Classic Yeshivishe Haircut #918397
    frummy in the tummy

    ZD – ‘Greasy’ is a derogatory term for people who are so frum that they don’t care about their physical appearance, thereby being less clean and more ‘greasy’ than other people. (Whether a statistically significant larger number of really frum people actually are more greasy or not is a different discussion)

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, Popa! #917430
    frummy in the tummy

    midwesterner – 1987 is NOT consecutive, it’s just all unique digits like 2013, which none of the years in between share with them. 2013 and 2543 are both consecutive and unique.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish Music #917302
    frummy in the tummy

    There are some Jewish artists that I do find inspiring, like Eitan and Shlomo Katz. Carlebach tunes are generally inspiring as well, although it depends who’s singing them. But I also find a lot of classical music inspiring, especially from the Romantic Era (Chopin is awesome), as well as Simon and Garfunkel, Peter, Paul and Mary, and many of the Beatles’ songs.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, Popa! #917426
    frummy in the tummy

    That’s actually really funny – he now has 2,543 posts, a number in which all the digits are different and when rearranged are consecutive. The year 2,013 is the first year since 1,987 to have all unique digits, and when rearranged they are also consecutive. The chances of two numbers having that characteristic is 0.07%, even if you include numbers like 1,809 which string from “below” zero to above zero. If you only count above zero, e.g. 3,201, it’s a 0.035% chance. (yes, the odds of SOME numerically significant similarity between the two numbers occurring is a lot higher, but it’s still neat :P)

    in reply to: Coffee Room Color War #1027441
    frummy in the tummy

    As of the time of this post, what is the number of participants in the coffee room?

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937352
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful (3 or more colors)? It can be (usually not really)

    5) is it bigger then a computer screen/monitor? (Since that can vary, I’ll assume you meant an average size of about 20″) Yes

    6) Is it a household object? I’m gonna go with Yes (It’s not a chair)

    7) Does it have legs? No

    8) Is it partially ceramic? No

    9) is it movable? Yes

    10) Does it hold other stuff in it? No

    11) Does it have wheels? No

    12) Is its primary use outdoors? No

    13) Is it used for recreational purposes (as opposed to something used to accomplish something necessary/boring)? Yes!

    14) Is it primarily used by children (under 10 years)? No

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937350
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful (3 or more colors)? It can be (usually not really)

    5) is it bigger then a computer screen/monitor? (Since that can vary, I’ll assume you meant an average size of about 20″) Yes

    6) Is it a household object? I’m gonna go with Yes (It’s not a chair)

    7) Does it have legs? No

    8) Is it partially ceramic? No

    9) is it movable? Yes

    10) Does it hold other stuff in it? No

    11) Does it have wheels? No

    12) Is its primary use outdoors? No

    13) Is it used for recreational purposes (as opposed to something used to accomplish something necessary/boring)? Yes!

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937348
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful (3 or more colors)? It can be (usually not really)

    5) is it bigger then a computer screen/monitor? (Since that can vary, I’ll assume you meant an average size of about 20″) Yes

    6) Is it a household object? I’m gonna go with Yes (It’s not a chair)

    7) Does it have legs? No

    8) Is it partially ceramic? No

    9) is it movable? Yes

    10) Does it hold other stuff in it? No

    11) Does it have wheels? No

    12) Is its primary use outdoors? No

    in reply to: Non-Jewish Music #917299
    frummy in the tummy

    Frankly, I don’t find MBD or Avraham Fried songs inspiring.

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937346
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful (3 or more colors)? It can be (usually not really)

    5) is it bigger then a computer screen/monitor? (Since that can vary, I’ll assume you meant an average size of about 20″) Yes

    6) Is it a household object? I’m gonna go with Yes (It’s not a chair)

    7) Does it have legs? No

    8) Is it partially ceramic? No

    9) is it movable? Yes

    10) Does it hold other stuff in it? No

    11) Does it have wheels? No

    in reply to: how does Hashem want girls with good voices to use them? #917106
    frummy in the tummy
    in reply to: How to get rid of an eyin-horah? #968309
    frummy in the tummy
    in reply to: Non-Jewish Music #917293
    frummy in the tummy

    Music is certainly a powerful tool, and has the potential to affect a person positively or negatively in a strong way, if the listener should so choose it to do so. Free will is an even stronger tool.

    in reply to: Question about football #961796
    frummy in the tummy

    Soccer is boring. The end.

    in reply to: how does Hashem want girls with good voices to use them? #917101
    frummy in the tummy

    uneeq – While there may be many similarities between the two, there are important differences, especially regarding what the OP was ACTUALLY ASKING. If you people really want to go on some religious tirade, why don’t you start another thread that actually has something to with the thing you’re ranting about?

    In the right environment, a man or woman (performing for women, as the OP clearly stated) can have a great effect on people through music. See my previous post.

    in reply to: how does Hashem want girls with good voices to use them? #917096
    frummy in the tummy

    How did 90% of the posters completely miss the point of the OP’s question? Admittedly, the title is a bit misleading, but the OP’s actual question has nothing to do with the issur of kol isha; it has to do with an issue facing vocally talented men and women alike, the issue of sincerity in music, which is no small matter for those concerned with connecting to G-d (for themselves and others) through music. Music is extremely powerful, and the feelings a performer has when performing are often felt by the listeners and can make a huge impact on them, as well.

    There is a certain awesome connection one can attain with G-d through music which this girl has likely experienced in the past. Music can be a form of tefillah, and some people connect to G-d through music as some do through limud Torah and as others do through gemilas chesed.

    It is natural that while performing for others it is much harder to attain this connection, as it is almost impossible not to think about how others hear your music, and you are also much more focused on playing/singing everything correctly than you would be at say, a kumzitz.

    That being said, if the music itself is music that is spiritual and meaningful, and has a good message, imho if you are AWARE of that and would like the positive message to come across and to inspire people, then it WILL come across (regardless of your exact thoughts DURING the performance). Thoughts of ga’avah are natural, but your awareness of and concern about them in and of themselves in a way prove that showing off is NOT your intent. It is highly important to keep that awareness, but as long as the thing you WANT to come across is that feeling of inspiration and spirituality, imho that is what will come across.

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937344
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful (3 or more colors)? It can be (usually not really)

    5) is it bigger then a computer screen/monitor? (Since that can vary, I’ll assume you meant an average size of about 20″) Yes

    6) Is it a household object? I’m gonna go with Yes (It’s not a chair)

    7) Does it have legs? No

    8) Is it partially ceramic? No

    9) is it movable? Yes

    10) Does it hold other stuff in it? No

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069875
    frummy in the tummy

    ICOT – Haha, yeah, no harm. I still know you’re smart (just like the mensa dude).

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069873
    frummy in the tummy

    ICOT – that’s awesome! But wasn’t he correctly trying to push if it says P-U-S-H? You could just change it to “Trying to exit, pull and strain” without having to change any of your rhyme words.

    popa – I agree with ICOT; no matter what he brings the first time, one of the wolf, sheep, or giraffe will remain with something they can’t, right?

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937342
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful (3 or more colors)? It can be (usually not really)

    5) is it bigger then a computer screen/monitor? (Since that can vary, I’ll assume you meant an average size of about 20″) Yes

    6) Is it a household object? I’m gonna go with Yes (It’s not a chair)

    7) Does it have legs? No

    8) Is it partially ceramic? No

    9) is it movable? Yes

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069868
    frummy in the tummy

    I saw it in a mensa riddle book years back and liked it as well.

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937340
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful (3 or more colors)? It can be (usually not really)

    5) is it bigger then a computer screen/monitor? (Since that can vary, I’ll assume you meant an average size of about 20″) Yes

    6) Is it a household object? I’m gonna go with Yes (It’s not a chair)

    7) Does it have legs? No

    8) Is it partially ceramic? No

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069866
    frummy in the tummy

    ICOT – Very well done!

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069864
    frummy in the tummy

    The two ropes hang two feet away from each other.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1069863
    frummy in the tummy

    Two ropes hang from a ceiling that is 100 feet high down to the ground.

    Your mission: Attain as much length of rope as you possibly can.

    Your tools: A pair of clippers.

    Rules: Rope is only “attained” if you cut it from the hanging rope and bring it safely with you back to the ground. If you fall from more than a 20-ft height, you will die. ‘Length of rope’ is only counted if it is at its original thickness; the rope will also only support you (plus the clippers) at its original thickness.

    What is the greatest length of rope you can possibly attain?

    Hint: If done correctly, you can successfully attain more than 150 feet of rope.

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937338
    frummy in the tummy

    Btw I suggest ignoring the household object question, because it’s not so obviously a ‘yes’, so it might throw you off.

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937337
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful (3 or more colors)? It can be (usually not really)

    5) is it bigger then a computer screen/monitor? (Since that can vary, I’ll assume you meant an average size of about 20″) Yes

    6) Is it a household object? I’m gonna go with Yes (It’s not a chair)

    7) Does it have legs? No

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937335
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful (3 or more colors)? It can be (usually not really)

    5) is it bigger then a computer screen/monitor? (Since that can vary, I’ll assume you meant an average size of about 20″) Yes

    6) Is it a household object? I’m gonna go with Yes (It’s not a chair)

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937333
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful (3 or more colors)? It can be (usually not really)

    5) is it bigger then a computer screen/monitor? (Since that can vary, I’ll assume you meant an average size of about 20″) Yes

    in reply to: Coffee Room Color War #1027429
    frummy in the tummy

    Heilige – I need you! If this is really just based on CR trivia, I’m not gonna be much help (although I WILL be waving our beautiful green flag and screaming in the background, “Red Fish, Blue Fish, We’ll beat You Fish!”)

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937331
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    3) Is it metal? It contains metal.

    4) Is it colorful? (3 or more colors) It can be (usually not really)

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937329
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? Yes

    2) Does it use electricity? No

    in reply to: ALL SHIDDUCH Q's WELCOME #917675
    frummy in the tummy

    I’m sorry, golfer – now that I think about it, the assumption was likely three-fold:

    1) A simple assumption that most girls wouldn’t degrade themselves like that.

    2) I tend to think of sarcasm as more of a male tendency, which may be based on an ingrained chauvinistic view (that I’m not proud of) that all women are dainty creatures who wouldn’t dare say something that isn’t proper and polite.

    3) As a guy, if I don’t think about it too hard, I automatically assume everyone else on the internet is a guy.

    in reply to: ALL SHIDDUCH Q's WELCOME #917673
    frummy in the tummy

    Seriously, golfer and squeak? I’m assuming both of you are guys, as am I, but I don’t feel a need to rub it in the face of the opposite gender that I have an easier time finding dates because I was born with a Y chromosome; it’s actually a real issue. And I’m not saying there’s no room for levity in the matter, but I think your posts were in poor taste.

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937326
    frummy in the tummy

    1) Is it manmade? (or womanmade for all the feminists out there)


    in reply to: Coffee Room Color War #1027421
    frummy in the tummy

    Do they have to all be trivia questions? I’m not good at trivia, but I’m good at logic games/puzzles.

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937324
    frummy in the tummy

    Okay….I shouldn’t do this to myself, ’cause now I’ll have to check pretty often, but…

    I’ve got one.

    in reply to: Jews protesting against a job fair! How low will they fall? #915839
    frummy in the tummy

    cantgetit – wow, this sounds really similar to the argument of another “occupied” people in Israel…

    You know it’s really not that hard to be a part of a functioning society; sometimes it’s not worth starting a war over less-important ideals.

    in reply to: 20 Questions #937322
    frummy in the tummy

    Thanks, Wisey. Is moski still following? (not my question)

    Do people go inside it in its normal use?

    in reply to: Davening from phone in shul #1195429
    frummy in the tummy

    As long as someone is the kind of person who won’t be distracted by other apps on the device while davening, why does it matter? Does technology bother you? Most electronic devices are easier to hold than siddurim.

    in reply to: Adult Bullies #988690
    frummy in the tummy

    Wow, Rabbi Al, that’s really terrible. I’m curious how old (approximately) you are now and how you have coped with the awful experiences you had, as this is not an isolated incident and education (and everything related to it) is SO important and some teachers are SO bad.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 276 total)