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  • in reply to: Which famous people have you met? #1591156

    @Joseph, anytime he wanted! My Father supplied the Rebitzen with Potato’s for Kugel for many years so he was there on many a Thursday. We also had a close friend from an old time bank in Yerushalayim that was very close with the Rebbe. Between the 2 of them was quite often.

    in reply to: Which famous people have you met? #1590854

    I met the Lubabitcher Rebbe on a weekly basis growing up and attending Menucha day camp. Living at what was then the outskirts of BP, 16th and 59th, I used to pick up all the dollar bills off the floor he gave us campers that were left on the floor of the bus.
    I met Rav Moshe Feinstein on many occasions growing up in Monsey.
    My Father was very close with the Ribnitzer Rebbe back in the day and on more than one occassion I got to daven Maariv with him in his private room.
    As far as famous non Jews or celebrities are concerned, I once sat in the first row of a United flight down to Orlando next to David Coverdale of the Rock group Whitesnake. He was considered a “Rebbe” to anyone who recognized him. All the stewardesses were crying and asking him for autographs. When it finally quieted down and we started talking, he realized that I hadn’t the foggiest idea who he was. He was very open and interested in the Jewish religion and we had a very spirited conversation. When we landed he got off with me and was met at the gate by hundreds of screaming fans. Yeh, yeh.

    in reply to: Are you selling your pet for Pesach? #1504326

    Joseph, the more love the better! 3 of my kids are already married and my house feels empty during the week. I work at home and have time to walk them when they need walking. I also don’t know why scooping up their poop off the grass is any different than diapering my einikel when he or she comes to visit on Shabbos? Speaking of the eineklech, they also enjoyed the dogs. i don’t have the 2 that were here last Pesach, but my 11 year old son along with his 2 nieces have been hocking me to get another one all year. Now after reading this thread I feel I might just give in.

    in reply to: Are you selling your pet for Pesach? #1504090

    I wonder if Joseph, for just once in his life, would experience the love and connection felt when I use to walk into my backyard and the dogs saw me. The way they jumped all over me. The look of, yes, I would take a bullet for this guy. The look of unbridled love that one gets from a wife or child when he is their best friend. Would he somehow change his tune? Would he stop acting like his doesn’t stink? Yes, I know this sounds quite corny or off the deep end, but this is what a pet does to certain people. I do admit that if you live in Boro Park or Flatbush, this selfishness might be a burden for others, but here in Monsey or CT, I say, go for it.

    in reply to: Are you selling your pet for Pesach? #1503271

    Joseph, your ignorance speaks volumes! I have Bli Ayin Harah 6 kids. I also have 5 TV’s. Last year I had 2 of the most loving German Shepards puppies I ever saw living in my backyard pool area. They were given to me by my Rabbi who happens to be more frum than you can ever hope to be, and I don’t even know you! I bought special Kosher LePesach dog food and threw out all other food I had for them. As a matter of fact, I think these dogs had better Midos than you!

    in reply to: Who Originally Sings “Al Zeh”? #1501771

    I love the one from the original Mendy Wald album.

    in reply to: Out of Hibernation.. #1473788

    Speaking of coming out of hibernation and being happy, I brought out the motorcycle yesterday L’kuvid Rosh Chodesh Adar and L’kuvid this short burst of Summer we are having here on the East Coast. Unfortunately, its going right back to sleep tonight.

    in reply to: Who has Kadima at the Amud? #1417313

    Thank you for all the replies. Just to clarify a few things. The shul in question as some of you might know has many different Rabbonim davening at the many different Minyanim the shul offers. The issue came up when the main Rabbi who is a Sfardy was not in Shul. 2 other Rabbonim who were present had the same thought that the Yahrtzeit has Kadima. Thankfully, I had alerted the other member earlier and he davened Mincha at our 12:30pm Mincha Minyan. The discussion started when he came into Shul and stated his opinion even offering to make a small wager on a nice expensive bottle of Bourbon.
    We started delving into the many different seforim that discuss this and we see that we were both right. The one point that I would like to state is that it seems like most of the earlier Poskim who give their opinion seem to be basing it in a case where only one person says each Kaddish. Later seforim that discuss this issue seem to be of the opinion that its all based on the Minhag Hamakom. Based on most current Minhagim in Shuls in my area it seems that the majority hold that Yahrtzeit has Kadima. To me that makes the most sense simply based on the fact that it only happens once a year as opposed to Shloshim which is ongoing for that month.
    The one other point that I found interesting was from The Neta Gavriel who paskins the whole question based on Membership status. He discusses many different cases that can apply and seems to state that a member come before a guest. He also places the Avel at the end of his 11 months on the bottom of the list of Kadima. But in our case he gave me one more reason to know that I made the right choice. The Yahrzeit is a neighbor who has been davening at our Erev Shabbos Minyan since its inception while the Shloishim is a member who lives in the Concord area but just started davening at this minyan since he started saying Kadish. In such a case the Neta Gavriel says that the Yahrzeit has Kadima.

    in reply to: Who has Kadima at the Amud? #1416946

    Sorry for the late reply. The Rav davens at one of our members house on Friday Erev Shabbos. He is also a Sfardy and tries not to get involved with Gaboyisha issues. The other Rabbonim who were there including one who is a very well know Chabad speaker had different opinions. Most thought that the Yahrzeit should have Kadima based on what most poskim besides Rav Shach say. The Neta Gavriel also seems to hold that way. I as the Gabbai felt that it made no sense for someone who has Yahrzeit once a year to wait until next year to give his Father some sort of an Aliyah. To be continued…..

    in reply to: Mikvah Price Gouging #1374101

    Our Mikvah in Bais Hamedrash Ohr Chaim opened up Erev Slichos. The day before Erev Yom Kippur, the Bal Habayis who donated the Mikva asked me to send out an email stating the benefits of going to the Mikva daily but especially on Erev Yom Kippur. He asked me to announce that the Mikva will be open and free all day yesterday. Sorry I didn’t see this earlier.

    in reply to: For Trump Voters #1367900

    In a heart beat! He is the best thing that has happened to this country in a very long time. It is hightime that someone was elected that not only promised to get rid of this new PC culture that is overtaking the country but actually is doing something!

    in reply to: Techeiles 🔵❎🐌☑️🐟 #1322103

    Other than the Pasuk in the Torah, Psil Techeiles, meaning one strand, I haven’t the foggiest. The website might have an explanation. They do have explanations about the different knots.

    in reply to: Techeiles 🔵❎🐌☑️🐟 #1320681

    The people at Ptil Techeilis in Kfar Adumim make all the different knots including the Ramabam 13. I wear the Rambam 13 also but not because I am a Sfardi. I looked at the Rambam in Hilchos Tzitsis and my take was that he seemed to say that if you were wearing Techeilis, his method of tying was the way to go. He says that if you were not wearing Techeilis than your current way is okay and preferred.

    in reply to: Owning and Walking a dog #1318488

    Avi K, I said that they gave them Marach or Marrow Bones from the Cholent. I spent a week picking these bones up from all over the backyard thinking to myself that I gave up a pool season for this? In the end, I’m swimming daily and the memories are great.
    I kept these dogs in a shed equipped with 2 mattresses that had been thrown out by my neighbors. The noise that woke up my neighbors was not from my girls.
    I do admit that more than a few people were annoyed walking thru my path used as a shortcut to get to our Shul from Lyncrest Drive. I told everyone that the dogs belonged to the Rabbi, were just as much as they were members of the Shul, and they all got used to them. It was a most enjoyable experience for all.

    in reply to: Owning and Walking a dog #1318369

    My dogs lived the entire 4 months outside in the pool area. They never came inside because my wife would have moved out. Shabbos was when they were at their best behavior because everyone came to visit with Marrach Bones from the Shul Kiddush.

    in reply to: Owning and Walking a dog #1318081

    I Daven at Ohr Chaim in Monsey under the leadership of Rabbi Lankry. On Jan 1st of this year he showed up in my driveway and asked if I can do him a huge favor. Not knowing what it was, I said sure. He then proceeded to unload the 3 German Shepard puppies that were going to be my guests until the end of April. His plan was to bring them up to his new Yeshiva up in Liberty NY. It took a bit more than planned. These dogs became the talk of the town. My 19 year old gained a lot of knowledge and respect for creatures other than humans which was until this time a foreign subject. I got my life long dream of having a dog. And most importantly I found out that most Jews are unjustifiably terrified of dogs. My girls would not hurt anyone! House dogs are not by nature mean. They are a product of their training. The best memory of these 5 months, as they are now up in Liberty, was watching an 18 year old Chasidishe boy make friends with them. In not more than 20 minutes he was hugging her while carrying her back to my backyard pool house which is where they lived. My son and grandchildren miss these girls on a daily basis. My wife and daughter are much happier now that they are gone.

    in reply to: Dweck = Kohen #850251

    Frumguy, I dont know if we are related or what, but about 1 hour ago I saw your first post. I right away tried to log on to post the exact two names that you listed. I just received my logon info and noticed your second post. Those are the 2 that I am familiar with also.

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