Forum Replies Created
September 24, 2012 1:49 am at 1:49 am in reply to: Which American community it right for us? #897670flyerParticipant
Barrack/Akiba is a middle to high school not elementary. Torah Academy of Philadelphia would be the elementary school for Lower Merion/Main Line. A few years ago I would have told you not to think about it with a child with special needs but they have really improved in that area to accommodate as much as possible. Lower Merion (Merion/Bala) is a really nice area with over 600 families of every type! – Kollel/Yeshivish to young israel to modern to MO…. The school is a real mix and kids from every type attend it. It is great for a family that is no “typical”. YOu can check out their website for more info.
July 8, 2012 10:17 pm at 10:17 pm in reply to: Responsibility to serve – without the politics #884257flyerParticipantThe Charedi population in Israel is growing much faster than the rest of the population. In Israel you cannot work unless you go to the Army.
At some point 50% and even further 75% of the jewish population in Israel will be Charedi.
How can you run a country when 50-75% of the population is in Kollel.
How can you defend the country when 75% refuses to serve in the Army,”
actually only 1% of americans are in the army and they manage fine.
I’m happy you people can compare now to Moshe Rabbenu’s times
flyerParticipantif anyone is interested in buying a bunch and selling them in your neighborhood or even as a fundraiser- you can get prorider helmets for about $4.00 – you need to buy about 400 of them. the website is their name.
flyerParticipantuse a name brand detergent – all or tide… instead of a cheaper brand. it really makes the difference
flyerParticipanttry opendns – it is the same thing that some of the frum filters use and it is free.
flyerParticipantoomis – most of the working moms do not have nannies or full time babysitters. Cleaning help – yes (not all). I have always worked and mykids were on my schedule – I dropped them at the babysitter on the way to work and picked them up on the way home
April 4, 2012 5:41 pm at 5:41 pm in reply to: Why dont high school girls no how to spell and right ? #866149flyerParticipantWhy dont high school girls no how to spell and right ? And You Do????
Why doN’T high school girls KNOW how to spell and WRITE?
flyerParticipantThe best thing would be to talk to an adult and make an appt with a dr who can figure it out with you – you don’t want to have issues after you are married – it is better to work on it now. hatzlacha
flyerParticipantevery women is different – there is no one answer. Just realize that a women is going through may hormone and bodily changes – there is no reason it should cause shalom bayis issues.
flyerParticipantI am sure everyone knows a story where the baby went into distress suddenly and only a c-section saved the baby. Yes there is a lot of interventions in the hospital but if you know what you want and discuss it with your dr you can do what you want unless it gets dangerous.
flyerParticipanthere is out of town – lower school tuition – 13000 including building fund but without mandatory raffle/dinner ad (500 per child) selling plus scrip cards/shopping – $5000.
Middle school is over 15000. there are scholarships but you still have to pay a nice percentage of it. We have a net income of about 55 and we pay over 11000 tuition.
February 29, 2012 1:25 am at 1:25 am in reply to: Gedolei Poskim to Ask Very Serious Shailos #856650flyerParticipantI’m not sure where you got that R’ Shmuel does not have a phone – I was in his house and saw him talking on the phone.
flyerParticipantI would first check out Torah Umesorah’s website – chinuch . org – they have every type of lesson etc. Most people go there.
If you want for the general public – try getting ads from places like Melissa and Doug, Lakeshore etc – other preschool geared companies and websites
flyerParticipantI would imagine it meant his mother – he would have been pretty young to have been married.
February 23, 2012 3:50 pm at 3:50 pm in reply to: 49.5% of Americans dont pay any income tax #853727flyerParticipantyou may be right that many people in BP are not but a lot more are!! There are so many banks in BP for a reason. At least in BP it is a mix – some giving, some taking. In other places everyone is taking!!
flyerParticipantan answer to the shidduch crisis (relevant to this post) – read the story by Tamar Ansch, Riding the Wave, on Israel bookshops blog – go to their website and click on blog. Amazing story
flyerParticipantwhere would i find such a house. we need between 17-20 bedrooms
flyerParticipantanyone know of a house/hotel where we can make a family shabbaton – about 60 people (20-25 adults). Something reasonable within 2 hours of Lakewood/Brooklyn
flyerParticipantstudent – if you are going to wait until your child is telling you I need to go to the bathroom – in other words, training themselves, you will have to wait until 4-5 for many kids!! And it is very normal to have an accident a day for 1-2 weeks after they are officially trained.
flyerParticipantIf someone is supporting him – financially and emotionally (i.e. – persuading him not to give the get) – they they are part of the problem as were the people they were protesting against.
flyerParticipantI’ve trained three boys all by 2 and 1/2 – the first few days will be a stress – don’t get stressed!!!
Give him a lot to drink and sit as much as possible by the toilet (or take every five minutes)(I used a potty so he can be wherever I was – people either love it or hate it.
It is going to take a few days no matter what – once you know that you won’t give up and once he is in underwear – he will probably have an accident or two per day for the first few weeks.
The main thing is just be consistent and give it time – don’t try to do too much else at the same time – it never works.
January 1, 2012 1:06 am at 1:06 am in reply to: Does such a guy have a chance of getting happily married? #840614flyerParticipantbeing quiet has nothing to do with not having friends!!!
Will he talk to others at all?
If yes, he needs a quiet girl who will appreciate him for what he is – not a loud girl. There are plenty of them. I have one who needs a shidduch with similar issues although she has plenty friends.
flyerParticipantreally – I thought optical illusion was so dumb!
recently I liked cash or charge adn Freedom to be
flyerParticipantanyone have a good recipe for a mini donut maker?
November 15, 2011 8:35 pm at 8:35 pm in reply to: Is Lakewood Looking At A School Shortage For Next Year? #892418flyerParticipant“Boy, talk about living on the outpost of civilization. How have managed so far? I guess Kollel life is not as easy as we parents think it is.”
I would say at this point there are more non kollel people in Lakewood than kollel.
flyerParticipant33 for the amount of words he spoke to Pharoah complaining about his hard life
September 22, 2011 12:38 am at 12:38 am in reply to: Do Married Women Help Out Doing the Yard Work and Car? #1074691flyerParticipantI’ve mowed the lawn and planted flowers. I don’t fix the car but neither does my husband. I have taken it to the mechanic a few times.
flyerParticipantR’ Shmuel’s daughter takes her kids over to anyone when she hears someone has chicken pox so they can get it an be immunized.
flyerParticipantThe Bosch is the best for challa. It is the easiest.
flyerParticipantIn general shaitels get lighter as they are worn (sun exposure) – automatically if you wear a shaitel for a year it will be lighter than when you started so if you are wearing a shaitel for five years and want to get a new one you might not get one according to your original hair (which has gotten darker from being covered) but more similar to your shaitel now. That is one reason. It is also usually easier to find a blonde shaitel with more highlights which is automatically lighter unless you go the over 2 k route….
flyerParticipantYou people are way too bored. Most of those people were blonde as girls – Should they become black after they got married? Some do get a little lighter but very few go from brown/black to blonde.
flyerParticipantyou can listen online also, anytime. newyorkjewishradio – they have a great story hour at 6
flyerParticipantActually a wife is supposed to follow her husband’s minhagim besides for candles (the way or when to light) and hair covering. Obviously she can but those are the two things you usually follow the way the wife’s mother did.
August 21, 2011 11:29 pm at 11:29 pm in reply to: If Im the ony one to give complete down payment to children… #800720flyerParticipantI am shocked at this thread. Are you planning the divorce of your child? So what = you gave a down payment. If you have an issue don’t give it. If you want to give it – give it without stipulations. I feel like I am reading through a goyishe novel.
flyerParticipantMy brother was once a mashgiach in an ou factory. He saw them sticking on heimishe stickers onto the packages. he called the company and asked them who is your mashgiach adn they gave him his name. He was not their mashgiach – he was the ou mashgiach.
August 19, 2011 2:07 pm at 2:07 pm in reply to: Tumah in Camp – we must differentiate ourselves from the Goyim #808231flyerParticipanttill I saw all these comments I thought the OP was joking. Oh my – big deal. THe kids have a great time – no one will think that way. Chill
flyerParticipantEveryone will tell you different things. Many hold that they only shower for shabbos. Some do take showers 2-3 times but only with cold water. you are certainly not supposed to be disgusting.
flyerParticipantObviously it is a little hard to feel the whole davening that you are in front of a king but you can still think about it like that so why would you consider texting????
flyerParticipantjust think about it like a King. Would you stop to text while talking to a King (or lehavdil teh president)
flyerParticipantyeah right -if men give birth then we would all only have one child. If we would take turns then maybe three – wife, husband, wife. No man would do it twice.
flyerParticipanthow do you expect a school to allow you to daven for an hour and a half? That means you are missing a full period per day (at least). Get up an hour earlier and daven and say tehillim during davening time.
flyerParticipantsms007 – tell your husband that you would like to have a husband until 120. There is a guy who lives in Monsey who was hit by a car while riding a bike without a helmet. He was in the hospital for months and is still not back to himself totally. he now goes around showing his scars to kids to get them to wear helmets. I’m sure there are many other stories.
flyerParticipantI do know it. I don’t remember the rest. Is it a camp song?
flyerParticipantcome out of town – everyone eats!! No one is embarrassed. IT is the one place where you actually need good food at a kiddush because it will get eaten!!
flyerParticipantOne of the magazines had an interesting and delicious sweet pot soup – it is basically potatoes, sweet potatoes, sauteed onions and coffee rich (you can put in milk or pareve milk) with spices. Blend it.
flyerParticipantabcd2 – how can it be the same. most soups are basically veggies so you can make a huge pot of it for the price of a 2 lb. container takeout soup.
flyerParticipantrednails19 – Did you go to MBYHBHSFGO??
flyerParticipantIf you want to “adopt” a family there is an organization called Keren Eretz Yisroel/”Project Mishpacha – you give them a set amount every month and it goes straight to your “family”.
flyerParticipantma tov oyehalecha yaakov – how beautiful are your tents yaakov
mishkenosecha yisrael – and your dwelling places, yisroel
vaani b’rov chasdecha – and I in your great kindness
avo beisecha – will come to your house
eshtachave el hechal kadshecha -I will bow down to your holy place
flyerParticipantThere is nothing wrong with the book but I would not want my daughter to read it before she is at least 18 – Innocent Deceptions is about a girl with bi-polar but the family covers it up – they are very rich and are able to “buy” her a shidduch. THey end up getting divorced after she almost kills herself in a car accident and the husband goes into depression and their child ends up in foster care. The husband ends up liking the case worker and they get married. Something like that – not exactly for a young teen.
Desperate deceptions – I did not think it was as explicit although I find these books a little strange – where every family has a major issue or cover up. It is a little too much but I also would not want a young teen reading it. there are enough appropriate books and magazines out.