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shoulda called this thread snapple facts
flatbush27Memberwhere have i said i am angry about people going away for Pesach. cantoresq, B”H if i wanted to go away i easily could but feel the hotel environment would be detrimental to my teenagers. I am sure I would enjoy all the shiurim without walking anywhere. but i think Pesach at home is still better for my family. if someone feels his Pesach will be more enjoyable and more spiritual then maybe he should go to a hotel. honestly, i dont know and i dont care. i really dont care what people do for Pesach if it doesnt affect me negatively. maybe its better if more people went away then the lines at the supermarket would be shorter and all the places to go on Chol Ha’moed would be less crowded
flatbush27Memberi cant believe i missed the 1000 party 🙁 i go away for a few days and boom, just like that i see its already 1014
flatbush27Membermusiclover: what can i say?! the mods just love me!! niagra is definitely exciting although how long is the drive?
flatbush27Memberlesschumras actualy i use a broom only and use my coal and wood stove im backyard to cook and obviously i kasher my own meats! i dont trust todays hashgochos! but seriously yes if both parents work and they dont want to hire help to clean then making Pesach is definitely exhausting but Pesach is exhausting for everyone. but you say:” If they can afford, why shouldn’t they make it easier on themselves so as to be able to enjoy the Yom Tov.” are they really not going to enjoy Pesach if they stay home?
flatbush27Memberlesschumras: but maybe your frinds reason for going away is valid. i think alot of people just go away because they dont want to work. for instance i know many people who went away in previous years becuse its just easiar and this yr they cant afford it. is a reason of easiar a valid reason? to some people (elderly, singles, etc) yes. to others no
flatbush27Memberthere is really nothing like sitting down at the seder, when you know your entire house is cleaned for Pesach and you did all your cooking. for me its an awesome feeling. if i would go to family for Pesach and do no work, i would definitely feel Pesach but it just wouldnt be the same as me doing all the work but other people are different.
flatbush27Memberone goy almost caused Yidden to eat treif last night and these hotels employ hundreds of goyim who couldnt give a hoot about kashrus.
flatbush27Membersjs: your rite.
flatbush27Membersjs- you need to learn a lesson. right after i said the story i said stories are stories and you cant believe them all. personally, i believe it because i know a waiter who worked their but since its very far fetched i attached a disclaimer. i am sick and tired of people repeatedly mentioning the story i said when in the same breath i said you cant believe them all. sjs, either put your glasses on when you read or maybe you need to read it more than once to get it through
flatbush27Memberanon: rumors and stories of kashrus are always cropping up when talking about these hotels. they dont come from thin air. jothar said he had friends who had horror stories about these places. as i said before i am sure a number of these hotels are fine and hopefully and probably these are the places that these Rabbonim go too. i am not going to say most hotels are ok, or most arent because i have no idea. i said some. i thought that was a neutral word which doesnt imply a number or a majority or a minority
flatbush27Memberanon: i said these two statements at different times but right after said i dont believe them
i heard a story once that one time the hotel kitchen staff put out pure chametz. the chametz they were going to serve motzai yom tov, they accidentaly served it on pesach by the buffet. when they realized they grabbed it back and asked the mashgiach if they should announce anything and he said no, because then no one will ever come back. but stories are stories and though i dont believe them all, kashrus at these hotels has always been questioned “
“baal kishron- i made that up. i really have no idea. i shouldnt have done that but i am sure some of these hotels have good kashrus. but there are always stories circulating in the velt about these hotels kashrus. i dont believe all of them but it gives the impression kashrus at these places is not what it should be, although as i said before i am sure there are some that are fine.”
flatbush27Memberanon for this: read the original post about it. in the same sentence i said i dont believe all the stories. check your facts before you bash. it definitely is the best decision for them. no work.
flatbush27Memberthanks shindy.
flatbush27Memberchanie: so you dont think a woman wearing a costume will draw undue attention?
flatbush27Memberanon: first of all i said right after i dont believe all these stories myself after i mentioned the stories. ok. i made one thing up. i admitted it. and i never condemned anyone. go away to a hotel. be my guest. i said after i am sure some of the hotels have good kashrus. all i think is maybe with people out there barely making it by they could spend a little less and make pesach at home
yankdwnunder: i have nothing against you. i never said if you disagree with me you cant post. i just said if you feel this topic of interest shouldnt be discussed then dont discuss it. if you do then discuss it.
chanie: i want to sincerely apologize for those comments. i misunderstood you. i thought you meant “well thats life, hence no big deal”. obviously kashrus issues will always crop up unfortunately but if we say this then we wont really be putting all our energy into kashrus. we need to say we are going to make sure they dont come up. but we just cant say well thats what happens after they do happen. we need to try to make sure it doesnt happen again.
flatbush27Memberyankdownunder-i dont see a problem discussing it here. if you do then dont post on this thread. the cr is meant to discuss various topics of interest and this is one of them.
baal kishron- i made that up. i really have no idea. i shouldnt have done that but i am sure some of these hotels have good kashrus. but there are always stories circulating in the velt about these hotels kashrus. i dont believe all of them but it gives the impression kashrus at these places is not what it should be, although as i said before i am sure there are some that are fine.
flatbush27Memberthey speak there. they dont eat there.
flatbush27Memberwhoa. chill out everyone. what did i say this time? do you think hotels have no kashrus issues? or do you think its good that people spend thousands of dollars in a recession on a 5 star hotel, plus airfare when many families this year can barely make Pesach? i dont think ppl. who go to hotels are going to gehinnom c”v, unless they eat chametz or treif or go mixed swimming or other assur stuff. but i just think it is mind boggling to think people are spending thousands of dollars on Pesach when some can barely make it.
flatbush27Member“It’s proper for each family to decide , not you, where it is proper for them to spend Yom Tov. JUst because staying home is good for you, is it possible that others might enjoy the spirit of Pesach by going away?
Please think about this.”
lesschumras: i think the reason why people go away is ussually because they can afford it and are just too lazy to clean or cook or because their neighbors are going away and then they HAVE to go away. Also, because the kashrus at these hotels is so questionable they may be paying thousands to eat chametz on Pesach when they could just eat chametz at home for alot less… I think most people who go away will say the spirit of Pesach is much better at home but its just easiar to go away. writing a check is definitely easiar than making Pesach and everyone wants the easy way out. there would be alot more tzedaka money if everyone stayed home this yr and gave the money they saved to tzedaka
flatbush27Member“Dear Flatbush27,
I have a comment/question for you.
I respect that you use your rav to answer your questions, especially why women wear black. Do you extend that ideology to another person, when they say that their rav says a specific thing?”
i stated right after the rav thing:
“as you said i am sure ppl argue on this but that is what my rav told me.”
that should answer your question. by people i am refering other peoples ravs, not individuals who think they know more than a rav.
flatbush27Member“thats life” is not a toradig and halachic excuse or term to describe eating treifus or chametz on Pesach. its dioraysa and if people are not up to par to kashrus i wont eat there. when the monsey scandal and other scandals come out, frum Yidden dont just say “thats life”. we do teshuva and take all neccesary steps to prevent it from happening again. i am really saddened by your lax in attitude towards kashrus and now see why you are also lax about the laws of tznius.
flatbush27Memberchanie: and how do you adress the tznius aspect of a woman wearing a costume on Purim
flatbush27Memberi knew that all along moish. i always saw the similarities between you and joseph
flatbush27Memberjothar: i dont know about lavud and dofen akuma. the walls are way past 3 tefachim
flatbush27Membertoo bad these places cant advertise 5 star kashrus
flatbush27Memberyea well, i bet all you mods are just the same person! and you just come up with these different numbers like 39, 42, 72 and others to make it seem like there are so many moderators here!! maybe its all just the YWN editor!!
Nope, the editor and Joseph
flatbush27Memberjust did :)brooklyn says hi back:)
flatbush27Membermod-42. once somebody thought me and joseph and somebody else i cant remember were all the same person because we agreed on something! just because he/she saw three people agree on an issue (because that was the correct halachic viewpoint mind you), he thought we were the same person!!!
well say hi to brooklyn23 for me.
flatbush27Memberoooooohhh. i just got burnt by an annoynomous mod. okay okay twice. wait. maybe it really was more. selective memory they call it.
flatbush27Memberi heard a story once that one time the hotel kitchen staff put out pure chametz. the chametz they were going to serve motzai yom tov, they accidentaly served it on pesach by the buffet. when they realized they grabbed it back and asked the mashgiach if they should announce anything and he said no, because then no one will ever come back. but stories are stories and though i dont believe them all, kashrus at these hotels has always been questioned
flatbush27Memberchanie: on the black issue. your right. i asked my rav a couple months ago why people here wear more black and that is the reason he gave me. as you said i am sure ppl argue on this but that is what my rav told me.
on mitzvas and minhagos, men have their own, women have their own and of course there are those that apply to both. my rav told me it is not tznius for a girl over bas mitzva to walk around publicly wearing a costume. he also told me the mitzva of drinking by the seuda is only by men and said some shittas hold its assur for a woman to get drunk. there are so many areas of Purim where the woman is involved that i think its unnecessary for her to wear a costume to get in the spirit of Purim. why do you feel the need dress up on Purim?
flatbush27Membershindy: the reason your staying home is because the hotel scene is getting old?! if so then thats pathedic
flatbush27Member“The Yeshivah recently did some renovations, including a large gym/party room, so I guess the boys spent the majority of the evening there”
that yeshiva stopped doing a mesiba Purim night two years ago. my son goes there. they do it the night before Purim and he said no one drinks the night before Purim so there are no problems anymore. nobody was in the gym/party room Purim night so thats why it was peaceful. as for fireworks, my son said its usually the neighborhood kids and not high schoolers.
flatbush27Membersjs; i agree people wear more black here and the reason for this is because of tznius. black is the most tznius color a woman can wear. im not saying there arent other tznius colors but black is obviously the most tznius one out there and im happy that women wear more black here.
flatbush27Memberage usually does matter in relationships which is why the man is usually older than the woman. if it didnt matter we wouldnt do it the way we do, although obviosly there are plenty of marriages where the woman is older than the man, but usually not in the more yeshivish circles.
flatbush27Memberagreed oomis. that is how i would also handle the issue except maybe a little less for a first time offender unless someone is hurt or killed c”v.
flatbush27Memberwelcome jax and mepal!!
flatbush27Memberames: i love controversy, debating and arguments. people who know me think im nuts but ya cant please everyone…and how is this thread controversial? although we (or i) can list all the negative things about going to a hotel for Pesach if you really want some controversy here.
flatbush27MemberchanieE: do you also think women should get drunk by the seuda?
flatbush27MemberchaniE: enjoy Purim the way a woman should enjoy Purim, not a man. did you wear tefilin at davening under your pink sheitel and a tallis. i hope not because there are mitzvos and minhagos that apply to men and NOT women, and vice versa
flatbush27Memberthis thread reminds of a letter to the editor in the hamodia a while back. a teenage girl wrote in she was thinking of what she would wear when she goes to greet Moshiach IY”H and she was going through her outfits and then realized she would wear her Bais Yaakov uniform. The next weeks edition had a letter from a woman saying she would be in the house where women should be while the men greet Moshiach and not parading outside even in her uniform.
flatbush27Memberinshidduchim: very good post
flatbush27Memberno oomis a kallah at her wedding should not wear a wedding dress…your comparisons are really so off
flatbush27Membersjs: ames is right. brooklyn women wear high designer stuff 95% of the time and its definitely not 95% black. maybe where you live, in out of town yoohookisville, the women wear bright red, bright yellow, neon green, flashy orange and other wierd colors everyday so when they wear it on Purim it doesnt attract attention cause they dress like Purim all year round
flatbush27Membertzippi: i never said to only teach the mechanics of drinking.
flatbush27Memberno ames. i dont think your a fanatic or i am one either. but when you said: “Darn, I’m feeling like a fanatic again.”, i took it to mean before purim you thought my opinion on this is fanatical and after Purim you think your also fanatical. correct me if im wrong please.
flatbush27Memberoomis: should we tell the mother of a kid killed by a drunk driver no more driving in the world anymore for anyone? no we shouldnt even though that would solve the problem for drunk driving.regarding drinking we adress the issue by teaching teenagers the right way and the wrong way to do it. banning alcohol to teenagers on Purim will never do anything. they are going to drink regardless behind your back. the rabbonim have not banned it publicly. i saw this years kol korei and no where did it say anything about minors drinking. it said drinking too much and not serving them when they collect but never to ban it to them. they have a chiyuv in the mitzva and should be taught how to properly perform it, for example dont drink too much, dont drive, etc etc. many of these kids who who have overprotective parents and dont let them drink on Purim, will just go to yeshiva or a friends house or a rebbis seuda and drink. if parents want their kids to listen to them then they shouldnt ban it to them, just teach them how to do it without harming themselves or others
flatbush27MemberAppetizer: stuffed Cabbage
Soup:hearty beef vegie
main: deep fried crispy chicken fingers; brisket
side dishes: mashed potatoes with briskets gravy; ratatoilie; carrot kugel; caesar salad with homemade garlic croutons
drinks: wine
flatbush27Memberit definitely is interesting (and sad) that people thought i was a fanatic before Purim because of this issue. then when they see the problem for themselves they realize im not that crazy after all