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  • in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083677

    “The vast majority of artist’s conceptions are based more on imagination than on evidence..Artists must create something between an ape and a human being; the older the specimen is said to be, the more ape-like they make it.”

    -Science Digest, April 1981 pg 41.

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083675

    “The police are not here to create disorder, they’re here to preserve disorder.”

    Deceased mayor of chicago, richard j daley

    in reply to: Random Questions #1077828

    ****”The penalty for violating Shabbos is death.”

    Not anymore.*****

    the penalty for violating Shabbos is death. TODAY, right now, the penalty is DEATH. certain conditions are necessary for carrying out the sentence, (b’mazid, witnesses, warning, Sanhedrin, etc) but the penalty hasnt and never will change

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083674

    Kenneth J. Hsu, PhD “Sedimentary Petrology and Biologic Evolution,” Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 56 (September 1986): p730.

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083673

    “What is at stake is not the validity of the Darwinian theory itself, but of the approach to science that it has come to represent. The peculiar form of consensus the theory wields has produced a premature closure of inquiry in several branches of biology, and even if this is to be expected in `normal science,’ such a dogmatic approach does not appear healthy.”

    R. Brady, “Dogma and Doubt,” Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 17:79, 96 (1982)

    in reply to: Help with Tefila #627159

    book: “praying with fire”

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083665

    of course why should we believe Global Warming to be a hoax or wildly exaggerated. when something is accepted by the scientific and legislative authorities in general it must be true.

    remember the “population explosion”

    “The battle to feed humanity is over. In the 1970s, the world will undergo widespread famines. Hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. Population control is the only answer”

    — Paul Ehrlich – The Population Bomb (1968)

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083664

    since we are quoting senators:

    -Senator Inhohe (R-Oklahoma), Chair of the Senate Committee on the Environment-

    in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1224853

    get a new “joke of the day” editor. 😉

    and change the name to “joke of the week”

    in reply to: Nice and Easy Recipies #639674

    couldnt be easier

    make scrambled eggs and season however you normally do

    but add a little garlic powder to the eggs before cooking


    in reply to: Nice and Easy Recipies #639673

    very very easy

    very very good

    since youll be using chicken left over from Shabbos, no seasoning is necessary.

    fry some onions until a little brown (suggest using a small amount of canola oil)

    add small pieces of leftover chicken

    fry for a few more minutes, stirring a few times to get the onion flavor into the chicken.


    if you want to be a little more fancy

    add some cut up scallions (green onions) near the end, so they dont cook too long, for a little extra taste and color.


    in reply to: Of Astronomical Interest #626275

    thanks wolf

    i was just about to post the same exact quote.

    i noticed two VERY bright stars yesterday, mostly south and a little west, at about 45 min after sunset, pretty close to each other.

    it was striking already.

    this was in the middle of the city in the midwest, i could see no other stars anywhere except these two

    elsewhere in the world, i dont know.

    in reply to: A mitzvah for an aveira? or at someone else’s expense? #626773

    “I am an ultra-Orthodox Jew”

    such a pity she was forced to say that, instead of: “I am a Jew”

    in reply to: Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah? #1217831

    when a blind man thinks he can see

    he will not seek a remedy

    the ultimate ignorance and foolishness, the hallmark of our era

    a clear sign of the nearness of Moshiach.

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083623

    “Geology assuredly does not reveal any finely graduated organic change, and this is the most obvious and serious objection that can be urged against the theory”.


    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083622

    “A large number of well trained scientists outside of evolutionary biology and paleontology have unfortunately gotten the idea that the fossil record is far more Darwinian than it is. This probably comes from the oversimplification inevitable in secondary sources: low level textbooks, semi-popular articles, and so on. Also, there is probably some wishful thinking involved. In the years after Darwin , his advocates hoped to find predictable progressions. These have not been found yet the optimism has died hard, and pure fantasy has crept into textbooks…”.

    Evolutionist David Raup, Curator of Geology at Chicago’s Field Museum of Natural History, New Scientist, Vol. 90. p. 832.

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083620


    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083618

    “Darwinism was an interesting idea in the 19th century, when handwaving explanations gave a plausible, if not properly scientific, framework into which we could fit biological facts. However, what we have learned since the days of Darwin throws doubt on natural selection’s ability to create complex biological systems – and we still have little more than handwaving as an argument in its favour.”

    Professor Colin Reeves

    Dept of Mathematical Sciences

    Coventry University

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083617

    “More scientists than ever before are now standing up and saying that it is time to rethink the theory of evolution in light of new scientific evidence that shows the theory is inadequate, Darwinists are busy making up holidays to turn Charles Darwin into a saint, even as the evidence supporting his theory crumbles and more and more scientific challenges to it emerge.”

    -John West, Associate Director, The Center for Science & Culture-

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083616


    “i dont think anybody is really intrested(sic) in this thread turning into a evolution debate.”

    correct, this is a thread for interesting quotes, not debates.

    certainly not a debate about the value of specific quotes.

    do you have a quote you would like to share?

    in reply to: Typing in ALL CAPS #626162


    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083614

    “We share half our genes with a banana. Is this evidence for a common origin?”

    (New Scientist, 1 July 2000, pp4-5)

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083613

    “If living matter is not, then, caused by the interplay of atoms, natural forces, and radiation, how has it come into being? . . I think, however, that we must go further than this and admit that the only acceptable explanation is Creation. I know that this is anathema to physicists, AS INDEED IT IS TO ME [emphasis by feivel], but we must not reject a theory that we do not like if the experimental evidence supports it.” H.S. Lipson, “A Physicist Looks at Evolution,” Physics Bulletin, Vol. 31, p. 138 (1980).

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083611

    “The sciences dealing with the past, stand before the bar of common sense on a different footing. Therefore, a grotesque account of a period some thousands of years ago is taken seriously though it be built by piling special assumptions on special assumptions, ad hoc hypothesis on ad hoc hypothesis, and tearing apart the fabric of science whenever it appears convenient. The result is a fantasia which is neither history nor science.”

    (James Conant, Chemist and former president, Harvard University.]

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083610

    “To postulate that the development and survival of the fittest is entirely a consequence of chance mutations seems to me a hypothesis based on no evidence and irreconcilable with the facts. These classical evolutionary theories are a gross over-simplification of an immensely complex and intricate mass of facts, and it amazes me that they are swallowed so uncritically and so readily, by so many scientists without a murmur of protest”.

    -Sir Ernest Chain, co-holder of 1945 Nobel prize for developing penicillin-

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083609

    “The irony is devastating. The main purpose of Darwinism was to drive every last trace of an incredible God from biology. But the theory replaces God with an even more incredible deity – omnipotent chance.” T. Rosazak, “Unfinished Animal”, 1975, p. 101-102.

    in reply to: A mitzvah for an aveira? or at someone else’s expense? #626764

    i guess it wont always work

    for people i know well i explain the real reason

    for those i meet randomly it works well

    in reply to: Inspiring Quotes #1083608

    [winner of two Nobel Prizes for scientific research and Director of Research at the Institute for Muscle Research in Massachusetts].

    in reply to: A mitzvah for an aveira? or at someone else’s expense? #626759

    oh, im so sorry, i have a cold, i dont want you to catch it.

    but you have to be ready for the hand as soon as its extended to you.

    in reply to: Women’s mitzvot….or not? #626290


    it is both a compliment and whatever…

    in reply to: Women’s mitzvot….or not? #626288

    “to feivel- do you think my question was frivolous?”


    “I fail to see why it should bother you if this question is brought up”

    it doesnt.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067847


    i apologize profusely

    here is the “answer” which i posted a while ago to that problem:


    im sorry for your time wasted

    i thought it was obvious that it was a joke.

    Posted 1 week ago”

    in reply to: How do Violent PC Games Affect Our Kids? #626189

    “They don’t create an inclination to violence. They may bring out violent tendencies that already existed”

    all human beings have violent tendencies within them,

    even the extremely pleasant, polite, and kind germans

    “They may bring out violent tendencies”

    this is not a good thing.

    in reply to: Women’s mitzvot….or not? #626279


    so youre waiting for people to post that it is not proper or assur, then you will respond with a list of quotes, maasehs, and mekoros to refute them?

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067846

    yankel hardboiled his egg, not fried.

    water boils at a lower temperature at high elevations

    he probably moved to denver, there is a big Jewish community there

    the egg will take longer to cook there because the boiling water is cooler than he was used to

    in reply to: A Humorous Item #1171714

    his last words were: “YES, YOU LOOK FAT IN THAT DRESS!”

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067811

    the famous “monty hall dilemma”

    always switch!

    this seems to many to be incorrect


    your odds when you chose were 1 in 3 that it was behind the curtain you chose

    and 2 in 3 that it was behind one of the other two

    revealing the empty curtain does not change the odds

    always switch.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067783

    “ORDERED them to each stand on one half of the paper”

    precludes them being two bugs or snails or the like

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067780

    Eisav and Yishmael are fighting. The UN decided to stop the fighting (for a change) and took a piece of paper, drew a line down the middle and ordered them to each stand on one half of the paper. Though they were both on the same piece of paper, and within 11 inches of each other, neither one was able to hit or even touch the other. How is that possible?

    they were in separate rooms

    the paper was placed under the door and the door closed

    in reply to: Help With Camera #625692

    post your question at dpreview. com forums

    or call B&H photovideo, excellent objective “salesmen” ,who will spend a good deal of time helping you with your specific desires

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067727


    you are right

    but to explain (from a previous post on this thread)

    when i wrote “i am a liar”

    i meant it in the sense of a liar who lives in Riddle World

    as you know from other riddles here, those type of liars always lie and cannot tell the truth

    therefore if his statement is true, then he is a liar and his statement is false

    if his statement is false, then he is not a liar and his statement is true

    a paradox whereby the truth of his statement is immpossible to be determined.

    this is not the case with “my father is daniel” where it is possible to determine its truth value

    a better way of making such a statement, where we dont have to follow riddle world rules would be “the statement that i am currently making is a lie”

    in reply to: Story of Uza in Tanach #624909

    “However, Pashuteh Yid’s question refers to Hagbah and Glilah, when the Torah is already wrapped up and a person catching it would touch only the velvet covering and not the actual parchment.”

    the Sefer Torah is not wrapped up during Habboh and Glilah. it is exposed, that was his question.

    it is not wrapped up until after Hagboh and Glilah are completed.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067719

    i see your point


    when i wrote “i am a liar”

    i meant it in the sense of a liar who lives in Riddle World

    as you know from other riddles here, those type of liars always lie and cannot tell the truth

    therefore if his statement is true, then he is a liar and his statement is false

    if his statement is false, then he is not a liar and his statement is true

    a paradox whereby the truth of his statement is immpossible to be determined.

    this is not the case with “my father is daniel” where it is possible to determine its truth value

    a better way of making such a statement, where we dont have to follow riddle world rules would be “the statement that i am currently making is a lie”

    do you understand why that statement cannot possibly determined to be either a truth or a falsehood, why it must be neither?

    in reply to: Story of Uza in Tanach #624907

    Rabbi Avigdor Miller said he did the right thing. nevertheless there was a very small lack in his Emuna, and for a man of his greatness, there needed to be punishment. he also states that his death was a KiddushHashem for it demonstrated the great sanctity of the Aron, and he was certainly rewarded for this in OlamHaBah.

    if you find some contradictions in the above, it is not a quote but only my memory of what R’ Miller said, and please attribute any innacuracies to my faulty memory

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067713


    riddle b explained

    it doubles every day

    say on the last day (30) there were 500

    then on day 29 there were 250, since it doubles every day

    250 is half of 500

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067712

    what’s wrong with “i am a liar”

    it is a clear statement which should have definitive truth or falsehood determinants, nevertheless it is a paradox and it’s truth value cannot possibly be determined. isnt that exactly the criteria you set up?

    can you explain it’s deficiency?

    thank you

    in reply to: Ticket on Alternate Side Parking #625463


    i have been following research on the higgs boson since i read a book called “the G-d particle” by leon lederman

    if you misspoke by stating that scientists are trying to replicate the big bang, dont start belittling me. if you dont want to be corrected when you make a mistake, just say so, i wont bother.

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067704


    just checking

    do one more step

    if he takes an apple out, what is in the box marked apples?

    in reply to: The Riddle Thread…. #1067703


    youre right

    for some reason i thought that truths and liars alternated days

    i think theres another riddle like that

    in reply to: Evolution: Total Rubbish Because…. #624848

    “is currently trying to replicate the Big Bang”

    i sure hope not!

    what they are trying to do however is look into conditions that probably existed very shortly AFTER the big bang.

    also to find the Higgs Boson, an extremely important particle (and field) which is believed to exist but has never been “seen” it is also referred to as the “G-d particle” as it is presumed to give substance to all other existing particles.

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