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  • in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2316131

    Context: When the USA was airdropping food into Gaza last march, it was a signal to Bibi that they could go into Rafah by ground. This was after Biden and co. sent the ammo necessary to do so. When Biden said they would stop sending weapon it was about a hypothetical “major invasion” where Israel wastes american bombs on “civilian” neighborhoods. What israel actually did was not even close to that. Sorry but were working around the UN and other pro-pali liars who claimed gaza was starving. If the IDF had went into Rafah earlier hostages could’ve been saved and Hamas would’ve been in a much weaker position if not totally destroyed. But the IDF also aims to minimize losses. Unfortunately Israel’s current government is campaigning for Trump so they lie to hurt Biden. Btw trump got 10m in campaign money in 2016 from the same egyptians who help build tunnels in gaza.

    Democrats lie to give israel diplomatic cover, republicans squat on it and let perfect be the enemy of the good. Media takes statements out of context. When Trump get israel needs to “get it over with” no one is skeptical.

    in reply to: Putins not worth it #2316128

    Putin funds antisemitic terrorists through the oil trade in Iran and Syria. Putin is behind the propaganda campaign to make you think Democrats are friendly with the IRI when it’s really Republicans. Yes, Putin and his American friends (Republicans) are not worth it.

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2315406

    That’s the IDFs problem them. Bibi and co. didn’t listen to Biden who said they should go into Rafah. They lied and the media broadcasts their lies to the whole world. Democrats are trying to help Israel as much as possible but Republicans control all foreign policy media. I would support Trump if he actually supported Israel. Either way I think Israel will be ok and there’s more important factors than politics.

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2314987

    Republicans emotionally manipulate you by saying Obama is a secret Muslim who wants to destroy Israel. And by coordinating military actions with Iran to simulate a conflict instead of actually challenging them. I get the Democrats are bad at communications but they are helping.

    , Bombs are expensive and theres only a limited amount. Republicans lie to you in the same way about Ukraine as well. Gotta trust the strategy even if it’s frustrating.

    in reply to: Trump: ‘Israel will no longer exist if Harris becomes president’ #2314986

    Republicans are lying to you. They do deals with Russia, Iran and Syria. If anything a Trump victory will put Israel’s security in jeopardy. Under Biden the US military will unmercifully bomb Lebanon and Syria if Hezbollah acts up.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2314668

    Kamala is going to win and save Israel whether the posters on here like it or not.

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2314118

    Biden “withheld” arms to Israel’s Gaza effort…. so that they could be used against Hezbollah in more important ways. The bombs he withheld wouldn’t have done anything effective in Gaza.

    Republicans and their friends emotionally manipulate you. The average person doesn’t understand the strategy. They do this with Ukraine too. Republicans blocked Ukraine aid for an entire year and then Mike Johnson tells European newspapers how Biden isn’t doing enough for Ukraine.

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2314116

    Obama funded the Iron Dome and Trump removed all checks on Iran’s nuclear program. I think pro-Israel people hate liberals more than actual avowed antisemites.

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2314070

    Republicans emotionally manipulate Jews and other diaspora populations who need America’s help. They lie to your face. Trump got 10m in campaign money from Egyptians who helped build Hamas’ tunnel system in Gaza. Trump cut off aid to the Syrian rebels reinforcing the weapons pipeline from Iran to the West Bank. I know Democrats are bad at communication but they materially support Israel in ways American and Israeli Jews both do not seem to understand. Also most normal Democrats still support Israel, it’s the right wing media psyop to make you think Ilhan Omar is the face of the Democratic Party.

    in reply to: I’m not voting for Harris or Trump #2310623

    Pali diaspora HATES Kamala. Muslim and Arab Americans have been trying to destroy the Democratic Party for 20+ years because it has real solidarity with Israel, unlike Republicans who gave Gaza to Hamas, Yemen to the Houthis and Syria to Assad. Yet “Obama” is like a dirty word for pro-Israel people.

    in reply to: Zionism #2310622

    WW3 is Russian fearmongering. A Trump victory is the last chance Russia has. And if you’re ok with Republicans you’re ok with Assad and the Houthis in charge. Republicans moved to protect Assad in 2013 and let the Houthis control western Yemen in 2018. Obama and Hillary supported the Syrian Revolution and Republicans helped to crush it.

    “Obummer’s” deal was a strategic defeat for IRI after they lost thousands of fighters. But of course Republicans stopped it because they are friends with Israel’s worst enemies. And Iran seems to be doing well right now with their 100+kg of uranium. Anyway all the media focus is on IRI when Assad is the one who protects them and Russia’s empires. All the weapons in J&S go through Syria.

    I’m sorry that the party of gays and blacks and women is also the one who helps the state of Israel. I’m sorry that Republicans and “bipartisan” wonks lie to your face.

    in reply to: Zionism #2310189

    I literally post on here just so I can convince someone, literally anyone, that Republicans aren’t your friends.

    in reply to: Zionism #2310182

    Republicans could hand Hamas a briefcase full of nukes and most “Pro-Israel” people would support it. You’ve been successfully psyopped into thinking Democrats hate Israel. Pro-Palis helped Bush win in 2000 and have been trying to destabilize the Democratic Party ever since. Only the “establishment Democrats” materially support Israel. Unless you think Israel is better off without US military aid as some believe.

    in reply to: I’m not voting for Harris or Trump #2309825

    Republicans are old friends with the IRI but no one cares because they’re Real Americans™ and Pro-Israel™.

    Don’t buy tabloid headlines. They take everything out of context to make you think Democrats hate Israel and they’re succeeding. The talks in private are more important. US presence is deterring Hezbo/IRI. I know it seems frustrating but there’s a strategy involved.

    in reply to: I’m not voting for Harris or Trump #2309352

    The Iran deal was an enormous defeat for their regime. Again, it gave USA/Israel license to build a coalition if the IRI continued their programs.

    Trump/Syria/Wagner: none of that matters when Republicans blocked Obama from striking Assad in 2013. That alone would’ve solved at least half of Israel’s problems, it would’ve destroyed Iran’s empire and the weapons pipeline from Russia to Gaza. Republicans simulate conflict with Iran/Syria when they are actually allied because they’re anti-liberal first and foremost. Trump admin. gave Israeli intel to Putin who gave it to Hamas and co. Trump let Iran put enemies all over Israel’s borders. Just like Ronald Reagan sold arms to Iran and gave Lebanon to Hezbollah.

    Biden admin is not putting “pressure” on Israel. I know Ben Shapiro pushes that narrative. USA exchanges intel with Israel all the time. Just assume any Biden/Blinken/Harris quote you see in media is taken out of context. There’s like 20 US ships in the Middle East right now in case something goes down. The pressure’s on Iran and Hezbollah (who spectatularly failed the other day). If anything Bibi delayed military action and a possible hostage deal to help Trump’s campaign.

    Keep in mind is that the entire “bipartisan” foreign policy think-tank sphere works for Republicans. Look at how they criticize Biden for being “too soft on Ukraine.” Look how they moved to protect the Assad regime calling the rebels al-Qaeda.

    You might think Israel is better off without US aid at all. You may support Trump and the GOP on domestic issues. But they happen to be friends with Israel’s worst enemies. Really they don’t care, they just want Jewish money and they’ll say anything to get it.

    I know I sound crazy but when you see it you’ll see it everywhere. Trust the Plan.

    in reply to: I’m not voting for Harris or Trump #2308301

    “The Squad” is a conservative media fabrication and doesn’t represent Democratic Party policy on Israel. Arabs and Muslims helped George Bush in and have been trying to screw over the Democratic party ever since.

    Obama fought against Iran’s empire, killed thousands of Houthis and forced Iran into a nuclear deal where the USA could raise a coalition to go to war. Trump and Mike Pompeo negotiated the ceasefire that kept the Houthis in power. Trump cut CIA funding to the rebels in Syria because Putin and Assad asked him to. Please observe what actually happens instead of public statements filtered through layers of BS.

    in reply to: I’m not voting for Harris or Trump #2307714

    Biden admin “withheld” weapons against Hamas that were meant to be used against Hezbollah. There is not an infinite supply of weapons.

    in reply to: What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion or hot take? #2307713

    Republicans only pretend to support the State of Israel because they want Jewish money.

    in reply to: Why Jews are Quitting the Democratic Party #2304124

    Republicans held up emergency aid to Israel in Nov. 2023 and tied it to IRS budget cuts. Republicans only pretend to support the state of Israel. THEY JUST WANT JEWISH MONEY. WAKE UP

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