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  • in reply to: Lechu V’Nelcha #1251722

    What does she speak about? Is it a chassidish type crowd by the shabbaton or all types of girls go?

    in reply to: Baer Miriam? #1192626

    Not DB. I went there. Teachers are all chareidi and the school is not tzioni.

    have you looked into shaalvim? Tiferet? MMY? Midreshet Tehilla?

    in reply to: Women & Tznius #1159546

    I am a BT too. I loved rav falks sefer. Please do not let anyone warp your image of him, he is a huge gadol and his sefer is so helpful and something I try to emulate. I was told it is out of print but try amazon.

    Get in touch with gila manolson, her email is floating around somewhere.

    May I ask how old you are? Have you thought of going to Neve for a semester?

    Get in touch with a Rebbetzin ASAP. I wish the admins would let me give you my email so we could talk there. Hatzlacha with everything

    in reply to: How can I find places to stay for shabbos? #1151594

    I was in the same situation as you. I am older now and BH my family has made alot of progress since I first became frum. Reach out to local rebbetzins in your area or frum families. It’ll get easier as time goes on and iyH when you start your own family. Good luck! try shabbat.com or ncsy

    in reply to: dates #1145369

    lol apushatayid your first line gave me a good laugh.

    thanks for all the suggestions!

    in reply to: dates #1145363

    we wouldnt go bowling on a second date…itll be a lounge again.

    thanks for all the suggestions.

    any other ideas? thanks!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)