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  • in reply to: The Modern Orthodox “Mesorah” #2215621

    The founder of the MO movement is Moses Mendessohn. He led the Enlightenment movement which craved acceptance in Non Jewish circles, studying German philosophy and literature etc, all the while proclaiming fidelity to Halacha.

    That said it’s impossible to put all MO under one umbrella. Many have moved to the right over the past decades and the lines get blurred at some point.

    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2211345

    I find these questions entertaining. In general in the Litvish world specific halakhic questions are decided because the strength of the arguments, in conjunction with the Gadol who took achriyus for them.

    So in regards to shaving, the fact that the chazon ish felt it is assur doesn’t make it assur. The heter of כעין תער as explained by Rav Moshe is compelling, and therefore accepted by the American poskim.

    Now can we get an explanation why it’s ok to abrogate the prohibition of eating before shacharis?

    in reply to: Maharal’s Golem #2208793

    ujm: The Rebbe saying that it was true, doesn’t mean it actually happened.

    in reply to: Maharal’s Golem #2208712

    ujm: No, the Rebbes interpretation of the Riyatz.

    in reply to: Maharal’s Golem #2208560

    Regarding the story from the Riyatz, I believe there are sources which make it clear that he never said he saw it, rather that’s the interpretation of the Rebbe of his reaction when he asked him.

    in reply to: Maharal’s Golem #2208409

    R Rosenberg did not invent it rather popularized it. There are plenty of mentions before him but not far back enough to believe it took place. Read Sid Leimans article on it.

    in reply to: Will you eat Quinoa on Peisach? #2076789

    @sensibleyid “Yes it seems COR (kashruth council of Canada) has finally relented and allows it“

    Do you want have a source for that?

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