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  • in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2309761

    David Berger is no מאן דאמר because he only knows half the story-he knows a lot about Christian theology (which is probably ossur anyways) but nothing about Toras Ha’Chassidus. He has no insight into any of texts and attitudes he criticizes and the same applies to most of the arrogantly ignorant people ragging on Chabad in this thread.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2309506

    Why do all these threads always get hijacked by Mishechistim?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2300073


    With all due respect, that’s simply not the case. The qualitative difference is discernable to anyone who immerses themselves in the מי הדעת הטהור of the Rebbe’s Torah. And I don’t mean skimming a sicha here or there. I mean learning l’iyun for and extended period of time. The more you invest in it, the more you will find. I’ve seen it happen many times to non-Chabad Yidden, whether frum or not.

    הוי כל צמא, לכו למים

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2300020


    They don’t have more relevance then they did before. They were always relevant, and people are now coming to recognize it. Perhaps you would also if you actually sat down and learnt it…

    The Rebbe’s Hashkafa is qualitatively different then everything else that exists today in Klal Yisroel. It is more developed, more potent, more sourced and more compelling then anything else out there.

    ובחנוני נא בזאת…

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2299766


    My point was that the fact the publicity didn’t originate in Chabad means that more and more Frum Jews are discovering the relevance of the Rebbe’s Torah and Hashkafah. I don’t know the percentage stats, but it’s definitely a growing phenomenon.

    To be honest, this was bound to happen and is long overdue. The fact that it took this long is mostly due to the small mindedness of many Lubavitchers, especially those in positions of leadership….

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2299417

    I’m new here, I’d just like to point out that most of the publicity around this years Gimmel Tammuz didn’t originate in Chabad and was not directed by it.

    For instance, the new Koren book on the Rebbe’s Torah philosophy, Engaging the Essence, was written by a Modern Orthodox academic and Talmid Chacham. There was definitely input from Chabad insiders, as the Rebbe’s Torah is vast and daunting to navigate even with an experienced guide and certainly without one. It was not commissioned by the Chabad establishment (unlike Joseph Telushkin’s biography that was published for the twentieth yartzeit).

    The 18Forty podcast by Rabbi David Bashevkin is also in the midst of covering Chabad and the Rebbe. Rabbi Bashevkin is by no means a Lubavitcher and has no “dog in this fight”, he is simply genuinely fascinated by the Rebbe’s Torah and message and it’s relevance to the current moment. As he should be.

    So all this conspiracy talk about the Chabad media conspiracy reminds me about the trope about how the Jews control the media (and everything else). There is a kernel of truth in both claims, as both Jews in general and Chabad in particular are influential and media savvy, but the obsession with that fact and the inability to consider the substance of the issues smacks of the same deranged jealousy and midos raos that animate anti-semites everywhere…

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