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  • in reply to: A Moment of Unity: YU & Telshe #2314697

    HaKatan, peddle your unintelligent shmutz elsewhere. I would suggest you seek out Rav Willig to ask for mechilah. Otherwise, your gezar din might be not to your liking.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis and the Freezer Defrosting #1830362

    age gap as the primary issue is provable. those who doubt it are innumerate and should get a refund on their elementary education if they had one.

    in reply to: Issuing calls for Tehillim when it’s (almost) too late. #1829445

    to all the illustrious talmidei hakhamim . the rules depend on circumstance and the halakhic status of brain death AS IT CAN BE DETERMINED TODAY. Your stories from the past are interesting but not always the psak that would be given today

    in reply to: Meir Kahane #1822981

    achrei mos – kedosim, but not achrei mos – talmid chacham. he and rov frisch aka rabbi f caused a death, accidentally as a result of their insensitivity.

    in reply to: Are there (intelligent) yidden on other plants? #1821862

    if they are wealthy and not learned, chabad will open a franchise.

    in reply to: between Berlin and Slobodka #1821277

    Milhouse, if anyone attended the University because of enrollment in Hildesheimer, their attendance would be recorded. The Rebbe and Rav Hutner, who knew each other and then parted company 20+ years later, audited some classes; they were not students.

    the Rebbe, who may have similarly audited a few classes at the Sorbonne was an average student at a second/third rate technical school in Paris. given his limited background, that should not be diminished

    in reply to: between Berlin and Slobodka #1821102

    the book presents the views (based on facts, stories and myths) concerning a small number of diverse individuals who studied at Yeshivot in Lita (Slabodka being the best perhaps) and in rather different secular environment. The last person, a largely unknown mussarnick like the author, is treated as an equal to a variety of much more world-recognized individuals from Rav Hutner, the Rav, Prof. Heschel (a non-litvish scion of Hasidim) and Prof. Wolfson. the anecdotes are of interest even if untrue in some cases. the author’s insight into these giants can only be described as one man’s opinion and a good dose of chutzpah.

    i have a copy; the first $800 offer will be accepted πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Does all Chabad agree with him??? #1806667

    the official gathering does not endorse the open messianic wing. While only 10 percent attended the parallel event, that tells only how many do not want to proclaim their view publically. How many hold such beliefs in private is a wholly other matter.

    in reply to: Rav Tzion Menachem, Mekubal #1798896

    i don’t know if he is real or a Jewish version of a Sunday morning preacher vos ken shrayin “heal.” i do know that he has very poor PR; his miracle yeshua is the same one every time he comes. if he was for real, he should claim a new one every year. i think you do better using the money buying a lottery ticket and much, much better giving to a legitimate tzeddakah, not keren atzmi or mir.

    in reply to: Solomon’s Meat in Costco #1791857

    in our costco there is no more fresh kosher meat; instead, there is excellent frozen meat with a very good hashgacha.

    in reply to: Eida Charedis Against Participating in Knesses Elections #1787356

    the moshiach is coming soon; what else would you conclude from the number of learned comments. haShem Yeracheaim.

    in reply to: Kashrus Question #1785314

    charlie hall, the heter that the rav ztl relied on goes back to his grandfather. if any of the commenting amai ha-eretz want to comment, it is incumbent to first learn the sugyot.

    in reply to: Whats the worst thing about smartphones #1784658

    the worst thing is a smartphone in the hands of a dumb human, not uncommon.

    in reply to: Dunkin Donuts Muffins #1783050

    assume for a moment you are not in a deserted place and you have choices, then even if a product is normally supplied and kosher, an owner who did not get delivery can substitute other product legally. is that a concern halakhically? ask a competent posek!

    in reply to: Why do some Americans not eat the OU hechsher in E”Y? #1780727

    lakewhut, you write: “jdb it’s not motzei shem ra. No normal yeshiva in israel would recommend relying on the OU in Israel.” your definition of normal is crazy. i refuse to eat from the eidah given their anti-zionist stand. i eat from the agudah at Sheyan and the OU at Papagayo and many israeli hashgachot. the israeli hashgachot have much to learn from OU procedures. hotels run by frum but disorganized mashgichim, including some heimeshe hotels, cannot be trusted.

    in reply to: Nashim Da'atan Kalos and Women Today #1771859

    joseph, i would choose Prof. christine hayes’ daas over yours in a nanosecond.

    in reply to: Mass Shootings – Daas Torah #1770932

    as traditional jews we do not ask about rabbinic opinions, we ask about the halakha

    in reply to: Why do some Americans not eat the OU hechsher in E”Y? #1770328

    papagaio has OU hashgakha. those who so quickly can be motzi laaz on the OU, can stand around and see who relies on the OU hashgaha. israeli hashgaha depends to a large extent on the competence of the mashgiach. In a particular hotel without hareidi hashgakhot but an expert masgiach you will see distinguished Jews who know enjoying dinner,

    in reply to: Why is Yad Soledes Bo so Cold? #1767994

    meno, to the comments that five degrees are not that critical. it is both illogical and disrespectful of the halakhic system.

    in reply to: Why is Yad Soledes Bo so Cold? #1767890

    halakha is not a good discussion topic for blogs. nor is science. a human with a temperature of 105 degrees can possibly survive, at least for a while. a body temperature of 110 degrees means you are about to die. i would not suggest trying it.

    in reply to: Chabad hate on YWN? #1756811

    criticism does not equal hate. Chabad is factually different as are neturai karta, satmar, masorati, hareidi and modern orthodox Jews. different people have different judgments as to how far each has moved from traditional Judaism.


    the most immediate lesson is to obey the posted signs.

    in reply to: Should Chareidim Form a Government with the Left? #1753118

    the Charedim will form a government with whoever gives more stipends and IDF exemptions; Arabs, Meretz and even ha’Devil be’atzmo, Mr. Lapid. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Star-K Article about Electric Shavers #1749732

    in my world, the fact that the Rav ztl, RAL ztl, Rav Schechter, Rav Rosenzweig all used/use an electric shaver makes the issue closed. Those who wish the follow other poskim, in opposition to RMF ztl, certainly have the right to do so. however, to invalidate other gedolai yisroel is not acceptable.

    in reply to: Has the Χ©ΧžΧ™Χ¨ worm been found? #1749157

    unless moshiach is hiding out in the philli[pines and planning to build the beit ha’mikdash there, i do not think so.

    in reply to: Holding hands after a Chuppah #1742726

    if the kallah is not a niddah, the only potential issues are not halakhic.

    in reply to: Are there levels of holiness? #1739827

    look at levels of kedusha from the land of Israel, up until the Kodesh haKadoshim.

    in reply to: Does a convert adopted by frum parents have a bashert? #1739368

    do people answering this question have a brain is a better question!

    in reply to: Velvet = Frummer? #1737156

    only a kippah serugah, which has micro-holes to allow wisdom to enter has both utility and kedusha πŸ™‚


    i cannot imagine a sadder statement than groomed to be the gadol hador. we train dogs for competition; there is no training program to produce gedolai hador. askanim, with political agendas, may think otherwise. klal yisroel chooses its poskim/gedolim.

    in reply to: Hallel with Bracha on YH? #1724402

    there are many opinions. ROY ztl is likely unaware of the number of Jews killed in the Maccabean wars. I do not make a Beracha on the recitation of Hallel like my rabbeim, but would never be caught dead in a shul that says tahanun. at the very least one should be nohaig like Ben-Gurion – no Hallel and no tahanun and no davening :).

    in reply to: Kaliv vs other chassidus #1723079

    rebbes are assumed to have dynastic yichus which gives them special abilities. realistically, they depend on others who train them

    in reply to: WHISTLEBLOWER: Non-Kosher Pesach Program?! #1717787

    whoever yubochur613 is, he should call the rav hamchshir / hashgacha not his rav. he should then call state authorities.

    adding the part about the beds is not credible all hotels have rollaway beds that are needed for guests.

    i smell a bubbe-maiseh


    when one who had no secular studies cannot find employment in the society we now live in, then…..

    rabbi Schwab choice of the two he asked, guaranteed the answer he received. when he declared that view in his hometown of Frankfurt, it was not well received by Rabbi Breuer who instructed a later famous individual to write a pointed response.

    in reply to: The Lubavicher Rebbe “Shlit”a” #1705152

    anyone familiar with the early history of jesus can compare his distance from judaism from that of middle of the road chabadniks.

    in reply to: Chabad? Most non religious Jews are not halachikly Jewish. #1701202

    Haimy, kol sheposail be’mumoh posail. need i say more

    in reply to: Is it healthy for yehiva bochurim to learn from a artscroll? #1672741

    joseph, no one in the yeshivashe velt has produced anything close to a Jastrow. we need an updated Jastrow given all the academic findings over the cast century +.

    in reply to: Women Davening #1667530

    it is avant-garde even for egalitarian minyanim. but the drasha by the rabbanit was superb; better than the vast majority of her male counterparts. you cannot expect less from the daughter of ,,,,,,,, πŸ™‚

    shlishi for anyone, man or woman, who can identify the rabbanit and a shot of 25-year-old Macallan (after the derasha) πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Women Davening #1667418

    for familial reasons i once davened at shirah chadashah. the first thing i noticed was a top to bottom mechitzah. the second was that prior to youth groups, the young urchins were mostly in the men’s section so their mothers can have proper kavanah. πŸ™‚

    then again while only men had kohen and levi, the mother of the bar mitzvah had shilishi, unseen from the other side of the mechitzah, she stood next to table protruding on both sides of the mechitzah. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Freezer-Burnt: Most boys unprepared for dating or married life. #1665483

    if any granddaughter of mine went out with a recently released freezer inmate, i would amend my will.

    in reply to: girls learning gemara #1661863

    obviously controversial like many things in halakha; there are many gedolai olam to rely on who say it is muttar be’zemanainu.

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis: Women who earn too much #1661703

    if the husband is pursuing a less lucrative career like an academic, rabbinical or public service lifestyle, it is rarely a problem. if both are working in commercial settings, a vastly outperforming wife can create issues.

    in reply to: should jews become pilots becaese off all the dangers involved #1626673

    if you say hagomel after flying on a leisure trip you should not fly

    in a brilliant teshuvah in which he permitted secular studies in israel over 120 years ago, rav dovid karliner, who forbade secular studies in russia, argued that if we want a state we must have frum jews as doctors, lawyers, accountants, scientists, etc. forsome reason thisteshuvah, that reads like it was written yesterday, is rarely quoted by chareidim

    in reply to: who is "The Gadol Haddar" of America #1625793

    the chareidi world has created many batting crowns, sar hatorah, posek hador, gadol hador, rashbehag, etc. etc. typically those so designated are past the age that chazal would allow them to sit on a sanhedrin.

    think about it and stop asking meaningless questions. each community needs to choose who to turn to with sheailot. invariably it is your LOR, who should turn to greater individuals as he sees fit.

    in reply to: Is there a word in davening that you always mispronounced? #1621999

    often people say/sing beterem kol, yitzeer nivrah as opposed to beterem, kol yitzeer nivrah. pure kefirah sung with gustoh

    in reply to: Lubavitch Hats #1603815

    lubavitch wants to attract the irreligious Jew; wearing a fur hat in the US or Israel would make them look weird. but they needed a mode of identification – hence the rebbe ztl’s hat style. thank God it was not brown like he wore to his wedding; would not match a black suit.

    these are religious, not halakhically mandated modes of behavior

    in reply to: New Techeiles Movie #1599454

    if you want to actually make precise comments, listen to a tape by rabbi yisroel reisman on ten reasons NOT to wear techelet and a response by rabbi aryeh lebowitz to the 10 reasons on YU Torah. you will learn a bit about the issue.

    in reply to: Shelo Asani Isha #1599392

    I think many of the women married to the various misogynists should make the beracha made in the 15th century, quoted in the sefer leket yosher, shelo asani behaimah. maybe some men could say it so women will not feel discriminated against. however, for some men and women, it may not be completely true

    in reply to: New Techeiles Movie #1599390

    i will look for it; the exhibit in the bible museum is fabulous and imho seals the deal as do talks by various proponents.

    in reply to: How much to tip the barber for a haircut? #1585974

    15% to 25% to an employee, depending on the time spent. in theory, nothing to the owner.

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