Dr. Pepper

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  • in reply to: Shidduchim – Picky Mothers #786935
    Dr. Pepper


    I’m also.

    I’ll repeat this again for the benefit of those who haven’t read it in other threads.

    I always tell my wife that even if the only thing she ever did for me was rescue me from those nasty shadchanim I’d still be forever indebted to her.

    in reply to: Return Policies #786552
    Dr. Pepper


    Do what I do, go to the Customer Service desk and be honest.

    Here’s a funny story that happened with my grandparents.

    I went to visit them while I was a teenager and my grandfather mentioned to me that the light switch in his study didn’t work. He gave me a $1 bill and asked to get another one from the hardware store around the corner. I brought home the new one and my grandfather noticed that the box said it had a 20 year warranty. He then went to get the receipt from the broken one (which was 19 years and 9 months old) and asked if I could get a refund.

    I refused to return an $.85 object that was older than me!

    in reply to: Shidduchim – Picky Mothers #786932
    Dr. Pepper

    Not that I have any details in what is going on-


    When I would be harassed by nasty shadchanim I’d tell them that everything has to go through my mother. She did great as a firewall.

    in reply to: Shidduchim – Picky Mothers #786924
    Dr. Pepper


    Why don’t you just leave them alone?

    You’ll be doing yourself a favor as well as the guy and his mother.

    in reply to: Anniversary Help!! #800121
    Dr. Pepper

    How about writing a nice poem on a card.

    From my experience, presents that take time yet have a minimal cost are more valuable than expensive gifts.

    May you and your wife be zoche to have many more happy years together.

    (And may the two of you enjoy reading this poem out loud at your 50th anniversary.)

    in reply to: Shidduchim – Picky Mothers #786919
    Dr. Pepper


    I’d like to agree with you but from my personal experience common sense and shadchonim are mutually exclusive.

    Droid- Thanks for agreeing.

    in reply to: Shidduchim – Picky Mothers #786914
    Dr. Pepper


    Please don’t take offense, but you seem like the kind of shadchan that my friends and I had to blacklist.

    When a shadchan gives a girls name to a guy it is up to him (and his parents) what to do from there. My mother told one shadchan to never call her back after she said “you think you’re being farfrumpted, well you’re being farcrumped. You have to tell me why you’re saying ‘no’. I’m a professional shadchan and therefore the issur of Loshon Hora doesn’t apply to me. Stop being a chanyukkel on someone elses cheshbon.”

    (My mother worked with this girl and had wonderful things to say about her (including that there was nothing wrong with her) but she knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t for me.)

    Who are you to decide what is unjustified? What is important to one person may be a non-issue to someone else and vice versa.

    The shadchanim need to learn to be civilized or they are ruining the chances for many girls who otherwise may have no access to guys in yeshiva.

    (If the guy and his mother are harrassing you non-stop to find him a shidduch and this is how they are acting then I see where you are coming from.)

    in reply to: Online Doctors #786785
    Dr. Pepper

    Hey Doc,

    We missed you at the department meeting today. Is everything OK?

    in reply to: Jokes #1201749
    Dr. Pepper

    He was talking about the president who fired him.

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785489
    Dr. Pepper


    I wrote it, Moderator-80 edited it about 90 seconds after approving it.

    in reply to: Would this be stepping over boundaries? #786243
    Dr. Pepper

    Post your questions here.

    Many of us would love to help you.

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785484
    Dr. Pepper


    You unlocked a can of worms.

    in reply to: Jokes #1201744
    Dr. Pepper

    Heard this from a non-reliable source who claimed it was true but I don’t believe it.

    Here is goes.

    An ex-Rabbi is speaking by his good bye party after being fired by the president of the shul for being too Frum:

    There were three things that complained to Hashem that they were being sidelined;

    1. Asher Yotzar,

    2. Aleinu and

    3. Mamzeirim.

    Asher Yotzar complained that it is such an important brocha but people rush through it every morning while half asleep. Hashem decreed that from then on, everyone will say the brocha a few times a day.

    Aleinu complained that people rush through saying it while on their way out of shul and no one has the proper concentration. Hashem decreed that from then on Aleinu will play a major role in the Yomim Noraim davening.

    Mamzeirim complained that they didn’t do anything wrong yet they are punished for life. They can’t marry anyone but another mamzer and they have to carry the shame with them where ever they go. Therefore Hashem decreed that a mamzer should be the president of this very congregation…

    in reply to: attention all old cr members: #785049
    Dr. Pepper

    I can’t give you too much information, but let me suggest that you don’t join the FBI.

    Ames is a female, she made it quite clear when her daughter was born 11 months ago.

    There are a handful of posts from her that were written after the incident and are still there.

    in reply to: Tzedaka Recogniton #784807
    Dr. Pepper

    on the ball-

    There are a few reasons why we decided to donate anonymously (although it’s not set in stone).

    #1. When I was in Kollel I was asked to put in a full page ad for a family member being honored. I explained that I was in Kollel and couldn’t afford a full page ad. The dinner chairman told me to give what I want and he’ll give me a full page ad. (Thinking back, I don’t think it was fair that someone who paid full price should only get the same recognition as someone who paid a small fraction.)

    #2. A Rebbe I was close with was being honored and I had lots of Hakaras Hatov for the special attention he gave me as well as the kesher he kept up for 20+ years. I decided to put in a full page “thank you” at $500. I later found out that a younger grade was having a hard time scraping together $25 a piece from the 20 classmates and I felt it was arrogant to have a full page ad next to theirs and I asked the journal committee not to publish it. (They sent the Rebbe a copy of the ad and an explanation as to why I requested that it not be published.)

    #3. A shy neighbor (who has helped us with the kids in the past) asked us to put in an ad for her yearbook. The school warned that anyone who didn’t raise a few hundred dollars for the yearbook cost would have a picture of an elephant in the yearbook instead of theirs and she thought it may hurt her shidduch prospects. I was willing to put in an ad but my wife said it will be offensive to her parents if someone else places a larger ad than they were able to afford. My wife gave her the full amount (so that she wouldn’t have to ask others who may insist on placing an ad).

    in reply to: Tzedaka Recogniton #784802
    Dr. Pepper


    Moshe is my younger brother. Instead of putting my name they put “anonymous” but it was put where my name would have gone alphabetically so it defeated the purpose.

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785479
    Dr. Pepper

    am yisrael chai-

    Did we meet each other on a different site?

    (The person I’m thinking of brags to have started the thread with the most replies and views.)

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785478
    Dr. Pepper

    YW Moderator-42-

    I don’t know of any in that thread that were deleted, although there may be some from when my wife shared this SN with me. (Too lazy to check.)

    There is one that I see has been removed although I don’t know why or by who. Some time ago I asked someone if their SN had anything to do with a bungalow colony. I’m not sure what was inappropriate or offensive with that comment, unless a moderator thought it would blow the persons identity?

    in reply to: should i have pointed it out? #784383
    Dr. Pepper


    That I can’t answer.

    I can answer what happened to me in a similar case.

    This same R”Y told me about working Tisha B’av before chatzos, “you won’t see any mazal in the work done”.

    Sure enough, the work I did was all wrong and not only did I have to do it again, but I also had to notify all those who relied on my work that the data is bad.

    (That is the only time I recall making the error I made that morning.)

    in reply to: Tzedaka Recogniton #784798
    Dr. Pepper


    That’s correct. We always ask for our names not to be mentioned. One organization that lists all their donors and their amounts had the following…

    Anonymous- $???

    Moshe Pepper- $???

    I’m sure no one figured out who it was.

    in reply to: should i have pointed it out? #784380
    Dr. Pepper

    This is my personal opinion-

    Yes, I would. When they scan something, if it comes out less than marked they will usually give it to you anyways and it makes you look good. (Normally the item is on sale but the tag fell off so the price is correct.)

    I have also gone back to the store when I noticed that they didn’t charge me for an item. Again, I didn’t have to but it made me feel good.

    A friend once wasn’t charged at Staples for an expensive toner and asked his R”Y what to do. He was told that he was allowed to keep it but he won’t see any mazal with anything it’s used for. He called the corporate HQ and they told him to enjoy it.

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785472
    Dr. Pepper


    Look for post # 104716.

    In that conversation volley I referred to Joseph by his original SN before he changed it to Joseph. I noticed that in other posts that mentioned that SN it got edited and I didn’t want to antagonize anyone.

    Please help me keep my clean record and don’t delete this. If you want you can replace the numbers with asterisks.


    Dr. Pepper


    It sounds like a great idea but I have some reservations.

    Most important- I don’t think it’s fair to put anyone on the list without their explicit permission. Given the skewed advantage towards shidduchim that guys have I doubt many would want to sign up.

    Also, before many people give their permission they’ll want to know who is going to have access the list and in what way it’s going to be used.

    Which gets back to my original idea of having a board in charge of certifying shadchanim and a universal set of rules that all shadchanim must follow or face losing their certification and possibly facing consequences.

    (By the way, I realize that in reality this is probably never going to happen.)

    in reply to: Accident reporting to DMV Damage/ Reimbursement over/under $1000 #783501
    Dr. Pepper

    Did you try asking your insurance company for help?

    Even if they self insure I’d be shocked if they don’t go through an insurer, I doubt they have the infrastructure in place to handle claims, look out for fraud and all the other things insurance companies have personnel for.

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785470
    Dr. Pepper

    I can only try-

    Yup, I noticed.

    # of buttons in Combination	# of ways
    0 1
    1 13
    2 78
    3 286
    4 715
    5 1,287
    6 1,716
    7 1,716
    8 1,287
    9 715
    10 286
    11 78
    12 13
    13 1
    Total 8,192

    As we all know 2^13 is 8,192.

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785468
    Dr. Pepper


    please link to it

    i dont remember

    but i will delete it after i see it

    Never mind, I want to keep my counter at 0.

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785465
    Dr. Pepper

    I can only try-

    Please check your math, I taught you what formula to use already.

    in reply to: Computer Question #783579
    Dr. Pepper

    Right Click on the video screen, go to settings…, on the left tab (on the bottom) disable “Enable Hardware Acceleration”.

    Please let me know if it works.

    in reply to: Accident reporting to DMV Damage/ Reimbursement over/under $1000 #783497
    Dr. Pepper

    If you have an accident report your insurer can find out.

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785462
    Dr. Pepper


    It wasn’t on the riddle thread and it’s still there.

    (Although my post was heavily edited, you did get to read it for a minute and a half in it’s genuine form. It wasn’t personal (at least not against Moderator-80). It was obvious that I was joking but Moderator-80 knew it, but was afraid others may take it seriously. I’ll link to it if Moderator-80 promises not to delete it.)

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785450
    Dr. Pepper

    Please don’t delete my posts 🙁

    I want to be the poster with the least amount of deleted posts.


    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785444
    Dr. Pepper

    It’s not rare and it’s not from rare earth, that’s just what it’s named.

    A powerful one can be bought on eBay for $40.

    (If you ever took apart a hard drive you’d see two small, but powerful, rare earth magnets.)

    If you are who I think you are, I think you’d enjoy reading what Wikipedia has to say about them.

    in reply to: Accident reporting to DMV Damage/ Reimbursement over/under $1000 #783495
    Dr. Pepper

    be good-

    Quite understandably, the USPS is not in the business of launching accident investigations. Ask for their insurance carrier to issue the letter.

    in reply to: Shabbos Locks #785442
    Dr. Pepper

    The problem with the Simplex locks is the chamber. When the chamber is on the outside of the door it is susceptible to rare-earth magnet attacks. The models that have the chamber on the outside of the door are the ones where the five buttons are in a straight line. The models where the numbers are in a circle have the combination chamber on the inside of the door and are immune to that kind of attack.

    (It does have a week point, but I still use this type.)

    If you are getting the 14 button lock my suggestion to you would be to buy two (either for you and a friend or for a front and back door). Of the 14 buttons, one is to clear the combination, 5 are for the combination and 8 are wrong numbers.

    Since 5 are supposed to be in the combination, if you trade one of the “combination” pieces from one lock with a “wrong number” piece from the other lock, one lock will have six numbers in the combination while the other one had four. This will throw off anyone trying to break in. I don’t know anything about the strength of the lock itself, I never break locks to gain access.

    in reply to: Names in Shidduchim…. #783921
    Dr. Pepper

    A shadchan once had a girl from me but warned us that her first name is … Goldie. I’m not so sure what is wrong with that name.

    I might be mixing her up with another girl (I didn’t end up going out with her) but the shadchan warned that she’s a red head, “but she’s willing to buy a different color sheital if it really bothers you”.

    My wife jokingly said that in the coming generation there will be many girls named Goldie, short for Golden Palace Casino dot com, the gambling website known for buying the rights on eBay to name an expectant mothers’ child.

    in reply to: Accident reporting to DMV Damage/ Reimbursement over/under $1000 #783491
    Dr. Pepper

    be good-

    Is the USPS paying for this out of pocket?

    Try to get the letter from who ever the adjuster is that is settling the claim, if the adjuster isn’t authorized to write the letter ask who is.

    I’m no expert at this but I think the your insurer would have more respect for documentation from another insurance company as opposed to the USPS.

    You don’t have to give the letter to anyone, just keep it safe in case your insurer tries to raise your rates- you can prove that it wasn’t your fault.

    On the slight chance that the other driver files a personal injury claim against you- showing a letter from their insurance company stating that you shared 0% of the responsibility should do wonders.

    Just keep in mind that while the claim is still open you have the upper hand, make sure to get the letter before the claim is closed.

    in reply to: Anonymous texts! #815110
    Dr. Pepper

    When our babysitter had that issue I told her to let her father answer one time, explaining that he had her phone for the day, and ask if he could help.

    I think it solved the problem.

    in reply to: Shidduch Issue #783202
    Dr. Pepper

    anon for this-

    My parents tell the shadchanim that they want their grandchildren to be eligible to marry Kohanim (again, in a very sensitive manner).

    (All of my sisters are heavily involved in kiruv and anyone that knows them or my parents know the respect that they have for a Baal/ Baalei Teshuva.)

    in reply to: Shidduch Issue #783199
    Dr. Pepper


    I see where you’re coming from but please take it easy. Here’s what I wrote in a similar thread ==>9 months ago<==.

    I normally stay away from threads like this so that I don’t offend anyone. If anyone does take offence please forgive me retroactively.

    A teacher of mine in high school once told us that everyone in the world is discriminated against one way or another. The example he gave regarding himself was that he wasn’t allowed to be a fighter pilot in the U.S.A.F. because he was over 6’6″ and couldn’t fit into the cockpit!

    Growing up my parents always taught us to have the utmost respect for Baalei Teshuva. In my fathers words- “They are on a level that we can’t even come close to”. My kids got to see this first hand over this past three day Yom Tov when my parents saved the best food and nicest China and cutlery for the seuda where we had guests who were Baalei Teshuva.

    When my brothers and I were dating my parents politely told shadchanim that they would only consider girls whose ancestors have always been frum- the reason being that a kohain can not marry a challal and if he does his children can not do the avodah and are not considered kohanim.

    Take a simple case where a non-frum couple got divorced and she got remarried to a kohain. Their children are challalim and can not marry kohanim. (And this is in the case where we’re assuming that the divorce was done properly- think about what the parameters change to if it wasn’t done properly!)

    Although this may be very rare, I do know of one family where this happened and their children are not kohanim.

    There are many silly things out there but I agree with my parents for taking this seriously.

    in reply to: Buying A Computer #784616
    Dr. Pepper


    Are you going to get it today?

    (I’d like to meet you there and we can look for Squeaks “wagon”.)

    in reply to: Accident reporting to DMV Damage/ Reimbursement over/under $1000 #783487
    Dr. Pepper

    Here’s my experience-

    In the past 10 years I was involved in two accidents where damages were well over $1,000. In each case I asked the other drivers insurance company to provide documentation that I shared in 0% of the responsibility (one driver ran a stop sign, the other rear ended me at a red light). Both insurance companies readily complied.

    My rates did not go up because of either one and when I switched insurance companies and they did a search on my driving record it came up spotless.

    I’m not sure where you’re from but in NY I’m fairly certain that legally you’re required to report any damage to your insurer.

    (Someone knocked off our side view mirror and didn’t leave a note, there was a security camera pointed at the parking spot and the security from the building showed me the video of the car that did it. They said that they can’t give me the video without a court order but the insurance company will take care of that for me. The insurance company said they won’t help me since I have a $500 deductible but said I legally have to give them all the information.)

    in reply to: Shidduch Issue #783188
    Dr. Pepper


    I may be wrong but I think the second half of the phrase was- “but if you absolutely must brag about your husband… give your mother-in-law a call”.

    in reply to: Shidduch Issue #783180
    Dr. Pepper


    First of all- mazel tov, may you and your chosson be zoche to build a bayis neeman b’yisroel.

    I feel for your friend and I wish her the best. My first thought is that maybe Hashem put her in this position just to lead her to her zivug. Perhaps he is in the same position (a great guy from a broken home) and they wouldn’t have met otherwise?

    In any event, I don’t like the phrase second rate shidduch. She is created in the Tzelem Elokim and that is first rate!

    Also, if you look closely at anyone, there is probably something about them that would make others think of them as inferior. To someone who’s not looking for money; the poverty level of a girl from a poor family will be a non-issue, while to someone looking for money…

    The best thing you could do, in my opinion, is to not hide anything from her but don’t mention anything that may make her jealous. (Don’t take off your jewelery when she’s around, but don’t flaunt it in front of her.)

    Dr. Pepper


    Getting the nasty shadchanim under control will not end all shidduch problems, but it would solve some and it definitely has to be done.

    The 22 year old boys would still be redt (in the most relaxed, pleasant fashion) the 19 year old girls, and would still marry them!

    That’s true, this is another problem that also has to be dealt with, I’m not denying that.

    Denying that these shadchanim exist doesn’t help the situation. If you never had to deal with any of them- I envy you. But they are out there.

    Dr. Pepper


    It looks like we’re going to have to agree to disagree as to “what extent of the problem is age-gap related, and what extent is from other causes”.

    I agree that the “age gap issue” is a significant issue but I still believe that it is not the root of the cause, it’s a byproduct.

    If there is a realistic way to get guys to drop their insane demands then that’s good news. If it’s been tried and has been showing some signs of success then I stand corrected and hope it continues. (I’ve been out of shidduchim for many years now so I wouldn’t know either way. Even when I was in shidduchim, my friends and I were not the type to make ridiculous demands.)

    Getting rid of the stigma sounds like a great idea, without this I believe that there will always be somewhat of an age gap.

    However, the nasty shadchanim and their despicable tactics, have to be brought under control.

    Dr. Pepper


    There’s lots to say on this and now is not a good time (1:21 A.M.) bli nader I’ll add more later.

    For starters, a guy in yeshiva is expected to be at shachris every morning on time, 7 days a week. In a yeshiva setting this means 7:00 to 7:30 or so six days a week and probably 8 something on Shabbos. Very few guys have a perfect attendance, and trust me (I did have a 100% perfect attendance through my yeshiva career) it is very hard.

    How would a girl feel about going out with a guy who slept through shacharis twice a month? How about three or four times? Yet what time to some of these girls wake up if they don’t have work one day or if they only have college in the afternoon?

    What makes these girls think that if they were males they’d be from the extreme minority that always makes it to shacharis on time?

    Someone once asked me to suggest a shidduch to a certain girl, when she found out that he missed shacharis about 3 or 4 times a year she nixed the idea. She told me that her brothers never miss shacharis and neither will any guy that she goes out with.

    I’m not quite sure who she was fooling (definitely not me, I was in yeshiva with her brothers and I knew what was going on).

    This same girl admitted that she davens shachris around noon when she only has to work in the afternoon, but “I always make zman krias shma…”.

    Dr. Pepper


    Unfortunately from the ones my friends and I dealt with this is far from the case.

    Regardless of the percentages, the nasty shadchanim make it harder for everyone else (the shadchanim who try to do things the proper way, the guys and the girls).

    It came to the point where I refused to take any names that came from a professional shadchan, I relied on friends and neighbors.

    Just curious- I see that you married off a daughter, do you have any sons in the parsha or married?

    Dr. Pepper


    Thanks for your opinion, but I’m not quite sure what you are disagreeing on.

    There is a disparity in part because of the “age gap”. In my opinion, if every other issue was resolved the age gap would get smaller and the amount of single girls would go down.

    I agree that shadchanim act that way because of the difficulty they have getting guys to agree to go out with the people they suggest. This doesn’t mean it’s right and they are shooting themselves in their feet.

    I also agree that the vast majority of boys are married within a year or two despite all the problems (of which I fully agree with all the ones you mentioned). One of the reasons are, like I mentioned previously, that even when a guy starts dating, his pool will be much larger than the pool of a girl who firsts starts dating. In general, his pool will continue to increase while hers will continue to decrease. Another one of the reasons are, again like I mentioned above, is that it is much easier for a girl to fit the mold of what a guy is looking for than for a guy to fit the mold of what a girl is looking for. Hence the guys get married much faster than the girls do.

    I even agree with your last point. What you have to realize is that guys run the shidduch market and I can’t think of any realistic way this is going to change. Like I mentioned before- when it comes to finding a shidduch- no guy is going to feel that he was placed on this planet to end the shidduch crisis and therefore he should only date a girl his age. A guy is going to look for the girl that best fits what he’s looking for, whether five months younger or five years younger. What the girls have to do (and I agree that it’s totally unfair and skewed) is to make themselves attractive (not in a physical sense) to guys closer to their age.

    Dr. Pepper


    There are many issues causing the shidduch crisis, and in my opinion the crisis is causing an age gap which spirals the crisis to catastrophic proportions.

    (It has been mentioned by others that even if the crisis was resolved there would still be many single girls that wouldn’t find a husband.)

    Let’s categorize those involved in shidduchim into three categories,

    1. The males (and parents),

    2. The females (and parent),

    3. The Shadchanim.

    All three, in my opinion, are partially responsible for the situation, although they share different percentages of the blame.

    The males- they are partially to blame, but let’s face it, they run the market and as long as things stay the way they are, they have no incentive to change.

    The females- it’s much easier, in my opinion, to be a “good girl” than a “good guy”. When these girls reject guys because they feel they deserve better- who says they would be better than the guy that they just rejected had they been a male? Eventually most of them realize what they are deserving of, but by that then lots of precious time has been wasted. Recall from above how the pool of guys gets smaller and smaller for a girl as time goes on but the pool of girls gets larger and larger for a guy as time goes on.

    The Shadchanim- I started with them because I feel that they are the biggest problem. Please read my above posts again to see why. If you want some more stories about their outrageous behavior please let me know. A guy has the liberty to tell a shadchan to never call back (not that they listen). Once guys break off communication with a shadchan it is harder for certain girls (particularly the ones who live out-of-town and have no older brothers) to get dates with them.

    There was only one professional shadchan I dealt with that acted in a proper manner. When I called her to thank her for being honest, patient and non-aggressive she said, “why would I want to lie? these girls where my students, lying would hurt them and I’d never want them to be hurt”.

    If you only suggest shidduchim in a respectful manner then please continue to do so. May Hashem help you succeed.

    Dr. Pepper

    Pac / Man-

    My wife and her friends didn’t know what was going on on the other side. My wife was shcoked and horrified when she found out.

    (How many girls do you think would go out with a guy if the shadchan admitted that “after 2 months of constant harassment, stalking and threatening he finally agreed to go out with you just so that I leave him alone?”)

    If I was a female and got a call from a shadchan who said, “I told this guy about you and he wants to go out. Can you let me know by next week if your interested. Here are some references… if you have any questions feel free to call me”, I’d have lots of gratitude for this person.

Viewing 50 posts - 501 through 550 (of 1,387 total)