Forum Replies Created
“Does anyone have any ideas?”
Sleep on beach. Donate villa money to support Torah study.
DovidBTParticipantRegardless of the arguments here, I personally think it’s really cool that the U.S. President’s daughter and son-in-law, who is also acting as one of his top advisors, are promoting Jewish observance.
DovidBTParticipantThere are a few time zones that are 30 minutes offset from the other zones.
The number I used to use gave the date/time in GMT.
DovidBTParticipant“In the 1980s I was the Consul General for a small European country in one Connecticut city…”
Did you get to wear a fancy uniform, with epaulettes and ribbons, and a big hat with feathers?
DovidBTParticipantThere’s also McMurdo Station in Antarctica.
DovidBTParticipantI briefly experimented with soy “milk” and almond “milk”. In the local stores, all the soy milk hechshers, and all but one of the almond milk hechshers, indicated “dairy”, due to additives. And although almond milk tastes similar to cow milk, the contents label indicated that it had practically no nutritional value, so I gave up on it.
DovidBTParticipantDoes Israel have any control over the location of the embassies?
For that matter, how that does work in general? If France decided to move their U.S. embassy to New Orleans, could they do that? Or does the U.S. decide on the location?
DovidBTParticipant“TV is worse because it is nonstop. You don’t need any input whatsoever, and it’ll just keep playing forever. Which is a huge promoter of laziness. One needs to provide constant input when using the internet. ”
Not true.
TV addict: continual channel-surfing with remote control: Click … click … click … click … click
Internet addict: Click … click … click … click … click
DovidBTParticipantAnother consideration is that TV has always had objectionable content.
In the early days of the internet, it was too slow for transmitting video. It’s only in recent years that the internet has become a practical alternative to TV. Advances in computer technology (processor speed and storage capacity) are also relevant here.
DovidBTParticipant“clown makeup is fine tho as far as I know”
Is that all the time, or only for special situations (e.g. Purim, employment requirement)?
May 29, 2017 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm in reply to: They Tried to Kill Us, They Won (somewhat), Let’s Eat #1288183DovidBTParticipant“Anybody else think it’s strange that the most common way to commemorate Memorial Day is with a BBQ?”
It makes as much sense as observing Thanksgiving by watching football games on TV.
DovidBTParticipantYou have to buy your own toys.
DovidBTParticipantThe next step is an app that vocalizes the text, even imitating your voice, and infusing the proper emotions: a self-davening siddur.
DovidBTParticipant“for $2.75 one can access the technology known as the nyc subway system, ride for 30 minutes and expose themselves to the very same shmutz.”
You can’t carry the NYC subway system in your pocket where you can access it 24 hours a day.
DovidBTParticipant“No, it sounds like she’s afraid she will waste too much time and mental energy on it, which as far as I’m concerned is a ruchniyus issue.”
One possible solution is to take a vow, in the presence of witnesses, that you will use the smartphone only for strictly work-required activity.
DovidBTParticipantThe biggest security flaw is that everyone knows the President lives in a big white house. How can you be safe if everyone knows where you live?
DovidBTParticipant“What if the boss walks in, with an entourage of chashuve people (goyim), …”
If I had known when I was younger what I know now, I would have made it a top priority to start my own business and be my own boss, instead of having to work for someone else.
DovidBTParticipant“If one just said the words Baruch ata Hashem Elokeinu Melech Haolam (e.g., of asher yatzar) and there is a goy who asks you a question, what should you do? (It happened to me one time but I had only said Baruch ata Hashem so I quickly ended off with lamdeini chukecha.)”
What about smiling and holding up your hand, as if to say “please wait,” just as you might do if you were in the middle of a conversation with another person?
DovidBTParticipantI wonder if this is relevant to the “dispensation”:
“Likewise, it is permitted to attend to affairs of the public on Shabbos, such as going to the governor or to the meeting hall of the government officials, to speak on behalf [of the community], because affairs of the public are considered mitzvah necessities.”
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 90:5That seems to be based on Shabbos 113a: “‘From seeking your wants.’ [Isaiah 58:13] [This teaches that] your wants are forbidden [on the Sabbath, i.e. one must refrain from activities that further his own financial affairs], but the wants of Heaven[, that is, things involving a mitzvah,] are permitted.”
DovidBTParticipantWhy is a “rainy day” considered negative? Rain is necessary for life. We pray for G-d to provide rain.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to save for a drought?
DovidBTParticipantThere’s an easy solution to the labor cost of in-school meal preparation. Assign the teachers kitchen duty on a rotating basis!
While a teacher is doing his kitchen shift, the students can be assigned “study hall” or whatever the modern-day equivalent is.
DovidBTParticipantThe ideal system, of course, is that the boy’s father sends his servant to a well, and waits for a girl who shows up and offers to draw water for the servant’s camels.
DovidBTParticipant“Back when food was actually cooked in each school and ladeled out as the kids went through the line, the cafeteria ladies could adjust the size of the portion by age and appetite.”
Why did that system go away? Did it cost too much?
DovidBTParticipant“It’s not soccer.”
Actually, it is.
For the last couple of decades, U.S. presidential elections have been treated exactly like sports events. Regardless of who wins, shortly afterwards the focus shifts to the next election, which is four years in the future. That’s insane.
DovidBTParticipantHow historically accurate have the bookies in London been? Did they correctly predict the outcome of the U.S. Presidential election?
Trump’s success has a lot to do with the people of the U.S. If they accept him as the constitutionally elected President and work together to help him improve the nation, he has far better chances of success than if they continue behaving as sore losers and try to destroy him at every opportunity.
DovidBTParticipantIt would be tragic if parents or local communities were able to decide what food their children should eat. That’s a decision that only the federal government should make.
DovidBTParticipantHe arrives on Monday.
But it’s been reported that approximately 30 Boeing C-17 transport aircraft are arriving before then with supplies for his trip. Each C-17 can carry 170,900 pounds, so maybe he’s bringing his own food.
DovidBTParticipantI think that the only risk is that a hacker with the means and motive could steal your login credentials and impersonate you here. Of course if you use the same username/password here as on other sites, e.g. an online banking site, which is generally a really bad thing to do, your account on those sites could be hacked.
DovidBTParticipantFrom a recent Firefox release note:
“In upcoming releases, Firefox will show an in-context message when a user clicks into a username or password field on a page that doesn’t use HTTPS. That message will show the same grey lock icon with red strike-through, accompanied by a similar message, “This connection is not secure. Logins entered here could be compromised.”
This site uses http, not https.
May 14, 2017 5:05 pm at 5:05 pm in reply to: Shidduchim and not having family money 🤵👰🚫👨👨👦💸 #1275749DovidBTParticipantCTL:
You said: “Class and income are not the same thing. I’ve met many a wealthy person who is low class and many a poor person who is refined and well bred.”
But earlier in this thread you said: “The most important thing about family money and financial background is that you and your eventual bride should not come from a very different socio-economic background. There are enough other problems in a marriage without this type of huge roadblock to happiness.”
So which is more important: refinement and good breeding, or money?
Friday’s Daf Yomi, Bava Basra 110, seems to favor the former.
DovidBTParticipantShemos 18:21
May 10, 2017 7:37 pm at 7:37 pm in reply to: Do you believe you are right about everything you believe? #1273751DovidBTParticipantThis seems like a semantics issue. If you have a “belief”, but don’t believe you’re right about it, doesn’t that mean you don’t really believe it?
May 9, 2017 12:27 am at 12:27 am in reply to: True Story: My black shirt and my dog going to the park. #1272475DovidBTParticipantA cat would never make that mistake.
DovidBTParticipant“I have read and heard that the present pope is a good, humble man. Maybe so. but unduly honoring him as pope, rather than as a good and humble man, honours the Catholic Church, which, as Joseph wrote, has been murdering us for millennia.”
Which is worse? Honoring the Pope as the leader of a non-Jewish religious movement, honoring a Jew who rejects Judaism as a religion, or honoring a non-Jewish atheist who rejects all religion?
DovidBTParticipantThe product could have special features that only apply to observant Jews. Use your imagination. 🙂
DovidBTParticipantWhat’s “Kosher” about the KosherLamp or KosherClock?
“Kosher Innovations products were designed to solve basic challenges that relate to Jewish observance…”
Based on CTL’s report, there’s a need for improvement in the existing product.
DovidBTParticipantSounds like a good opportunity for a new product from Kosher Innovations.
May 3, 2017 11:43 pm at 11:43 pm in reply to: PSA: How to post links without blocking the post below yours 📢 #1269643DovidBTParticipantThanks 🙂
May 3, 2017 7:11 pm at 7:11 pm in reply to: PSA: How to post links without blocking the post below yours 📢 #1269527DovidBTParticipant“blocking the post below yours”
What does that mean? Causing the page to render improperly so that the following post is not visible?
April 29, 2017 11:51 pm at 11:51 pm in reply to: Question about Confidentiality of Discussions with One’s Rabbi in American law #1265572DovidBTParticipant“planned crime”
What about a “thought crime”?
“Rabbi, I hate my next door neighbors. I really wish someone would burn down their house.”
DovidBTParticipantIs there a generally accepted definition of “Zionist”? I’ve tried to figure it out, without success.
As best as I can determine, it seems to be a flexible political term, like “Jewish State”.
DovidBTParticipantMake it a priority to study the Torah every day, even if it’s only for a few minutes. Coordinating it with the weekly parashah is a convenient way to ensure that you study the whole Torah every year.
DovidBTParticipantTake a close look at your computer accessories (modem, router, etc.). It’s surprising how often there’s a “Made in China” label.
April 22, 2017 10:06 pm at 10:06 pm in reply to: Should Proper Grammar Be Required in the CR? #1258908DovidBTParticipant“the grammar should be as good as is necessary to understand what is being said”
I don’t think it matters whether the grammar understands what is being said. It’s the person reading that needs to understand.
No offense, just pointing out how difficult it would be to implement this policy. 🙂
DovidBTParticipantThe Chabad Rebbe addressed this topic in a letter, which is posted in article ID 72174, titled “The Well-Stocked Pharmacy”, at chabad DOT org.
Is it permitted to post the link here?
April 6, 2017 7:50 pm at 7:50 pm in reply to: Please tell me all about how absent-minded you are #1252405DovidBTParticipantOnce when visiting an unfamiliar city, I parked in one of two or three parking garages that were close together. Then I forgot not only which level I parked on, but also which garage I parked in. (The parking ticket was generic and didn’t identify the garage.)
April 5, 2017 9:42 pm at 9:42 pm in reply to: The “Defend Something You Are Against” Challenge #1251601DovidBTParticipantIn my humble opinion, this challenge might work better if the OP would post a specific “thing you are against” subject as a new topic.
April 5, 2017 12:26 am at 12:26 am in reply to: The “Defend Something You Are Against” Challenge #1250601DovidBTParticipant“Otherwise, the snakes hide.”
Sure, if they’re wimpy, cowardly snakes. I was referring to brave, proud snakes.
April 3, 2017 3:44 pm at 3:44 pm in reply to: The “Defend Something You Are Against” Challenge #1249426DovidBTParticipantGood things about having venomous snakes loose in your house:
1. Your house will be free of rats.
2. You won’t be bothered by neighbors dropping in unexpectedly.
3. You’ll be able to say the Modeh Ani in the morning with real sincerity.DovidBTParticipantA couple of web sites that I find very useful are:
myzmanim DOT com
– A printable one-page PDF includes the zmanim for a full month, along with other useful info (festivals, weekly parashah, Daf Yomi).printablejewishcalendar DOT com
(I hope that I’m not breaking the rules by referencing these sites here.)