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  • in reply to: Let’s Register Our Children To Public School #1647497

    Navi Sheker: Do public schools accept unvaccinated children?

    Yes. In 47 states, including NJ and NY, public schools MUST accept unvaccinated children with a
    religious or personal exemption. So Yeshivas are being stricter then public schools which by law
    MUST accept unvaccinated children.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1647492

    Doomsday: “MMR does Not Cause Autism. Which is like saying if Non-Smokers get Cancer, that is PROOF that Smoking does NOT cause Cancer!”

    2Cents: Incorrect, it is as if the smoking group and the non smoking group both would have had the same rate of cancer, since both groups have the same rate of autism this shows that MMR does not play a factor.

    Wrong! You cannot compare children who did not get MMR to Non-Smokers because the children without MMR ARE Vaccinated (smokers).
    It is like comparing Smokers who smoke 3 packs a day with Smokers who smoke 4 packs a day and saying
    if the cancer rate is about the same, this means that smoking does not cause cancer!

    That is why these Vaxxed vs Vaxxed studies are worthless! We need a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study just like
    the Smoker vs Non Smoker Study proved that smoking causes cancer.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646793

    2Cents: which study are you referring to?

    I clearly wrote that the study I am referring to is: “Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among US Children With Older Siblings With and Without Autism”.

    2Cents: you wrote:
    “The Study found some Children who did not get MMR who have Autism. This is used to PROCLAIM:”

    – Incorrect, the study finds no difference between those that received the MMR vaccine and those that have not. This is not the same as “the study found some Children who did not get the MMR who have autism”.

    Out of 95,000 records, the “researchers” found TWENTY-THREE Children who 1. Had older sibling with Autism 2. Had NO MMR 3. Had Autism.

    These 23 children out of 95,000 were used to proclaim: MMR does NOT cause Autism.

    So I am Correct that finding SOME Children with Autism and NO MMR was used as PROOF that
    MMR does Not Cause Autism. Which is like saying if Non-Smokers get Cancer, that is PROOF that Smoking
    does NOT cause Cancer!

    2Cents: The study finds no difference between those that received the MMR vaccine and those that have not.
    And I answered that conclusion is FRAUDULENT because it ignored HEALTHY USER BIAS which the Researchers even acknowledged in their study – but then IGNORED!
    Healthy User Bias means that children who are Healthy and Normal are more likely to get MMR Vaccine, while children who are SHOWING SIGNS OF AUTISM are more likely NOT to get the MMR Vaccine. That is why SCIENTIFIC Studies it is RANDOM which children get MMR and which do Not! Healthy User Bias HIDES the
    MMR Connection – and the Researchers of this Study Acknowledge this! So they KNOWINGLY made a
    FRAUDULENT Conclusion!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646744

    2Cents: I should have realized the spaces should have been part of the website, sorry for not knowing that.

    Folks, I stated that my facts came from a website Focus for Health.Org.
    2Cents MISREAD that to mean I am quoting from website: Health.Org
    2Cents then finds an Anti-Vax/Anti-Medicine Website and decides THAT is the website I am quoting!
    On Pg. 18 Post 1646665, 2Cents goes on a LONG diatribe against me, stating the entire website is focused on an agenda, I will not let you wait that long to guess the agenda, its an anti-vaccine and also an anti-medical website…..In other words, making up your own results
    This entire attack on me is based on 2Cents MAKING UP that I quoted an Anti-Vax Website which I did Not.
    And 2Cents accuses ME of “Making up my own results” when 2Cents MADE UP that I quoted from an
    anti-vax Website!

    But I do Thank 2Cents for admitting she made a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes, including Me.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646731

    2Cents: as of now, we have the following:

    a. No change between children that have received vaccines and autism.
    b. We do have children with older siblings that were diagnosed with autism that have a much higher rate of autism.

    I already posted on Page 17 why the Sibling Study you cited was FRAUDULENT: See Below:

    FRAUDULENT STUDY, Cited by 2cents, that claims to prove that MMR does NOT cause Autism:

    This Study titled: “Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among US Children With Older Siblings With and Without Autism” was FRAUDULENT and I will SHOW you WHY this Study is Fraudulent:

    1. The Study found some Children who did not get MMR who have Autism. This is used to PROCLAIM:
    “PROOF” that MMR does not cause Autism! THAT IS CRAZY. It is like saying:

    All it proves is that Smoking is NOT the ONLY Cause of Cancer. And all this study proves is that MMR is not the ONLY Cause of Autism.
    The Autistic Children got OTHER Vaccines and the OTHER Vaccines are the probable cause of their Autism!

    2. The study did NOT say what OTHER Vaccines the Autistic Children got and OTHER Vaccines may have caused their Autism. Hiding what OTHER Vaccines (besides MMR) the Children got is Fraud!

    3. Study is INVALID because of “Healthy User Bias”: In a REAL SCIENTIFIC study the “No MMR” group would be RANDOM because parents of Healthy “Normal” children are more likely to give children all vaccines including MMR while Parents who see SIGNS OF AUTISM in their child are more likely to STOP VACCINATING and NOT give their child the MMR Shot. Therefore, more Autistic children may be concentrated in the “No MMR Group” even if their Autism was caused by OTHER vaccines. This will HIDE the MMR-Vaccine Connection.

    4. The Researchers in the Fraudulent Study ACKNOWLEDGE “Healthy User Bias” and then DELIBERATELY proclaim a Fraudulent “Conclusion” anyway! Quote from Researchers in the Fraudulent Study:

    “this pattern is driven by selective parental decision making around MMR immunization, i.e., parents who notice social or communication delays in their children decide to forestall immunization. Because, as a group, children with recognized delays are likely to be at higher risk of ASD, such selectivity could result in a tendency for some higher-risk children to be “unexposed” (to the MMR). “ Gee, Do you think?!?!

    5. This Study was done by “The Lewin Group” which receives Much $$$$ from Vaccine Industry for “Consultations”. This CONFLICT OF INTEREST was NOT mentioned in the Study which = FRAUD!

    6. The Study FRAUDULENTLY calls children who did not get MMR “UNVACCINATED” even though the children may have gotten 23 OTHER Vaccines! Newspapers & Organizations repeated this LIE with headlines stating:

    “No MMR-Autism Link in Large Study of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Kids” Autism

    LIE! The study compared Vaccinated Children (including MMR) with Vaccinated Children (excluding MMR)
    It was NOT a vaxxed vs unvaxxed Study as the News Media and Organizations Proclaim – deliberately Mislead by the Fraudulent Study using the term “UNVACCINATED” to describe children who WERE Vaccinated!!!

    7. FRAUDULENTLY saying the conclusion was based on 95,000 Children! The researchers looked through Insurance Records of 95,000 Children and found TWENTY-THREE Children who 1. were autistic 2. Had an older sibling who was autistic 3. Did not get MMR Vaccine (but got other vaccines). And then claimed that their PROOF was based on a Study of 95,000 Children when their “Proof” was really based on only 23 Children!
    And the Fake News Media & Organizations repeated this LIE that the Proof was based on 95,000 Children.

    And Again, The fact that a few VACCINATED Children who did NOT get the MMR have Autism does NOT prove that MMR does not cause Autism. It only Proves that MMR VACCINE is not the ONLY cause of Autism.
    Just like Non-Smokers getting Cancer does NOT PROVE SMOKING DOES NOT CAUSE CANCER!

    Pro Vaxxers, what do you say about the FRAUD committed by this Famous “MMR does not cause Autism” Study?

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646727

    Doomsday:“Recently Vaccinated Children CAN SPREAD DISEASE”
    2Cents: -I thought that we settled that already, didnt you acknowledge that the advisory you quoted was outdated as an error and the data actually proves the opposite?

    Doomsday: Based on what STUDIES did the Vaccine Inserts and Hospital Guides CHANGE THEIR POLICY that
    Recently Vaccinated Children are Risk to Immuno-Compromised????

    If this was based on NO STUDIES then it is proof of Vaccine Industry Cover-Up !

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646674

    Some Common Sense, OF COURSE USA has highest standard of living, cleaner environment then third world countries. I was comparing vaxxed and unvaxxed in Third World Countries. In those countries, the vaxxed children have families with higher income, higher education, more food, cleaner water, more access to health care then Unvaccinated Children IN THE SAME COUNTRY – not compared to USA!

    And that is the reason for the Lower Mortality Rate of Vaccinated Children in THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES –
    it’s NOT the vaccines but all the other factors. This is the reason that American CDC and American Pharmaceutical Companies pay for Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Studies in THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES, and NOT the USA!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646682

    Doomsday: Denmark has low autism rate: Proof: Focus for Health.Org “Autism Rates across Developed World”
    Denmark: 1:149 which is 1/3 of the US rate of 1:50

    2Cents: First off, you got the website wrong, it is not, you probably just copy pasted this from some radical website, so try to find the actual website on your own.

    Second, the entire website is focused on an agenda, I will not let you wait that long to guess the agenda, its an anti-vaccine and also an anti-medical website…….

    Folks, 2Cents LIES Again! The website I cited was and NOT Health.Org as 2Cents stated!
    Then 2CENTS LIES that I got that figure from an Anti-Vax website and goes on to attack the Anti-Vax Website.

    BUT I DID NOT CITE the anti-vax website 2Cents is attacking. I Cited: FocusForHealth.Org

    Once again, 2Cents is caught Lying! 2Cents has ZERO Credibility!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646655

    There is NO reason to ban Unvaccinated Children to school when schools allow:

    1. Recently Vaccinated Children whom Vaccine Inserts and Hospitals used to Bar from Immuno-Compromised because Recently Vaccinated Children CAN SPREAD DISEASE. (After this hypocrisy was pointed out, they changed the Vaccine Inserts and Hospital Guides, but this was not based on any studies – just a cover-up).

    2. Adults are allowed in Schools without having to prove they are Immune to Diseases – even though their immunity probably wore off.

    3. 3% of the Vaccinated Children are NOT immune because the vaccines did not work on them But they
    are allowed in school.

    The ONLY reason Unvaxxed are Barred from schools is to FORCE them to Vaccinate – NOT because they
    present any real risk to others!

    The CDC refuses to do a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study. The CDC and Pharmaceutical Companies want to
    ELIMINATE ALL UNVAXXED in order to Destroy the “SMOKING GUN” Proof that Vaccines cause Autism!
    It’s as if the Government FORCED everyone to Smoke Cigarettes in order to COVER UP that Smoking Causes
    Cancer by Eliminating All Non-Smokers!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646641

    Meno: If I were an anti-vaxxer, I would be telling doomsday to stop talking. He’s just making you guys look bad.

    Translation: I wish Doomsday would stop posting. She is making ProVaxxers look bad 😉

    Anti-Vaxxers have praised my posts, Meno, so you are WRONG on that as well!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646634

    Doomsday: 1:50 Vaccinated Children get autism vs 1:3,333 UNVACCINATED Children.
    Daas Yochid: You made those numbers up.

    NO, I did NOT make up those numbers.
    In 1970, only 1 child in 10,000 was diagnosed with autism. Psychology Today (a PROvax Magazine)
    In 1970 only children with NON-VERBAL Autism were diagnosed as “Autistic”.
    Today only 1/3 of Autistic Children are NON-VERBAL. (Source: Autism Speaks – PROVax Organization)
    So the DSM ‘TRIPLED” the rate of Autism by Expanding the definition of Autism.
    So, per TODAY’S Definition, the rate of Autism in 1970 was 1:3,333.

    In the 1960s Children received only FOUR Vaccines: Smallpox, DPT, Polio and Measles and their
    Autism Rate by TODAY’S Definition was 1:3,333
    Today’s Children receive FOUR TIMES as many Vaccines as the 1960s and the Autism Rate is 1:50 !!!

    There have been a few vaxxed vs unvaxxed studies and they show that Autism Rate isi MUCH higher in the
    Vaxxed population! That is why CDC refuses to do Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed study, despite being asked to do so.


    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646590

    Wrong. They either pick countries with very low autism rates (like Denmark) or Third World Countries where unvaxxed babies are like to be suffering from malnutrition, dirty water, no sanitation, overcrowding and thus have a higher mortality rate then the vaxxed babies.

    Wrong. Whenever they start doing a study in the US, all the scientists involved mysteriously get eaten by hyenas.

    (See? I can make up garbage too.)

    Yes, MENO makes up garbage (LIES) but I report the Facts. Here is my Proof:
    Children who are vaccinated in third world countries have better educated parents, higher income, better food, cleaner water, less overcrowding, more access to medical care then Unvaccinated Children. THAT is the reason for lower mortality of Vaccinated Children in THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES – NOT the Vaccines.
    Proof: BBC.COM “In developing countries, research shows a strong link between the education of mothers and immunisation of children against preventable diseases such as polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles and tuberculosis.
    In Third World Countries, the only girls (Mothers) who are educated are from families with HIGHER Incomes which means Better Food, Cleaner Water, Less Overcrowding and Access to Medical Care – and THAT is why Vaccinated Children in Third World Countries have LOWER Mortality – NOT because of Vaccines!

    Denmark has low autism rate: Proof: Focus for Health.Org “Autism Rates across Developed World”
    Denmark: 1:149 which is 1/3 of the US rate of 1:50

    Proof that Meno makes up Garbage/Lies but I report substantiated FACTS!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646576

    Meno: Why are we medicating our healthy children? So that they don’t get sick.

    Since CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine Schedule around 1990 we have the SICKEST Children in USA History!!!
    1:6 children are learning disabled
    1:6 children are allergic
    1:13 children have asthma
    1:15 children have ADHD
    1:5 teens had episode of mental illness
    1:8 children have IBS
    1:50 children have autism
    1:100 children have epilepsy
    1:250 children have tourettes syndrome
    1:400 children have diabetes
    1:775 babies die of SIDS
    1:1,000 children have Celiac Disease
    1:5,560 children have CANCER
    168 Deaths following vaccines reported to VAERS every year. (only 1-13% of serious adverse events reported)
    ZERO deaths from Measles (in USA).

    THIS is why CDC refuses to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed RETROSPECTIVE Study!
    Because it will PROVE that Vaccines cause Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Allergies, Epilepsy, Asthma, etc.

    ProVaxxers, Explain why CDC refuses to do a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed RETROSPECTIVE Study???

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646566

    2cents: “Something is causing Autism – I don’t know what. THAT is a risk for everyone. I labeled it “Regular Autism”. What would you like to call it?”

    Bad genes.

    NO! Vaccines are causing Autism.
    Autism Rate of Vaccinated Chidlren 1:50
    Autism Rate of UNVACCINATED Children 1:3,333

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646558

    ProVaxxers, Let me explain Keej’s point:

    When I point out all the babies who die of SIDS following DPT Vaccination, you ProVaxxers claim,
    “ALL Babies have risk of SIDS. Those Babies would have gotten SIDS even without the DPT Vaccine”

    Keej is saying the same thing. ALL Children have a Risk of Autism. Most of the Autistic children in the MMR group would have gotten Autism even without the MMR. But MMR DID INCREASE the Risk of Autism!

    In Group B (No ASD Sibling, NO MMR) the Autism rate was 1:113.

    Group A (No ASD Sibling, YES MMR) has 86,063 children.
    1:113 of THESE children would have gotten Autism even WITHOUT MMR!
    86,063 divided by 113 = 761 children who would have gotten Autism anyway.
    But group B had 792 children with Autism, therefore MMR INCREASED risk of autism.
    792 – 761 = 31. 86,063 divided by 31 = 1:2,776.
    So MMR INCREASES risk of Autism 1:2,776

    But really the MMR Risk is Higher because this was NOT a RANDOMIZED study. Children who are Normal and Healthy more likely to get MMR and children who are showing SIGNS OF AUTISM are less likely to get
    MMR. So Parents selecting who does not get MMR, HIDES the real risk of MMR.

    Furthermore, Autism rate of 1:113 is for VACCINATED Children without MMR.
    Autism rate for UNVACCINATED Children is around 1:3,333.
    So Vaccines cause Autism!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646322

    Meno: Folks, WHY are these vaccine studies usually done in FOREIGN Countries and NOT USA

    Probably because there aren’t enough anti-vaxxers in the US who are willing to be part of such a study.

    Wrong. They either pick countries with very low autism rates (like Denmark) or Third World Countries where unvaxxed babies are like to be suffering from malnutrition, dirty water, no sanitation, overcrowding and thus have a higher mortality rate then the vaxxed babies.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646321

    DaasYochid: I’m sure they control for these biases as best as possible, and, for example, exclude autistic children who didn’t get vaccinated because there were already signs of autism before they were to receive their immunization.

    Wrong! The authors of the MMR-Autism study wrote that children who are showing signs of study are more likely to not get the MMR shot – but they were not excluded from the study.
    And according to the editors of the most prestigious medical journals (New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet) most studies are FAKE. Studies are designed to “prove” whatever the one paying for the study
    wants the study to “prove”.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646299

    In third world countries, vaccinated = lower mortality but NOT because of the vaccines. It is because children who have access to health care in Third World Countries have: 1. Higher Income Families 2. Better Food 3. Cleaner Water 4. Better Educated Parents.

    Folks, WHY are these vaccine studies usually done in FOREIGN Countries and NOT USA – even when Funded by CDC or US Companies?
    Because CDC and Vaccine Industry purposely selects countries that have very low autism rates (like Denmark) or Third World Countries where the unvaccinated children have a higher mortality rate due to malnutrition, dirty water, over-crowding etc.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646293

    Daas Yochid: n short, why are the no-MMR group and Yes-MMR group producing Autism at an equal rate?
    Because MMR doesn’t cause autism.

    No. Because of Healthy User Bias. The MMR Study itself admits that children who are healthy and normal are more likely to get fully vaccinated while children who show signs of Autism/Delays are more likely Not to get MMR. But these Non-MMR children got 23 other vaccines, starting with Hepatitis B on day of Birth and Vitamin K shot at birth (contains aluminum). The Healthy User Bias HIDES the MMR-Autism connection.
    In a real Scientific Study it is RANDOMIZED which subjects get MMR and which do not. When parents select which children do not get MMR, it is the children who are showing signs of Autism who do not get MMR which invalidates the whole study!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1646060

    Daas Yochid, which follow up study are you referring to?

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1645991

    Health: That’s why I wrote this -“look at the notes, vaxxed to unvaxxed at all, is part of the study/article.”

    Can you please tell me where I can see these notes? They were not included in the study on the
    Jama Network. Thank you.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1645589

    Health: “Your mistake is you don’t know how to read the research. Maybe finish high school and then come to post?…..In that study they did compare vaxxed – vaxxed, “

    No, YOU do not know how to read research. In your defense, the research paper tries to DELIBERATELY mislead you that it is a vaxxed vs unvaxxed study. The Study clearly states that they are comparing children who GOT the MMR with Children who did NOT get the MMR! Nowhere does the paper say it is comparing children who are VACCINATED with children who are 100% UNVACCINATED. If that WAS what the paper is talking about, then why single out MMR Vaccine? Why not just say we did a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study?

    The paper says it compared children who got MMR with children who did NOT get MMR. The paper does NOT say what OTHER vaccines the children got – even though the researchers KNOW that information, it was deliberately HIDDEN. The FRAUDULENT Paper refers to children who did not get MMR Vaccine as “UNVACCINATED” – even if those children got 23 OTHER Vaccines! This is a COMMON FRAUD that Government Officials and FRAUDULENT Researchers do! Here is another example of this FRAUD

    “One hundred and eighty kids — this really hit me hard as the father of three kids — died last year from the flu. And the majority of them were unvaccinated,” said US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome M. Adams. speaking at a news conference hosted by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases on Thursday. “Flu vaccinations save lives.”

    Health, the US SURGEON GENERAL LIED that Majority of 180 kids who died of Flu were “UNVACCINATED” when ALL the children who died of the Flu WERE VACCINATED. Just Majority did not get ONE Vaccine – Flu – so they were falsely labeled UNVACCINATED Children. And that is what that FRAUDULENT Research study did as well!
    So HEALTH, YOU SHOULD LEARN TO READ RESEARCH!!! There were many EXPERTS who wrote articles online debunking that study and they pointed out that the study FRAUDULENTLY called children who didn’t get MMR “Unvaccinated” even though they may have gotten 23 OTHER Vaccines!!!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1645577

    KeeJ: “Factor Z” Autism Diagnosis ratio:
    1 out of every 1,367 children vs. MMR Autism Diagnosis ratio:
    1 out of every 108 MMR vaccinated children.

    So are you saying that the ratio of children with autism who DID NOT get MMR is really 1:1,367 and
    the ratio of children with autism who DID get MMR is 1:108?
    And that shows that MMR Vaccination DOES INCREASE THE RATE OF AUTISM, Correct, Keej123?

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1645528

    Keej, if was calculated fairly what would the ratio show? Please show how you made calculations. Thank you.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1645465

    Poilkj: Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a nonhuman primate model.

    ProVaxxers, you see Poilkj provided MORE EVIDENCE that VACCINATED can SPREAD DISEASE!

    So why ban Unvaccinated Children from school, when VACCINATED children can ALSO spread Diseases???

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1645464

    Yserbius: Post 1644045 Pg. 16:
    To remind you of where to do your research:
    • “Vaccines and autism: A thorough review of the evidence” from the blog “The Logic of Science”
    • “About Those Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link” from the blog “Vaxopedia”
    Unless you’ve read those links, you cannot in all honesty continue to peddle the claim that there exists studies showing a link.

    Yserbius, I READ your Links. YOUR links PROVE that there ARE studies linking Vaccines to Autism.

    1. Vaccines and autism: A thorough review of the evidence it states “Indeed, you can find numerous websites presenting lists of papers that they claim provide evidence that autism is caused by vaccines (such as “124 research papers supporting the vaccine/autism link“
    so YOUR link, Yserbius says that there ARE 124 Research Papers supporting the Vaccine/autism link!
    Your link does not AGREE with those papers, but your link ADMITS that there ARE research papers showing a link between Vaccines and Autism!

    2. “About Those Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link”
    Yserbius, do you understand ENGLISH??? Your Link says “RESEARCH PAPERS SUPPORTING THE VACCINE/AUTISM LINK” – that means there ARE Research Papers supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link!!!

    And if you say there Aren’t Research Papers supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link you are a LIAR – and your
    OWN links that you told me to read PROVE you are a liar or don’t understand English!

    Folks, What do you think of Yserbius’ crazy claim that there Aren’t any research papers showing a link between vaccines and autism??? Yserbius’ OWN LINKS prove he is wrong!!!
    These ProVaxxers don’t even understand basic English! How can you believe anything they say???

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1645453

    2Cents: The study took 95 thousand children, of those that were diagnosed with autism, they found no correlation between being vaccinated and not being vaccinated, no correlation between at what age the vaccine was given.

    Why do you continue to LIE that the “95 thousand children study” was between “vaccinated and not being vaccinated” when I already pointed out that the study compared VACCINATED Children + MMR with VACCINATED Children excluding MMR?

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1645452

    FRAUDULENT STUDY, Cited by 2cents, that claims to prove that MMR does NOT cause Autism:

    This Study titled: “Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among US Children With Older Siblings With and Without Autism” was FRAUDULENT and I will SHOW you WHY this Study is Fraudulent:

    1. The Study found some Children who did not get MMR who have Autism. This is used to PROCLAIM:
    “PROOF” that MMR does not cause Autism! THAT IS CRAZY. It is like saying:

    All it proves is that Smoking is NOT the ONLY Cause of Cancer. And all this study proves is that MMR is not the ONLY Cause of Autism.
    The Autistic Children got OTHER Vaccines and the OTHER Vaccines are the probable cause of their Autism!

    2. The study did NOT say what OTHER Vaccines the Autistic Children got and OTHER Vaccines may have caused their Autism. Hiding what OTHER Vaccines (besides MMR) the Children got is Fraud!

    3. Study is INVALID because of “Healthy User Bias”: In a REAL SCIENTIFIC study the “No MMR” group would be RANDOM because parents of Healthy “Normal” children are more likely to give children all vaccines including MMR while Parents who see SIGNS OF AUTISM in their child are more likely to STOP VACCINATING and NOT give their child the MMR Shot. Therefore, more Autistic children may be concentrated in the “No MMR Group” even if their Autism was caused by OTHER vaccines. This will HIDE the MMR-Vaccine Connection.

    4. The Researchers in the Fraudulent Study ACKNOWLEDGE “Healthy User Bias” and then DELIBERATELY proclaim a Fraudulent “Conclusion” anyway! Quote from Researchers in the Fraudulent Study:

    “this pattern is driven by selective parental decision making around MMR immunization, i.e., parents who notice social or communication delays in their children decide to forestall immunization. Because, as a group, children with recognized delays are likely to be at higher risk of ASD, such selectivity could result in a tendency for some higher-risk children to be “unexposed” (to the MMR). “ Gee, Do you think?!?!

    5. This Study was done by “The Lewin Group” which receives Much $$$$ from Vaccine Industry for “Consultations”. This CONFLICT OF INTEREST was NOT mentioned in the Study which = FRAUD!

    6. The Study FRAUDULENTLY calls children who did not get MMR “UNVACCINATED” even though the children may have gotten 23 OTHER Vaccines! Newspapers & Organizations repeated this LIE with headlines stating:

    “No MMR-Autism Link in Large Study of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Kids” Autism

    LIE! The study compared Vaccinated Children (including MMR) with Vaccinated Children (excluding MMR)
    It was NOT a vaxxed vs unvaxxed Study as the News Media and Organizations Proclaim – deliberately Mislead by the Fraudulent Study using the term “UNVACCINATED” to describe children who WERE Vaccinated!!!

    7. FRAUDULENTLY saying the conclusion was based on 95,000 Children! The researchers looked through Insurance Records of 95,000 Children and found TWENTY-THREE Children who 1. were autistic 2. Had an older sibling who was autistic 3. Did not get MMR Vaccine (but got other vaccines). And then claimed that their PROOF was based on a Study of 95,000 Children when their “Proof” was really based on only 23 Children!
    And the Fake News Media & Organizations repeated this LIE that the Proof was based on 95,000 Children.

    And Again, The fact that a few VACCINATED Children who did NOT get the MMR have Autism does NOT prove that MMR does not cause Autism. It only Proves that MMR VACCINE is not the ONLY cause of Autism.
    Just like Non-Smokers getting Cancer does NOT PROVE SMOKING DOES NOT CAUSE CANCER!

    Pro Vaxxers, what do you say about the FRAUD committed by this Famous “MMR does not cause Autism” Study?

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644828

    How Tobacco Industry Hired Scientists and Doctors to Hide that Smoking Causes Cancer

    A History of Tobacco Industry Tactics: Study by Allan M Brandt, PhD (excerpts)

    Confronted by compelling peer-reviewed scientific evidence of the harms of smoking, the tobacco industry, beginning in the 1950s, used sophisticated public relations approaches to undermine and distort the emerging science.

    the tobacco industry would launch a new strategy, largely unprecedented in the history of US industry and business: it would work to erode, confuse, and condemn the very science that now threatened to destroy its prized, highly popular, and exclusive product.

    The tobacco industry’s program to engineer the science relating to the harms caused by cigarettes marked a watershed in the history of the industry. It moved aggressively into a new domain, the production of scientific knowledge, not for purposes of research and development but, rather, to undo what was now known: that cigarette smoking caused lethal disease. If science had historically been dedicated to the making of new facts, the industry campaign now sought to develop specific strategies to “unmake” a scientific fact.

    produced a compendium of statements by physicians and scientists who questioned the cigarette–lung cancer link.

    the best public relations approach was for the industry to become a major sponsor of medical research

    1953 Tobacco Ad: We accept an interest in people’s health as a basic responsibility, paramount to every other consideration in our business. We believe the products we make are not injurious to health. We always have and always will cooperate closely with those whose task it is to safeguard the public health

    If science now threatened the industry, the industry must “secure” science.

    Tobacco Ad:It is an obligation of the Tobacco Industry Research Committee at this time to remind the public of these essential points:
    1. There is no conclusive scientific proof of a link between smoking and cancer.
    2. Medical research points to many possible causes of cancer… .
    5. The millions of people who derive pleasure and satisfaction from smoking can be reassured that every scientific means will be used to get all the facts as soon as possible.

    Another strategy deployed throughout the 1950s by the firm was to learn about new scientific findings and consensus reports and to be ready to attack when they were released.

    It [Congress] was terrain that greatly favored the tobacco industry, with its lobbying largesse and the strong geopolitical interests of tobacco-growing states.

    Trust in science, confidence in the media, and the social responsibility of the corporate enterprise were all substantially harmed by Hill & Knowlton’s efforts on behalf of the tobacco industry.

    Conflicts of interest—such as those invented by the tobacco industry—have the potential to undermine and corrupt the scientific enterprise

    In their work to control the science, the companies had also found that they had secured considerable advantages in the realms of media, law, and public opinion.

    in reply to: How Do I Unvaccinate My Kids? #1644183

    2cents: This is so funny, the Mods seem to have a sense of humor.

    Owner of YWN (Pro Vaccine) ordered Vaccination Debate threads shut down because I was providing
    too much EVIDENCE that Vaccines ARE Dangerous and CDC hired Studies are Fraudulent.

    And Censorship is Not Funny – especially on such a serious issue!

    in reply to: How Do I Unvaccinate My Kids? #1644172

    2cents: This is so funny, the Mods seem to have a sense of humor.

    The Owner of Yeshiva World News (Pro-Vax) saw that I was exposing the LIE that Vaccines are Safe
    and so ordered the two Vaccine-Debate threads shut down.

    I don’t think it is funny when Truth is CENSORED, but that is the world we live in today.

    in reply to: can someone explain to me the criminal justice proposal? #1644168

    For Profit Private Jails are the reason so many non-violent Yidden are getting Long Jail
    Sentences for “crimes” that should only get a fine.
    The Private For Profit Jail Lobby gives money to Politicians to mandate Long Sentences for Minor
    white collar crimes (While Bankers and Wall Street are NEVER indicted for their Heinous Crimes)!

    in reply to: can someone explain to me the criminal justice proposal? #1644164

    Problem with Most Laws is that Judges TWIST them into something else! My fear is that Leftist Judges are
    going to use Law to release VIOLENT criminals onto our streets to Win Black/Hispanic/Muslim Votes.
    About 80% of prosecuted take a PLEA Deal so the worst charges (Violence) gets dropped and the
    VIOLENT Criminal is allowed to plead guilty to a “non-violent” crime – and be released to continue
    to Murder, Rape, Rob, etc.

    in reply to: Proof that vaccines are safe #1644134

    000646: You are aware that from 1900 to 1950 child mortality was so high in the USA that the average life span was about 48 years.

    That is a LIE! The average lifespan in 1949 was NOT 48 years.
    90% of deaths from infectious disease DECLINED BEFORE VACCINES were invented!

    Folks, I don’t know how to insert these HISTORICAL Charts but if you google the above statement you can see
    that it was NOT VACCINES which caused the decline in Death from infectious disease but:
    1. Sanitation (Flush toilets)
    2. Clean drinking water (not contaminated by feces)
    3. Better nutrition
    4. Less Overcrowding
    5. Running Water (hand-washing prevents disease!)

    There were NEVER so many Chronically SIck and Brain-Damaged Children in US History like those born AFTER 1990 when CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine Schedule!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644106

    Re: Validity of Studies

    Folks, have you ever seen a Research Study that came to a conclusion that was BAD for the
    Company that PAID FOR the Research Study? NEVER! Not Once! NADA! GORNISHT!

    That tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about the Validity of Research Studies!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644104

    Folks, I believe the Owner of Yeshiva World News (Pro-Vaccine) ordered that this Thread be Closed.
    I have so much MORE Evidence against Vaccines, including HOW the CDC commits Fraud in studies cited
    by 2cents, but I don’t think I am going to allowed to post it.

    I hope I have encouraged “those on the fence” to do their own research and not blindly accept authority.
    Pharmaceutical Industry is the RICHEST Industry in the Entire World. And they have given $$$ to most
    Medical Schools, Medical Journals, Fund MOST Medical “Research”, give Freebies to Doctors, Give Millions
    every year to Congress, 70% of Media Advertisement is Pharmaceutical Company – so Newspapers are “owned” (dependent) on Pharmaceutical Companies for their existence!

    Think about it! Don’t be a Sheep!
    I am a child of Holocaust Survivors and read many biographies of Holocaust Survivors and many survived because they did NOT “FOLLOW THE HERD” onto the trains. Many people refused to believe those who said Nazis are committing Mass Murder – called them “Crazy” “Fear Mongers”. People could not believe that a
    CIVILIZED Government/Country could commit such ATROCITY – but they can! And it is happening again today! Remember that Scientists, Medical Doctors and Pharmaceutical Company participated in Holocaust!

    The Tobacco Industry KNOWINGLY LIED that Smoking does NOT Cause Cancer. Thousands DIED!
    And NOBODY went to Jail for it! Congress takes $$$$ from Tobacco Industry so they are protected!

    Remember that CDC refuses to do Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study and that it was Smoker vs Non Smoker Study that PROVED Tobacco Industry Knowingly LIED that Smoking does Not Cause Cancer!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644094

    00646:EVERY single major health organization and reputable medical journal and organization ON EARTH have come to the conclusion that vaccines are safe.

    Editor of The New England Journal of Medicine “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as editor of The New England Journal of Medicine”

    Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, wrote that “The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness”

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644092

    Medical journals influential in promoting — or destroying — new drugs should not be trusted because research once considered independent is now paid for by the pharmaceutical industry, according to the former editor of one of the nation’s top journals.

    “Yeah, it used to be that way,” said former New England Journal of Medicine Editor Dr. Marcia Angell. But, she added, “it began to change as the pharmaceutical industry became richer, more powerful, more influential, and began to take over the sponsorship of probably most clinical research now.”

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644085

    00646: EVERY single major health organization and reputable medical journal and organization ON EARTH have come to the conclusion that vaccines are safe.

    Question: Do all those Health Organizations and Medical Journals take $$$$ From Pharmaceutical Company?

    Article: This Is The Sickening Amount Pharmaceutical Companies Pay Top Journal Editors

    Most shocking: medical journal editors are paid huge sums by pharmaceutical companies each year.

    Worst on that list is the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), where19 of its editors received, on average, US$475,072 personally and another US$119,407 for ‘research’.

    And that’s not even mentioning the amount of reprint money journals get whenever they publish a study that supports a pharmaceutical company, and the company pays for hundreds of copies to send out to doctors. The Lancet earns 41 percent of its income from reprints, and the American Medical Association gets 53 percent.

    “The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research,” said the late Arnold Relman, a former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in 2002. He passed away in 2014. “The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”

    The article states that Medical Journals that take $$$ From Pharmaceutical Industry REFUSE to publish studies that show Prescription Drugs cause Harm! Same for Studies showing Vaccines are dangerous.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644108

    Some of the Lies in a Study cited by 2cents:

    Look what I found in this paper, ” A Population-Based Study of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination and Autism”. NEJM,2002,Volume 347:1477-1482. Authors;
    Kreesten Meldgaard Madsen, M.D., Anders Hviid, M.Sc., Mogens Vestergaard, M.D., Diana Schendel, Ph.D., Jan Wohlfahrt, M.Sc., Poul Thorsen, M.D., Jørn Olsen, M.D., and Mads Melbye, M.D.

    “In our cohort [all kids diagnosed with autism in Denmark], 93.1 percent of the children were treated only as outpatients, and 6.9 percent were at some point treated as inpatients”.

    Let’s see; 93.1/6.9 = 13.5 times more autistic outpatients than inpatients. The statement “the proportion of outpatient to inpatient activities was about 4 to 6 times as many outpatients as inpatients” isn’t even close to the truth. The obscure statement wasn’t only a lie, it was a double lie!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644062

    2Cents, The Studies linking Vaccines to Autism are Easy to find. Here are just a few websites Found:
    So are you going to admit you were Wrong when you said “There are NO Studies linking Vaccines
    to Autism, except for Wakefield’s” ?

    “24 Published Studies Showing Vaccines Cause Autism ”

    “157 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link … – Scribd”

    “Vaccine Safety Commission: 50 Studies” (general dangers – not on autism)

    “International scientists have found autism’s cause.”

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644050

    Here is what the Two BIGGEST Scientists have to say about Scientific Opinions:

    “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” –Richard Feynman

    “Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of Truth.”–Albert Einstein

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644037

    I am not posting for benefit of the ProVaxxers on this thread. I believe they are HIRED by Pharmaceutical Company to defend Vaccines because they post outright lies and reject any evidence that show vaccines are dangerous.

    I post for the “people on the fence” to show there is REAL EVIDENCE that Vaccines are dangerous, that
    CDC makes FRAUDULENT Studies – I show Specifically HOW and WHY the studies are FAKE. I think the
    LYING by the ProVaxxers on this thread also damages the Credibility of Vaccine Safety Theory as many
    readers have commented on this.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644022

    Re: Rodfim – Vaccinated can ALSO Spread Disease.
    Until a couple of years ago, Vaccine Inserts stated that Recently Vaccinated should avoid Immuno-Compromised for SIX WEEKS because they can be contagious. Hospitals also said that Recently Vaccinated should NOT VISIT sick people (didn’t bar UNvaccinated from visiting).

    When the Anti-Vax community pointed out “Why are Unvaxxed barred from School when RECENTLY Vaccinated are allowed – even though Vaccine Industry says they are CONTAGIOUS?” THEN, Vaccine Industry CHANGED their inserts to say Recently Vaccinated Can be Contagious but very TINY risk. This Change of Recommendation was not based on any “studies” but Pure POLITICS.

    So VACCINATED can Also SPREAD DISEASE – including Measles!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1643986

    2Cents: we have overwhelming evidence as well almost the entire scientific, medical and rabinical community that stand by the evidence that vaccines are safe and should be given.

    Folks, ever heard of GALILEO? Around 1600, He was an Astronomer who discovered that the planets revolve around the SUN and published his Study. This contradicted the teachings of the Church that the planets revolve around EARTH. And a Scientist cannot prove the CHURCH IS WRONG – because then the Church would lose all their POWER.
    So Galileo was Arrested and threatened with being BURNED ALIVE if he did not “recant” and say he was WRONG! But Galileo refused, even though ALL the Scientists in the World said Galileo was wrong.
    All the Scientists knew that GALILEO WAS RIGHT – but they did not want their lives destroyed so they PUBLICLY claimed to believe that the planets revolved around the Earth – even though they knew it was FALSE!
    Galileo was not Executed but spent the rest of his life under House Arrest. And today Galileo is considered a SCIENCE HERO for NOT going along with the “Whole Scientific Community” but standing up for TRUTH!

    History repeats itself! Scientists are PAID BY GOVERNMENT and must make FAKE STUDIES to Prove whatever Government wants: EVOLUTION, Climate Change, A Man is REALLY a Woman if He/She/It Says So, VACCINES ARE SAFE, etc. And Any Scientist or Doctor who says NO, VACCINES ARE NOT SAFE – is Persecuted!

    There are over 150 Studies by Real Scientists that Vaccines are Linked to Autism and the ProVaxxers on this Thread Keep LYING: There are NO STUDIES that Vaccines are linked Autism – Except for Wakefield. I hope people reading this Thread notices how the ProVaxxers must keep LYING to defend their Vaccine Cult! And how they reject as False any EVIDENCE that proves Vaccines are Dangerous! Or say the evidence DOESN’T EXIST – when it’s right there on the internet! And deny that I Proved that CDC makes
    FRAUDULENT Studies, etc.

    If we as Torah Jews reject ALL SCIENTISTS who say Evolution is True, we can reject that Most Scientists say
    “Vaccines are Safe”. Scientists are BOUGHT and PAID by Government and Pharmaceutical Company. I showed how one Researcher who made FAKE STUDY on Vaccines was paid $1.6 MILLION by Pharmaceutical Company – they are all bribed, but only One was ever exposed.

    Government is Bribed by Pharmaceutical Companies as well – Biggest DONOR to Congress – MILLIONS $$$$ Every Year! CDC is allowed to accept Gifts (Millions of $$$) from Pharmaceutical Industry they are supposed to be “regulating” – No other Federal Agency is allowed to accept “Gifts” (BRIBES) from Industry they are “Regulating” CDC OWN VACCINE PATENTS! Head of CDC becomes head of Merck and Merck Officials are Hired by CDC – it’s all ONE – and they are ganged up against We the People – FORCING us to be INJECTED with DANGEROUS Vaccines, AGAINST OUR WILL! That is TYRANNY!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1643963

    Beis Hillel: My only conclusion from reading these posts on this forum is this: either the pro vaxxers are all brain-dead,or are being paid by Big Pharma to promote vaccinations.
    The pro vaxxers would profit more by doing the research and investigation on this controversial subject, than just wait for dooms to open her mouth and then pounce on her like a pack of wolves.
    I know my words are falling on deaf ears, because even if the pro vaxxers in this forum had the truth staring at them in their face they wouldn’t recognize it.

    I also suspect that the ProVaxxers are hired by Pharmaceutical Company because they are SO Dishonest and
    refuse to recognize anything that is not Pro-Vaccine. Thank you for your support!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1643541

    1. I am Female
    2. It’s Pharmaceutical Industry who is making about 60 BILLION on Vaccines FORCED onto people.
    3. Pharmaceutical Industry makes TRILLION $$$ on selling Meds to all the Chronically Sick Kids they
    CREATED. Selling Ritalin, Insulin, Chemotherapy, Anti-Seizure Medication, Epi-Pens, etc.
    4. Plenty of Unvaxxed people available for Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study. CDC Refuses.
    5. There have been some Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed studies (though CDC LIES that there aren’t any).
    Guess What? Unvaccinated have Waaaaaaay Less Autism, ADHD, Allergies, Asthma, Learning Disabilities etc.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1643469

    Millhouse: Folks, More Proof that ProVaxxers on this Thread are Liars! I wrote CONGRESSMEN not CONGRESS which is 100% TRUE!
    No, you didn’t, not until you were called on it.

    December 2, 2018 10:56 am Reply #1635169 (page 8)
    “Congress has requested that CDC do this study, but CDC REFUSES!”
    December 2, 2018 5:06 pm Reply #1635380 (page 8)
    “Congress requested that the CDC do this study, but CDC adamantly refuses.

    Folks, today is December TWELVE not December SECOND. And on December Eleven I
    wrote TWICE: “Why won’t CDC do the Retrospective Study as had been requested by Congressmen???”
    Post #1641462 and Post #1642162.
    On December TWELVE, 2Cents LIED as Follows: Post 1642322 Page 15:

    “You asked why the CDC doesnt comply with Congresses request, this has been discussed that there was no request by Congress.”

    That was a LIE! I specifically wrote TWICE CongressMEN – not Congress! And it IS true that CongressMEN demanded that CDC do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study and CDC Refused!
    See how all the ProVaxxers on this Thread LIE???
    Why should you believe anything they write about the Safety of Vaccines when they are SO Dishonest???

    in reply to: Proof that vaccines are safe #1642728

    Since CDC TRIPLED the Vaccine Schedule around 1990, Autism Rate has gone from 1:10,000 to 1:50 and NOW have the SICKEST GENERATION EVER in the History of USA:
    1:6 children are learning disabled
    1:6 children are allergic
    1:13 children have asthma
    1:15 children have ADHD
    1:5 teens had episode of mental illness
    1:8 children have IBS
    1:50 children have autism
    1:100 children have epilepsy
    1:250 children have tourettes syndrome
    1:400 children have diabetes
    1:775 babies die of SIDS
    1:1,000 children have Celiac Disease
    1:5,560 children have CANCER
    168 Deaths following vaccines reported to VAERS every year.
    ZERO deaths from Measles (in USA).

    Also, 1:6 couples are now INFERTILE and the Vaccine Inserts state they don’t test vaccines if they cause
    Cancer or Infertility!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1642720

    “In June 2009, an American senate investigation revealed that drug companies, including those that make drugs he advocates for childhood bipolar disorder, had paid Biederman $1.6 million in “consulting” and “speaking” fees between 2000 and 2007”.

    Dr. Joseph Biederman was a researcher who made Fraudulent Studies for Pharmaceutical Companies.
    In addition to being paid the standard fee as a researcher, the Pharmaceutical Companies also paid
    Biederman $1.6 MILLION in “consulting” and “speaking” fees. In other words Biederman got a $1.6 Million BRIBE from Pharmaceutical Companies as a reward for making Fraudulent Studies for them!

    We live in a very corrupt world and anyone who has blind trust in government or corporations is a fool!

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